Disclaimer: There will only be one Disclaimer, and it will be on this chapter. There will be no more Disclaimers beyond this Chapter.

I do not own Naruto or any character, nor do I claim to or receive any profit out of this.

By the way, to all those who wanted me to delete the Authors Note. It's impossible. So once this Chapter is up, I will delete that one... But I will however place everything in that chapter below this chapter.


By the way, if you want you can check MrGoodyTwoShoes's review. It has the Rules on it.

Updated: 10/19/2013

The sound of Metal cutting through flesh filled the air as Naruto narrowly escaped death, he rolled on the ground and quickly got up, he looked around in the dome he was trapped in. Looking for any sign of the bastard flying through those mirrors, if they could be considered mirrors, that is.

"Move out of the way!"

He heard Sasuke said, to late. A Senbon found it's way in his leg, right through his Achilles Tendon. He fell forward, landing face first on the ground, he screamed in pain and tried to get up.

"Don't bother, I cut your Achilles Tendon, you won't be able to get up."

He didn't know what the hell an Achilles Tendon is, but he worded it as if it was important, so it probably is. He tried to get up again and begun to worry, in the middle of a battle, and he can't get up! He couldn't move his leg! Well he could but still! This was really bad! What if he could never walk again after this? What if his leg never heals? What if-

"Enough of this, it's time for you to die. For what it's worth, I am sorry." He heard, he rolled on to his back and saw a Haku in every mirror in front of him, he starred in horror as they all took position to throw them... All... At... Him.

He can't die now! He still had to become Hokage! He still had so many things he had to do! He had to finally get a date with... Sakura... Sakura, Kakashi, Sasuke, Jiji! He can't die now! He-

His thoughts were interrupted, once again, by the sound of Metal meeting flesh, however, he felt no pain... Which means...

"Sasuke!" He opened his eyes and starred up in front of him, there stood Sasuke, arms out and legs open protecting him from all of the Senbon, Sasuke coughed up blood and his arms fell to his sides as he looked back at the Dobe he knew as his Teammate, the only one he knew who understood his pain.

He fell on to his knees and directed his body to fall sideways, he grunted in pain as his back hit the ground and turned his head to look at the blonde idiot.

"Listen... To me, Naruto." He said, but was soon interrupted by his teammate.

"Sasuke! Don't say anything! Save your strength! You are going to survive-"

"You need to exact vengeance against my brother for me... Naruto, there is no way-"

"SHUT UP! You WILL survive this! You have to... I won't let you die Sasuke! I promise!" Naruto said, trying to once again get up, but failed. Sasuke chuckled at this.

"Naruto... I never admitted this... But you were the closest person I had to call a friend... No, you ARE my friend, Naruto... I want you to-" He coughed up more blood, "I want you to get revenge on my brother for me... Do what I couldn't... And don't let my death be in vain... Naruto. . ." Sasuke closed his eyes, and felt Death's warm embrace grip him... He wondered how his parents will look at him... Will they be angry he didn't avenge them? I'm sorry... Father...

"Sasuke!" Naruto screamed, tears fell down his eyes as he stared into his friends closed eyes...

"Is this the first time you've lost someone important to you? Well that's how things work, in the life of a Ninja-" He stopped abruptly as he heard him whisper, "What was that?"


"What did you say?"


"Could you please speak up? I can't hear you."

In the blink of an eye, Naruto was right in front of the real Haku, Fist cocked back, Haku saw his life flash before his eyes as he stared in to Naruto's eyes, he remembered his life, meeting Zabuza and all that came with him, the war he and Zabuza fought in, and he felt fear as he realized, this was the end. He was going to die by this boy... This young boy in front of him... Those eyes, he will remember them, if he can, he will remember those eyes.

The eyes that belonged to Uzumaki Naruto

"I said SHUT UP!" He punched Haku as hard as he could, breaking the Ice Mirror and the mask of Haku, sending him flying out of the dome, he rushed towards Haku and cocked his fist back, preparing to punch him, and launched his his fist forward as it met Haku's mask, he grabbed Haku's collar and punched him again, and again. He screamed, staring into the cracked mask. Pulling his arm back to punch him again, he watched as his mask shattered, showing the boy he saw earlier...

He paused long enough for a clone of Haku to sneak up behind him and stab him in the back of his head where his brain was with a Senbon. It pierced his skull, killing him instantly.

His body slumped forward, landing on Haku. Haku moved the body off of him and stared at the dead body next to him... He shook his head and got up, before rushing to the fight his master was in.

