Even later that night, Shane went in search of his girlfriend. He knew exactly where to find her.

She was sitting on the Final Jam stage, reminiscing.

"It feels like another lifetime ago," A deep voice muttered, guessing her thoughts. "Doesn't it?"

"Do you ever wonder what would have happened if you hadn't found your mystery girl?" Mitchie asked suddenly. It was such a random question.

"Don't ever talk like that," Shane warned her, slipping his hand into her's. "Because then I wouldn't have the most beautiful girl in the world as my girlfriend,"

"I would still be your best friend,"

"Yeah, well you're that too." He grabbed her other hand and began to pull her along behind him.


"Yeah, babe?"

"Where...Where are you taking me?"

They were outside, nearing the lake. She could see her friends, almost all of them hand in hand, waiting for her.

"What's going on?!" Mitchie demanded as Nate took one of her arms, Shane on the other side. "Seriously, guys?!"

"You didn't have a lot of fun this summer, Mitchie," Nate replied with a sly smile. "So we decided that you deserve too, after all the work you put in and all,"

"No!" She knew them too well. "No, no, no!"

They both took hold of her hands, before joining hands with the rest of their hands. Caitlyn made sure to lock hands with Nate. Peggy slipped her hand into Shane's free one, Barron gripping her other one. Sander and Ella joined Caitlyn before they all jumped into the cool water.

They were child-like again, splashing each other. Jason dunked Nate, who then grabbed Caitlyn and Mitchie in his strong arms and threw them.

"Chicken!" Ella shouted as Sander placed her on his shoulders. "Let's play chicken!"

The girls were quick to agree; Shane grabbed Mitchie's waist and picked her up. Barron and Peggy were quick to pick each other.

That left Nate and Caitlyn.

"You ready, Geller?"

"You know it, Black." She responded, taking his outstretched hand. "Me and Mitchie, Peggy and Ella...Jase...Do you wanna...?"

"I call next!" Jason told them, his eyes gleaming. He couldn't remember the last time they had all been together, and he was so happy at that moment. They all were.

It was early the next morning when Nate snuck out to see Dana, and he wasn't sure how the conversation was going to go.

"Hi," She said, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. He returned the gesture.


"I think I know what you're going to say,"

He blinked, surprised. "You do?"

"It's about Caitlyn, right? You still love her."

Again, he was taken aback. "How do you..."

Dana laughed. "Nate, I'm a girl. I know everything...Well, almost anything. Anyway, I know you care about me, and I care about you, but maybe what we're supposed to be is just really good friends, you know? Caitlyn is your first love, and you're not over her. Not even a little bit."

Nate pulled her in for a hug, his arms tight around her waist. "Thank you so much, Dana. You have no idea how amazing you really are. Here," He took her cell phone, entering something into it. "This is my personal number. Anytime you wanna talk, just shoot me a text."

She hugged him again. "I'll see you around, Natie."

"Mitch!" Nate called to her as she loaded her bags into the limo. Connie was once again allowing her to drive home with the boys, knowing they would take another 'mini' vacation before they returned her to her New Jersey home.

"Natie!" Mitchie responded just as eagerly. "What's up?"

"Where's Caitlyn?!"

"In the cabin," She told him, not knowing what to make of his behavior. "Why...?"

"Cause I screwed up a year ago, and I need to make sure that I never hurt Caitlyn again," His voice was rushed. He took off in the direction of the girl's cabin.

"Cait!" He called, knocking her over. She laughed as she landed on her butt before reaching up to take his outstretched hand.

"You're in a hurry," She teased, but stopped after she locked eyes with him. "Nate? What...What's going on?"

"What would you say if I asked you out again?!" Nate blurted out. "I need to know, Cait. Please,"

"I, ugh..." Caitlyn trailed off. "Are you for real?"


"Nate..." She shook her head. "What are you doing? What about Dana?"

"She's a great friend," He admitted as he came closer to her. He reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist. "But I'm in love with you,"

Caitlyn tried to break free from his grasp. "Nate, we tried this,"

Nate refused to let her go, bringing her even closer. He pressed his lips to hers, smiling inside when she began to kiss him back. "Caity, I promise. I will never hurt you again. Okay? I love you, Okay?"

She blushed. "Good, cause I don't wanna hurt again. And by the way? I love you too."

"It's about time," They heard Mitchie and Jason say together; Shane was still trying to fit his stuff in the trunk of the limo.

"God! It only took you the entire summer,"

"Look whose talking," Caitlyn teased. "It took you and Shane just that long to get together last summer,"

"Thanks for the reminder, Cait." He said with a smile as he joined them. "Happy one year anniversary, babe,"

"Mmm," She responded, leaning up to kiss him. "So, are you guys ready?"

Nate watched his best friend carefully, raising an eye brow. "You guys? You mean...?"

Mitchie began to laugh, Caitlyn joining in. "Caity's gonna be staying with me for this next school year."

"I don't want to keep moving around," She explained. "I'd love to be able to stay in one place, and be with my best friend...and now, apparently, spend time with my boyfriend."

"Well then," He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Let's get going, huh?"

They laughed as Shane had Mitchie hop onto his back so he could carry her out to the car. The three others followed closely behind.

Three Years Later.

"Hey you guys," Shane called out to his screaming fans. "I hope you don't mind, but I have something that I've been wanting to do for a really long time. Mitchie!" He scanned the crowd. "Where you at?"

She blushed, trying to hide behind her friends. Three years after camp, they tried to see each other as much as their busy schedules allowed.

Standing in the audience with her was Caitlyn, Ella, Sander, Peggy, Barron and Tess.

They were all together now, Ella and Sander had gotten married two months earlier. Tess, now a much sweeter version of herself had fallen for Jason a year earlier; he had liked her since she had given him a birdhouse for his birthday

It had taken Barron and Peggy forever to admit their feelings; they had started dating after a drunken night at Ella's wedding. Caitlyn and Mitchie had filmed it, handing it out to everyone they knew.

The spotlight was trying to hit her, but she was good at avoiding it. She had never been able to avoid one of the guys, though. So when Barron grabbed her around the waist, she knew she was done for.

He carried Mitchie to the edge of the stage, which wasn't hard because of their front row seats. Nate made a grab for her hands, finally getting a hold of then. He got her on stage.

"I think you all know my beautiful girlfriend, Mitchie," Shane called to the crowd. Girls began to scream her name.

"Hey babe," He held the mic away, those words just for her. "I love you, okay? Remember that."

"I love you too," Mitchie whispered, her eyes filling with tears.

"For the last twenty years, I've watched you grow up, Mitch. And then four years ago, you became my mystery girl, and that was when I realized that...I love you. I love you more than anyone, Mitchie. And I have a really important question for you,"

The girls screamed louder and louder as he got down on one knee and pulled a little black box out of his pocket. She didn't even notice that Nate and Jason had pulled the rest of their friend onto the stage.

"Michelle Elizabeth Torres, will you marry me?" It was the first time she had ever heard him sound so nervous about anything.

"Say yes!" Caitlyn shouted. Nate was sitting on the stool, ready to play the drums for their next song. She was on his lap.

"Say yes Mitch!" Tess echoed. She was wrapped up in Jason's embrace.

"Yes," Mitchie whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Yes, yes, yes!"

Shane slipped the ring on her finger before grabbing her and twirling her around. "I love you! I love you so much Mitchie!"

"I love you too Shane," She said honestly.

Everything was finally perfect.

The end :) Thank you guys so much for reading! :) Love to all of you!