Hello there my lovelys :D thank you so much for the reviews, They honestly mean a lot :] and I have a few shout outs to people who have read and been there for me every time I've made a story, You can say it's corny but I consider you guys as my friends and my close friends.

BlackHairAndBlueEyedPrincess- You don't know how much your reviews mean to me c: Everytime I make a new story and I think it's horrible your review says something positive that makes me believe I can continue writing the story. You're considered my friend whether or not you like it _ Just kidding lol xD

Ash2ashs- You haven't really been there for me in almost all my stories maybe my recent ones yes, but I don't care because yours words really did warm my heart and it touched me and you can't believe how happy I am that you told me that :} and I will try my best to update, But I WILL update all my stories today IF IT KILLS ME! You're also considered a close friend :D

sprinklesonpancakes- You've told me so many sweet things about my stories :] and you support me like a real friend would do, and hell I barely have any friends that are like that -_- But anyways thank you so much for your support on my story :] and You need to update your story _ You're also considered a close friend.

DestroyingWithLove- It makes me laugh (In a good way) how you want me to update so badly, But please understand I need my time to chill and calm down after school, I come out of school at 4:30 and end up coming home around 5:00 plus I have homework and I will get F's if I don't do it, and I want to pass my grade but I swear I will try my best to update :D You're also considered a close friend! :D

Now to the story my lovelys :'] And I am very sorry if I didn't give you a shout out Dx But you peeps out there know I love you :] and I thank you all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for reading and liking my story :]

Previously On Tmi Truth Or Dare: Everyone looks at Scott like he's crazy. "WHATEVER JUST KILL IT" Screams Alec who opens the door and pushes Stiles inside. Stiles screams like a little girl and slashes the ghost, who withers away. The lights are no longer dim. Stiles walks outside with the blade, the blade has green goo on it that drips onto the floor. Magnus snaps his fingers and the blade dissappears. They all walk into the room and sit once again in the circle. "Well then" Clary says sitting on Jace's lap lap. "Well I pick Sebastian" Stiles says grinning. "Um okay?" "Truth Or Dare?" "Dare" "I dare you to kiss Clary"

"Shut up" Growls Jace as he gives Stiles a killer look. Sebastian grins at the fact that he might kiss Clary for the first time ever. Clary stares at Stiles then Sebastian and then at Jace. Clary was confused, She didn't know whether to accept the dare or not. She didn't know if Jace would get mad at her or not.

"Chicken Clary?" Teases Stiles, Isaac snickers as he looks at Clary's face. Clary looks at Sebastian who is looking at Clary with a smile on his pale face. Jace says nothing, But on the inside he's burning with anger. Clary stands up and sits down next to Sebastian, Suddenly Sebastian grabbed Clary's face gently and kissed her passionately. And now Jace was burning with jealousy. Clary kissed back forgetting everyone around her.

Jace couldn't stand the sight of his girlfriend kissing another man, So he stood up and walked away silently with his hands in his pockets. If it was up to Jace he would break everything in the room including Sebastian's face, but Jace didn't want to loose his 'calm and laid back with a problem free world' character. Clary was to caught up with Sebastian's tongue that she didn't realize he left.

Clary opened her eyes and realized she was making out with Sebastian and not Jace her boyfriend . "Oh by the angel, What did I just do?" Clary stood up and gave Sebastian an apologetic grin "Apparently you forgot you had a boyfriend and sucked face with Seb" snorted Scott, Clary stares at her best friend and gives him an 'I'll kill you later' look.

Clary ran out the living room and into the institute's quiet halls. She heard footsteps, they stopped and she heard the wall breaking. Clary thought it was somebody trying to get inside the institute, So she ran and followed the sound.

When she found the source of the sound she found out it wasn't a somebody but Jace punching a wall, Blood swam down his knuckles but he just wiped them on his black and gray striped muscle shirt.

"Jace what are you doing?" asks Clary trying to grab Jace's hand but he snatched it away "What do you care" he snarls as he pushes back his blonde, silky hair and slides down the wall, he sits and stares at the floor. "Because you're my boyfriend..." she sits next to Jace, She tries to touch Jace but he moves away. "Seems that you forgot that" he answers.

That's when Clary felt guilty and horrible about kissing Sebastian. "Jace I'm sorry I really didn't mean t-" "Save it Clary, You never mean to do anything, But you always do Clary that's the problem. Do you want me to see you kiss another boy? To get me jealous? Clary you already know I would get jealous so why do you do it?" he asks quietly, he looks up from the floor and looks at her like a little kid who's about to cry. But Jace never cries.

What Jace said warmed her heart, Not the part where she supposibly tried to make him jealous but the part where he admitted he gets jealous. Clary smiled at the thought of Jace... The great Jace being jealous for someone like her.

"Is this a joke to you Clary? You're smiling at my pain or something?" Clary looked at Jace like he was crazy, but then her guilt turned to anger as she realized he didn't trust her "You think this is a game? No Jace it's not I love you Jace and it's crazy how much I do, I kissed Sebastian because of that damn dare but I forgot it was him, Everyone makes stupid mistakes, and why in Raziel's name would I want to make you jealous? All I care about is that you love me not if you get jealous"

Jace sat there staring at her, She caught him off guard. Clary stood up "I thought so Jace" Clary walked away, She went inside the living room and sat down in the circle. "So who's next?" asks Clary, acting like everything was good but in reality she was hurting inside because Jace would actually think she would do that on purpose, But she didn't show it.

"Uhm Sebastian's..." Isaac answers as he stares at Clary. "Uh pass since I already went" Nadia was sitting next to Sebastian so she was next. "Okay... uh" Nadia scans the room and her brown eyes land on Simon just as Jace walks in and sits next to Clary.

