Hi! This my first story so please don't be too hard on me if I do something wrong! I'm looking for at least one review so please press the button below and leave a comment! Thank you so much for reading my story! I'll try to update once a week.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from the Mortal Instruments. Sadly, the genius that is Cassandra Clare does.

The School Of Skilled People

New School, Same Image: Chapter 1

Clary's POV


Ugh, I thought as my hand searched for the alarm clock. I turned off that infernal alarm while glancing briefly at the clock. I slowly started to sit up, rubbing sleep out of my eyes. But my head shot back to the clock.

"TEN O'CLOCK!," I yelled surely waking up the whole neighborhood.

I started to run around the room quickly dressing in the first thing I saw which was a light blue sweater and a pair of jeans. I started to pack my stuff quickly, throwing stuff into my suitcases at random. I grabbed my bag and purse and sprinted down the stairs. Saying goodbye to my mother, Jocelyn. Promising that I'd call every week I dashed outside of my apartment only to run back in to grab my plane ticket and passport.

I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I thought to myself.

I hailed a cab asking the driver to take me to the NYC airport. Once the taxi stopped at the airport, I threw the correct amount of money to the him and jumped out. Quickly getting through security, I ran to my gate with my suitcase in one hand and my passport and ticket in the other. I finally stopped in front of the attendant, letting her scan my ticket before letting me on board. In the airplane I sat down next to a brown- haired guy with glasses. The plane started to take off.

"Hi, my name is Simon Lewis," he said to me.

"I'm Clarissa Fray. But, I liked to be called Clary," I replied.

Simon and I started talking for a while, asking questions about each other.

"So why are you going to California," he asked.

"I got accepted into a boarding school called the Special Skills Academy," I said.

I learned that he lives in California and was just visiting his sister.

In an hour I started to feel my eyes closing. The next thing I know I was waking up to a flight attendant telling us to put our seatbelts on because we were going to land.

As Simon and I exited the plane, we exchanged numbers so we could keep in touch.

After I got my bag from baggage claim, I walked towards the exit of the airport finding a guy standing with my name on a sign.

"Clarissa Fray," he asked with a gruff voice

I nodded. The guy took my bags and carried them to a slim black limo and put my bags in the trunk, then helping me into the automobile. Getting settled into the car, I brought out my phone and checked if I had any messages.

One call from my mother and five texts from my brother, Sebastian.

I decided to call my mother back first. My mother didn't pick up. Huh, I thought. Must be sleeping. I started to text Sebastian back.

You see Sebastian Fray is my older brother by one year. Yup, he's seventeen. Sebastian is currently attending the Special Skills Academy, the one that I got accepted to, for computer geniusness ( whatever that means ). Whereas I got accepted for special combat skills. I know how to fight every fighting technique. From Taekwondo to Mixed Martial Arts Fightning. You name it I can do it. Not to brag or anything, but I can take down a full grown man with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind back under a minute. If you've known me and my brother you'd say that you weren't that sure that Sebastian and I are even related. He likes video games, movies, and anything related to technology while I like training, reading, and going to school. The only thing we had in common is that we liked to play sports, that's pretty much it. We don't even look at all the same! Sebastian has blonde hair that looks so blonde that it's almost white and deep black eyes that look kind of odd with his hair. I have curly, red hair that I can never seem to control and bright emerald green eyes. Most people tell me that I look like my mom, but I just think that I look like a ugly mini version of her. My mom has the same tiny features as me. Curly red hair, same green eyes but I'm not as tall as my mom. Jocelyn is around 5"9, while I'm at a menacing height of 5"1. Amazing right!?

From Clary to Sebastian:

Hey Seb, I just got off my plane. I'm riding in a limo to the school.

Sebastian answered almost right away.

From Sebastian to Clary:

Ok, I'll show u 'round campus after u got ur skedule and stuf, k?

From Clary to Sebastian:

Sure that sound great. And Seb, you might want to check your grammar.

From Sebastian to Clary:

Oh whatever. I didnt get acepted to this skool for writing WONDERFULL storys, right?

I laughed and wrote back.

From Clary to Sebastian:

Yeah, there's no way in hell you'd make it as an author.

From Sebastian to Calry:

Offensive much? Anyway, I'll meet you at the front of the academy. ( Fixed the grammar, happy?)

From Clary to Sebastian:

Ok, I'll c u soon! Bye! Luv u!

From Sebastian to Clary:

Luv u 2

I sighed. I loved my brother, but sometimes he can just be a big goof.

I looked up as the limo started to come to a stop and gasped, my mouth hanging wide open. The academy was huge! It was 6 floors high with whitish colored walls and a black paneled roof which I bet you can go up on. The place pretty much looked like a giant mansion, but better. I opened the door and got out of the limo, still staring at the grand school. I didn't notice that the chauffeur got my bag until he gave it to me. I started to walk towards the academy until I saw a familiar mesh of blonde hair.

"Sebastian," I yelled running up to my big brother hugging him. He was wearing a pair of shorts and a black t- shirt that said You can't spell game without me!

"Hey Clary," he said "It's so nice to see you! It feels like I haven't seen you in forever! Have you shrunk an inch," he joked

I slapped him on the chest. Hard.

