Hi, this is my first of many. If you enjoy my story, please favourite, follow on Twitter TheDarkSpartan117 - to find out the latest info about the story before it's posted - and review. If you want your OC in this, I will accept most requests.

Sorry if I make spelling mistakes or something. My beta, kojiluvr, will be fixing most of that, but we're only human, so some things might slip past us.

I'm gonna tell you kinda what it's about now, and if you like it, please read. Don't like, don't read or flame. OR I WILL FIND YOU! (JK, JK. No, seriously. Don't flame. Please.)

A young boy, Jason, was a slacker, someone who partied and didn't really care about others. Until the day of the big fire arrived. The fire that killed his father. As he grew older, he began blaming himself. Until the day came that he was going to kill himself. At that time, he was taken to a military camp. He was genetically enhanced and was destined to become the ultimate. Killing. Machine. As time went on, he became more and more emotionless. Until a friendly A.I. built off a human tissue cell, named Halsey, became his partner. He was put into a suit of armour. The armour being bullet proof, missile deflectant, super-human and he became utterly indestructible. With this power, he was told that he would be protecting the world, for that is what he thought would pay back for the incident of his father's death. But what he didn't realise was that the whole scenario was different to what he expected, due to the fact that he was fighting a rebellious force. What will he do when he figures out his most loved one is the leader of the rebellion? And as the sky grows weary, will he realise that he's awakening an old evil, the true reason his father 'died'?! Read to find out! :)

Disclaimer: All characters used in this story is not owned by me, it is owned by 343Industries and they have full copyright to any material I use that is in any of their games, books and action figures. I OWN NOTHING other than my OCs. LOL

B/N: kojiluvr here! Please review on this story. Please. Otherwise TheDarkSpartan gets kinda cranky. And when he ain't happy, ain't no one happy. JK, but please review.

The Evil Awakens

You don't know me.

I'm the thing that lurks in shadows. Scratch that, I am the shadow. I'm your shadow.

Each time you're scared, you make me stronger.

I will seek revenge on all who have done me wrong.

I see you've found a new puppet. You call him S117.

Will you tell him what happened to me the one before him?

You tried to make me into your super-soldier. But as I started to find out what really was going on, I saw the real purpose of your programme.

Instead of making me the super-soldier, you made me a shadow, an unwanted being, a thing you tell your child isn't real when they have a nightmare.

I am the beginning of the end, The. Dark. Spartan.