A/N: This is my first attempt at a story in the Ozzy and Drix fandom. I loved the show and absolutely adored Osmosis Jones. I hope you all enjoy the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Ozzy and Drix characters, only the OCs.

Luke Marrow ran through the alleys of the city of Kevin as he tried to get away from the mob that was after him. He ducked around a corner and stopped to catch his breath, holding it briefly as the mob of germs, bacteria and viruses ran past where he was hiding. When they were gone, Luke slowly and quietly let out the breath. It was dangerous to be a white blood cell in this city. It was completely overrun with disease and the police department were helpless to fight against it.

Luke jumped when his cell phone began to ring. He reached into his inside jacket pocket and pulled it out, pressed the "talk" button and placed the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Luke, where are you, man? I've been lookin' everywhere for you."

Luke sighed in relief when he heard his best friend's voice. "Red, you've got to help me. Everything's backwards. I'm being hunted down like I'm the virus."

"Where are you? I'll come and get you," Red said.

Luke looked out of the alley and swallowed hard when he saw a few viruses coming down the alleyway. He ducked back into hiding. "They don't know when to quit," he groaned.

"Tell me where you are and I'll come and get you," Red repeated.

Luke looked around for anything that would give him an indication to where he was. "Upper right arm...I think," he replied.

"I'm almost there," Red told his friend. "Don't let them catch you."

Luke crept further down the alley. "You don't have to tell me," he said.

"Luke," a smooth, velvet, seductive female voice called. "Luke. I'm ever so lonely. Can you come out and keep me company?"

Luke ducked behind a dumpster and held his breath. A shadow stretched across the ground and Luke shrank further into his hiding place.

"Why don't you come out and play, Mr. Marrow?" the female voice asked. "Your friends miss you terribly."

Luke squeezed his eyes tight at the mention of his comrades. However, they weren't his comrades anymore; they were her lackeys. They had stopped being the Immunity force a long time ago. Luke was the only one left who hadn't fallen under her control.

"Where are you hiding, you slippery leukocyte?"

Where are you, Red? Luke wondered.

Just then, a car pulled up at the other end of the alleyway. A red blood cell was driving. Luke recognized the driver as Red Haemoglobin. Taking a few deep breaths, Luke shot to his feet and bolted for the car.

"You're not getting away from me this time, Marrow!" the female voice shouted.

Luke made it to the car and jumped in. "Drive!" he yelled.

Red hit the gas pedal and the car shot forward. Luke turned around in the seat and saw a female virus run out of the alley. She didn't look happy, but he didn't care. Luke sank into the seat and closed his eyes, breathing a sigh of relief.

"You okay, Luke?" Red asked as he headed further down the arm towards the hand.

"You saved my cytoplasm," Luke said.

Red smirked. "That's what friends do," he pointed out. "I'm not gonna leave you to your own defences."

He leaned over and opened the glove box. Luke's eyes shone with delight when he saw the enzyme blaster inside. He reached in and pulled the gun out, running his hand over the body of the gun.

"Hello, baby. Daddy missed you," Luke said to the blaster. He looked over at Red. "Where'd you find it?"

"The bladder," Red answered. "I would have gotten here sooner but it took me forever to get that gun clean."

Luke examined his weapon. "I thought I was done for when they took my enzyme blaster. Good thing they weren't expecting me to use hand to hand combat."

"Lucky thing," Red agreed.

Luke gave his friend a worried look. "What's wrong? Besides the obvious."

Red swallowed before speaking. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"She didn't get to me, if that's what you're wondering," Luke replied.

Red didn't say anything after that. The friends continued to drive in silence. After an hour's drive, they stopped at an abandoned apartment building in the palm. Red drove into the underground parking lot and the friends climbed out of the car and headed inside. Red and Luke made their way up to the apartment they were staying in. Ever since bacteria and viruses took over the city, any uninfected immunity cells went into hiding; unfortunately they were soon discovered and shortly afterwards were infected.

Luke knew he was pushing his luck every time he stepped out of the apartment, his near capture proved that. But he couldn't just sit back and do nothing as the city fell to ruin. It was in his DNA to fight disease. However, DNA wasn't going to be enough to kill this virus.

Luke went over to his bed and fell down on to it, burying his face in the pillow. Red sat down at the desk and started work on cleaning his enzyme blaster. He was the only red blood cell in the entire city who had a weapon. His main job had been delivering oxygen to the muscles before the infection grew out of control. Now his job was keeping Luke out of the main virus's hands, and she was the virus to end all viruses.

"We need to get out of Kevin," Luke said, looking up from the pillow.

Red moved his eyes to glance up at his friend. He had the same idea, but never had the guts to bring it up. "How do you propose we do that?" he asked.

"We swipe a haemocopter and fly out of here," Luke replied.

"And how do we do that when all the haemocopters are being used to track us down?" Red wanted to know.

Luke buried his face in the pillow again. "I don't hear you coming up with any brilliant plans to get out," he said, his voice muffled by the pillow.

Red sighed and laid his blaster down on the desk. "I want out just as much as you do, Luke, but we have to think this through carefully. If we slip up someone else could get infected," he explained.

"Kevin's an idiot," Luke grumbled. "How could he not know that girl was HIV positive?"

"He's a teenager," Red pointed out. "I think someone turned off his common sense when he hit puberty."

Luke sighed and turned over on to his back, putting his hands behind his head. "In all honesty, we were idiots, too," he mused. "We didn't know anything was wrong until some of the guys down at the station started flaking out on patrols, letting germs and bacteria escape. I mean, what leukocyte in his right mind would let criminals run free?"

"None," Red answered.

Luke placed a hand on his chest and clenched the fabric of his shirt. He closed his eyes. "There's no one left," he mumbled sadly.

"We just need help," Red told him.

Luke shook his head. "It's too late. Even if we managed to flush her the damage is done. Immunity's shot, Kevin's under the control of viruses galore, and who is there to stop them? Us? We're a paranoid leukocyte and a rebel red blood cell whom everyone thinks is cancerous."

Red couldn't help but smirk. "Now that's funny," he said.

Luke looked up at his friend. "Are you cancerous?" he wondered out loud, half-joking.

"Do you really think I'd be helping you if I was?" Red asked. "If I was cancerous there would be nowhere you could hide. Blood cancers, surprisingly, affect the blood, most of them affecting the production of white blood cells such as yourself." He twirled the enzyme blaster around his finger. "So, it's not you who should be asking if I'm cancerous, but the other way around."

Luke laid his head back down on the pillow. "Things have gotten weird," he commented. "There's so many rumors flying around about us that I'm beginning to believe them."

Red placed the blaster on the desk. "We're the good guys, Luke," he assured his friend. "It's Hive. She's got everyone turned against us."

Luke draped an arm over his eyes. "I want things to go back to the way they were before. I wish Kevin had never met that girl."

Red shrugged. "Same here. But there's nothing we can do about it."

Luke lowered his arm and sat up. "We're getting out, Red," he said. "No matter what it takes, we're getting out of this body."

Reviews are welcome, flames are not