Hello! I'm back, sort of. I am sorry for the wait. I have rewritten this chapter several times. But now I am happy with how it turned out.

Please enjoy! :)

I do not own Naruto or any Naruto characters :(

The following morning they packed up camp quickly and performed some simple jutsus to cover their presence. Kakashi took the lead and they raced towards their mission destination.

Sakura's head had cleared up a bit after she woke up fully. Still, she couldn't stay focused. She found her thoughts wandering. She couldn't help but think she was cursed sometimes. As she grew older, her libido seemed to make leaps and bounds. The smallest thing could set her off. One moment, a calm kunoichi, the next, a lusty-eyed, panty-soaked woman. It was dilemma.

She mentally slapped herself every time a provocative thought crossed her mind. She was running and jumping at such high speeds, that it was dangerous to fantasize about what she would do to her men the next time she got a chance alone with them. She cleared her mind and decided that she would just have to wait. Steeling herself, Sakura looked ahead with sharp eyes.


They slowed their pace drastically as they neared the targeted village. They knew where they were needed. The group split off quickly, heading in separate directions. Each of them wore a discreet radio set.

Sakura breathed lightly as she settled herself in her post. She listened as her headset crackled to life. Kakashi's smooth voice seeped through the speakers. "Positions?" Her breath hitched. 'Positions? Oh, there are so many. Does he want the more dominant role?' That is the question. Sakura could feel her body heating up. Images began to flicker past her eyes.

"Position two, covered" Sakura jumped as Yamato's voiced responded.

"Position three, check." Genma's voice held a professional tone.

'Damn. I am losing it. Deep breaths.' Sakura gave herself a moment. "Position four, covered." Her voice came out rather airy. Sakura could not believe how discomposed she became after hearing Kakashi speak.

There was a prolonged pause before Kakashi responded likewise. "Good. Position one is all set. We'll report back to checkpoint one in three hours. Over and out."

Sakura sucked in the fresh air around her. She blew it out in discontent. She narrowed her eyes, observing the guards below. This will be a long mission.


Sakura was leaning against the marked tree a few miles away from the village. 'What the hell? Kakashi said three hours.' She peeked up at the patches of blue sky, visible through all the leaves. She stilled. She could hear her team before she saw them. 'Why are they so damn loud?' Sakura let her chakra scan the area. 'Nothing. What the fuck guys?' She stared them down until they were standing in front of her. She stayed silent. She continued to look at them with a stern gaze.

"We took a detour." Kakashi scratched the back of his head sheepishly. 'ANBU Sakura is back.'

Sakura kept her lips sealed. Her gaze settled on Yamato. He looked everywhere but at her. Her temper flared slightly. Stupid men. She took a slow breath, 'Calm down. Sakura, you know they are idiots. Your idiots.' She turned around and simply waved her hand. Matter dropped.

The three men relaxed slightly. They merely tossed around some ideas about why Sakura was acting different. And that it was distracting.

"Alright. Report." Kakashi quickly reverted back to his commander mode.

Sakura paused as she let his voice travel over her. 'He definitely takes the dominant role.' Mental slap. She shook her head slightly. "No changes or differences in my position compared to the mission scroll information."

"Same." Responded Yamato.

"No changes on my end." Genma twitched his senbon. He didn't like it.

From the tension in the air, no one did. As a shinobi, always go with your gut instinct.

Kakashi spoke resolutely, "We will make some additional escape plans. We need cut down the time we will be inside the building. Eyes and ears open. Let's get started."


Sakura was near position four. South of the building. She hid in the shadows, away from her original post. With how easy this mission seemed, she felt it was only going to become complex and harder to manage.

Currently, Genma, Yamato, and herself were stationed outside. Kakashi, being the most experienced, and the quickest, headed inside to retrieve the one thing this mission revolved around. A scroll. They did not know what was inside the scroll that made it so important. It could be a forbidden jutsu, an old contract or deed, maybe even a lost treasure map. They did not know what the contents were, and they were likely to never know. Sakura was glad she was not the obsessively curious type. Like her blue-eyed blonde. 'Damn.' Mental slap. Happens a lot. Her eyes hardened, "This is no time to think of anything other than the mission.'

She waited, patiently in the shadows. So far so good. It was quiet, and she figured Kakashi would be out within another few minutes.

Sirens blared loudly all across the building. 'So much for positive thinking.' Sakura spotted Kakashi dashing across the rooftops to get away. 'Heading west. So. Checkpoint three. Alright.' She stayed in the shadows like Shikamaru taught her. He made sure to show her how she could manipulate shadows. She may not be a Nara, but the man cared for her deeply. He also knew that she would never reveal the secrets he showed her. She became one with the darkness and filtered her way through, towards the checkpoint. She was invisible to the emerging guards as they gave chase to her team leader.


Her green eyes peered towards the designated meet up spot. 'No one is here. What the hell? Not again. I was not moving that fast. Was I? Stupid men.' She wanted to sigh. 'You have got to be kidding me.' Once again, she heard them before she saw them. She felt like something wasn't right. She wasn't pushing chakra into her ears, which maybe she will do next time. She sent out a chakra scan. 'Yep. It is indeed my idiots. Hm. My former sensei is an elite shinobi, but still a moron. The three of them are known, elite shinobi. But they act like children sometimes. Should I jump out and scare them? Nope. Terrible idea.' Mental slap. For an entirely different reason.

Sakura emerged from the shadows silently. "Do we get to go home?" She was hoping someone would say yes. Instead, she received an unexpected response.

"What the hell?! Where did you come from?" Yamato was surprised to say the least. He wasn't the only wide-eyed shinobi.

'Wait a second, look at them. Hahaha!' Sakura chuckled at the men. They recovered quickly. She merely repeated her question, "Do we get to go home?"

"No. In fact we are going to revise our plans and collect the scroll from its true destination." Kakashi spoke cheerfully.

"Okay. Where is that?" Sakura did not like this one bit.

"Fifty feet underground, in a guarded basement."

"Excuse me?"




"I know where you sleep."


"Kakashi, now is not the time. You two, spill." She was rewarded with two shrugs.


"I know where you keep your books."

"You ruin my fun."


"Three days from now there is a banquet. Just for the hell of it, it seems. So, you, Sakura, need to acquire a dress and go undercover to retrieve the scroll while it is on display among many other valuable items." He simply eye-smiled at Sakura.

'This man.' She removed her mask and rubbed her temples. "Do you even know what the invitations look like?"

"Of course."

"The next closest village is a few hours away. I guess I'm going shopping."

So...Thought? Suggestions? Concerns?

It is not as naughty as the first chapter, but I am excited for them to finish this mission, so Sakura can head home to her men. ;)

True word count:

Chapter 1 - 1178

Chapter 2 - 1299

Total - 2477

Till my eventual next time!