Welcome everyone and thank you for reading my story!

Please be sure to give me some feedback and reviews! I would love to know what you all think and what I can do to better improve the story!

Also, the characters that are from the Harry Potter series belong to the amazing J.K Rowling! All other names used in this story belong to me! :-)


It was a nice, warm fall night in Godric's Hollow. The leaves on the trees have just started to change colors. As the wind blew, the leaves flew to the ground. Right down the road from an old church was the Potters' house.

Lily was finishing up clearing off the plates from the table while Harry sat in his high chair, amused by a book with moving illustrations. In the living room, James was seated in a height chair close to the fireplace reading the Daily Prophet. As she started to remove Harry from the chair, she could hear her husband huff in the other room.

"Well, I always new good old Snivellus would amount to something like this," James grumbled as he snorted while reading the Daily Prophet. It had been a rather long day and he had not had the time to read through it earlier that morning. He had been with his friends working on some new skills to get ready for the war.

"What are you on about now?" Lily sighed, coming from the kitchen with Harry in her arms. She sat down in the couch opposite of James' chair, an oak wood coffee table between them.

"Sources say here that muggles were attacked by Death Eaters at a local park in London."

Lily rolled her eyes while gently putting the little boy on the floor and sitting on the couch. She reached over to the coffee table, took a toy of a wizard flying on a broom, and handed it to Harry. The little boy giggled and started to play with it. James observed his son and a small smile formed on his lips.

"How do you know that Severus was involved?" Lily asked James. "You do realize how many Death Eaters there actually are."

James took a deep breath, taking his focus from his son to his wife.

"Well, for one, the muggles that they attacked were not all muggles. One of them was actually a witch from America who was here visiting some family. She claims that she was pushed by one of the Death Eaters and saw black hair fall the hood of his cloak. Not just that, but apparently the same Death Eaters had and I quote 'midnight black eyes,"

"She claimed," Lily laughed. "Honestly, James, that does not make it certain. For crying out loud it could have been Bellatrix Lestrange."

Harry started to crawl towards the stairs. His toy had made its way up the staircase.

"No, my sweetheart, not up there," said Lily as she rushed over to the child, picked him up, and kissed his cheek. She took a look at the clock that was on top of the fireplace and noticed that it was getting time for Harry to be put to bed.

"Wait a second," said James, standing up and going over to the two before they went upstairs. "You really think he is still Mr. Innocent? This must be a joke."

After all that the man had done, James could not see why she would want anything to do with Snape. Not only had he called her a horrible names, he also hurt lord knows how many people.

Lily raised her eyebrow. "Did those words even come out of my mouth?"

"Why must you always insist on defending him? You know the type of people he was always around in school. Not even to mention what he called you." James shrugged. "It just doesn't make sense to me. Are you not upset over everything that he's done?"

"Of course I'm upset. Any person with a spike of humanity would be," She glanced down and noticed that Harry had started to fall asleep in her arms. "Can we please just stop talking about this? I have to put Harry to bed, and no matter how many times we talk about this, you honestly just don't seem to understand."

James gave her a confused look. "Last I checked, I was trying to understand all of this. Which is why I asked you about it in the first place."

Lily sighed and started to walk up the stairs to head to the nursery. "I'm so tired of having this argument with you, James. It seems like every time Severus is mentioned by anyone, you want to start in about things you just do not understand."

"Don't understand?"

"Yes, since I have explained my reasoning to you over a million times," she stressed.

She walked up the stairs, turned left into the nursery, then placed the child inside the crib. The nursery had a crib on the far wall away from the door with a window just above. On the other side of the room sat a rocking chair, a changing table, and a chest of toys.

Lily leaned over and kissed the top of Harry's forehead. "Goodnight, my darling boy."

Harry gurgled something, then rolled on his side.

James followed her up the stairs and leaned against the doorframe arms crossed over his chest. "Yes, and every time you have explained it, you alway end up sticking up for the man. I want to discuss this now."

"Bloody hell, James, will you just please give it a rest," she snapped. "Look, I'm not defending him. I just don't believe he is as bad as people say. You don't understand the life he has had."

