Uhh, holy shit. Over one hundred reviews, in only two chapters. I know people have done better, but I certainly didn't expect you guys to like it this much. Thank you all for the reviews, and please tune in after the chapter for a nice little rant I feel I should go on.

If you want.

I don't own Naruto or Sekirei! Matter fact, if you really think about it, I don't own anything.

Naruto exhaled deeply as he fell upon the soft bedding behind him - almost moaning in pleasure at the feeling of the soft and warm texture as he glanced around the comfortable room they gave him. It had been nothing short of a hectic day for the blonde Shinobi. As a matter a fact, hectic didn't even come close to describing it.

"Man, this is all way too confusing, and I have a headache!"

Due to Miya's sudden attack on him because of his accidental feel up - seriously, how was he supposed to know he touched her butt, he was just trying to survive - he was instead moved to a room while he slept blissfully. How women were granted such an incredible boost of raw power when it came to perverts or anything they deemed perverted would forever elude the young blonde.

Minaka, if he remembered correctly, then contacted him and decided that for the night he should rest up. In the eve they would discuss every question he had, while he answered their own.

"At least I finally got some clothes." he mumbled.

Naruto now sported a dark blue crew-neck shirt and simple tan cargo shorts - it wasn't anything ninja-e, but it was clothes and it was comfortable. He was informed that all of the possessions he kept on him would be returned safely.

Sighing, the blonde closed his eyes and took a moment to actually relax - seeing as the only actual conscience bed he'd had for so long was the inside of a rock - the clinical bed he awoke too just hours ago didn't count.

"I'd thought about this for so long...and now here I am, a new planet, a new life. So..what now?" he asked himself.

Konoha was hopefully safe, he'd have to put all his faith in that. Everyone who died when Pein attacked was reborn, the village would still prosper - his friends were safe, he did what he had to do.


The girl who had confessed her undying love for him, the girl who fought someone not even Tsunade and Jiraiya could take down, someone who could have been considered a god in his own right. He would never get to tell her anything anymore - not even a small thank you.

"Gah! Stop!" the blonde fumed, aggravated at himself for letting such thoughts get to him "There's no point in putting myself down like this!"

That wouldn't do him any good - he already got his grief out when he and his father met, and he had carefully explained to the younger blonde what exactly Pein had done and what it meant for him.

"Still...it hurts."

Guess he'd never become Hokage now, what a bitter and ironic end. Just as he continued to let his mind drift into darker matters, a knock on his door brought him back to reality.

"Huh? Who would visit me?"

He was pretty sure everyone here either didn't trust him, wanted to kill him, or downright hated him. The person knocked once more, which was code for 'i'm not leaving until you open up'.

With a shrug, the blonde stood back up and spoke "Come in!"

To his surprise the violet haired beauty who had introduced herself as Kazehana entered the room with a small smile - her arms crossed under her impressive bust as she swaggered in.

Naruto was confused, and at the same time slightly flattered, then he was nervous, and finally suspicious.

"Uh, hi there..Kazehana-san, can I..help you?" he asked, watching as she hummed, taking in the small but comfortable room.

Kazehana turned to the blonde and gave him a wink "The wind told me to come here." she responded "It seems you have a strong connection with it."

Naruto stared at the godly woman blankly, trying for the life of him to understand her words.

"I'm sorry...the wind?" he mumbled, clearly confused.

The goddess giggled slightly - it was a magical sound, and it actually made the blonde smile a bit himself.

"Yes, the wind." she continued, making her way towards the bed and sitting down on the edge "It tells me a lot of things. It told me to come here, it..cares for you."

"The wind..cares about me?" Could she be talking about his wind affinity? That would explain a lot actually - seeing as whenever he'd make Kage Bunshin to cover his tracks, they'd been blown away by the violet haired beauty before him.

"So, she's a wind user like me."

Kazehana watched as the whiskered teen seemed to focus on her, his deep blue eyes staring into her very soul - and she had to admit, it was a bit intoxicating. This was the first time she had ever made contact with any human other than the doctors and workers on the island.

"Oh, silly me, he's no human."

Minaka had given them each a detailed description of the blonde after the accident with Miya, and after a couple of angry outbursts from Mutsu - who still had a headache by the way - as to why they weren't informed of his condition, everything made a lot more sense to the group.