He heard the sound of crying and looked back to the place he killed the other boy, and saw a girl crying near him, holding his dead body. He ignored the girl and quickly rushed back to the battle.

Kakashi heard crying and briefly looked to the dead body of Sasuke and Sakura hugging it, he didn't have time to think as he dodged another swipe from Zabuza.

Obito, I'm sorry. Was all he could think before once again focusing on the battle.

He hoped Naruto was still alive...

He heard footsteps and looked to his right, he saw Haku and could only assume the worse.

"Haku! Did you finish up?"

Haku nodded, Kakashi's heart skipped a beat.

No... Not again...

Everywhere he looked was darkness, left, right, up. Just endless inky darkness. He drifted endlessly, lost in thought.

I'm dead? I can't be dead! I can't be! I still have to be Hokage! I have to get revenge for Sasuke! And protect my precious people! I can't die here! Not now! But what could he do? Nothing... He could only drift and think... Was this hell? He doesn't know how long he has been here. But he needs to get out. NOW!

Suddenly, a bright light shown at his eyes, and before him stood a big word in bold.


..."What the hell? What is this?" He tried to swim over to the word, but soon the light started to slither towards him, cracking the darkness as it went, he watched as it touched him, and pain erupted within him, threatening to overwhelm him as he tried to get away from the light in any way he could, swim from it, walk, nothing worked. He just finally decided to let it go... And he watched as each and every time the light touched him, more pain erupted, until he couldn't take it anymore. It felt as though he was being stabbed repeatedly in the heart, he watched as the light encircled him and swallowed him whole, he closed his eyes and silently wept, wishing for the pain to end.

A miracle happened, and it all stopped, he looked around and noticed light surrounded him from every angle. What was once a giant word in big bold letters was replaced by light. Then, pain exploded within him, and he looked down, he was fading away! He looked at his hands, and only one thought crossed his mind.

What the hell is going on!?

He slowly opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the sky, the grey clouds he hated so much. And he got up, and looked around, he noticed Sakura crying near a lifeless body of Sasuke Uchiha, He looked towards Kakashi's direction and noticed a giant army of bandits. Kakashi was standing barely and watching as Zabuza slaughtered all of the Bandit's before him. He looked at the dead body of Haku. Staring into his lifeless eyes, it seems as though he was stabbed through the heart.

"Gatooo!" Naruto turned around to see Zabuza charge and stab Gato with a Kunai, Gato coughed up blood and fell backwards, Zabuza turned around and stared at the bandits, the bandits then ran away in fear. (The cowards, then again Naruto guesses he might have ran away too.) Zabuza dropped the kunai and started to slowly approach Haku's dead body.

His eyes widened and he looked towards me. Kakashi turned around, "...N-Naruto? Is that you?!" Kakashi said, slowly getting up.

Naruto didn't know what to say, he looked down to his feet and looked at his hands, he looked up to Kakashi, "I...I.." He stuttered, Kakashi ran forward and hugged him.

"I thought you were dead... What happened? Haku said he killed you." Kakashi asked, Naruto's eyes widened, his memory was fuzzy, but he definitely did NOT remember being murdered. "I don't remember." He said simply, "Forget about that, we will talk about it later..." Kakashi said.

"Good... Because I am really tired..." Naruto closed his eyes and let the darkness take him..

Naruto woke up to see the familiar ceiling of the Konoha Hospital. "Great, I'm back in THIS place." He grumbled.

He lifted his head and looked around, before getting off the bed. He heard a knock at the door and quickly got back on it and closed his eyes, feigning sleep.

Didn't want to get in trouble with the nurse... Again.

He heard the door open and resisted the want to open his eyes, he, however, decided to open them a bit to see Sakura standing there, with a sad expression on his face, holding flowers. He opened his eyes.

"Sakura!" He exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"

Sakura looked at him with a surprised expression, before her face melted back into her previous one. She started to cry and hugged Naruto.

"Naruto! I'm so sorry, this is all my fault! If I wasn't so useless, Sasuke wouldn't be..." She said as she cried into his arms.

His eyes widened, then he closed them, his mood replaced, taking it's place was Sorrow, he remembered the fight, Sasuke's Sacrifice, and his Berserk rage and attacking Haku.

He couldn't believe Sasuke was gone... He was really gone... He never expected this to happen. And he knew what this meant. Sakura is going to more than likely fall in to a deep depression, most likely. He knew she adored Sasuke, and now he's gone. More than likely she will quit being a Ninja. He doesn't know to much about Kakashi-Sensei, but he does know that he will be pretty sad as well.

