a/n: Hey, so tell me what you think of the idea. It's a little strange, but I'm excited.

I walked into my studio dressed in plain jeans and a tank. Bagel and orange juice in my hand.

It was six am, and I was preparing for a full work day.

If you saw me on the subway or at a restaurant I might seem like a perfectly normal twentysomething year old who had to work for a living.

Well, I did have to work for a living. That's about all that was normal about me.

You see, I'm in the business of making adult movies.


It's not as bad as it seems. It pays well, there's a lot of holidays, and you get to meet some. . . interesting people.

Truth be told I needed this job. Needed the money.

One day I was going to show the world my music. Unfortunately, you need money for that.

For as long as I can remember, all I had ever wanted to do was write music and sing. It meant everything to me.

I'd do anything for it. Even become a porn star.

Today we were starting a new film. The director I worked with liked to make sort of, quality porn. There were the sex parts of course, but it also had more of a storyline then you'd expect.

This particular movie was going to be about a stranger who rescued a woman from her crazy abusive boyfriend. The script was well written, and I was excited to meet my new costars.

I waved at my director, Paul, and walked into the rec room.

We were having a pre-shooting meeting to get to know everyone.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

Oh, hell no.

The one person I was not expecting to see was my high school bully.

Austin. Freakin'. Moon.

I had never had a day of peace at Marino High thanks to him.

If there was one person that I was fine with never seeing again, it was Austin Moon.

I didn't realize how long I had been staring until Caitlin, my friend, cleared her throat.

"Ally, are you alright?" She asked.

That was a good question. I supposed I was alright. I was not, however, happy.

Austin glanced up to see what was going on, and when he saw me, I swear, his face broke into the biggest grin I had ever seen.

I groaned. He was already picturing new ways to torture me.

"My God! Ally Dorkson. A porn star." This was not going to end well. "I never would have guessed."

"Yes," I gave him my most sarcastic smile. "And I would never have guessed pretty boy Austin Moon would ever get a job. I mean, can you even read the script?"

His grin only got wider. "Well, sometimes I need help with the big words, but I do okay."

I snorted. At least I wouldn't be bored for the next couple of months. Surprisingly, porn could get kind of old.

Paul walked in then, his signature black coffee in hand.

"Right, guys. Well it's very nice to meet you all, and I'm sure I'm going to have a lovely time seeing all of you naked."

Everyone laughed. Paul had a way of making you feel comfortable in the most awkward situations.

"We're going to start shooting the first scene next week so make sure to pick up your scripts when you leave today. The movie is going to feature Miss Ally Dawson as our leading lady who is living with her abusive boyfriend. It's going to follow her journey in standing up and getting her freedom. And of course," Paul wiggled his eyebrows. "The young man who helps her out of the mess. Austin, it's a pleasure to work with you."

Waaaait, what?

I must have heard him wrong. There was no way in hell that had just happened.

I mean, no one was forced to make a porno with their high school bully. Right?

"Uh, Paul." I cleared my throat. "Austin is playing, um, the uh. . .?"

Paul looked at me, I got along with everyone. It wasn't like me to be shy.

"Are you alright, Ally?"

"She's just a little intimidated by my good looks," Austin spoke up. "Right, Ally?"

I rolled my eyes, feeling my words come back to me. "Definitely. That is exactly what I was thinking."

Of course, that had not been what I was thinking. What I was really thinking was how on earth was I going to work with the guy who had tortured me for years. The guy who had never missed a chance to call me a new name, or trip me in the hallway.

Paul laughed. "Well, I suppose she'll just have to get over it."

Oh yeah, Paul had just said it.

We had had all of last week off to learn our lines, but today we actually had to start filming. Which meant that I would have to see Austin again. Something I was not ready for.

I walked in at six am, sleep deprived and my head buzzing with all the lines I had learned. Lines I would have to say to Austin, like You are the only man I could ever give my heart to and How on earth could I live without you.

I hadn't been able to eat anything this morning, I was far too nervous.

Austin Moon and I would be filming a sex scene today. And by that, I mean I would be having sex with Austin Moon.

Caitlin was making coffee in the rec room, and I walked up to her. Needing to tell someone all the craziness that was spinning around inside my head.

"Caity," she turned around. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure," she began but was cut off by Paul.

"Austin and Ally, we need you guys in makeup now. This scene could take a while and I want to finish it today."

Our sex scene, he meant. Oh god, I was gonna throw up.

I gave Caitlin a weak smile and headed off to makeup and costumes.

Reed, our resident fashion guru was busy picking out my outfit when I walked in.

"Hey, Reed." I sounded weird, as if I was eating cotton.