"Still, this is interesting. We always knew there were more life forms out there, but Earth was about the only one we could actually pick up on."

"Yes, the wind cares for you. It feels a sort of..connection to you in fact." she responded, crossing her legs - forgetting, or just not caring, that she was wearing a very tight black skirt.

Naruto turned his head away from the fair show of silky flesh with a blush - no matter how many times Kyubi would assault his mind with torturous perverted images, seeing it in person was different.

"I can understand that." the blonde began, trying his best not to stutter or stare "I have an affinity with wind, some of my most powerful attacks are wind based."

He suddenly had the urge to bang his head on the wall "Shit!"

Kazehana gave a sly smirk - she had really only intended on coming here because of the winds influence on her, and she was a bit curious herself - but the blonde was quite the blabber mouth it seemed.

"Really? Just what kind of attacks?"

"Ah! Nothing! That was just a-" Naruto paused, then sighed before offering her a foxy grin "Uzumaki Naruto."

"Huh?" This time it was her turn to be a bit confused.

"My name, I never introduced myself seeing as I sorta got knocked out." he stated with a sheepish chuckle.

"Uzumaki...Naruto?" she ran the name over and over in her mind "What an interesting name." she mused with a soft smirk "Fishcake."

The blonde grew a pulsing vein on his forehead as he growled - it meant maelstrom dammit!

Kazehana seemed to understand his predicament, and gave another soft laugh "I'm joking, Malstrom, it's a nice name."

"It's not nice..it's awesome!" the seventeen year old mumbled, crossing his hands over his chest as he pouted slightly.

The violet haired beauty continued to gaze at him, laughing softly as she did so, while the blush on his cheeks grew to epic proportions.

"This man." she mused in between fits of soft laughter "He's...interesting."

She almost forgot about his attacks - keyword, almost, but she'd have plenty of time to learn about that later - for now, Uzumaki Naruto had just proven to be quite the eccentric fellow.

"Well, it seems you're okay. I'll be on my way now. Have a good night's rest Uzumaki-san." she stated, standing up and making her way to the door - only to pause just before exiting to give the give the still pouty blonde a small smile and a wink.

"Yeah, goodnight, thanks for uh..stopping by I guess." Naruto mumbled, giving a small wave but avoiding eye contact all together. When the door closed, Naruto finally untensed and let his hands drop to his side while giving a loud sigh. He could already tell it was going to be a long week for him.

Naruto stared at the all white clad man before him with absolute hatred "If this guy did anything to me while I was out, I'm gonna kill him!" he fumed mentally, not liking the wide grin on the older mans features as he stared at the spiky haired blonde from behind bespectacled eyes.

"So, Uzumaki-san correct?" at the blondes nod, he continued "My name is Minaka Hiroto, I along with my two associates." he then motioned to other two people sitting next to him "Takehito Asama."

"Nice to meet you." the grey haired man stated with a small eye smile similar to another grey haired sensei he used to know.

"Sahashi Takami." The woman - with, strangely grey hair, what was it with these people? - gave a small nod in his direction.

"Are very interested in you, or more say, what you are."

Naruto gave the man a flat look. While the other two were a lot more composed - he was literally grinning from cheek to cheek as he spoke, seriously, if this got anymore creepy he was out.

"What he means Uzumaki-san, is that as you can already tell, we have already discovered another species altogether. Five of which you've met." Takehito stated, picking up where Minaka left off "You have a similar body composition, and we wish to know if you and them are of the same planet." The grey haired scientists words were a lot more calm, and the smile on his face let a small amount of tension dissolve from the atmosphere.

They were no fools, the blonde before them could probably kill them in less than a second - so precautions had to be taken, one's which Naruto was all too aware of. Surrounding the four on a much higher platform was were five squads of well armed well trained snipers, and each squad was being lead by one of the five he had met the previous day.

"Can't blame them though, I am pretty awesome."

"So, you want to know if I'm the same as them pretty much?" he asked, pointing a thumb upwards to where he could sense the other Sekireis presence. If the three didn't know that he was conscience of the fact their conversation was being monitored, they hid it well.