Clary moves away from Jace and closer to Simon. Jace looks at Clary and sighs. "Simon" Nadia says smiling widely, Simon looks at Nadia with a fearful look for he knows she will pick a horrible dare and a terrorizing truth. "Truth or dare?" asks Nadia smiling. Maybe if I pick dare it won't be so horrible as truth right? Simon didn't know which to pick so he just blurted out "Dare" Nadia sat there just staring at Simon with an evil smile, thinking of what dare he should do.

"I dare you to go out into the street and kiss the very first person you see" Nadia snickers as she sees Simon's reaction. Isaac bursts out laughing "What if it's an old guy! Or an old lady!" Magnus blurts out as he laughs along with Isaac.

"Will you do the dare Simon?" Simon stands up and stares at Isabelle who's jealous but doesn't show it. He gives Isabelle a kiss on the forehead. "Yes I will" Simon walks out the institute with Nadia following him to make sure he actually does kiss the first person that walks by.

Everyone huddles up at a window that show's the outside of the institute, The people inside the institute can see everything from the inside but Mundanes can't see them or anything. All they see is an abandoned house with police tape around it.

Simon stands on the side walk, Nervously tapping his fingers against the sides of his thighs, Simon hoped it wouldn't be someone old. Nadia covering her mouth so she can stop herself from laughing.

In a matter of minutes a girl with electric blue dyed hair who has gages, nerd glasses, (Got nothing against them, I have nerd glasses myself) big beautiful eyes with mascara and eyeliner surrounding them making them look bigger but in a beautiful way, with pale skin, a 'bull piercing' in her septum, white and black striped skinny jeans, and a black bra.

Simon's mouth drops at the sight of the girl but he quickly closes it as he reminds himself he has a hotter girlfriend than her and her name was Isabelle. But right now the dare was to kiss someone random on the streets.

Before anyone came Simon grabbed the girl, Her tipped her over a bit and kissed her, Before Simon could pull away she grabbed him and pulled him into a deeper kiss. Next thing you know the girl is running away from Isabelle.

"Hmph!" Isabelle says grabbing Simon's hand and walking inside with him into the institute.

The three sit down. "Well who do you pick Simon?" Simon knew Clary and Jace were in a fight since Clary wasn't sitting next to Jace, and believe me when Clary doesn't sit to Jace it's a miracle. Even though it pains him he will pick Clary and he knows a way to bring them together. Simon still had feelings for Clary just not as much as he has for Isabelle.

"Clary" Clary looks up from the carpet and stares at her vampire best friend "Truth or dare?" Clary picked dare since Simon never really picked any hard dares "Dare" "I dare you to... get 'freaky' with Jace for seven minutes" Clary's eyes widened, For Clary it wasn't such a big deal since Jace and her were about to go past making out and touching but Isabelle interrupted.

She just didn't want to go because she was mad at Jace, "No" she simply answers, Jace shrugs and lays down on the floor " I knew you would say that, If you don't do the dare I will tell EVERYONE right here and now what happened to you in 5th grade in the school play" Simon knew Clary wouldn't say no.

Clary stared at Simon, her mouth gaping as she remembers that day.

It was the school play, The Wizard Of Oz and Clary of course was the beautiful and adventurous Dorothy. Clary was nervous as the teacher placed everyone in their positions on the stage behind the closed curtains.

Simon was the scarecrow and he stood a few inches away for Dorothy. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you for coming today to see our wonderful play!" after a few minutes of Principal Radmoore talking the curtains started to open.

Clary looked at the crowd as the curtain opened. "Oh... Oh myyy where..., where am I...?" Clary said stuttering as her nervousness catched up to her more and more. Clary walked on the stage and wasn't looking where she was going since their drama teacher, Mrs. Diamond told her to NEVER take her eyes off the crowd.

So Clary was thinking of that rule right then as she moved on the stage, Clary kept talking and walking until she saw her ultimate crush, Dean Anderson walk into the theater. Dean liked Clary, But he didn't want to do the play because he said he wasn't very good at things like that, So he said he would show up at the play to see Clary.

Clary stopped talking as she forgot all her lines, But she kept saying things that weren't even in the script so she kept walking, That is until she fell over a microphone with a cable attached to the butt of it. Clary fell flat on her butt, as if it wasn't bad enough she tried to get up but just fell off the stage. Someone was so scared they dropped their popcorn and drink on Clary.

That day Clary was embarrased to do plays, and swore she would never do one again.

"Ooooh I want to know what happened" Jace said wanting to go into a room by himself with his girlfriend, Not to get 'freaky' but to talk to her. "Okay well it was in fifth grade and we were doing the wizard of oz play and Clary was-" "FINE I'LL DO IT" She shouts standing up and walking to her room.

Jace got up and ran up to Clary.

Stiles: God Jace and Clary are always fighting!

Isaac: RIGHT!

Me:Now now Every couple fights and it's very normal.


Jace: Whatever O.o

Magnus: Hey Clary can I design your wardrobe?

Clary: Hey Magnus (Clary says in a sweet voice making Magnus believe she will say yes)

Magnus: Yeah :D

Clary: NO

Magnus: Aw :[ Didn't have to be so mean D:

Alec: Don't be mean to my boyfriend :O

Clary: ...

Jace: Don't get pissy on my girlfriend :O

(The two parabati start fighting, I pull them away from each other)

Me: Boys calm down :[ No need for fighting!

Alec: It's not my fault Jace is a-


Sebastian: Review!


Sebastian: So rude :c


Sebastian: So mean :'c -sits in a corner and sobs a fake sob-

Me: -sigh- goose bye! Review and thanks for reading :D