She poked her head out from behind the racks.

"Hey, Al. I'm gonna find you a killer costume, no worries."

Oh, I wasn't worried about my costume. Not until she brought a skimpy yellow bra and panty set.

"Th-that's it?"

She frowned. "Well, you do get a dress over it, silly."

And then she pulled out the shortest black dress I had ever seen. I think the word shirt more accurately described it.

I sighed. I was being stupid. We were shooting a porno, not a frickin' disney movie.

I sat down in the chair, and let Reed get to work on my makeup. Trying not to think how in a little bit, Austin Moon would be inside of me.

I failed miserably.

"Are you alright, Ally?"

It was obvious. I probably looked like a nervous wreck.

"Mmm, yeah," I gave Reed a lopsided smile. "'Course."

And before I knew it I was heading out to the filming area.

A huge warm looking bed sat in the middle of a beautiful room.

The intimate scenes were always filmed in a closed set to give the actors privacy. Unfortunately, the one person I wanted privacy from was going to be the one I wouldn't get any from.

Right then, Austin walked in, and my mouth dropped. He was wearing tight jeans that showed off everything, and a loose shirt that dipped so you could see his perfect chest.

My god, he was gorgeous. I could feel my body heat up.

This was going to be very embarrassing if I couldn't calm down.

I took a deep breath and walked up to him.

"Soo, um, you ready for this?"

He didn't answer. And then I realized why, he was staring at my breasts.

I blushed and crossed my arms.

"Oh no, but I was enjoying the view." Smug bastard.

My face turned a deeper scarlet. "Ha ha. Thanks, asshole."

Paul walked over and grinned at us. "You guys look great." Yeah, 'cause we were practically naked.

He continued, "I have a great feeling about you too. I think you're chemistry is really gonna make this movie."

We gaped at him, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Anyways, you know the lines, so we're gonna start filming right away."

He left, and we both just kind of shuffled our feet awkwardly.

"Guys! Places, please."

I breathed in. I could do this. I could be brave.

"Aaaand Action!"

"Look, I appreciate your help but you don't have to stay with me." My character, Amelia, was telling Austin's character, Doug to leave, after he had helped her get out of her abusive relationship. She was pushing him away because she was afraid of falling in love.

Maybe she was right to be.

"I'm not just gonna leave you here." God, concerned Austin was pretty hot. I could feel my panties dampen and I knew I was in trouble.

"I do not need your help. I-I'll be fine on my own."

"I don't believe you." He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms, pushing his waist into me.

"Doug. Please, please, go now before. . ." I was so so wet. I could feel every part of Austin, and it was making me crazy.

He looked directly into my eyes. "No."

And then he crashed his lips into mine.

I froze. He bit my lip, and I groaned. He tasted wonderful.

I moaned and grabbed him, pulling his head down.

He growled, "Amelia, all I have wanted all night was to get you of that dress."

I could hardly breathe, I had never felt anything like this before.

Grabbing his shirt, I shoved him onto the bed.

Slowly, I unzipped my dress, panicking the whole time. He was going to know. He was going to know how turned on I was. And I would never hear the end of it.

At the sight of my yellow bra and panties, Austin let out a low groan.

Breathing heavily, I climbed on top of him. And felt his huge erection.

I looked down surprised. We had hardly done anything yet.

And then he was there. His hands in my panties, his finger circling my clit, pressing down and then pulling back.

"Ally," he whispered into my ear so no one could hear. "You're so wet."

I blushed, but soon forgot my embarrassment when he pushed a finger into me.

I gasped, trying to get his belt undone.

Finally, unclasping it I pulled the tight jeans and his boxers off, revealing all of him.

My heart almost burst out of my chest.

I wrapped my hands around his cock, running up and down.

"That's great guys. You're doing an awesome job."

I blinked, surprised. I had forgotten there was anyone else in the room. Hell, anyone else on the planet.

Austin caught my chin in his hand, his brown eyes focusing on mine. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," I whispered.

He positioned himself above me, his cock just over my center.

And then he pushed into me.

"Oh God."

I was careful not to say his name.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling him inside of me.

Austin's breath was right on my cheek, making me even hotter.

We found a rhythm, pumping in and out, barely able to contain our groans.

And then I came. Shivers raced down my spine, and I exploded.

I felt him coming inside me, prolonging it.

Panting, we both came back into reality. Our eyes glued on each other.

"Woohoo!" We heard clapping in the background. "That was amazing, guys!"

I blushed, and Austin rolled off of me.

Holy fuck. I had come. I never came. I was just a master at faking it.

So what does that say about Austin?