Author Note: I wanted to make it longer, but I don't have the patience since I am working on other stories at the moment. Sorry. But you can expect more Ouran High School Host Club fics (even crossovers) in the future from me.



I remember that day- I was declared legally dead for a few moments. I still had a scar going from the bottom of my rib cage up to just under my chest from surgery. Crystal still had her scar- it went from her left hipbone to the bottom of her rib cage on the right side. It was a pretty stressful day- me dying, Crystal almost dying, Kyoya being a jackass that I actually feel sorry for, Ritsu crying, the hosts crying, and Mori crying. Still, it might've been a life-changing day, but I don't regret a single thing because Mori and Crystal were finally together! Not only that but I had the wedding invitation. Speaking of weddings…

I looked over to my wonderful husband and wrapped my arms around him,
"Hey, Ritsu, aren't you glad the kids are free?"

He gave me a confused look, but then smiled,
"Yes, very."

Ritsu and I didn't take up the mantel of our mob fathers- in fact, we moved to America far from where my father lived (believe it or not Crystal and Mori moved in nearby too). Our fathers were disappointed, sad, and mad, but we had to get away. Both of our fathers, however, were happy when they got to see their grandchildren. Our kids that, thanks to us leaving the mob life, would live a free, normal life with no violence, no death. Though, I think my father and my father-in-law understood why we left when they saw the kids for the first time. They didn't at first since…well, we kept it a secret.

Yeah, we kept it a secret that I was pregnant. Mostly it was because it was before we got married. We were planning on getting married (and I got pregnant shortled before we planned the day for the wedding), so we just moved the date so it would be faster and then BAM. Nine months after the wedding, our beautiful daughter popped out. She was beautiful (now she was about one though). She had my pale blonde-peach hair and Ritsu's eyes. We named her Faith.

Until she was born, our fathers were actually kind of mad at us. After all, we practically ran away from them the second we could and after the wedding, we settled down in America and barely talking to them until Faith was born. They understood though. Well, they understood because both knew of my condition (we told Ritsu's father), and because we had a kid.

We did make a live for ourselves though. Ritsu and I were very successful. I had a successful restaurant and Ritsu was very successful too. We were able to have a nice large mansion that still looked homey. It was pretty big though. We lived in a pretty fancy spot in Florida. Mori and Crystal lived across the street in a smaller place- because they said that they didn't want a big place since it was just them and their daughter. Personally, I wanted the big mansion so we could have guests over a lot and when Faith was older could have friends spend the night a lot.

I still kept in touch with the hosts, even if everyone else was still in Japan. Tamaki and Haruhi were married with a daughter. Tamaki took up the position his father had and was also the owner and headman at the Ouran Academy. Haruhi was a famous lawyer. Hunny finally found a girl- and they were married with a son. Hunny was in charge of his martial art thing and his wife was a baker. She had her own bakery and made lots of sweets. The twins were both married with- surprise, surprise- twins. They did become fashion designers and were rather famous and popular- even in America. I didn't know about Kyoya though- I think he was head of his family's company but I am not entirely sure. I hoped he had someone special though. I knew that Mori and him weren't friends after what Kyoya did with Crystal.

Crystal and Mori lived across the street from Ritsu and I. Crystal and Mori owned a martial arts studio and class, but Crystal also owned a weapon shop- swords and guns mostly. They had one daughter that was a year old and were planning to get married soon- I was happy for them. Mori didn't mind her tattoo anymore- he did at first- mostly because she had it removed. I still had mine though- mostly because Ritsu didn't mind it and I grew to love it as a symbol of a strong life. Though, that daughter of theirs was such a sweetheart. She had Mori's eyes and Crystal's red hair. Such a cutie-pie.

I think I was crying more than Crystal was- and she was the bride! Mori was smiling the most I've ever seen. Crystal looked beautiful in her wedding dress (the twins-who became fashion designers-made it). It was a sweetheart neckline and strapless- a corset style upper bodice with a few jewels under the breast. It flowed down to the floor, at the end were a few ruffles. It turned from a pure white and as it went down it slowly faded to a light gray. It was gorgeous on her.

