Hello my lovelys! Here is the truth or dare fan fiction that some of you asked for c: and I hope you like it :D also pm me about ideas on which dares our beloved characters should do c: also! Scott, Nadia, Stiles, and Isaac are in this fan fic and Sebastian is also here, but he doesn't threaten to kill anyone... O.o shocker isn't it? Also everyone is a shadow hunter besides Simon, Sebastian, and Magnus (DUH)

Stiles: OMG CAN I KISS SOMEBODY *Wink wink*

Me: No .-.

Magnus: Shhhh you know he might end up kissing that person *wink wink*

Me: Why is that?

Magnus: Because I might dare that person to kiss him

Me: And when was that established?

Magnus: SInce I found out Jace and Simon were lovers.


Stiles: That's disgusting!

Me: PFTTTTTTTTTTTT speak for yourself

Jace: I'll have you know I am very sexy and NOT lovers with Simon, If I was gay no offense to you Magnus or Alec, Simon wouldn't pass my standards

Simon: I AM SEXY

Jace: *cough cough* in your dreams.

(Jace and Simon were about to fight)


Jace was grabbing Clary by the waist as Isabelle called everyone in the institute for something important (A/N: Nadia and Scott didn't die.. Obviously o.o) "Wonder what she's calling us for" mumbles Clary, You see Clary wouldn't mind Isabelle calling her but last time she called the whole institute just to ask if she looks better in green or in blue.

Jace sighs. He wanted to strangle Isabelle because he interrupted certain 'activities' going on between him and Clary. Jace squeezed Clary's hand as they walked past the institute's kitchen and stopped in front of the living room, which was where Isabelle wanted to meet. Jace looks at Clary and smiles a smug smile, he pushes open the door to find everyone already sitting down on the couch and some on the floor.

Scott and Nadia were on the floor while Magnus, Alec, and Simon were on the couch staring at Isabelle who was standing up in the middle of the room staring at Clary and Jace. "Sit down already, don't just stand there like morons!" grumbles Isabelle. Jace sits next to Simon but pushes Simon so he can sit comfortably but it doesn't work Simon is still squished to him. Clary looks around and finds no where to sit so she just stands there.

Jace signals Clary to walk towards him so she does, Clary stands in front of Jace utterly confused, Jace grabs her by the waist, spins her around and places her on his lap.

"Good" Everyone pays attention to Isabelle now, all eyes on her. No one makes a sound and no one moves. "What do you want Isabelle, Alec and I were getting to something until you interrupted us" Magnus hisses as he examines his glittery pink nails. Isabelle scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"So I was thinking when Simon was touch-" "BY THE ANGEL JUST GET TO THE POINT, WE DONT WANT TO KNOW WHERE SIMON TOUCHES YOU OKAY" Scott says rubbing his temples. "God somebody is grumpyyyyyyy" Isabelle throws back her long, black, silky hair and stares at us again. "LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" She shouts clapping and smiling.

Everyone groans and gives themselves mental face palms. "I think it's a good idea" Jace was the first one to agree to the idea, Jace had a smug smile when Clary looked at him. What is he up to? Clary thought but Clary couldn't find out... Just yet.

"Fine" mumbles Magnus, Soon enough everyone agrees to play truth or dare. "GREAT, well eveyone sit on the floor and in a circle!" everyone groans and rolls their eyes. "Really? If it's not one thing it's another" Isabelle says annoyed as she sits next to her vampire boyfriend. "Okay... So who goes first?" asks Nadia. "I did not think of that" mumbles Isabelle. " I want to go first" shouts Stiles. "No me!" Magnus shouts. Stiles was about to object but Magnus snaps his fingers and all Stiles can do is mumble.

Stiles groans and rolls his eyes. Magnus smiles and stares at everyone with those devious cat eyes. "Well go ahead!" Nadia mumbles. Magnus gives Nadia a death glare which she ignores, Magnus doesn't like to be rushed or told what to do. It's just how the warlock rolls. "Clary" Magnus points his finger at the small red-head. Clary stares at Magnus "Truth or dare?" "Dare" she says "Okay, I dare you to kiss Stiles" Stile's eyes go wide and he has a big smile on his face. "No, no, no, no, AND NO!" Shouts Clary. Stiles feels sad and pushed away by Clary just a bit. "Fine then take off a piece of your clothing" Isabelle chimes (A/N: I got that idea from sprinklesonpancakes, I hope she doesn't mind!) Clary looks at Isabelle like she's something growing under a sink.

