Author's Note: Just a little epilogue with brief doubts, snuggles and sort of resolution… ;-)

When Nell Jones woke, the sunlight was already streaming through her bedroom window in the warm, bright rays of late morning. Her body felt stiff and she stretched as she yawned, feeling every aching muscle tremble within her. It wasn't a bad ache. Actually, it was sort of pleasant, as it made her aware of parts of herself she was not usually aware of. Sort of like the feeling she got in the muscles of her legs after she pushed herself an extra mile on her run.

And then she remembered why, flashes of sensation and imagery alike exploding in her mind's eye like a particularly sensational fireworks display. She could hardly believe the story they told, even with the blatant truth of it lying naked and tangled in the sheets beside her. G Callen. G Callen, of the blue eyes, charming smile and tight ass, sleeping in her bed. Agent G Callen, a man whose respect and trust she'd so desperately wished to earn for so very long... what had she done?

Oh, god. Had she made a horrible mistake, just because she'd suffered a bit of carnal lust? What could he possibly think of her now? After... after the things they'd done.

She suddenly felt very exposed, naked and vulnerable. Easing carefully out of the bed, she extracted the blanket off its foot to wrap about her as she headed for the bathroom. She was stopped suddenly as a hand reached out and grabbed a fistful of the fabric. It pulled her backward a couple faltering steps until she turned towards its owner. Bare arms, chest and stomach... her eyes traced the line of soft, dark hair trailing down from his navel to the interesting -and interested- part of him covered -but not hidden- by the sheet. She quickly averted her eyes, even as she heard him shift and felt herself drawn inexorably closer until solid, warm -oh, lord help, her- wonderful hands grasped her waist and pulled her down onto his lap, the blankets and sheets not providing enough of a barrier to disguise the shape and feel and heat of his body beneath her.


She could hear the frown in his voice. But she couldn't face him. She just couldn't bear to see the judgment that doubtless lay in his eyes. Why was he torturing her like this? Couldn't he just let her escape to the bathroom to clean up? To wash the evidence of her imprudent behavior from her skin and then they could pretend it never happened, except for when she recalled in private moments the feel of him, his hands, his body, his...

"What's wrong?" His hand, pleasantly calloused, gently gripped her chin and coaxed her to finally face him.

And every worry roiling in her stomach and frying her brain evaporated the instant her eyes met his. Tender concern is what she found in those gorgeous blue depths. Tinged with a lingering bit of lust. But more than that, they weren't condescending, judgmental. He looked at her with respect, appreciation... affection. And a warmth blossomed within her.

"You don't regret spending the night with me?" His lips were set in a serious line, his jaw tensed, obviously genuinely concerned, and a little bit... saddened? "Please tell me you don't."

"No," she said, hastily moving her hand to cup his cheek and shifting so that she sat straddling his lap to more easily look directly into his pleading eyes. "No. I..." she blushed, her hand falling away as she remembered the last of their late night romps in particularly vivid detail. "I just haven't done anything like this... well, ever, really."

He raised a playful eyebrow, smirk twitching his lips.

"Did you enjoy it?" he asked.

She smacked him on the arm and scolded him for fishing for compliments. His reply was to lean in and tickle her neck with his nose before he began to kiss and nip at the sensitive skin, making her squeal and laugh as she wriggled in his lap, the blankets twisting up even further between and around them.

"Okay, okay," she said. "Stop. You win. I enjoyed it."

He pulled back, his eyes sparkling with flirtatious merriment, a smug smile on his lips. When Nell felt she could breathe again, she decided to ask him a more serious question that had plagued her mind until she'd fallen asleep last night... okay, well just about five hours ago in the wee hours of morning.

"Can we do this again?" she asked, studying his face intently.

He rocked his hips beneath her, stirring up some very interesting friction, as he made a mock contemplative face.

"I think I could give it a go." He grabbed her hips and pulled her down flusher onto his lap so that she could feel the quite significant erection straining against the fabric barrier between her thighs. The contact was gentle but made her gasp harshly as it pressed against some currently rather tenderized flesh.

He gave her a scrutinizing look. After the previous night, he obviously had intimate and thorough knowledge of the sounds she made, those of pleasure as well as discomfort.

"I don't think I'm up for anything too... um... penetrative at the moment," she said, smiling to show him that she wasn't really in pain, just a bit worn out.

He cupped her face with his hands and stared deeply into her eyes.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" He grimaced at his choice of words. Because of course, he had hurt her. He knew he had as well as she. Because she had asked, begged for him to be rough with her. He stroked her cheek and she leaned into his touch. How could she have ever doubted him, been nervous that he'd think poorly of her, judge her, regret taking her to bed?

"I mean, I didn't damage you, did I?"

"No," she said. "I'm just a little sore. I'll be fine, probably by tomorrow."

A tension that she hadn't realized had hunched his shoulders and tightened his jaw released, and he leaned in to kiss her gently on the mouth.

"Hey," she said when he pulled away. "Don't think I'm going to forget you didn't answer my question."

She felt her stomach flutter like a patch of chysalises had burst into a nervous swarm of butterflies in the depths of her belly.

Oh, don't make her ask again. She definitely was not going to beg… this time.

Callen played dumb.


"Would you want to do this again?" she asked with false disinterest. "I mean, we never said it had to be a one-time deal."

A slow smile curved his lips.

"I'd like that," he said, kissing her soundly, his arms wrapping completely about her to pull her tight against his chest, the sheet and blanket tugging tightly, twisted about their bodies. They were certainly in a horrible, wonderful tangled mess now.

And loving it.


A/N: I know, it's naughty of me, but I just used this to set up another story… I should've finished this one off a while ago, but, you know, life… distractions… etc… Hope it was fun little smutty read! And maybe look out for the equally naughty sequel...