His team was falling apart... And it was all Haku's fault!

He will avenge Sasuke! He has to. Then he will help Sakura out of her Depression, he can't do much for Kakashi-Sensei, but he will find a way... He has to...

He remembered Sakura crying next to him...

He will have to help his team first, and try to keep it from falling apart.

Yes, that is what he'll have to do...

He patted Sakura's back... He will remember Sasuke. And he will honor his last wish. But Sakura needed him.

And he will be there for Sakura.

Kakashi walked inside of the Hospital, he heard from Sakura that Naruto was awake 2 days ago, but even though he was alright, he has to remain for a little longer to ensure that nothing is wrong, he WAS near death after all, and he suffered a pretty nasty cut to his leg, where Kakashi didn't know. But apparently that was half the reason why Naruto was still in this place.

Kakashi walked up to the Receptionist,

"I'm looking for Naruto Uzumaki."

The receptionist looked slightly disgusted for a second, before looking at her log.

"...Room 14 on floor 2." She said, he walked away without thanking her.

Kakashi walked up the steps and took a turn, he found himself in front of Naruto's door, he walked in unannounced and waved in his usual greeting,


"Hey Kakashi-Sensei..." Naruto said.

Kakashi sighed and walked up to the boy in the bed. He sat down on a chair and looked down on the ground, thinking about how he should approach the subject.

"...Naruto, I'm sorry about Sasuke... I failed to protect him. If I trained him better, if I trained you three better, this all would have never happened.." Kakashi said somberly, "It's not you're fault Kakashi Sensei... If I realized how bad the situation really was, this would have never happened. It's all my fault..." Naruto said, equally as somberly as his Sensei... No one said anything for a few seconds

"...Well enough of that. I came here to Inform you about your new Teammate, you will be meeting him... After Sasuke's Funeral..." Kakashi said, looking down.

He waited for the inevitable outburst and protest, but it never came... He heard a sigh and looked up at Naruto,

"I knew he would be replaced... Had lots of time to think... And even though I don't like it, I know it has to be done... He probably would have wanted it this way..." Naruto said,

"That's a very mature thing to say, Naruto. I just want you to know, no matter what. You still have other Teammates and friends. And many things will change because of Sasuke's... Death... But you still have many responsibilities and friends. You have dreams, Naruto, big dreams. And if you want to accomplish them, you need to always remember these things. And don't do anything stupid, like try to follow Sasuke's dreams-"

He held up a hand to stop Naruto from interrupting,

"Sasuke was different, he was him. You can't accomplish his dreams for him. I'm sure he wouldn't want that. I know Sasuke wanted to kill his older brother, Itachi, but if he were to fight him, he would lose. And you would to. So don't try to fight Itachi, I don't want to lose another student..." Kakashi finished.

Naruto was surprised, even though he was wrong when he said Sasuke didn't want him to kill Itachi, he was right. He still had dreams and friends, sure a lot of things will be different with Sasuke gone, but he has to move on. Many people have lost friends, many people have had friends closer than him and Sasuke, and they got over it. They still kept going and they didn't follow his friends dreams for him. Sorry Sasuke, but he can't accomplish his dreams. He was sure Sasuke would understand..

"By the way, don't think of Revenge either, Haku died at the bridge with Zabuza." Kakashi said,

Naruto was shocked, Haku died? How?

"He ran in front of my Chidori when I was about to kill Zabuza, Zabuza died by fighting a countless amount of bandits and killing Gato. The bandits didn't die, but they ran away when the village people finally took up arms. They didn't have to fight though." Kakashi explained, he got up off the chair and walked towards the door.

"Oh, and Naruto... They named the bridge after you, the Great Naruto Bridge, they called it." Kakashi said, before walking out with a smile on his face.

He didn't miss the huge grin on Naruto's face.

Finally, Naruto gets out of this Hospital today! It took them 3 days to figure out he was alright. And just in time to... For Sasuke's Funeral... Stop that! I am sure Sasuke wouldn't want me to act like him all the time and brood. No, he would want me to act happy, be happy.

Naruto pushed the Hospital doors open and walked out, he needs to get home and change into his...Funeral Clothing.

Naruto ran home as fast as he could, he looked up to the sky momentarily and looked back in front of him, he was unable to find out what time it was, due to the gloomy clouds above him. He kept running and reached his apartment building, he ran up the stairs and unlocked the door before charging in.