"People have the right to say what they want. There are plenty of people who had a rough life as well. And they turned out just fine, there are no excuses. I mean, just look at who he was always hanging around with at school. Remember how he got awfully close to Malfoy and the rest of those no-good Slytherins?"

Lily didn't respond, just rubbed her temples. She glanced over to make sure that Harry was still sleeping, which thankfully he was.

He sighed. "How many people does he have to kill and torture for you to see who he truly is?"

"You have no proof that he has done any of that stuff," Lily replied. "Besides you did your fair share of bullying at school if I can recall."

"Yeah," James laughed. "But by your standards of proof, we also have no proof of anything those Death Eaters do."

He chose to ignore the last comment. To be honest he was rather mean to Snape while in school. However, James felt like he deserved everything he got.

"James, I'm so sorry," said Lily softly moving to stand in front of him. "But no matter what he has done I will always have a small place in my heart for him. You never knew the good person he used to be. I still hang on to those memories every day. He is my friend, and again, you should not forget the fair share of torment you did to him while in school."

James's eyes were cold. "I do not want him mentioned any more in this house. I have no idea how he has brainwashed you, but I do not like it one bit."

Lily breathed in and exhaled slowly. "Fine, whatever you say. I'm done with this. Just remember that you are the one who started this whole thing in the first place."

She pushed past him and out of the room to head back down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" He asked, following her down the stairs.

"I'm going for a walk to get some air. Please don't follow me. I just need some space for a few minutes."

"Look, I didn't mean for what I said to come out so cold or heartless." James reached for her arm. "I just do not like it when you always defend him. Like he is the good guy."

Lily sighed and moved out of James's grasp. "Save it, okay, James," she whispered, truly hurt by his words. "You say you don't mean for it to come out cold but it does – every single time. No matter what I say or do, you will always feel this way. I will be back later." She walked out the door and made her way down their driveway.

She could hear him calling her name in the distance. But she didn't care one bit. As she was walking she couldn't seem to help the tears that started to fall. She furiously wiped them away. She smiled at people as they passed her not wanting them to stare at her crying. Some were couples taking a night stroll, while others had just finish doing some grocery shopping.

She turned down a side street and walked past the old church down the road. Next to the church was a new grocery store that had just opened up not that long ago. In between both places there was small alley with several dumpsters at its end.

Lily truly could not understand why James always gets so worked up when Severus is involved. Yes, she understands that he may have done some terrible things, but so had James. If James had been put into Slytherin, would he really be any different. He often talked about power and wanting to become a stronger wizard. Had he been put into Slytherin, he may have become a death eater himself.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard her name.

"Lily?" a voice hissed quietly from the alley as she went by.

She stopped and turned to see where the voice came from. Several people walked past, giving her annoyed looks for stalling in the middle of the sidewalk. She continued to look around confused and nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw movement in the alleyway.

"Who is there?" she questioned, realizing now how stupid it was for her to leave without a wand. I mean they are in the middle of war right now!

The voice sighed in annoyance. "After all these years, you honestly can't recognize my voice?"

Her green eyes went wide. The voice was dark and deep. Of course she recognized it. "Severus?" she gasped, looking around really fast to make sure no one else was there. "Are you alone?"

"Of course. Well, at least, for now," he stated. "Look – there is something I must tell you."

Lily stood frozen, still in shock. People continued to give her strange looks as they walked by, although some also chose to ignore her stationary form.

Severus moaned. "We obviously do not have all night. Would you please stop gapping around like a fish so we can talk?"

Lily shook her head. "How are you here?"

"Come here and I will tell you."

She looked at him, uneasy. "You're really alone?"

Severus stepped to the edge of the alleyway so she could see him in the streetlights. He put his hands up as if he was going to surrender. "I promise I'm alone. No one else is with me. May we please talk?"

She sighed and hesitantly walked into the alleyway, he followed her down to the very end to make sure that no one could see or hear them. Severus stood on one side while Lily the other. She crossed her arms and started to rub them with her hands. The weather had started to grow colder later at night and she had forgotten to put on a coat.

