Disclaimer: I don't own YGO

Title Translation: Breaking
Continuity: Anime
Names and personalties: English dub
Background cannon: Original Japanese



X -x-x-x-x- X

Odion rubbed Ishizu's back as she sat with her head in her hands, no sounds emmiting from her. Joey stood awkwardly as he watched brother and sister comfort each other and turned to his friends. "This is uncomfortable..."

Yugi shook his head. "I tweeted his picture and I'm checking like every two minutes. I'm not sure what else we can do."

"I feel like we should leave but that we should stay too..." Tea whispered with sadness etching her features.

Tristan shrugged. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Like we're kinda the thrid wheels here...or the third, fourth, fifth and sixth wheels."

"Not funny, man, " Joey scolded.

Tea fumbled with her fingers. "I know we said we wouldn't talk about it but...what if that guy's back?"

Yugi looked out the window. "Then we'll just have to deal with it. For now I'd like to think something else happened here."

"Yeah, but something else would mean something bad happened to him, Yuge," Joey added somberly.

They all looked at each other, and Yugi sighed heavily. "I don't want anything bad to happen to him...but..."

And the words of "anything is better than him" hung in the air.

Yugi checked his phone and gasped. "Hey, someone replied to me!" The two siblings on the couch looked up. He read the tweet and his eyes widened. "Someone saw him..."

Ishizu stood up, Odion following. "When? Where?

"Yesterday morning at the supermarket down the street." He smiled. "She's the cashier that rang him up."

Ishizu's eyes lit up as Odion put a hand on her shoulder. "See, sister; there is hope."

Yugi nodded at her. "I'm gonna ask for her number so we can text in private."

Joey gasped. "Yeah, if someone took him they could see that! She should delete that tweet. Tell her that, Yugi."

Tea jumped in. "She should also tell the cops. I'll reply to her." Yugi gave her a questionable look. "Oh, come on; you know I follow you." She blushed a little and pulled out her phone.

Joey nudged Tristan. "Yeah, everywhere."

The sun set once again leaving him in the dead still cold. This would mark fourty eight hours down here. Surely the police would've put out something by now. He knew his siblings would not let him go missing.

He licked his lips and groaned at not having any more saliva to keep them moist. Now they were dry and it wouldn't be long before they started to crack. He knew people couldn't go very long without water and he was nearing that time frame. He had maybe two more days at most before dehydration got to him.

There was another option now that he had his hands free, but he really didn't want to do that. He'd heard of others in the desert doing it and at times in the tombs, water was scarce and his family had considered such actions. But water somehow, as if by miracle, came and they never had to.

Besides that would only sustain him a short while and wouldn't really help much. It might keep him alive just a few days more.

But then again...he had to fight as much as possible to stay alive. Yeilding to these people - or perhaps just one person - was not acceptable. Staying alive was all he knew how to do.

So he decided that if no one came to give him water he would do what was necessary.

Which meant he had to hold his urine again.

He paced back and forth with a long groan, the metalic clicking of the chain now becoming like music in the cold silence.

He stopped and rubbed his freezing hands, wincing at the shift of pain in his wrists, and tried to remember what happened that brought him here. Any small clue that would give him answers. Anything at all. His brow furrowed as images blurred to the forefront of his mind.

He was angry...furious...something important was...taken from him...

"Oh, dammit! I knew this would happen!" he cursed as he came to the empty spot that once held his motorcycle. He growled and slammed the milk on the concrete, not caring that it burst and ran all over.

Someone took his bike and that someone would die!

He tried to calm himself as his temper flared to a boiling point and whipped around to see a young woman staring at him. He gasped and swallowed, running an embarrassed hand through his hair. "Someone stole my bike. Did you see anything?"

She shook her head. "No, but that's awful. Can I do anything to help?"

He sighed. "Unless you can snap your fingers like a genie and get it back for me, no."

She looked down. "Oh, I'm so sorry..."

He shook his head, feeling bad enough as it was without yelling at a stranger. "Yeah, I'll just walk three blocks to my house now..."

She turned to her truck. "Maybe I can help. I can take you home." He raised an eyebrow. "Hey, if anyone should be nervous in this situation, it's me. I'm a girl and you're the strange man I don't know."