He ran into his room and closed the door, before quickly changing into his funeral clothing, he opened the door and ran out, before closing and locking his apartment door, he slowly walked down the steps and then ran as fast as he could to the location of Sasuke's Funeral.

The rain started to pour down as many men and women alike looked at the picture of Sasuke Uchiha, the Last Uchiha Alive, well, the former Last Uchiha.

Many cried and many held in there tears, but one Naruto Uzumaki had no tears to hold, or to pour down his face. He was sad Sasuke was gone, but he shed all of his tears when he witnessed Sasuke's death, although... Something just doesn't feel right, this was supposed to be a time of mourning, yet... He can't help but feel as though most of the people here aren't really sad at all, just acting that way, he knew one person that is undoubtedly going through a lot of pain and sadness. He looked to Sakura and saw her crying, he moved his hand onto her shoulder and she looked to him, he gave her a sad smile and he hugged her, she cried harder and hugged him back.

A few minutes later she stopped crying, and he let go of her, it was time to pay his respects to Sasuke, He looked to Sakura and saw her holding a white rose in her hand, he himself had a flower as well, he met Ino at the Flower shop on the way there, and asked for a flower, she asked him what kind of flower, he replied any kind, she then went into a long lecture of flowers and flower meanings, he asked for one that symbolized friendship, she smiled and gave him an arborvitae.

He saw Kakashi walk up to a stand near Sasuke's tomb. Preparing to say a speech, Naruto guessed.

"Sasuke wasn't a very nice kid... Hell he wasn't even pleasant, but he was a dreamer, an avenger he called himself. He wasn't very friendly or happy and he was arrogant, but he was still a good person, he died protecting a friend in need, like a true hero. He may not be nice or friendly and he may not be many things, but he was one of the most loyal kids I have ever trained, truly he was one of a kind, and even though he is now dead. I am sure he died without regrets." Kakashi looked to Sasuke's Tomb, and imagined a ghost of Sasuke nodding with his natural expression.

A man walked over to Kakashi, "Thank you Kakashi, is there anyone else that has anything to say about Sasuke?"

"I do." Naruto said, the man turned to look at him and glared, "Fine." The man said, he knew there were a lot of Demon-Lovers nearby, so he had to be careful, he walked off the stand and 'accidently' pushed past him, Naruto got up off of the ground and glared at the guy, then he walked up on the stand.

He has been preparing a Speech ever since he heard about the funeral, time to use it.

"Uchiha Sasuke was the closest person I had to a best friend, in fact I saw him as my brother. I never thought he would die, you know? I mean, I knew he would one day, and I knew he could. But, I guess I never actually understood that fact. I thought I could protect him and all of my other friends, guess I was wrong.

But I won't let his death be in vain. When I was in the hospital, thinking about everything that happened, and replaying the memory in my head over and over, I just felt as though I could have done more, that I could have saved him, I couldn't stop blaming myself. I couldn't even believe he was gone, I thought I would have felt better if I got revenge... But I realize now, that wouldn't do anything but make it worse.

I have to move on and be there for my other friends. To better protect them. Now, I will be there for them. I will get stronger and help my remaining friends, and protect them from anything and everything! So to Sasuke... I'm sorry I couldn't help you... But I promise I will never let anything like this happen again!" He said, looking at Sasuke's Tomb.

Everyone was speechless, many looked in Naruto's eyes, and they saw an unrecognizable fire burning within them, and anger. Anger at himself and at his current situation, but they saw the fire, the determination in his voice, the tone he was using. Suddenly an image of a Young Minato overlapped those who knew his father's vision, they recognized the fire now.

It was the Will of Fire.

Many of the people there looked at Naruto in a new light, they were shocked that the Demon could be so... No, that boy is not a Demon, he was Konoha's hero, he saved it once. And now he has lost a friend... Most of the people there had the same thought in their minds...

Such a cruel fate has been dealt to that child.

But few still believed the boy was a Demon. Not knowing he changed the opinions of many, Naruto walked off of the stand and walked over to Sakura, who smiled and hugged him, he hugged her back and smiled warmly, before looking over to Kakashi, who was giving him one of his famous Kakashi-Style eye-smiles... Kakashi nodded at him, and Naruto smiled and nodded back.

The funeral was now over, and it was time for Naruto to meet Kabuto, his new teammate. Naruto walked over to Kakashi and an odd man with Onyx eyes, like Sasuke, and ash-gray hair tied in a long Ponytail and bangs framing either side of his forehead. He wore a dark purple shirt with a high collar, a white under-shirt, dark purple fingerless gloves with armoured plates on the back of the hand, a white cloth waistband worn at an angle, dark purple pants, blue sandals, and a shuriken holster on his right leg. He was also wearing glasses.