"Yes." Takami stated with a small nod "During the brief period you were unconscious, we ran some tests on your body while he healed you. You have a much stronger composition than any other humans on this planet, something all Sekirei-"

"Sekiwha?" Naruto interrupted, the word being unfamiliar to him.

The three scientists shared a look, then turned back to the whiskered blonde.

"Se-ki-rei, it's what they are." Minaka spoke, gesturing to the five up above them.

"Okay, so what are they?" Naruto questioned.

"Ah ah ah, we ask the questions first. Then you!" he stated with a cheery grin while wagging his finger in a 'no' manner.

The blonde gave a small growl at the man, growing increasingly annoyed at being treated like a child by him, or an experiment.

Takami coughed into her hand, effectively returning the attention to her and continued - but not before giving Minako a heated glare for interrupting her. "As I was saying! Something all Sekirei have in common, along with a power core, or tama as we call it."

"Power core? Could they mean my chakra core?" he mused mentally "The..Sekirei don't have any chakra, at least, it doesn't feel like chakra."

When he entered Sage Mode he could sense a great deal of power inside of them, but it wasn't chakra. The power was alive in a sense, it moved inside of them, swaying around freely. In all honesty, it reminded him of Kyubi's chakra.


"Huh?" Naruto blinked as he realized he must have zoned out when he began to think on what the tama could have been.

"Are you alright? You kinda just faded away there for a second." Takehito asked, an actual bit of worry in his eyes.

Naruto could already tell he would like him the best out of the strange trio of scientist.

"Y-Yeah, sorry, got lost in my own thoughts." the blonde responded with a sheepish grin.

From above them, Miya narrowed her eyes at the grinning blonde - feeling a small bit of anger course through her at how he seemed to so casually speak with Takehito. The only reason she even agreed to play watch dog for Minaka was so that she could make sure the grey haired scientist would be safe, along with her unborn sisters - she didn't really give a damn about anyone else.

"Now then, let's begin shall we. Uzumaki-san, just..what are you?" the complete reversal Minaka did was almost astounding - one second the man was grinning ear to ear, and now he was stone faced and calculative - it was in fact, quite disturbing. This seemed to be the case a lot though, as Takehito and Takami didn't even budge. Instead, they adopted more of a serious expression themselves, Takehito losing the warm smile while Takami grew even more stone like. It seemed as if the time for games was done, they wanted answers.

"I'll give them answers, but not all."

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto, and what I am is a Shinobi."

All eyes were on the blonde, from the the trio to the five Sekirei above - the most interested being Kazehana, Karasuba, and Matsu.

Miya could have cared less "He's still weak, what he is means nothing to me." the woman thought to herself. While Mutsu really just..didn't care..at all, granted he was a bit curious - but learning about the blonde would prove to be troublesome, and he could already tell Naruto was a magnet for troublesome things.

"Shinobi?" Takami mumbled as if tasting the word, it sounded familiar "Just what is a Shinobi?"

Naruto paused for a moment, trying to come up for a plausible description of just what Shinobi did "We are...mercenaries and soldiers, I guess would be the best way to phrase it, Ninjas."

"Ninjas?" was the thought that crossed the minds of most.

"Interesting, and you say you were a soldier?" the white clad man asked, placing his hands into his coat pockets as he leaned back onto his chair.

Naruto gave a nod "Yeah, where I come from..my..planet, Shinobi were the leading military force. I hailed from one of the five major military powers in the land, Konohagakure no Sato, or the Village Hidden in the Leaves."

The three exchanged looks - five great military powers, and armies of Ninja - whatever planet the blonde came from sounded like every kids fairy tale dream.

"Tell us more about your home, about the five great military powers." Takehito spoke, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned forward a bit eyes scanning the blonde with interest - he couldn't help but be interested really, it was why he loved science, and this..the Sekirei and now Shinobi - it was every scientist dream to discover such things.

Naruto stared at each of them evenly, the more he thought about it, the more he realized just how dark his home world was. Usually, he never had to explain the Elemental Nations to anyone, seeing as they all lived there - but to strangers, who had never heard of it..well, that was a bit of a different story.

"My homeworld, the Elemental Nations was consumed by war.." the blonde whispered, as if realizing it for the first time.

