First rated M story. Please tell me how it is and if I should continue.

warning! Yaoi!

How could things possibly get any worse for me? Forced to be kept in a all boys school filled with horny bastards AND has to do the school work? If I do it that is. I think this is the moment where most teens would say FML.

Well, let me not be an outcast.


Why would THIS happen to me? I know I was an ass hole to all the teachers in my last school and made my way through all the girls but still.

Why an only guys!?

'So you don't fuck any more chicks.'

Stupid sub-conscience.

I shoved my face in my pillow. I had zero sleep the night before because I kept thinking about how my new school would be like. It isn't even the beginning of the school year! My eyes flutter closed finally giving up and deciding maybe it is time to sleep. The warmth coming from the sheets fills my body making me want sleep even more. It's about time I started to doze off-

Beep! Beep! Beep!

My bloodshot eyes open and I slap my hand on the alarm clock, only for it to continue to make the dreadful noise. I started pounding on it with my fist trying to hit the snooze but it looks like fate had better plans.

I grow aggravated and rip it out from the outlet. The noise seized. Out of anger I threw it across the room leaving it to smash in pieces.

"I wanna see you beep now mother fucker."

I sigh and pull the covers over my head.

Finally, peace and quiet.

"Natsu!" I punch the wall.

I don't know how my alcoholic mother could be up considering how much she drank yesterday. Thinking she was going to sleep in I thought I could skip today and also sleep in.

'Maybe she heard your alarm clock dumbass'

I growl.

Who even turned that thing on!?

"What!?" I shout through my locked door. I could almost see my mom frown. I know she hates it when I answer her by saying 'What' instead of 'yes mother dearest.'

That's why I do it.

"What did you just say?" She asks, giving me another chance to redeem myself. I snicker. "Did I stutter!?"

This went on almost everyday. We would argue and argue then dad would come home.

And you don't even want to know what happens next.

"Get your ass ready for school. You don't want to be late on the first day."

I surpassed a laugh. "And what makes you think I don't want to be late!? I fuckin hate school!" I glare at the door as if it where her.

"Well ain't that to bad huh?"

I clench my fist and counted to ten. It hardly ever calmed me down but the five thousandth times a charm.

"Hate you!" I yell. "Love you too Hun!"

I hated it when she does that. Maybe that's her way of getting back at me for saying 'what.'

I mutter under my breath as I walk over to my dresser.

Oh, and did I mention the uniforms? Nope, guess not. Well, we have to wear them.

'Its the policy.'

They made me buy stupid ass gray pants and a navy blue shirt with there logo on it or whatever.

I shook my head. "No way." I told myself. I am so not going to go by there rules and wear that.

Instead I chose to wear my dark jeans and a tight black shirt. This usually made the girls come running but alas, there aren't going to be any girls. Which leaves me with 90% of my clothes going to waste.

After putting on my converses I slammed the door open, making sure my mom could hear it from downstairs. But then I mentally slapped myself for not thinking about how dad would react. If he was awake, that is.

"NATSU!" He's awake. I quietly grab my back-pack and headed down stairs. He was in his usual spot in the kitchen reading the newspaper at the table. I walk past them and reached out to grab the handle.

"Your not going dressed like that ate you?" My 'Mother' asked me with a beer bottle in one hand. She wore her everyday black sweater and baggy jogging pants.

Yes, my unemployed mom that somehow still managed to buy her drinks. What a wonderful child hood I had.

"Go back upstairs and change." 'Father' ordered me. I sighed. "No." Here it comes.

He puts down his paper and glared at me with a cigar in his mouth. He pulled it out and puffed the smoke in my direction.

Damn him.

I wave the smell away. "What?" He calmly spoke. I started to count. 1 "go upstairs and change now." 2,3,4 "Are you listening?" 5,6,7,

He stood up and towered over my body. Why was he so tall? He looked down at me with hate and anger. Fear surged up within me but I hid it by continuing to keep a straight face. I didn't look at him, instead I looked to the side and crossed my arms.

This always ticked him off.

He growled and grabbed a handful of my hair. After yanking at it he stared at me intensely. Seeing if there was any change in the look an my face.

I held my tongue forcing myself to not whine from the pain.

He smiled at me. Yup, he's my bipolar abusive dad. What a lovely pair the two made.

He patted my shoulder with his coalesced hand then ruffled my hair.

'You must have made him proud' the voice snarled at me. I walk out of the house and made sure not to slam the door.

