A/N: HELLO MY VIEWERS! OMG, I got good reviews on my songfic! So im creating another one! This is dedicated to everyone who reviewed to 15 Years Of Pursuing Luigi! The song I used for this is Clean Freak by Gumi, but I was inspired by Kubi Shune's version! M because its yaoi lemony-rapish. The pairing is TamaKyo. The song's based on them both, talking about how dirty people are. NOTE: I DON'T THINK KYO-CHAN IS REALLY A PERV, ITS JUST REALLY FUN TO MAKE HIM LIKE THAT!

Disclaimers: I OWN NOBODY! If I did, I would get rid of Haruhi so Tamaki would date Kyoya. Also, the twins would be together.


We don't need these unclean feelings,

or these unpleasant thoughts

Look, for everyone to be happy

is expecting too much, it's this dirty

"K-Kyoya?" Tamaki whispered. Kyoya put a simple finger to Tamaki's lips.

"Shh….." Kyoya said. "This'll all be over soon."

"N-no!" Tamaki stuttered. "This isn't right!"

Kyoya glared. "I'm only human, I can't stop myself."

"Everyone is different" people say,

Our VALUES and PLEASURES are the same

But if it becomes inconvenient this time,

It's "we're only human" just saying whatever you want

"I-I'm not a fag!" Tamaki shouted. He shut his eyes tightly, he tried to pretend that he was miles away.

Kyoya pried his eyelids open. "No, Tomo-chan. Look at me."

"Nnng….." Tamaki squirmed. "No…..this isn't proper…not right….."

So then, make a proper textbook with proper definitions

the ideal way of life, with pure, proper boy-girl relationships

"I'm just so lonely without your cute ass….." Kyoya whispered into Tamaki's ear.

"I-I understand…" Tamaki said. In reality, he didn't.

That's right, when we say we're lonely,

and just pretend to understand each other

the truth is, we're mistaking satisfaction for love

we really don't understand anything, huh

We're pretty useless the human race

it is already much too late

beacause our instincts fit on

whichever wavelength is convenient

In our dirtied feelings

our hearts are like stone

the disastrous scene we all seek

is already so dirty, don't touch me

( three hours earlier…. )

"K-Kyoya!" Tamaki said through sobs. "I-its HORRIBLE!"

The shadow king looked up from his computer. "Did the twins post up more naked pictures of Haruhi? I can easily take them down…."

"HA HA HA HA HA!" Two identical brothers appeared and stared to poke at the king. "Haruhi doesn't like you! She thinks you're an idiot!"

Kyoya glared at the two. "Hikaru, Karou! Stop it!"

The Twins gave Kyoya a mean look, then walked off to torment another student.

Tamaki burst into tears again. Kyoya growled.

"What does she have that I don't?" Kyoya thought bitterly.

Your sob stories, have been continuing for awhile now

What're you trying to do? poking fun, jeering,

and when you've had enough no laughing, isn't that strange?

( 30 min earlier…. [ before lemony rape XD ] )

Kyoya groaned, it smelled like his father. Smoke and alcohol. He pinched his nose, it smelled disgusting.

"T-Trust us, Tono-chan!" The twins slurred, clearly under the influence. "Kyoya will -HIC!- totally be into you after this!"

Tamaki took a few hesitant glances at the twins. Then he did the same for the drink. Then he slowly started to consume the bitter beverage.

Kyoya busted into the room, furious. He snatched the drink and threw it to the floor. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, TAMA-" He gasped. One of the bottle shards had severely cut his arm. Blood gushed onto the floor. Kyoya passed out from the massive blood loss. As he did, he knocked down 18 beer bottles, the liquid going into his mouth and down his throat.

Tamaki's eyes widened. "Kyoya!" He rushed to his side.

Always worrying too much about your appearance

Almost as though you're facing your enemy

It's pretty dangerous inside your head

( Present time….Mwa ha ha rape! [ sorta…Tamaki enjoys it! I'm fucked up, I know. XD ] )


"K-Kyoya!" Tamaki moaned. "P-Please! Not here!"

"Here." Kyoya growled. ( Tamaki was VERY turned on by this ) He grabbed Tamaki forcefully by the hair, then pinned him to the wall and kissed him with great passion and lust. Tamaki moaned into the kiss.

"I have no one but you…"

That's right, we're always poisoned with greed

We quickly get tired of what we obtain and throw it out

and then we quickly find our next toy, and say

"I don't have anyone but you"

In the end, I guess it's like that

after all, humans are quite SELFISH

even we're like that

slowly being dyed in a dirty color

It's like I'm cooling down

I don't want to see any more hypocrisy

That's why I'd rather cry it all out

Look, don't get any closer to me

Tamaki's skilled fingers ran down Kyoya's chest, slowly reaching his pants. Kyoya moaned softly at the contact. Tamaki rubbed the bulge in Kyoya's pants, elicting a louder moan from him.

Tamaki waited for Kyoya to snap out of it. He waited to be pushed off him, waited to be punished by Kyoya.

He never did.

Night describes an overflowing dream

Morning embraces shining hope

Facing forward purely and properly

"wait. Don't push yourself."

There's no one who'd say that

crying, struggling, on the verge of tears

How many times have I had these thoughts

I love cleanliness too much, so

I don't want to see anything anymore

We're pretty useless the human race

it is already much too late

in this world filled with egoism

even taking a breath is difficult.

( Morning…. )

Kyoya was fast asleep, and inserted into Tamaki. He groaned as he woke up, what the hell was he doing last night? He suddenly saw the position he was in.

"Did I rape Tamaki?!" Kyoya whispered to himself. He slowly removed himself from Tamaki, trying not to hurt him. Tamaki's eyes slowly opened, then he stared at Kyoya.

"Tamaki, I didn't mean to…" Kyoya was stopped by Tamaki's lips.

Tamaki broke from the kiss. "You didn't do anything wrong! If I believed that you were, I would've pushed you off of me."

Kyoya was at a loss for words.

Tamaki crushed his lips into Kyoya's, gaining dominance.

Everyone understands that we're selfish; what values?

so shut your mouth I don't know any more

well then, bye bye.






Kyoya Ootori.


Me: Well?

Kyoya: : '~C

Tamaki: [ faints ]