"What do you need?" she asked bluntly. She was really not in the mood to deal with him. Especially after the fight she had just had with James. She was shocked just to see him, much less carry on a conversation with him. They had not spoken to one another in months. She knew that he was for certain a Death Eater. They have had a conversation before about the matter. Which had ended in her storming off and leaving him to feel guilty for the decisions he has made. She would never tell James – it would only make them fight more – but yes, she knew. Severus had made a poor choice and was now wishing that he could change his decision, but he knew that was impossible without being killed.

Lily noticed that Severus seemed more tense and tired than normal. He had large bags under his eyes and seemed to be just more on edge. Lily could read Severus's emotion more than most people.

"Severus?" she prompted, for he still had not answered her.

"To speak with you about the Dark Lord," he said finally.

Lily's face visibly paled. "What about him?"

Severus sighed. "There is no easy way to say this, so I will just come out with it. He seems to believe of a prophecy that speaks of a child born at the end of July. Though many details were not given, he speaks of finding the child and destroying it."

She stared at him in disbelief, trying to figure out ways they could have misheard the prophecy. When she allowed the information to sink in she felt colder than before.

"Nn- no," she stammered out. "There has got to be some sort of mistake."

She looked at him for any signs of this being a joke, but found none: Severus merely frowned and shook his head.

"Oh my gosh!" Suddenly feeling very sick, she leaned against the brick wall behind her as her legs fell weak and she crumpled to the ground.

She took a few deep breaths.

"What would make him think of Harry - I mean, there have to be other babies that were also born then – "

He started to take a few steps towards her. "Why don't we go somewhere more comfortable to talk about this," He glanced back out of the alley. The Dark Lord has been sending Death Eaters here a lot lately."

She looked at him with wide eyes. "You have got to be kidding? For how long?"

He shook his head and turned it to look at the end of the ally way. There were people who kept passing by. He began thinking about what could happen if Death Eaters were to find them right now. It would not only be his life on the line, but hers as well.

"How does he know where we are located?" Lily started to freak out, bring him out of his trance. "Who would have told him?" At this point Lily became hysterical and started hyperventilating slowly moving backwards to lean against the wall.

Severus kneeled down then grabbed her arms and shook her slightly.

"Breathe, Lily. He does not know for sure, only has suspicions. He has been sending his Death Eaters all across the country looking."

She let her head fall against the wall and looked up at the sky. She sighed when she saw it looked like it would start raining soon.

Lily snorted. "Is that suppose to be comforting news?"

She rubbed her face with her hands and started to rub her temples. This night was becoming much more of a pain in the arse than she would have liked.

"No, but we must leave. I do not want to risk getting caught." He started to look around again. There were now more dark clouds in the sky then before, which meant it would probably rain soon.

"Now you think of this?" She raised an eyebrow as she started to stand up.

"Sorry for having other things on my mind," he snarled, showing his own anxiety visibly for the first time that night before quickly masking it again.

"Where do you want to go? I can't be anywhere near my house. I'm not ready to deal with James just yet."

"Trouble in paradise?" he smirked. Even though he was worried as hell about what Voldemort was planning to do to her. Well, not really her but her son. Which would hurt her if anything happened to him. However, even with all of that going through his mind, he still needs to hold on to some hope that she will want to be with him. That maybe she can see the kind of man James Potter truly is.

"It's complicated," Lilly replied. "Let's just go to your place."

"I suppose that could work," he said while helping her to her feet. "Ready?"

She nodded. Taking his arm, she felt cold air moving rapidly around her and closed her eyes. Once her feet met the ground, she let go of his arm and placed a hand over her forehead, her nausea returning.

"Bloody hell," She moaned while putting her hands on her thighs and leaning forward.

"Don't tell me you have never Apparated before," he sneered.

She narrowed her eyes. "It's not like I do it every day of my life." She sighed. "Let's go – I need to sit."

Thank you all and please leave me reviews letting me know what you think.