YO! I'm back with another chapter of The Path of the Fifth. I hope you enjoy…PEACE OUT!

The Path of the Fifth

All his early life Naruto simply wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and become Hokage after him. What happens when Naruto meets a certain red head from the Mist. Will he continue his path towards being the Hokage or will that change. Alive Minato/Kushina. NarutoXMei

Chapter 2: Something's wrong here

"Mikoto-obachan?" Naruto questioned as he jumped out of the tree and landed near Anko who had just stood up. "What are you doing here?" Naruto questioned as everyone around him just sweat dropped including Kara.

"Umm…Aren't you guys supposed to be meeting you Jonin-Sensei?" She questioned as she was hoping Naruto caught on, but sadly he just nodded his head.

"Yeah! I finally graduated!" Naruto yelled out as Mikoto smiled of course she knew this she was here for that reason. "So why are you here we're supposed to be meeting them here." Naruto stated as he looked around a bit to see if he could spot them. The other three just watched as Naruto was as clueless as ever while Anko held up three finger counting down slowly. When she reached one Naruto widened his eyes in realization as he looked back towards Mikoto. "Oh My Kami! You're our Jonin-Sensei?!" Naruto questioned in excitement while Mikoto nodded her head to this.

"That I am Naruto-kun." She stated as se poked him in the forehead. "You better watch out or Itachi-chan will catch up to you." Mikoto stated as she thought of her five year old son who had just started his Ninja training.

"Nah uh!" Naruto declared as he pumped his fist in the air. "I'm going to be the strongest Ninja in this Village, then I'm going take that cool hat from Oto-san." Naruto declared as Mikoto laughed into her hand while his two teammates just smiled. For some reason they believed Naruto would become Hokage one day and when that day came they would follow their friend…always.

"Okay enough playing around." Mikoto stated as she turned into her Jonin-Sensei mode that Naruto will dub later on. "Now I would like everyone to introduce yourselves. For example, your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and your dreams." She stated as she then stepped back a bit as she pointed to herself. "I will go first. I'm Mikoto Uchiha my likes are my Family, friends, chocolate, and have friendly spars with my Rival/Best Friend Kushina. My dislikes would have to be disloyal people, perverts, rapist, and Uchiha elders they really get on my nerves at times. My hobbies are training and spending time with friends and family. My dream for the future is just to have a long happy life with my family." Mikoto finished with a smile as she pointed to Anko. "You go next."

"Hello I'm Anko Mitarashi my likes are my friends, Dango, and snakes. My dislikes are people that are ignorant, mean snakes, and rapist. My hobbies are making people who I don't like suffer." She stated with a wide smile as Naruto and Tenzo took a few steps away just to be safe. "My dream for the future is…to kill a certain Snake." She finished as the last part came out hatefully which caused Naruto to raise an eyebrow from hearing. Mikoto looked towards the young girl sadly from knowing who she was talking about. Mikoto then pointed to Tenzo signaling for him to begin.

"I'm Tenzo, my likes are my friends, nature, and architecture. My dislikes are traitors, rapist, and using my money recklessly." He stated as Anko and Naruto sweat dropped from hearing this they knew all about his money obsession. "My hobbies are training and caring to nature. My dream for the future is to kill a certain mad scientist." Tenzo stated calmly as Naruto and Anko raised an eyebrow from hearing this though Mikoto knew what he meant. Miktoto then pointed to Naruto as he fist pumped.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze!" Naruto yelled out as everyone sweat dropped form how over excited he was.

"Can't you shorten your name instead of having to say the whole thing every time?" Anko questioned as Naruto look towards her in horror.

"How could you even say that?" Naruto questioned with a horrified face which caused Anko to sigh she figured he wouldn't. "Okay my likes are my friends, my family, and Ramen. My dislikes are traitors, rapist, and the three minutes it takes to cook ramen." Naruto stated with a wide smile which caused the other three to shack their heads. "My hobbies are training with my family and friends, and playing with my siblings. My Goal for the future is to surpass all the other Hokages, and if I had to say more I'd say world peace, but that may be a bit optimistic." Naruto finished as everyone nodded their head to this.