The way the blonde spoke captured all eyes and ears, even Miya's and Mutsu's - it was low, almost like a whisper, yet carried a strange sense of something. It made them listen.

"Since the beginning, we fought, and we killed."

"Shinobi are but tools.." the memory hit him like a ton of bricks to the face.

How could he not see it?! It took an all out war with Pein and the death of Jiraya for him to understand "Stop! Now's not the time.."

He forced himself to continue, regardless of his darkening thoughts.

"We were swallowed by war after war, three great ones that involved the whole Nations." "Three World Wars!?" was the collective thought of Takehito, Takami, and Minaka.

"Gah..I, don't remember much else..I kinda slept through most of my classes." Naruto admitted sheepishly with a rather weak chuckle- it was half the truth, in all honesyt he'd rather avoid talking about his home world at the moment - he may have moved on, but the pain was still there.

It seemed they had bought it, or just left it alone for now, although Minaka seemed to want to ask more questions.

"How powerful are you?"

It was a simple question, but it carried more weight than they would have liked to admit. Naruto paused once more - he defeated Pein, who alone could be considered S-Class, maybe even SS-Class due to his unholy power and control over the Rinnegan. However, he had help, if Hinata hadn't intervened he would have been a goner, and Kyubi's chakra had begrudgingly helped as well.

"I'd say I'm pretty powerful, where I come from we're classified by ranks. Genin being the weakest, Chunin being about standard class, Jonin are the elite of the elite, then there were ANBU Black Ops. which would vary from Chunin to Jonin but were all incredibly powerful. Finally, there's Kage, the most powerful Shinobi in the village."

He failed to mention the other ranks, such as his own title as Sage - they didn't need to know all of that.

"Very interesting indeed." Minaka mused. "What rank were you Uzumaki-san?"

Naruto gave an awkward laugh at her question and scratched the back of his head - this really wasn't something he was proud of "Ah well…I'm technically still a Genin.."

They were all floored.

"A-Are you telling us you're the weakest of the bunch!?" the woman stuttered - if he was one of the weakest, but still managed to go head to head with the five Sekirei than she couldn't even imagine what a Chunin, let alone Kage could do.

At this, Narutos pride kicked in "No! I just never passed the Chunin exams due to..complications, and leaving for a two year training trip with my teacher. If I had to measure myself in strength, I'd say I'm Jonin level."

"Without Sage Mode." he added as an after thought - he was definitely Sannin level without a doubt.

A sigh escaped the woman's mouth, one she didn't even know she had been holding - she'd hate to see just what his people would have been capable of if he had been one of the weakest.

"What an interesting system indeed, so, you're elite eh Uzumaki-san?" Minaka whispered, the grin now returning ten fold "Then, how would you like to have a friendly spar with one of our very own Sekirei. If you win, we'll answer all of your questions, if you lose, then you answer all of ours - no matter how personal."

Naruto stared at the man for a brief second, then with a grin he gave a nod. If there was one thing you never did, it was make a bet with Uzumaki Naruto - because he had the devils luck.

"Excellent! Please, follow me to our training area, I shall choose your partner."

"Ah, before that, can I have my stuff back?" he asked, meaning his holsters and weapons, along with a certain book. He'd really have to thank Kyubi for somehow using Biju magic to make sure the book didn't burn away into ash.

"Of course!" the crazed man spoke, laughing maniacally as he stood and crossed his arms over his chest "I'll have it sent for, but for now, this way please!"

With a small wave to the squads above, he immediately made for the exit - ignoring the sounds of multiple weapons uncocking, as well as the stares of his fellow friends and colleges. The guy really was insane.

Naruto stood in the center of the massive underground training facility with one thing in mind "Holy...my god, the technology on this planet is insane." The massive lights under the roof lightened everything, and though the room looked to be plain he had a very good feeling it had its fair share of surprises.

"Now then, how do you feel in your new clothing Uzumaki-san?" Minaka asked through the intercom.

Oh yeah, the blonde had to exchange his 'civilian' clothing for something more battle ready - and the only thing they had available was a uniform similar to the one the Sekirei wore, but instead for males. It matched Mutsus very well, without the scarf or the flashy lengthy robes "They'd only get in the way." he mused mentally.

