Sorry this has taken so long to update, and thanks a lot to the guest who gave me a lot of ideas/prompts to do. That was so helpful!

It happened in an instant.

Mori, Honey, Haruhi, and Kyoya were making their way across the light gray sidewalk, the sun beating down on their necks as they sucked on fruit flavored ice pops.

The others were in their homes, wallowing in air conditioning. It was too hot for them they had said, or screamed, in Tamaki's case.

So it was just the four of them, attempting to cool themselves off as they approached the park.

That was where they were headed; there was a small park at the center of Ouran, and although it wasn't the biggest, it was surrounded by many trees, which meant shade. They would do anything for shade.

"So." Honey mumbled, his mouth chewing on his strawberry ice, "What'r we gonna do there?"

The small boy walked beside Mori, which was unusual. Normally Honey would ask to be carried via shoulders of the tall teen. The blond boy was taking it easy on Mori because of the heat. He didn't want to make his dear Takashi uncomfortable.

"Just sit around, I guess. There's a fountain at the center, we can stick out feet in it to cool off." Haruhi offered.

They reached the shade of the first few trees and immediately felt better. Although the thick humidity was enough to make their shirts stick to their backs, the cool dark of the shade took the edge off of the unbearable warmth.

"Do you come here often, Haruhi?" Kyoya asked, strutting beside the shorter girl as she worked at her flavored ice. Haruhi snorted a laugh.

"Yeah, I guess." She chuckled. Kyoya raised an eyebrow. "Sorry." She said. "It's just that what you said sounded like a line a guy uses in a bar to pick up a girl."

Kyoya sighed and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Haruhi smiled.

"It's nice here. It's usually pretty quiet, so it's easy to read a book."

"Is that all you do with your free time? Read?"

"That's not all I do. I study, too."

Kyoya snorted at this. "Exciting."

A few feet ahead of these two host club members, Mori and Honey were walking side by side, the shorter of the two swinging his arms. Honey had spotted the fountain, and he could barely hold himself back from sprinting over to it. It was seven feet in diameter. An enormous lion sat in the center, roaring a heavy stream of sparkling cool water from its stone maw.

"Takashi." Honey said with an excited whisper. Mori nodded. Honey grabbed Mori's hand with his own, giggling, and started to pull the much larger teenager with incredible force toward the fountain. They made it in no time at all, and Honey dove up onto the low wall keeping the water in the stone pool. He did a balancing act, teetering back and forth as he hopped on his tiptoes around the perimeter of the fountain.

"Look!" Honey cried, and he faked losing his balance as Mori stared with a worried expression. Honey laughed. Haruhi and Kyoya, walking much slower, began to approach the fountain.

That was when Honey spotted it.

His strawberry ice pop was lying on the ground, half melted. He had dropped it when he had taken Takashi's hand.

It shone in the sunlight, its reddish pink syrup oozing over the pavement.

Honey felt saddened.

That poor, sweet treat wasted.

It had been so good.

So refreshing.


"And I think he would have if not for thaARGH!"

Honey watched, astonished, as Kyoya stepped on his fallen sweet treat.

Kyoya seemed to move in slow motion as Honey looked on. A look of horror crossed Kyoya's face as his foot began to slip on the sleek icy substance. His back seemed to arch and his arms flew into the air, whirling around in an incredibly animated pinwheel as he tried to regain his balance.

But it was to no avail. Haruhi tried to grab for him, but it was too late. Kyoya's feet left the ground. He was flying backward, headed for the ground.

He landed hard on his butt.


Honey stared at Kyoya, whose eyes were wide behind his glasses. He looked confused. He opened his mouth, then closed it.

Haruhi began, "Kyoya-senpai, are you oka…" She tapered off, her own eyes widening as a noise began to fill the air. It was…it was…


It wasn't coming from Honey. Honey looked just as surprised at Haruhi. It wasn't coming from Kyoya, who still looked terrified.

All three of their heads turned very slowly to where Mori was standing beside the fountain.

Mori's eyes were squeezed shut. One of his arms was wrapped around his stomach as he bent over, his shoulder shaking with chuckles. A hand covered his mouth, but his smile shone through.

Honey's mouth slid open slightly.

Kyoya's eyes narrowed.

Haruhi began to smile.

"Ta-takashi. Are you okay?" Honey squeaked.

Mori seemed to laugh even harder, his eyes beginning to water. He was trying to get his breath, but he couldn't seem to do it, which seemed to make it even worse for him.

"Mori-senpai?" Haruhi asked uncertainly, a smile playing at her lips.

Mori covered his face with his hands, his shoulder still shaking. Kyoya, Haruhi, and Honey stared, waiting. They were all in awe. They had never seen this before. They had never seen Mori laugh.

Honey swallowed. The closest Mori had ever come to laughter in his presence was when he had snickered at a joke in a movie. That was the only occurrence. But never had Honey seen Mori really laugh.

Finally, it stopped. Mori took his hands from his face. He was still smiling ever so slightly. He looked at Haruhi, then Kyoya, then at Honey.

"That was…uh…funny." Mori said flatly. "Sorry."

The other continued to stare, open mouthed.

Ha I love the big goof ball. Thanks for reading, and please review if you liked this, dolls! I love yas.