A/N: I haven't really attempted a wrestling story that went along with a week, to week bases, but I'm going to try. So, I hope you guys enjoy this.

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone except Ariana. Title to the name credited to All Time Low, but the story has nothing to do with the song.

August 26th:

On Air;

Everyone stood at the top of the ramp watching on, knowing their jobs, their lively hoods hung in the balance if they dared to help Daniel out. Suddenly dirty blonde ran down the ramp. The WWE Universe oblivious to who this mysterious, courageous girl was running into the ring, and why no one seemed even attempedt to stop her. Not even the COO HHH.

As Randy Orton went in for another punch she grabbed his right arm. Piercing blue eyes looked into black, challenging him to continue his assault on the bearded man. "Don't do it." She said, in a warning voice.

The Viper softened up instantly. He looked around in the ring to the three other men nodding his head to dismiss them. As the 'hounds of justice' took their leave Randy, and Daniel's savior continued on with stare down.

"Who does this girl think she is!?" JBL yelled through the speaker.

"We know full and well who she is John." King said.

That's how Raw went off air that night.

Off Air;

"You did well tonight my child." Paul said with a beaming smile.

It was his oldest child's debut tonight, and even though she didn't wrestle, he knew she made a huge impact.

"Thanks dad." The bubbly blonde said smiling back at her father.

"ARIANA!" She heard her full name being called. She cringed at this.

"Aria, Orton, call me Aria." She said irritated.

"Sorry, Aria." He said rolling his eyes. "You did good out there tonight kid."

"Don't call me kid Orton." She huffed. It was no secret that Aria was not a fan of the Viper, and when her dad told her that she'd be airing as his onscreen love interest, it didn't go over to well. "Thank you though. Hopefully tomorrow's recording goes over smoothly as well. I'm going to go find Mike guys. I'll talk to you later."

Randy watched the blonde as she walked away. After she was gone he finally paid notice to his boss who was still standing there. "Don't give me that look Paul."

"You know I'd say don't look at my daughter's ass Orton, but I know that's not why you were watching her leave." Paul crossed his arms looking at the young man.

"She's your daughter Paul. How could she be so naïve to be with Mike? He's cheating on her left and right and she doesn't see it, or worse, she's ignoring it." Randy said with a sigh.

"Let her make her own mistakes Randy." Paul said feeling himself get angry. He knew Randy was right. Mike was a well known cheater, but his daughter still saw the best in him. She seemed to always find the best in everyone, except Randy. "As for now, you should really stop falling in love with her."

"I don't lo-" Randy started, but Paul raised his hand and cut him off.

"You're not fooling anyone Orton. Just give her time. She'll leave, but don't expect her to run into your arms when she does." Paul patted the man on the back and left him standing in the hallway.

"Where are you Mike?" An angry Aria asked over the phone.

"I went back to the hotel."

"We rode here together. I have the keys. So, how did you get back?"

"I took a cab."

"Mike ALL your cash is with me. You did not take a cab."

"I don't need this. Bye Aria"

Aria heard the beep on her iPhone signaling he'd hung up on her. She threw her phone at the wall and gave a yell of frustration.

"I know you have a lot of money, but that still doesn't make it okay to break an iPhone."

"It has a life proof case. It will survive." Aria said walking over and retrieving her phone. She kept her back to the person who was standing at her door. She didn't want them to see her cry. The tears were threatening to spill at any moment.

"Why do you do it?"

"What exactly do I do?" She said tilting her head back feeling frustrated.

"You let him cheat Aria. You deserve better than that."

Aria spun around angry, "He's not cheating!"

"Can you honestly say that with getting that painful lump in your throat, and fighting those tears that are building up in your blue eyes right now?" He asked softly. He hadn't come to start a fight. "I've been there Aria. Denial only makes the pain drag out that much longer."

"There's nothing to deny." Aria said trying to be strong.

"Oh, cut the crap! You're living in denial every day. If you walked into your hotel room right now he wouldn't be there, and you know it."