All in all, it was a surprisingly comfortable fit and not as heavy as he thought it'd be.

"They're alright, I'll be needing to make my own adjustments though." he responded with a grin.

Minaka smirked from the monitoring/main control room of the training facility, next to him Takehito and Takami took a seat having just arrived themselves.

"So, who'd you put up against him?" the woman questioned, eyes glued to the blonde on the multiple screens "I'd imagine Karasuba would have jumped at the chance to fight him correct?"

Minaka gave a small nod and smirked even wider "Which is exactly why I allowed her to be his opponent." Takehito raised an eyebrow at this - Karasuba was probably the second strongest Sekirei, next to Miya, the blonde would be hard pressed in a fight against her.

"You know she won't hold back right?" the grey haired male commented, placing a hand under his chin.

"Precisely why I picked her. Uzumaki-san won't have any choice but to give it his all against her, and then we'll be able to get an accurate reading on his power level." A smart plan indeed, Takehito agreed, but not guaranteed - he could tell Naruto wanted to keep his secrets, and Karasuba would only fight equally with another Sekirei.

"But what if she goes too far?" Takami added.

"Then it was nice knowing the kid." Minaka finished, a wide grin on his face now.

"You're sick." the woman mumbled, she would have much rather avoided any bloodshed in this - Takehito himself would agree with this as well, but what Minaka said goes, they could do nothing about it.

Pressing a button, Minaka spoke through a small device "Matsu, hack any satellites that are currently being used by our neighbors to watch the island, and while you're at it I want a full analysis of this fight."

From across the line, Matsu gave a nod "Roger."

Feeling satisfied, he turned to another screen at the right bottom that showed the rest of the Sekirei minus Matsu and Karasuba prepared to observe the 'spar'.

"This will prove to be quite a show indeed."

Back on the field, Naruto tapped at the ground with the heel of his feet - bouncing around as he awaited his opponent "Sage Mode is off limits in this. I don't have enough time to draw any natural energy, so it's strictly Ninjutsu and Taijutsu."

"Well, this is quite the pleasant surprise eh blondie?"

"Oh fuck me."

From the nearest door, Karasuba calmly stepped out onto the field, fully decked in the same uniform he always saw her in - sword slung over her shoulder and a wide sadistic smirk on her face.

"Yeah..great surprise." the blonde mumbled under his breath. "You won't be catching me off guard again whiskers, this time I will drain you dry." the woman hissed, stopping nothing short of a few feet in front of the blonde.

"Well, she's pissed." Naruto cursed whatever deity was out to get him once more - thanks for looking out for him, really. He'd much rather fight Kazehana, at least she was relatively nice, or even Mutsu! The guy seemed unmotivated to do anything but complain half the time! But no, he got the insane blood lust driven one!

"She reminds me of the snake proctor, Anko was her name I think."

"Well then, I please remember to be nice to each other. I'll be activating a Level A-Class defense system, so no worries about collateral damage." he then paused "Now, please, enjoy yourselves."

In a flash Karasuba was on him - and she was fast! If it were anyone normal person, they'd be cleaved in two. However, Naruto was a Shinobi, and any Shinobi worth his salt could have seen such a straightforward attack coming. It seemed she still didn't see the blonde as much of a threat if she was using such direct predictable attacks.

Rolling back, the blonde narrowly dodged the powerful swing - watching as the ground where he once stood was shattered from the mere force of the attack. The Sekirei wasn't done however, not by a long shot. She continued her assault charging the blonde as he stood. Naruto however was used to facing much faster opponents, so while he did struggle a bit, he effectively dodged her attacks - weaving through blow after blow.

"I need to get some distance!"

Seeing as they probably already knew about his clones, he figured it was time to strut his stuff. Crossing his fingers into the familiar shape, the blonde channeled a large amount of chakra and yelled "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! (Shadow Clone Technique!)" A huge puff of smoke obscured the area, and the onlookers couldn't help the rush of suspense at the sight of one of the blondes strange techniques.

"Yes! There it is!" Minaka exclaimed mentally, referring to the clones he knew would appear due to the security footage they reviewed the night before during the blondes escape.