I was her maid of honor- so I wore a different dress than the other braids maids (Haruhi, Hunny's wife, and the twins' wives). I wore a red dress that was short with ruffles and they were long red dresses. Of course, Hunny was Mori's best man and the groomsmen was two guys from college that I recognized, Ritsu, Tamaki, and the twins.

I was crying a lot more than Crystal was. Her tears were happy tears silently going down her cheeks as she said 'I do.' Even Mori had one tear go down his cheek when he said 'I do.' We were all crying, not as much as Tamaki, when they kissed and were officially husband and wife.

I enjoyed the wedding though. After all, the twins and I helped plan it- a beautiful wedding on the beach in Florida (where we all lived- by we I meant Ritsu, me, Faith, Crystal, Mori, and their daughter-Victoria). Victoria was even Crystal's little flower girl while Hunny's son was the ring bear. It was cute.

Frankly, I really enjoyed raising Faith, and I even had a second child when Faith was about five years old- a son named Akio. Crystal and Mori, however, were happy with just their own daughter, Victoria. Faith and Victoria, who preferred her nickname Tori, were fifteen years old now. Akio was ten. I think I would rather fight Crystal's father (may he rest in peace, sort of), than try and raise a teenage daughter.

I was a bit happy though since Victoria and Faith were like sisters. Akio even had a best friend at school that I think they would be best friends for a long time. I was a bit sad though- since we lived in America, we didn't get to see Hunny, the twins, Tamaki, Haruhi or anyone. I think the last time the kids even met them was at Crystal's wedding. Still, I hoped that they would met them again soon. We still kept in touch though- I talked to Haruhi the most, but I still talked to everyone.

I held the phone between my ear and shoulder as I made dinner,
"Hello, Haruhi!"

"Hey, Cara. Remember that idea you thought of last week?"
Yeah, what about it?"

"I talked to Tamaki and the others…and because it's almost Christmas after all…we're all coming out there to America to visit you! Hunny, the twins, Tamaki, and our families…is that okay?"
Is it okay with Hunny's wife and the twins' wives?"
"Yeah…we all talked about it…the kids haven't been out of Japan before and they know English…so it would be a nice vacation."

I smiled,
"That sounds great Haruhi," I said into the phone as I kept balancing it as I set the plates for diner, "I'll tell Ritsu. When you guys coming?"
"Is next week okay? Then to stay a few days so we're there for Christmas?"
"Sounds great! I'll talk to you next week to set up details."
"Alright. Bye."
Ritsu walked into the kitchen and tried to steal a piece of chicken just as I hung up the phone. I swatted his hand away,
"Na-uh. Not yet."

I was still smiling though and kissed him,
"Guess what?"
"Haruhi and everyone plan on coming for Christmas!"

Ritsu looked thoughtful,

"That sounds great! We have a big enough mansion for everyone to stay at….do you want to invite college friends as well? The ones we are still friends with I mean?"

I nodded, after all, we both did go to college in America- as did Crystal and Mori. We had enough space that we could have the hosts and their family, along with Ritsu's two college friends and their families, and maybe even one of Mori's college friends. If they didn't already have plans that is.

Third Person:

A week later, the kids watched their parents in horror. Fifteen-year-old Faith and fifteen year old Victoria were trying so hard not to die of embarrassment as their moms were told the embarrassing stories from they were kids. Akio was laughing his head off until Cara started to tell stories from when he was a baby, and then he quickly got red in the face. Anna and Ami (both fourteen years old- the twins' daughters) were laughing as their fathers played 'who's who?'. Fifteen-year-old Masato (Hunny's son) was looking at his father in disbelief as he devoured all the sweets in sight. Miki (Haruhi's thirteen-year-old-daughter) and Natsuki (Tamaki and Haruhi's fifteen-year-old-son) were red with embarrassment as their father insisted that everyone call him uncle, but the twins (the adult men ones, not the girls) were to call him King.

Ritsu's college friend, Natsuo, was laughing his head off that Ritsu was friends with people that used to be part of a host club. Luckily, or unluckily, Natsuo didn't have a wife that would embarrass him with stories, but he did have his two-year-old daughter Oki.

Mori's college friend, Charlie, was shocked when he learned Mori used to be in a host club. Luckily, or unluckily, Charlie didn't have a wife or girlfriend or kid to tell stories from when he was part of a similar club.

All and all, it was a memorable Christmas.