"That is one of the rules of the game, if you don't do a dare you take off something from what you're wearing" Isabelle explains, Clary shrugs and takes off her sock. "There" she mumbles slipping on her Jordan's back on. Jace chuckles and kisses Clary on her cheek. "Okay Clary goes next" Magnus says. Clary nods and stares at each and every person in the room, waiting to see who's her next victim. "Sebastian" Sebastian looks up from a book he was reading, He pushes away his white bangs from his pale face and stares at Clary, His crush.

"Yes?" he asks smiling (A/N: Also Sebastian isn't really evil just jealous, he also never went out with Clary. She doesn't know he likes her) "Truth or dare?" Sebastian stares at Clary and thinks for a while. "Truth" he says hoping that she would ask him something at him or ask him what he thinks of her, so she can finally realize that he likes her and that Jace isn't right for her. "Uh... Is it true..." Clary looks at the black carpet sitting in the middle of the room and thinks about what she should ask Sebastian. Jace sees that Clary has nothing to ask Sebastian so he whispers something in her ear. Clary's red eyebrow goes up just a little bit and smiles.

"Is it true that you were... uh..." Clary goes nervous, Jace sighs "Is it true that you jacked off and screamed Clary's name when you 'hit the spot'" finishes Jace for Clary. Sebastian who is never embarrased or ever blushes or goes red, does tonight. His face turns as red a cherry. "Uh... No?" Magnus laughs so loud "Liar" Magnus says as he regains his sanity. Sebastian's eyes grow wide "How'd you know?" "Now I DO!" Shouts Magnus as he laughs again. Sebastian once again goes as red as a tomato.

"Alright alright calm down, Don't make the poor guy feel bad" Clary says as she feels something stir inside of her as soon as she saw Sebastian staring at her. "Okay Seb your next" Clary smiles at Sebastian reassuring him that it's okay, that he could talk without anyone making fun of him. "Uh..." he scans the room looking for who to pick "ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME " Shouts Stiles as Magnus snaps his fingers again, whihc means he could talk again.

"Uh... nobody?" asks Sebastian choosing to ignore Stiles, Knowing he will want to go for the craziest dare ever. "MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Shouts Stiles, Sebastian sighs and stares at the boy "Fine truth or dare?" asks Sebastian slouching which causes his boy bangs to fall on his face. "DARE" Shouts Stiles "Okay, Magnus will summon a ghost and I dare you to kill it with some weapon Magnus will give you" Stiles's face was frozen in horror but it quickly changed into a 'brave' one "NO PROBLEMO" He shouts.

Sebastian stares at Magnus, Magnus nods. "Alright" Magnus says standing up and brushing off some dust from his yellow skinny jeans. Magnus chants something in a foreign language, The lights flicker as his chanting grows louder, the institute itself shakes. Jace grips Clary tightly "What kind of ghost are we talking about!" shouts Stiles as he holds onto Isaac and Nadia. Magnus stops chanting and the institute stops shaking but the lights grow dim and a huge roar booms through the institute. "The real kind" Sebastian says smirking. "Are you going to back down?" asks Sebastian. "NO WAY IN HELL" Stiles shouts. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HE'S A FOURTEEN YEAR OLD KID HE CAN'T KILL A GHOST WHO CAN PROBABLY EAT A TRILLION POUNDS OF BACON!" Shouts Nadia.

"Why bacon?" asks Scott curiously, Nadia turns on her boy best friend and gives him a death glare "BECAUSE I FELT LIKE SAYING BACON" Scott cowers behind the couch "Okay by the angel it was just a question!" mumbles Scott. "Calm down, I'll give Stiles a weapon that will kill the demon even with the smallest scratch" Magnus snaps his fingers and a blade with jewels on it, it glows white and looks deadly. In reality it is deadly, it kills anything with just a microscopic scratch.

Clary looks worried "Are you sure about this Stiles? It's just a dare nothing important" Stiles looks at Clary and nods, In Stiles' mind he thinks about how Clary would be impressed if he kills the ghost (A/N: Not demon, a ghost O.o) Clary sighs which causes Jace to kiss her and tell her that he'll be fine.

