"JACE!" I wail out. My eyes widen, terrified with the scene unfolding before me. The werewolf's clawed fingers meet Jace's cheek, leaving a large red mark down his cheek. Before the blood can start pouring from his injuring I'm breaking into a run towards the werewolf.

Jace is fumbling with his knife trying to fight back against the horrid creature. As I pass Alec, I smoothly grab a sharp object from his pocket. All my anger is building and no rune could do the same damage as the knife that I'm about to plant in its heart.

Jace is still struggling and to escape its grasp so I sneak up behind it. I pull the werewolf's hair back, pulling its head with it, "Hey, dumbass, that's my boyfriend." I scream at it, before bringing my weapon down, severing its head.

It rolls down and its body that used to be attached goes frigid, freezing in its tracks. My face is drenched in blood from my enemy and I'm only starting to get used to that feeling. That feeling of exhilaration when in action. I can feel every muscle in my body tingling. The blood in my veins running faster and faster. I feel so alive.

Jace is just realizing who saved him and he begins to panic at the satisfied look on my face, "Jesus Christ Clary! Didn't realize you actually pay attention in training sessions!"

He swiftly turns around so we're back to back with each other. We begin to circle the room, attacking everything that tries to come at us. "Y'know, you're abs aren't the only thing I concentrate on."

Normally I'm afraid during these situations, tense and frigid. But I feel on fire right now, like I'm on top of the world. Nothing can stop me now, and everything in my way is going down.

I hear Jace cackling behind me as he slices through the throat of the enemy. I'm not surprised that he's enjoying this, he was always one for dangerous situation.

Once the entire room is full of dead bodies and blood, Alec, Izzy, Jace and I are the only ones left standing along with the members of the Clave. "Not my ideal date, but it was definitely hot." I hear Jace say. Of course he's being obnoxious and sarcastic during a situation like this.

"Can someone explain why they were here? I thought we were even with them?" I ask intently.

"Well apparently not..." Jace trails off. He begins to take control of the situation, asking a million questions to the Clave in soft whispers. Once he's done with his interrogation he turns back to me, all the colour from his beautiful face drained.

"They attacked because they think that the Clave sent hunters to kill them. You remember the demons we encountered in the streets the other day? The Clave thinks that was what attacked the werewolves. They must be able to take different forms now, spreading themselves out so that we turn on each other." Jace explains.

"So, what do we do now?" I ask.

"We go kill them." Jace says in a devilish tone.