He chuckled. "Yeah, I purposely got my bike stolen so I could axe murder you."

She giggled. "And I'm gonna kidnap you."

They laughed.

He blinked as he left the memory. That girl...who was she...he rubbed his temples as his old headache poked dimly at his eyes. She was young...younger than him, maybe eighteen at most. Blond hair and blue eyed. Simple, small girl next door. Nothing intimidating about her.

Surely not...

They drove down the street a block to his place when she gasped and shouted. "OH! I am so sorry, I forgot to turn my oven off! I need to go to my place, like now. Is that okay?"

He smiled and shurgged. "Of course."

She shook her head as she made a U turn. "I am so stupid. I know you're thinking 'what kind of person leaves an oven on at this time of day?'"

He chuckled again. "Nah, I was thinking what were you cooking?"

She looked at him with a blush. "Eggplant Parmesan. I'm taking it to a family reunion."

He smiled. "I love that stuff!"

She beamed back. "Really? I don't know many guys that do. Most guys I know are all, 'MEAT! MUST HAVE! MUST NEED!'"

They laughed again. "I'm a vegan actually."

She scrutinized him. "Then you can't have Parmesan," she finished with a wicked smile.

Now it was his turn to blush as he ran a hand through his bangs. "Well...I make exceptions..."

She giggled as she made another turn into a driveway. "Here I am. Just a minute." She undid her seatbelt. "Now don't go memorizing my address, Mr. Axe Murderer."

He shook his head. "Only if you don't kidnap me."

She smiled, and it was in her eyes that something flashed. "Wouldn't dream of it."

He swallowed, his dry throat protesting the motion and continued to walk through the images.

She had been in her house maybe thirty seconds when he heard her scream. He bolted upright and snapped the seatbelt off. Instinct kicked in as he heard her scream again. "HELP! PLEASE HELP ME!"

He ran to the door and when he reached the interior, all his insides went ice cold.

The house was empty.

There was nothing on the walls. No furniture. Nothing.

The door slammed behind him.

"Told ya he'd come runnin'," the girl's voice chimed. "He's trying to be good now..."

A low male voice chuckled. "How ironic."

A gun was pointed in his face as the girl came to him holding a cloth. "Sniff this or die. Easy choice."

He looked to the male holding the gun and couldn't see his face for he was wearing a ski mask.

But the girl...that was all he saw as he took the cloth. "Who are you?"

She smiled, this time cruel and vile. "I already told you; I'm kidnapping you."

He looked back and forth at them as the hammer clicked back. "I see. And to think I was once almost an axe murderer."

She frowned as he inhaled. "I know..."

So...it was her and one other. At least he knew what he was dealing with. But that begged the question of who. Her last words rang in his head. I know. She knew him?

This was personal somehow.

It was starting to make sense now.

There was only one group of people that could possibly want to hurt him.

One group of people that he tortured and treated horribly.

One group of people that knew his true identity.

His Rare Hunters.

He rubbed his face and slid down the pole. If these were people from his Rare Hunters, they would know all the tricks of how to disappear, of how to make someone disappear. He taught them all.

There were only a select few that he knew names and such, but one thing he did know for certain;

There were no women.

Maybe he was wrong...but if that was the case, how did she know him?

He now had more questions than he had answers and he was still cold and alone, tormented by the stench of his own excrement and increasing thirst.

He sighed heavily and spoke, his voice cracking. "I remember you now. I don't know your name but I know it was you, Miss Eggplant Parmesan. I'm ready to talk...please just tell me what you want..."

She chuckled as she tapped the screen with a pen. "Simple. I want you to break into a million tiny pieces, you bastard."

"She wants to meet us. She says she saw something weird in the parking lot. Marik forgot a coupon or something and she saw him leave with someone."

Ishizu gasped. "He would never do that."

Yugi read the text again. "Well, apparently he did. Hey, maybe the store will have it on surveillance! I'll tell her that."

Odion held her shoulder. "We will find him."


A/N: I'm sot sure if Marik is vegan or vegitarian. There seems to be some issue with this, just like what his name is -_- I'm making him vegan in this but I really think he's a vegitarian because he does wear leather at the end of the series. Thank so much!