I don't own Hetalia. I know my grammar may be a bit off, but if you point it out I will fix it. So the final parings are PurCan obviously, FrUk,Sparmo, and RusAme! Happiness! So on to the story!

Guess who sucks at updating, me!


Gilbert ran a shaky hand through his hair as he watched the action bellow, which was mostly sweet, innocent Mattie throwing punches at Ivan, the monster sized Russian.

"Does he do this often?" Alfred grunts.

"Their not even going at it. You should've seen it this one time Mattie not only broke his nose but knocked out a few teeth, but of course Mattie go his nose broken and lost his front tooth." Alfred screams some words of encouragement as Matthew sent another right hook into Ivan's jaw.

"Holy fuck." He mutters, watching Mattie take anther blow to the gut. Matthew raises his fist ready to strike again, only to have the coaches whistle sound.

"Showers you two now!" The balding man screams, at the bloody and bruised pair.

"Whatever" They mutter skating off.

"Your right hook has gotten better Mavey." Ivan happily comments as they walk towards the locker room.

"I swear your face has gotten harder or something." Matthew whines as he vigorously shakes his hand, trying to get some feeling back into it. Ivan chuckles, rubbing his jaw where a nice bruise has started to form.

"So are you weirded out by me wanting to ask your brother out?"

Well that was out of the blue. Matthew thinks to himself as he watches Ivan enter the locker room. "In all reality I should be but no I'm not. But I think it would be good for Al to have someone else in his life besides those Neanderthals he calls friends." Ivan laughs as he pulls his practice jersey off.

"Look at the the blood you got on it." He whines waving it at Matthew. "Kat it going to be angry." Matthew snorts. For a giant Russian Ivan could whine up a storm.

"Just tell her it was me, she loves me." Ivan rolls his eyes.

"That's why she will be mad." Matthew raises an eyebrow.

"Then tell her you fought the Swede." The Swede was their center froward, standing about six five, ripped, with the cuties little Finnish boyfriend.

"Then I will have to worry about Tino coming after me." Both boys shutter at the thought. The little Finn was scary as hell when someone messed with Berwald.

"Okay so not the best idea I've ever had." The Canadian mutters pulling of the chest padding leaving him with just his jeans on, and Ivan the same.

"Mattie, dude you where awesome out there!" Alfred cheers as he walks in to the locker room, Francis, Gilbert, and Antonio at his groans.

"Al, what have I told you about bursting in here when people are changing."

"It's not like you guys have anything to be ashamed of." Alfred mutters, Francis smirks.

"You are right Alfred these two certainly have nothing to be ashamed about. Especially physically." He winks and pulls a rose out for effect. Alfred fakes a gag, Antonio crinkles his nose, Gil sighs, Matthew and Ivan turn many shades of red.

"Thats nice of you to say." Matthew mutters, pulling on a shirt. "Ivan wasn't there something you wanted to ask Al." Ivan blushes.

"N-no" He stammers not looking up.

"Oh come one big guy what did you want to ask the all amazing hero?" Matthew grabs Francis and Gil.

"See you two later." He say over his shoulder as he pulls a disgruntled frenchman and a curious German out of the room. Antonio follows along seeing nothing interesting is going to happen where his is.

"So big guy, what did ya wanna ask the hero?" Alfred asks trying to calm his nerves.

"Well I wanted to, no you will think it a stupid idea." Ivan mutters. He turns to leave only to find his path block by a red faced American.

"Look here Ivan either you tell me or ya don't leave." Alfred crosses his arms in a vain attempt to make himself look more imposing to the bigger teen. Ivan looks down at the other, even though he is almost a head taller and weighs fifty or sixty more pounds the smaller stands his ground, Ivan finds this cute.

"Will you go to the dance with me?" Ivan rubs the back of his neck trying to control the heat on his face. Alfred stops, it's like his brain isn't working at the moment. Half of him screams yes but the other half screams no.

Ah fuck it.

"Sure why the hell not." Alfred says fighting down his blush. Ivan smiles at the redding American. "Well I should um go and make sure Mattie hasn't um killed those idiots." Alfred more or less runs out of the locker room pulling out his phone and texts his bother.

To I'mcanadianbitch

From TheHero

Dude Ivan asked me out! Wtf! Help me!

Please Review
