A.N. So this is request form nooneneeds2know I hope that if you read this that it is okay that it is Self insert it is just that I wanted to make one so bad so here it is


I was once again engrossed in the world created by the awesome author Darren Shan when suddenly my twin Blue decided to come crashing through the house and miss the door completing to race back and yell at the top of her lungs.

"Hey Salmon, look what I got!" I let loose a sign, saving my spot between Darren and Steve's final fight to see what had my twin so excited. What I saw held in her hands soon had me bouncing up and down forgetting completely about the book now lying unceremoniously on the ground.

"Jesus Blue where did you get that!?" She let out a smile then said the one thing I wished I would never have to here escape her lips. "I got it from a creepy dude on the corner," she paused as if thinking as my smile disappeared. "The dude kind of reminded me of the man you locked in our closet."

When she said that I looked up from the DVD player wondering how the heck she knew about the man. She smiled as if knowing the question that was unspoken.

Blue sat down on the crappy busted up brown chair in the room and continued to smile then said the strangest thing I ever heard. "The man was very nice, we had a tea party up stairs, the spider even showed up." I stared up at my sister seeing her staring back at me with that crazed look she gets.

I turned back to the DVD player finally inserting the disc and finally sitting down trying to forget what Blue had just said. The beginning was good and interesting but suddenly it came to a scene of the worst kind.

Blue and I watched the horror unfold watching as a fat man in a fancy black tuxedo claimed that he was the man in our closet. I looked over to Blue and noticed that she was stroking a strange watch that I was now used to seeing. Blue was suddenly squeezing it with that crazed look again probably hoping to kill that man on the TV.

I saw movement to her left and looked at the bright yellow coat and on his feet were the green rain boots I smiled knowing that with the creep now in the room he can help us set this movie straight. Blue looked behind her and Noticed the man as well, sadly giving him his watch back, which I knew deep down she wanted to keep. "Hey Destiny want to watch this mockery of an amazing story with Blue and I?" I asked with extra rudeness in my voice. Blue smiled as Des Tiny frowned at the movie playing on the screen.

We had enough of the movie when we saw Gavner the man we all pictured as a pig faced scarred loser that we all loved. "He looks like Gomez Adams!" Blue exclaimed as I finally found the remote and turned off the TV.

We knew that we had to fix this so I looked up to the man now standing behind me. "Hey do you know where the Cirque is showing?"

Desmond thought for a second closing his creepy eyes then opened them again and looked at me as sharp toothy smile on his face. "Yes I do know where." I stared at the fat man getting angry with his stalling. "Then tell me where they are you fat man." I said to him knowing that he would be angry yet not hurt me since I still gave him food and allowed him to stay in our closet.

"The Cirque is performing in a country side in Scotland." His stated matter-of-factly which he knew irritated me. I turned to Blue and Smile "You know what this means?"

Blue frowned knowing exactly what I meant. "I'll go get my suitcase." She said a little sadly.

A.N. So this is where I am going to end it this chapter to leave you thinking as to why Blue is sad about getting her suitcase (Blue is not my twins true name nor is Salmon mine they are just close enough to our real names. Also Desmond Tiny does not live in our closet, just wanted to put that there. :D

So until next time Peace, Love, and Virtual Hugs.