Hey, new story!

Summary: Clary Morgenstern was always getting bullied but when her parents get divorced she moves with her dad halfway across the country leaving her brother with her mother but on agreement that she spend her senior year living with her mother, but when she comes back will she be the Clary they knew or will she be a new Clary?


"Hey ginger!" yelled one of the popular people. Another pushed my books out of my hands. "Ugh I wouldn't go near her she's probably diseased or something" yelled out Kaelie, the meanest person ever. By now I am in tears and I start running to the bathrooms but before I make it I hear someone yell out " What!,Gingers have souls?" "She is just crying because she knows you're right" said Kaelie. They all laugh. My brother isn't here anymore he started middle school this year now I am all by myself.

I run into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I am short and have hair that looks like it is on fire and I have emerald green eyes. I have no curves or anything.I wipe off my tears and try and get through the day.

They kept calling me names, I ignored them but their words hurt. I made it home and my parents called my brother and I to the living room.

"Now you know your father and I love you but your father is going to be moving to California and I'll be staying here, we are getting a divorce" My mother said to us.

"Now you both get a say with regards to who you want to go with" my father said.

"I want to stay with mom" Jon says automatically. Jon never liked our father but I don't see why.

They all look at me. It is a perfect way to get out of here.

"I want to go with dad" I say.

Mom looks surprised then miserable, Jon looks shocked and dad looks well I think he's surprised.

"Are you sure, Clary" My mother asks.

I can only nod my head.

"Well then it settled" says Dad.

"Wait!" says my mom.

"Yes?" says Valentine.

"You can't expect me not to see my only daughter and you could see Jonathon if you wanted" Jocelyn says pleading.

"Jonathon has made his choice and for Clarissa ...Well" He says unsure.

"Clary would you like to come back for senior year?" she asks me.

"Okay" I say.

I will become a girly girl and become popular and show them I can be popular.

"So it's settled!" says Valentine.

In the end Valentine got custody of Clary and Jocelyn got Jonathon.

But they were in agreement of Clary coming back for senior year.