"Well it seems I have a lively bunch this year." Mikoto stated as she clapped her hand together a few times for everyone's attention to return to her. "So guess what I can already tell each one of you would fight for one another. So I'm not going to make you take the next test because you guys would have passed it easily." She stated as the three smiled from hearing this. They all knew about the test, Naruto from his father and the others from Naruto. "Though I will be testing your skill level." She stated as the three nodded to this. "I'm going tell you this once if you plan on even landing a hit on me come at me with the intent to kill. The main goal is to capture me." Mikoto stated seriously as the three gulped, but nodded in understanding. "Good and we begin now!" She declared as the three of them disappeared from view.

With team eleven

"What are we going to do?" Anko questioned as Naruto's eyes lit up.

"I say we run in there and attack her together all out." Naruto declared until he was smacked in the back of the head by Tenzo.

"Sometimes I wonder how you can be so smart then a complete dumbass in a moment's notice." Tenzo stated with a sigh as Naruto held his head with tears coming from the corner of his eyes.

"I'm guessing you have a better idea?" Anko questioned as Tenzo nodded his head to this.

"Yeah listen…"

With Mikoto

"Hmm…At least they know how to hide well…" She commented as she stood in the middle of the field simply looking around for any moments. At first she didn't know if she wanted to become a Sensei with Sasuke just being born a month or so ago. Though she knew she had to get out of that house from time to time. She just didn't understand her husband at times he was the one of the nicest men she knew, but after his best friend, Minato became Hokage something inside him just clicked and now he seemed secretive and untrusting of everyone besides other Uchiha's. She would try to get him to come visit the Namikzae compound with her at times, but he always pushed her away. She was soon broken from her thoughts when she heard a slight slicing of wind coming her way. Simply sidestepping she allowed all the skurikens to sail past her.

Looking towards the direction they came from she spotted Naruto who was now going through hand seals rapidly.

"Futon: Renkūdan!" (Drilling air bullet) Naruto said lowly as a compressed ball of wind traveled towards her at high speeds though she just jumped to the side to dodge it, though she had to jump back once again when she dodged a fire ball from Anko who had just jumped out from the trees. When she finally was able to regain her footing she noticed both Naruto and Anko were already in her face attacking her with Taijutsu.

They continued to attack her contently as she effortlessly deflected and dodged the attacks. She was proud of her students these two together would most likely be able to take on a low-jonin with their teamwork. Suddenly she noticed Anko pull out a Kunai which forced Mikoto to pull out her own as she parried her students though from her attention having to go completely towards Anko that gave Naruto the chance he needed to strike seeing that his Sensei was nearing the river and she had nowhere to go. Sending a kick to his Sensei's midsection he was surprised when she jumped back and landed perfectly on the top of the river. Well Mikoto thought it was surprise until Naruto smirked. She began wondering what her student was smirking about, but was taken by surprise when she was suddenly surrounded by a ball of water.

"Suirō no Jutsu."(Water prison) Tenzo stated as he stood next to her with his hand touching the ball of water that surrounded his Sensei. Mikoto smirked from seeing this, her team was defiantly not some push overs. Though a moment later she the Mikoto in the ball of water puffed into smoke as the three genin heard clapping coming from one of the nearby trees seeing Mikoto crouching on one of the branches.

"Good work you three, but sadly you couldn't catch the real one." She teased with a giggled, though stopped when she noticed all three of her Genin were grinning towards her.

"Mokuton: Tree bind!" Tenzo stated as he held his hands up in a hands seal while the tree Mikoto was standing on suddenly grabbed hold of her, suddenly a snake sprung off a branch above her and bite her paralyzing her. Then just to make matters worse another Naruto jumped down from one of the higher branches and held a kunai to her throat.

This happened in a matter of seconds. Mikoto just looked stunned the whole time she was so confused on what had just happened then it hit her. 'I forgot about all three of their trump cards Tenzo's Mokuton, Anko's summons, and Naruto's sensor abilities.' She scolded herself in thought as she felt the poison slowly leaving her system, though she still couldn't move thanks to the tree still holding her down.

"You guys win." She sighed as the tree suddenly dropped her allowing her to land on the ground with a small stumble. The poison was still present it seemed. "I have to admit I underestimated you guys." 'A lot.' She finished in thought as the three of them looked at her happily even if she did underestimate them they still trapped a Kage level shinobi and that was good enough for them. "I don't really know what to say here. It seems you guys should have graduated earlier from what I just saw you guys are easily low to mid chunin level." She commented as the three sighed from hearing this all three of them had reasons for not graduating earlier.