Indeed, there they were, about fifty perfect replicas of the blonde surrounded the grinning Karasuba "More of you to slaughter! You're a man after my own heart whiskers!" she gripped her sword and disappeared in a flash, tearing through the mass of clones with glee.

They wouldn't be making it that easy for her however, as they attacked her with all they could. Karasuba found herself blocking punches and kicks, while dishing out her own to the mass of clones.

"Incredible! They can act on their own, and are solid!" Takehito mumbled, completely absorbed in the fight. How many more of these could he make?

"He's a literal one-man army!" Takami whispered, absolutely floored by his abilities.

In the swarm of the chaos, the real Naruto watched Karasuba fight, tearing through his clones rather easily - which wasn't a surprise, they only held about a fifth of his ability each - by now they were mostly cannon fodder.

"She's really fast, and strong. Her Kenjutsu is crazy good too!" Naruto summed "Still, there's something that's bothering me. She hasn't used anything else besides those three factors." He'd have to thank Kyubi for giving him a talk on actual strategy, and how to really use the clones effectively.

His clones were down to less than eleven now, including him.

"Yosh! Let's do this!" he cried, catching everyones attention.

"There you are!" Karasuba roared, grinning as she ducked under a kick from a clone and then slashed it in half - not even bothering to register the puff of smoke, clearly used to it now.

"Here we go!"

Karasuba blasted towards him, causing a crater to form where she once stood. Two clones saw this and immediately rushed her, however the Sekirei only smirked and slashed them both in half, the two smoke clouds that formed blocked her visibility but she shrugged it off and continued on.

When she reemerged, she was greeted with the sight of a single star shaped weapon flying towards her "Are you kidding me!?" she thought with a smirk, picking up speed.

This is exactly what Naruto counted on as he formed another pair of hand seals and whispered "Shuriken Kage Bunshin No Jutsu! (Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!)"

All eyes widened as one turned to one hundred and then two hundred - up until a full swarm of Shuriken were rushing towards the now stupefied Karasuba.

"Shit!" she cried, she was going too fast to stop now, her momentum wouldn't let her - and the massive wall of steel was too tall to leap over and too wide to run around. She had only one choice as she ran through the thick swarm of deadly weapons, swinging her blade in an attempt to block as many of them as possible, however due to them being clones they immediately turned to smoke, obscuring her vision once again. She winced as some managed to nick her in random parts of her body, tearing at her clothes.

"Enough of this!" she roared, giving a mighty swing of her arm from inside the swarm of Shuriken. The shock-wave was enough to launch them off course and into random directions causing them all to finally disappear in a mass cloud of smoke.

Naruto wasn't done however, as more puffs of smoke alerted Karasuba to even more clones being formed "How many of those things can he make!?".

"Suck on this!' Naruto cried, pouncing through the smoke, followed by about three other clones.

Karasuba scowled, now sufficiently aggravated at her state of being "You're going to pay for this whiskers!" she roared, rushing towards the blonde.

The two groups met as Naruto and the clones assaulted the woman with a variety of attacks, from tag team to full blown close quarters - all of which Karasuba was prepared for.

"Can't hit me without any cheap tricks whiskers!" the woman grunted as she blocked a punch from one of the clones, and kicked another in the stomach.

"I don't need tricks to kick your ass!" the blonde responded as he weaved his way under the womans defense, delivering a powerful punch to her jaw. What he expected was for her to fall back - but the blonde really underestimated blood-lusting maniacs.

So was he in for a surprise when Karasuba not only grinned at the blow, but grabbed onto his extended arm and then pulled in, throwing her weight onto her knee and delivering a bone breaking blow into the blondes torso.

Naruto winced at the attack, ignoring the need to cough the blood that just rushed up his throat out, and instead rolled with the blow - using his free hand to deliver another powerful punch to her ribs.

The Sekirei winced and both fell to the ground in a heap.

"What the hell is wrong with those two!?" Takami whispered, eyes wide as she watched the glorified slug fest the duo was having.

Minaka was having the time of his life as he watched the duo fight, he could tell both were holding back quite a bit - each for obvious reasons. Naruto probably wanted to hide his power, while Karasuba didn't deem him worthy enough of an opponent just yet. He thought she wouldn't hold back on him, but he forgot to take into account her whole 'only a Sekirei like Miya deserves her full attention'.