Walking to and from school was actually the only time I liked. It was quiet. At home I often heard the arguing of my parents and me and at school the annoying gossip and chit-chat from the girls made it hard to even doze off.

Walking to school was the best.

I could probably skip out on the first day but the system the school has would immediately call my dad and you know how that could get. Then again I could go home, pack up, rob them blind, and run away. After considering the option a simple thought came to mind.


I did a heavy sigh. How could I forget about my girlfriend? That blond and I have been dating for a long while, and I actually think I love her. Maybe.

I groaned out loud. I was alone walking down the sidewalk so i didn't care. I hated being separated from her. While I'm at the school filled with gays she's on the market.

I hated how things where turning out lately. It seems like slowly my life is crumbling away and getting blown off by the wind.

I sighed again.

"If you keep making noises like that the LN are bound to hear it."

I practically jump out from my skin. What the fuck? I look back and see a guy with spiky orange hair and hazel eyes. He was an average hight, about the same as me and wore glasses. He kinda reminded me of my "friend" Leo.

'Four eyes.' Shut up!

I shake off the shocked feeling and continued to walk. "Sorry, my Mommy told me not to talk to strangers." I waved my hand back. "Oi, wait up!" He yelled running over. I roll my eyes. So much for a peaceful walk to school. "You new?" He asks. "Do I look new?"

The teen sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Um, yes."

"Then why the fuck you ask?"

He continued to rub the back of his neck. "Anyway," he stopped and looked at me seriously. "Are you a virgin?"

My jaw dropped. Who-What!? Who would ask that to somebody they just met a seconded ago?

"Nope." Why the fuck did I answer him so quickly?! He sighed in relief. "You done it with a guy be-"

"HE'LL NO!" I interrupted him. He laughed again. This guy was starting to annoy me. "What's up with the questions?!" I asked not masking how aggravated I was. He smirked. "Just seeing how long you would survive."

'Well that's interesting.' I cocked my eyebrow. "Survive?" I frowned. "Survive what?"

Was this school actually jail or something? Did they sell and trade the teens to spend the rest of their lives as slaves? It's rape isn't it!? I'm going to get rapped!

"The school. Once people find out that your 'new' you'll be on every mans hit-list." I rolled my eyes. Jealous pricks. So what if I'm new? You don't need to beat me up. If I even allow it that is.

"As in beat me up?"

"No." No? Then what the fuck does he mean?! "Maybe I should reword it." He frowned and took a deep breath. "Fucklist." My face turned as white as a sheet but I kept my cool. The guy seemed confused. I knew I was going to hate this school but, to get targeted and possibly raped. Gross.

"Y-You mean..." I trailed off. He shook his head yes. I gagged at the thought.

Then I heard rustling in the bushes. A cold chill ran up my spine. I slowly turned around only to be tackled by a blue haired guy. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. I expected to be punched or something but instead received laughing.

That orange haired four eyes was clutching his side from laughing. I looked over at the guy that sat on my stomach. That little fucker was laughing to.

I laid there shocked for a moment.

Then reality hit me like a bitch. Not that hard but shocking.

I've been set up.

"You ass holes." I tried not to laugh. This was kinda funny though. In my old school we always did this to the newbs and scare the shit out of them. But actually having it done to you, woe.

The blue guy got off of me covering his mouth. I huffed and dusted myself off. Four eyes walked over and rested his hand on my shoulder,

Still laughing.

"Sorry, we couldn't help ourselves." He spoke between gasps. "Yea, but, what he said was true."

"I can't fall for the same trick twice." I mutter. "No, really. 90% of the males here fucked each other allready, and I'm sure they want 'fresh meat'" he quoted.


The blue guy stuck his hand out at me. "I'm Jellal." He smiled brightly and closed his eyes. I hesitated at first, but I shook his hand. "Natsu." I murmur. "I'm Loki." Four eyes finally stopped laughing.

"So," I wondered. Where these guys gay. They didn't seem it but, better to know than to not know. "You guys gay?" I asked blankly.

Loki paled and Jellal shook his head. "Nope."

I smiled.

"Good. I'm not in the mood to get raped now." I continued to walk down the sidewalk. I didn't expect them to follow me though.

'Guess there friends now'

The sides if my mouth slightly moved up. But nobody would notice that.

I liked to keep my emotions hidden. It's safer that way.

When we reached the doors I opened then quietly. I do not need attention. But even if I was as quiet as a mouse, they still heard me.

Eyes surrounded me and looked up and down my body. The once loud hallway was silent watching me. tge sound slowly came back but in whistles and snickers. I grew agitated. "Fuck off!"