"Ow, what was that for," he asked "I need these to impress the ladies," he whined

I rolled my eyes.

"What's there to impress them with," I asked.

"Ok," he said changing the topic quickly "Let's see if we can get you your schedule first,"

Sebastian said leading me inside the academy. As we entered the school, I noticed that the place was even more grander than it was outside, if that was even possible. With it's marble white floor and a stunning blue wall, everything looked as if we were inside a big house instead of an academy.

"Wow," I breathed

Sebastian grinned "Awesome, right. I knew you would like it,"

He steered me towards an office and opened the door to a cozy office with a young lady sitting behind a desk typing away. We walked up to her.

"Hello, my name is Clarissa Fray. I'm new here," I said

The lady looked up at us as if just noticing us. Her nametag read Miss. Bell.

"Ok, I have your schedule right here," she replied handing me a schedule "Clarissa is it," she asked

"Thank you. And I like to be called Clary," I said

"Ok Clary, here's a map of the school in case you ever get lost," she replied

"I'm having my brother show me around the academy. Hopefully I won't get lost in this huge school, but chances are that I will," I smiled

"Good luck with that, and have a great time at the academy," she said sweetly returning the smile.

We walked out of the office and into the hall. Sebastian lead me to huge room which must have been the gym, that included treadmills, weights, a basketball court, a tennis court, and a swimming pool. A small section of the room consisted of a punching bag, wrestling mats, and fighting sticks.

"There's a football field, track, soccer field and a baseball field outside. And there's a hockey field in the next room over," he said looking at my awe stricken face and open mouth.

Sebastian continued to give me a tour of the school. He showed me the cafeteria (which looks about twice as big as the apartment building I used to live in, the classrooms, and finally the dorms. He told me that boys weren't allowed into the girls dorm, but the girls were allowed into the boys dorm. So I had to find my way to my dorm all by myself. I said bye to my big brother as I headed into the girls dorm.

Dorm 114A. Dorm 114A. Where is my dorm? I thought to myself.

As I was looking at the doors, checking the numbers on them I bumped into a girl rounding the corner. I fell as my things scattered across the floor. I started to gather my things. The girl started to help me. She had long silky black hair and dark brown eyes. She looked like she had just stepped right out of the cover of a fashion magazine wearing a light blue tank top with a black leather jacket around it and blue skinny jeans. The girl was wearing heels so high that I didn't know how she could walk in those without falling flat on her face.

"I'm SO sorry,"she apologized "I didn't see you there," she said while handing me my stuff. "You're new here right," she asked. I nodded.

"Well then my name is Isabelle Lightwood. Sorry for bumping into you," she said

"I'm Clarissa Fray, but I liked to be called Clary. It's my fault, if I was paying more attention I wouldn't have bumped into you," I replied.

"I won't let you blame yourself. Do you need help finding something? You kinda look lost," she said with a genuine smile.

"Um, yeah. I've been trying to look for my dorm, 114A," I said.

"Oh my god," she squealed "You're my new roommate, " she said happily.

Isabelle showed me where our dorm is. As I walked in I saw that our dorm looked more like an apartment than a school dorm. There was a couple couches surrounding a coffee table and a flat screen t.v. There also was a kitchen with a stove, oven, microwave, fridge, and every other thing that you would find in a normal kitchen. Walking around the place that I would be staying in for a while, I noticed two doors each with a bedroom and a bathroom behind them. I walked into my room and started unpacking.

After I finished, I walked out my door to find Isabelle attempting to cook something in the kitchen. What I think that was supposed to be chicken noodle soup, turned out to be a big green gloop of unknown ingredients. Isabelle sighed and dumped the mixture into the trash.

"Do you want me to make something instead," I asked.

"No it's fine, I'll just order some pizza. Is pepperoni alright," she asked.

After the pizza arrived Isabelle and I started talking.

"Wait, your name is Clary FRAY. As in the sister of SEBASTIAN FRAY," she practically yelled at me.

"Yeah, he's my brother. Why," I said.

"He is like one of the hottest guys in the whole school! He's also on the football team," she said her voice rising " AND YOU FAILED TO MENTION THAT HE WAS YOUR BROTHER," she screamed.

"Well I didn't think that it was that big of a deal," my voice small compared to hers.

She sighed. " Anything else you failed to mention that was really important," she questioned.

"Well, um, my 'special skill' is combat. Like ANY type of combat," I started to tell her what I can do while her eyes widened.

"Wow, Clary you kinda sound badass. People all around you should call you badass Clary and move out of the way," she said exaggerating a lot.

"Yup, I'm badass alright. I kick people's asses for no apparent reason and cut of a puppy's head without shedding one single tear," I said sarcastically.

"Well not THAT badass. I meant like you could kick someone's ass if you want to and win," she said enthusiastically. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Thinking that this conversation could go on for hours. I asked her what her 'special skill' was. She replied that she was a fashion designer and designed awesome clothes that everyone seemed to want.

Well that explained a lot, I thought to myself.

After we finished eating, I went back into my bedroom and took a shower. Making sure that I rubbed off the hours of plane that was still on me. Turning off the shower I stepped out and put on a pair of short pajama pants and a light pink tank top. I climbed into my bed and turned off the lamp. I fell asleep thinking of what tomorrow, my first day of my new school would be like.

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