Aria ran up to him, and as he prepared himself to get slapped, he almost fell back when she wrapped her arms around his waste and hugged him. "Why is he doing this Randy?" She said letting the tears fall down her face. "He should have been behind that curtain when I walked up that ramp tonight. We should be out celebrating."

Randy wrapped his arms around the petite blonde and let her cry. He gently stroked her hair trying to calm her down.

Aria snapped her eyes open realizing who she was hugging. "I need to go." She said grabbing her bag. "I need to see if the hotel has any extra rooms for me tonight."

Aria made a mad dash to her car. Luckily almost everyone had left the arena so there was no one to run into. She hopped into her rented Mustang and made a dash for the hotel.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but there's no hotel rooms left." The lady behind the counter said.

Aria ran her hand through her hair and sighed. "Well thank you for looking." She said giving the girl a soft smile and walking to the elevator.

Just like she expected, Mike was not in the room. Aria was too weak to even cry about it. She threw her duffle bag on the ground, and then threw herself on the bed.

What a mess today had become. It was supposed to be one of the best days of her life, and she'd let a guy ruin it.

Aria laid there for 5 minutes when her hotel phone rang. "Hello?"

"Room 1005, it's a suite. Bring your bags, its better here than there." He said and then hung up.

Aria hung up the phone. As much as she hated Orton, it would be better for her to stay with him than wait for Mike to come back smelling like her. So, she grabbed her bags. Left her about to be ex-boyfriend a note, and headed out.

On her way to the elevator she ran into a couple of the superstars. "Hey. Blondie where you headed?" Ryan (Ryback) asked.

"You leaving for the next city already?" Nick joked.

She smiled at the guys. "No, I uh, am going to stay with a friend tonight. Just couldn't be in my hotel room when Mike decided to show up." She said giving them a small smile.

"It's about damn time." Nick said with a smile.

"You're so compassionate Nemeth." She said with a small chuckle.

Aria and Nick had been friends for years. With their dads wrestling together, they seemed to spend a lot of time on the road with them. Both their moms had bailed on their dads when they were younger. It caused a bond for the two that no one could really break. The fact their birthdays were on the same day, along with Aria's dad, had seemed to make their bond a little bit stronger.

"I know doll." He said with a wink, and gave her a smirk.

"Well, have a good night gentlemen." Aria said and headed towards the elevator.

As the ding signaled she hit the 10th floor, she let out a sigh and walked to her intended room. She looked at the numbers 1005 imprinted on the door, and brought her knuckles down on it.

Opening the door was a shirtless and tired looking Viper. "Ariana."

"Randal." She said. They stood there staring at each other. Aria cleared her throat. "So, are you going to move so I can come in?"

Randy smirked at her, and stepped out of the way. Aria walked in, and looked around the suite. It had a bedroom, kitchen, and living room. "So the couch is a pull out bed. You can either sleep there, or the bed room has two beds. It's up to you."

"Why are you doing this?" She asked abruptly.

"You deserve better Aria, and I'm trying to show you I'm not a bad guy. Plus, I've been there. You can't leave without a little push, so here is yours." He said with a sigh.

Aria studied his face, and looked into his eyes. She wanted to see if he was telling the truth, or if he just really wanted to get her into bed. After deciding he was telling the truth, she answered his question. "I'll take the extra bed." She said rolling her bags into the bedroom. "I sleep naked though!" She yelled out to him.

"Don't worry! So do I!" He yelled back.

Standing in opposite rooms, they both smiled. Maybe this wasn't going to be such a bad idea after all.

A/N: So I decided to start this story off, where they started their friendship off. Hope you enjoyed.

PS: More back story to who Aria is will be coming out in the first 5-10 chapters. I hate when authors put all details about a character into the first chapter. You must read on to find more out..

PSS: It's Are-e-awe-na. So Are-e-a is how her short name sounds. If you're into PLL, you know.