"Well when I was ready to graduate there was no one there for me to form a team." Tenzo commented as Mikoto nodded in understanding.

"The council didn't trust me enough to become an official ninja." Anko commented angrily it was just recently that she was given the okay from the council. It shouldn't even matter what those old farts thought it only mattered what the Hokage thought. Mikoto nodded sadly from hearing this as the three then looked towards Naruto who sweat drop why were they looking at him they should already know the answer. Seeing that none of them figured it out he decided to answer.

"Yeah well I'm only seven and I had to at least attend a year before…it's kind of the rules guys." Naruto commented as the three nodded in understanding which brought another sweat drop to Naruto. Didn't any of them read the academy hand book? He sure did he was a perfectionist, that and he was bored one day and decided to read it.

"Well I hope you guys are ready for this because while you guys are learning under me your lives will be a living hell." Mikoto commented with an evil smirk as the three children took a fearful step back. "So I'll meet you guys tomorrow, there we will begin official training and missions be here at 8." She stated as she Shunsioned away from the three.

One year later

"Owww…" Naruto complained as he slowly and painfully walked into his home. Kushina who was in the kitchen feeding the twins raised an eyebrow as her eldest slowly walked to the fridge. Upon opening it he grabbed a juice box as he slowly dragged himself to the table and flopped down in one of the chairs and poked his straw into the hole in the box as he leaned his head on the table and slowly sipped on his drink. Kushina couldn't hold it anymore as she began giggling from her son's show of tiredness. Slowly turning his head to Kushina who was laughing at his misfortune Naruto sighed.

"Laugh it up Kaa-chan, trust me Mikoto-Oba-chan is a slave driver." Naruto commented as he went back to his juice box ignoring his mother's full blown laughter. Finally getting control of her laughter she looked towards her son who was quietly sipping in his juice box as she smiled lovingly.

"So Naru-chan how is the Resangan coming along?" She questioned as she watched the two baby's in front of her continue drinking her breast milk that she had transferred into bottles.

"I don't know for some reason I can't complete the finally step at all every time I try to combine the first two steps I always add too much power or not enough when I'm spinning it." Naruto commented as Kushina widened her eyes in surprise Naruto had only been learning it for two days now and he was already on the final step. It took her a whole month to learn that technique while it took Jiraiya three months himself to learn it.

"Well I'm going take a shower and then a nap." Naruto commented as he stood up and throw his juice box away. "Wake me up when it's time for dinner." Naruto commented as he walked up the stairs to his room. Walking into his room Naruto looked around to see that he had left his Journal open on his desk that held all his ideas on different Jutsu's he thought of, but had yet to perfect. Walking up to it he closed it as he pulled something out of his pocket and placed it on his desk next to his journal it was a Chunin exam slip, but the problem was that it was being held in Iwagakure. He knew that right now all the Villages were in a temporary cease fire, but he wouldn't put it past Iwa to pull something with him being the son of the Hokage, the man who had killed thousands of their shinobi during the war.

Picking up the slip he leaned against his wall as he allowed himself to slide down the wall and onto the floor as he thought about it. His father must really have confidence if he allowed Mikoto to give them these. He knew that both of his teammates wanted to go, but both of them knew about the bad blood between the Namikaze's and Iwa in general so going was a big risk so they allowed Naruto to make the final decision.

Thinking about it for a few more seconds he stood up and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where his mother was getting some ingredients out of the fridge and the twins were playing with each other. Walking up to his mother he placed the slip right in front of her to see her reaction. It was as expected as she skimmed over it and widened her eyes then looked at her son in worry.

"I don't know what to do here Kaa-chan." Naruto commented with a sigh as he continued. "I know that it's extremely dangerous, but I don't want to disappoint my team who really want to go to this." Naruto stated as Kushina looked down for a second she knew her son was extremely loyal to his friends so of course this would be a difficult decision for him. Deciding to go with her motherly instincts she spoke.

"Naru-chan I don't think it's safe for you to go to this." She stated as Naruto lowered his head from hearing this. "That's what the mother side of me is saying…" She continued as Naruto looked back up. "The Shinobi side is saying that you should never turn your back on a challenge and always push pass your fears." She stated with a small smile. "Take that advice how you like." She stated as she went back to cooking leaving Naruto right back at square one.