"Although Uzumaki seems to be pushing her."

"This is..unbelievable. Kids freaking crazy!" Mutsu mumbled, watching as the two rolled around the ground, Karasuba's blade being discarded a few feet away.

"Indeed, even if Karasuba isn't taking him seriously, the fact that he's able to match her on this level means he could just as well take us on." Kazehana added, brushing a long violet lock from her face as she watched the two stop struggling, the blonde being pinned down by the now angry Karasuba.

"He's a threat, I didn't expect him to be this strong.." Miya thought, eyes narrowed. While the others probably didn't see it, she did - the blonde was holding back a considerable amount, granted so was Karasuba seeing as if she went all out the whole island would probably be under water by now.

"What now whiskers?!" Karasuba hissed with a pleased grin at the situation, pinning the blonde underneath her body.

Naruto continued to struggle under the woman, only for her to close the already short distance between the two and run a slender and warm tongue along the nape of his neck.

"Tell me whiskers.." she whispered huskily, eliciting a blush from the blonde - not just from the close proximity, but the fact that his shuriken did a number on her clothes giving him quite the view of her large bosom "Are you ready to die?" she asked, pulling back to glare into the blondes wide electric blue eyes.


"Awe, to scared to even form a sentence?" she mocked, feeling a spine tingling pleasure course through her for some strange reason.

"Kawarimi no Jutsu. (Body Replacement Technique)"

"Kawa-what?" Karasuba whispered.

In another puff of smoke, the blonde was gone replaced with the grey haired woman's sword.


She was really starting to hate smoke puffs now!

Grabbing her blade, she flipped up and turned only to see the blonde with a single clone holding a blue ball of swirling energy in his palm.

"The hell is that!?"

"Is that pure energy! He formed pure energy!" Takehito stated aloud in awe, as one of the screens zoomed into the spiraling blue ball of energy. Not even the Sekirei could manipulate energy to that extent yet!

Minaka was already on the floor, laughing maniacally "This is great!" he stated aloud in glee - the blonde could solidify energy, and he was willing to bet that's not all he could do with it!

Naruto dispelled the clone and held the powerful attack in his palm, giving the woman a wide confident grin "So what's say you we finish this little spar in the most climactic way possible!?"

Karasuba only snarled and gripped her blade even tighter "I'm gonna fucking kill this idiot!" she hissed in her mind.

The two stood opposite each other for a brief moment, before they rushed at top speeds towards each other. Five feet! Karasuba brought her blade forward in a piercing motion, eyes glued to the approaching Shinobi. Three feet! Naruto brought his arm forward, bracing himself for the oncoming collision - if he let that sword beat his attack, he'd be short one arm and half of his face.

"Rasengan! (Spiraling Sphere)"

The ball of pure chakra met with the end of Karasuba's sword, and the ground around the two erupted as they both struggled for dominance. The winds howled from the Rasengan, and the ground shattered from Karasuba's strength.

"Give up blondie!" the Sekirei ordered.

"In your dreams!" Naruto roared back, pumping more chakra into his jutsu, causing it to grow in size.

"There's no way I'm about to lose! Not like this!"

Karasuba hollered in her mind forcing more and more of her strength into driving through the Rasengan. Her strength wasn't the problem however, it was her sword - it couldn't handle the pressure of the attack, and slowly began to crack.

"No! No! No!" she cried.

When she first started this fight, she expected it to be easy - even among the stars, the Sekirei were feared as being one of the most powerful species to ever exists, this Shinobi was nothing. However, it seems he proved her wrong because as more and more cracks appeared along the blade - one thing was clear, she had lost this battle.

With one final roar, Naruto drove the sphere of energy forward, breaking the blade to pieces. Due to the amount of power she was using, the Black Sekirei had no other direction to go than forward due to her momentum once again, straight into the spiraling sphere.

"I lost."

She prepared for the immense pain she would soon feel, it didn't take a genius to know what the blondes attack could do. However, at the very last second, Naruto let the jutsu dissolve away and clenched his open palm into a fist - delivering a powerful hay-maker to the surprised woman's cheek.