Everyone's heads turned and almost all of them where blushing.


"Do I go to the office or something?" I ask. "Yeah, want me to go with you?" Loki said while checking the time. "I can handle myself." He was about to say something, And as if on cue, the bell rang signaling the teens to go to class.

He waved goodbye and I saluted them.

Within minuets the hallways where deserted. Not a man in sight. I sighed as I walked next to the lockers and ran my hand over them as I went.

I forgot to ask where the office was.

Damn it.

I strolled aimlessly around the school. Where the fuck is the office?

Suddenly something slammed me against the lockers. My cheek was squished up against it and my hands and arms where held behind my back. The hold reminded me of a cops hold when I got arrested one time.

I struggled to get out from the grasp but this ass must have a good hold.

'Weakling' my RUDE sub conscience spoke.

" you should know the rules," he pressed his body up against my back and I could feel the growing erection.


"One, your not aloud on this side of the school alone." I gulped now wishing Loki did tag along. "And your not even wearing your uniform."

I jerked my head back trying to headbutt him but he only dodged my attacks. He held both my arms uncomfortably behind my back with one hand, and used the free one to grab me by my hair and pull up.

I bit my lip.

He pulled my head to the side revealing my now, exposed, neck. "Haven't seen your sexy ass around school." I could almost feel his smirk. He sniffed from the bottom of my neck to behind my ear. Once he got there he inhaled through his nose and let it out from his mouth.

Chills ran down my spine. "What's your malfunction? Let me go." I once again tried to free from his grasp only to fail miserably. "What's the rush," I could feel his hand slither up my shirt and trace my abs.

The bulge in his pants was practically stabbing me by now. He blew into my ear moving his hand back to my poor hair, and tried to move my head even more to the side. I bite even harder on my lip.

"Your so hot." He said before trailing kisses on my neck. he started to suck on it and hummed while doing so making my skin crawl.

Then he slowly bit down on the, now, purple area hard enough to draw blood.

I gnawed at the inside of my cheek.

He only did a simple inside laugh.

He stuck his slimy tongue out and licked around the wound, slurping up what little blood it gave off like it was a snack.

I frowned and cursed and cursed in my head. This was disgusting.

He once again let go of my abused head and trailed it down my body, rubbing it, still, while sucking on my neck.

He started rubbing at the insides of my thighs.

My hole body tensed at the touch. "Oh," he whispered huskily into my ear. Cold sweat ran down my body and I could feel my mouth filling with blood.

He continued to rub the sides of my thighs and say wrong, dirty, shit, in my ear.

This was wrong, so wrong. I knew something like this would happen.

I felt like crying for some reason but I kept my straight face on, forbidding me never to show emotion. Never.

He stuck his thumb in the inside of my pants and played with the waist band. "You want me to touch you huh?" He asked grinding his member against me. I closed my eyes. "You like it when I touch you huh, slut?" He said while skillfully unbuttoning my pants with one hand.

He reached into my pants but quickly he ripped his hand away along with his grip.

I shit around to see his cowering in the floor with another guy glaring daggers at him.

I just realized my heart was pounding against my chest and my face was flushed.

The guy in the floor, who I presume, almost had his way with me had white spiky hair and slanted eyes. He was in the paler side and seemed scared if the other teen.

The other teen looked to have a stronger build with raven hair. He had a scar in his forehead but his bangs covered most of it. His eyes are what's noticeable though. His dark blue eyes look as if they could peer into your soul and know everything.

I didn't notice I was staring at him until he looked at me. I froze. What was going to happen!?

'Well he did save your ass, so maybe he'll show you the office or something.'
I don't even think I want to go to the office anymore.

Blue eyes walked over to me and slammed me into the locker. I don't know why I didn't fight back. Maybe it was him holding my wrists or the fact how his body pushes mine against the locker.

It maybe it was the look in his eyes. His forehead rested on mine and he just stared into my eyes. It reminded me if an animal, ready to ponce on his pray and eat him up.

The moment I blinked he smashed his lips against mine. My eyes grew wide as u held back a gasp. He forcefully rammed his tongue into my mouth. The unwanted intruder explored everywhere! Everywhere!

I closed my eyes tightly when he let go of my wrists and moved them behind my head to push me deepening the kiss.

He pulled back and a string of saliva was the only thing that connected our patted mouths.

I stood there shocked still processing on what just happened.

He leaned in and whispered into my ear. I didn't hear much but I did hear this.

"Shadow Knight."