"Alright gang let's go!" Simon says jumping up and smiling "What are we mystery incorporated?" asks Jace rolling his eyes "Yes we are" Simons barks "Okay then your scooby" Jace looks at Simon and smiles smugly. "Don't insult scooby like that!" says Alec. Isabelle was about to defend her boyfriend but was interrupted by Stiles running into the institute's halls. Magnus runs beside him "When you're close to the ghost the sword will glow blue" Stiles nods and runs faster.

Suddenly as Stiles passes the game room the sword goes from white to blue, Clary stands next to Stiles who twists the door knob, Stiles was about to open it but a horrible screeching comes from the room which causes Stiles to stop opening the door. Stiles shakes and stares at Isabelle who has a smile playing on her lips "Wussy much?" she says laughing silently, Clary and Isabelle never fight they're like sisters along with Nadia but when anyone makes a joke or says anything about Stiles that offends him, she goes turbo "Shut it Isabelle, you act like your so brave and shit" barks Clary.

You would think Clary's bright red hair is on fire as she stares at Isabelle with a look she never gave to any of her loved ones. Isabelle stops smiling and looks at the floor, Isabelle knows better than to mess around with kids like Stiles, Especially since he reminded her of Max but older obviously. Isaac pats Stiles on the back.

"You don't want to do the dare do you?" Asks Isaac, Stiles turns around slowly and dramatically, he stares at Isaac like he's crazy. "NO" he shouts which causes the ghost to screech again. "GO IN" Shouts Magnus impatiently. Stiles grabs the blade tightly and makes a 'crying' face "Nooo." he says "GO" Simon shouts.

"That's for white people, Us black people run!" (A/N: Not being racist! It's just a joke, if I offended somebody I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. I have nothing against black people or african american people two of them are my best friends :o) Everyone stares at Stiles like he's crazy "You're not even black..." Clary says curiously. "OOOOHH I GET IT, BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE LOOK FOR THEIR FRIENDS EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE DEAD AND THERE'S A KILLER ON THE LOOSE WHILE BLACK PEOPLE JUST RUN AWAY! FOR EXAMPLE ' a boy named Billy walks through the forest looking for his friend Jeremy, suddenly the killer kills him and runs off to look for Jeremy, Jeremy looks for Billy "BILLY" He shouts, Suddenly he stumbles upon Billy's body and finds a note with Billy's blood it says "YOUR NEXT" Jeremy screams "That's so wrong" Jeremy dips his finger in a pool of Billy's blood and writes on the paper "YOU'RE NEXT" "There ya go" then Jeremy turns around to run but the killer kills him. While black people are in a haunted house and they all get lost while Antwon is by the door. "Where's Billy?" he asks himself, Suddenly there's a noise in the hall "FUCK BILLY" and he runs off like that"

Everyone stares at Scott like he's crazy. "WHATEVER JUST KILL IT" Screams Alec who opens the door and pushes Stiles inside. Stiles screams like a little girl and slashes the ghost, who withers away. The lights are no longer dim. Stiles walks outside with the blade, the blade has green goo on it that drips onto the floor. Magnus snaps his fingers and the blade dissappears. They all walk into the room and sit once again in the circle.

"Well then" Clary says sitting on Jace's lap. "Well I pick Sebastian" Stiles says grinning. "Um okay?" "Truth or dare?" "Dare" "I dare you to kiss Clary"

Wow, this wasn't really funny was it? Dx anyways once again I didn't want to be racist or offend anyone if I did I really am sorry :o I hope you enjoyed the story and I'll up-

Stiles: She'll update as soon as she ca-

Isaac: As soon as sh-

Clary: she can!


Clary: Oh yes it is ~.~

Jace: Oh your so bad babe :o

Clary: :o really? (Jace grabs Clary and they start kissing)


Isaac: (Pats Stiles on the back) It's alright man

Sebastian: I'll have you know girls die to see me naked.

Stiles: *cough cough* They must be desprate *cough cough*

Sebastian: You little-


Sebastian: LET ME AT HIM! (Tries to push me away but can't)

Me: I'm so bad ass you can't even move me! So much for a strong shadow hunter heh.

Sebastian: O.o

Me: uh... BYE also I will have two tmi fan fiction stories on the way :o but first I have to finish my temptations one and at least get a chapter finished for Jace and Clary's complicated life. BUT YEAH BYE REVIEW AND THANKS FOR READING UNTIL THEN MY LOVELIES 3