"Dattebayo!" the blonde cried.

Karasuba felt the sting of the punch, but didn't fully register it - she knew it was nothing compared to what that last attack of his could have done, and as she fell to the ground she could only think one thing "Fuck, I need a new sword."

Darkness crept at the corner of her eyes, and the last thing she saw was a fox like grin and a pair of bright blue eyes - along with a warm pulse throughout her body.

The field was silent for a few seconds, before the sound of clapping erupted through the intercom. Minaka continued to grin as he stood, zooming in onto the whiskered teens face "Excellent job, it seems you have won our arrangement. I will answer any questions you can think of, and no I have not forgotten, we shall also discuss your terms."

Naruto sighed, but gave a nod nonetheless - he could already tell this man was going to be quite the handful.

"Your things are all in your room, along with a small gift from me. Until then, take the rest of the day off Uzumaki-san, get to know everyone." he then paused, "Oh, and one more thing. Welcome to Kamikura Island!"

Alright guys, bear with me on this one.

AUTHORS RANT/NOTE: Okay, so recently, I've gotten a couple of messages/reviews about the story. I'll address this here so hopefully it won't happen again.

1.) 'oh Narutos weak, oh the Sekirei are weak' : Okay, Naruto is by no means weak in my story. His base form is enough to deal with most any Sekirei, meaning strictly chakra enhanced movement and Taijutsu along with some minor Jutsu use. Naruto with advanced Jutsu i.e Rasengan, Odama Rasengan, ect, is enough to deal with the current Disciplinary Squad and can match a full power Karasuba as well as put up a fight against Miya, Sage Mode is MORE than enough to fight Miya un-released as well as released. As for the Sekirei, these are the younger less experienced Sekirei, we're starting in the past remember. With the addition of Naruto now, they WILL be upping their training, so they WILL be a LOT stronger than Canon-Sekirei were. Because of Narutos presence they will be forced to adapt and grow, not just rely on strength and speed.

2.) 'oh Naruto's OOC' : Guys, he's spent at least a year in a flying meteor with no one to talk to but an age old chakra entity. Which is why now, he's seventeen instead of sixteen. He will have some slight adjustment, however, his is still mostly canon. I mean come on, I was TWO chapters into the story, barely nothing has been explained, and you guys were jumping the gun.

3.) I'm just going to knock this one out before it even happens 'oh why is Miya so OOC, is she with Takehito?' Guys, I'm pretty sure it's obvious who will be Naruto's Sekirei, two of them already interacted with him. Miya, is still a cold killing machine who doesn't understand compassion, just as most of the others are as well, just not to her level yet. This story begins five years after the discovery of the island and the birth of MBI. So please, don't even start.

4.) CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! Although yes, the Sekirei do react almost instantly to their mates. Just as Kazehana tested Minato, Naruto will be tested as well, and even then, we have a LONG story to go, so things might not go so well, and he won't get ALL of his Sekirei at ONCE. Dig? Good.

5.) 'why doesn't he just escape?' : Oh I don't know guys, because he's in a new plant with technology he doesn't understand. Let's be honest, in our world, it's almost impossible to hide, unless you have some SERIOUS connections. And seeing as Naruto has only been conscious on Earth for a day and a half, he doesn't have connections.

6.)'oh I thought he wanted to keep his ability secrete?' They have footage of him using clones, as for the Rasengan, considering he has like twenty variations, I'm sure the most basic form won't hurt anybody.

That's pretty much it, I hope I at least explained myself without ruining anything. Thank you all for the reviews, and the love. You guys make this all the more fun and worthwhile! Please, let me know what you think of the chapter as I'm not too sure about it. I mean I'm pleased, but I felt like I could do better. I tried looking at it from every angle, but this was the best I could come up with.

Also, sorry for the late update, my rightclick wasn't working so I couldn't use spellcheck very well.

ONE LAST THING, I need a GOOD beta! That way I can pump the chapters out faster and more efficiently for you guys. I'd really appreciate it! A second less tired and cleaner viewpoint would be really helpful!

Well, later dudes, it's my birthday today. Nineteen years old friends, time flys eh? Strip Clubs, expensive porn, and Steak and Shake here I come!