"Naruto, nice of you to join us. This is Kabuto, Kabuto, this is Naruto." Kakashi said, introducing the two to each other.

"Hello Naruto-san, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"You too, Kabuto." Naruto said, grinning.

Kabuto smiled, "Well, I have to go. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry about what happened to your friend, Sasuke." Kabuto said, before walking off.

Naruto winced and looked depressed for a second and sadly smiled. "...Even though I said I will move on... It still hurts." Naruto said. Kakashi looked at him with sadness, thinking of a way to distract the blonde. "...Hey Naruto, why don't you take a day off, then you, me, Sakura and Kabuto will have a training day, hm?" Kakashi said, his eyes shaping in the form of n's.

Naruto perked up at this, he grinned at his Sensei, "Alright! What time?"

Kakashi placed his hand on his chin, "How about... 7:00?" Kakashi said, Naruto nodded.

"Alright! Well, bye Sensei!" Naruto said, running off. Kakashi smiled beneath his mask and walked away.

Naruto ran off with a smile on his face, he believed he did good today, and he resolved to stick to what he promised and not let another friend die! He decided to go train, but first...

Naruto walked into a nearby training ground, the smile on his face twisting into a firm frown, he sharply turned around. "Show yourself! I know you're here!" Naruto shouted.

A few seconds later, he heard clapping in the North-Eastern direction and turned his head over and saw Kabuto walk out from behind a tree. "Impressive, even though I wasn't really trying." Kabuto said, a sinister smile on his face. "Kabuto? What are you doing here?" Naruto asked,

"I heard you're speech, Naruto-kun. And I have to say, I was impressed, very so. In fact, I want to help you with your goals. You want to protect you're friends, and I want to help you do that." Kabuto said.

For some reason, Naruto didn't feel he should trust the Gray-haired Genin, and normally his instincts are most of the time, right. "...What's the catch?"


"Yeah, you want something out of this deal, otherwise, you probably wouldn't care to help me. " Naruto said, Kabuto's smile widened. "Very observant Naruto-kun, all I want is you're loyalty and maybe to run a few tests on you." Kabuto said, Naruto's eyes widened, "Tests? What kind of tests?" He asked,

"Tests like, DNA sampling, Blood transfusions... You know, stuff like that." Kabuto said, Naruto looked confused, before thinking.

"...How can you help me?"

Kabuto grinned, hook, line, and sinker. "I can teach you many things, I can give you the power you need to protect you're friends..."

"...What can you teach me?" Naruto asked,

"Fuinjutsu, Ninjutsu, and many Medical Skills." Kabuto said.

"Fuinjutsu? What's that?" Naruto asked, Kabuto looked surprised for a second, before frowning.

"You don't know what Fuinjutsu is? You don't know what you're missing, it is a very strong Ninja art." Kabuto said, "Many great Ninja are great because of Fuinjutsu. They are also very powerful." Kabuto knew he had Naruto after he said that. "So, do you accept my offer?" Kabuto asked, smiling.


AN: That was the first chapter, more than likely the next chapter will take a little longer than a week to finish, my brother is always on this laptop I am currently using, and I just got GTA V and Skyrim: Legendary Edition. It will take a while to beat them, anyways. Here is the actually pretty useless information of this story.

Summary: Naruto died fighting Haku in the Land of Waves, but the problem is... He didn't stay dead.

No pairings.

Major Characters: Naruto, Kakashi, Hiruzen, Jiraiya, Kabuto, Kyubi. (Will add more on a later date)

The Naruto in this story will be strong, very. He will NOT be Godlike.

Naruto will have a slow development, he will have a more realistic view on life, some characters will be or seem very OOC.

A new chapter will be out every Friday.

The chapter will be between 3,000 and 5,000 words. Always.

If I lose interest in this story, like I have done many times before, I will give this story to someone else more willing.

Criticism is welcomed. Flames are also welcomed, good reviews are welcomed naturally. Useless reviews are NOT welcomed.

Please, if you make a review, at least make sure it will help me with this story. If not, don't bother reviewing.

The first chapter will be out 9/20/13.

Message me for any questions, or any ideas you have.

There will be a poll on my profile whenever I get "stuck" on a part of a story, and do not know what to do.

Message me if you have any ideas on an OC as well. If I like them, I will use them.

By the way, sorry for the wait, this WAS supposed to be done and online on the 24th, not the 20th. I got the date wrong.