Leaving the kitchen he walked back up the stairs and into his room as he placed the slip on the desk and took a change of clothes out of his draw. Then he walked out of his room and into the bathroom that was down the hall from his room. Striping his clothes he stepped into the shower as he put the water to his preferred temperature which was cold. He didn't know why he liked it cold he just chalked it up to his father and Jirayia always putting ice in the pool when they were training him in his Water affinity.

"Kit?" Came a sudden voice which caused Naruto to jump a bit till he remembered his tenant.

"Yeah Kara?" Naruto questioned as the Kyuubi thought to herself before answering.

"I found something interesting in your DNA." She answered as Naruto widened his eyes why was she looked through that in the first place.

"And?" Naruto question since he really wanted to know what she found.

"Umm…Yeah I didn't get that far yet I just wanted to let you know that I did find something." She stated as Naruto sweat dropped she could have just told him that after she found out what it was.

"Okay well can you tell me what I looks like?" Naruto questioned as Kara blinked a few times.

"What do you mean tell you what it looks like…It looks like DNA dumbass?" She stated as Naruto banged his head against the shower wall, that's not what he meant.

"I mean what made it seem interesting?" Naruto questioned as Kara hummed in thought for a few seconds.

"Well you know how everyone's DNA shows their Affinities?" She questioned as Naruto stared at the wall with a blank face.

"I don't know it's not like I ever looked at one." Naruto answered in an annoyed tone where was Kara going with this whole conversation.

"Well they do!" She yelled out for some reason the way Naruto answered her seemed to insult her. "Back to the main topic while I was looking through them…"

"Quick question…Why were you looking through that in the first place?" Naruto questioned as Kara thought it over for a bit.

"Well…It gets extremely boring in here at times so…" She started as Naruto sighed he didn't want to know what else she was doing in her spare time over the year he had noticed that Kara was a huge pervert.

"Okay whatever continue on what you found." Naruto stated as Kara shook her head to get back on topic.

"Okay well I found that besides your three affinities which are Wind, Lightning, and Water there's other ones which are light blue instead of the normal dark blue from Water, yellow from Lightning, and white from Wind, but I can't figure out what it could be because they seem to be connecting all your white and blue ones." She stated as she thought over while Naruto's mind strangely went back to what the Shinigami had told him a year ago. "You have interest me child for that I shall grant your wish. Along with a small gift." The figure stated as happiness flowed through Naruto's eyes.

"Could it be a Kekkei Genkai?" Naruto questioned as Kara widened her eyes why didn't she think of that before.

"Wait I don't remember either of your parents having a Kekkei Genkai." Kara stated as Naruto thought about that as well.

"I think it might have been a gift from the Shinigami." Naruto stated as Kara fell silent for a few moments.

"Are you kidding me?" She suddenly questioned as Naruto just stayed silent as well now that he thought about it really did sound stupid.

"I don't know." Naruto said as he turned off the water and grabbed a towel from the rack then continued the dry himself and begin to get clothed which got a pout from Kara that cause him to roll his eyes from the perverted fox he was eight for god's sake how much enjoyment could you get out of that pedo fox. "We'll figure it out later." Naruto commented as he reached his room and grabbed his journal as he began to read it and fill in more ideas.

Two hours later

"Naru-chan food's ready." Kushina stated as she opened the door to his room just to see Naruto leaned against the wall on his bed sleeping with his journal and pencil in hand. Waling up to him she gently shook him as he opened his eyes and looked at her in a daze. "Honey foods cook." She said softly as Naruto rubbed the sleep away and slowly pushed himself out of his bed and after his mother who was already down the hall. Getting down to the kitchen he noticed something strange.

"Hey Kaa-chan where's Oto-san?" Naruto questioned as he looked around the room to see his father wasn't around that's rare for him not to be home for dinner.

"He's in a council meeting Honey." She answered as Naruto nodded his head in understanding and went take his seat at the table next to his Sister Mito as he played with her and her brother.

With Minato

"Okay I would really like to know why I'm missing dinner right now?" Minato questioned in annoyance as he looked towards the Civilian council who had been the ones to call the meeting. Though his eyes drifted to a certain person that he really got a bad vibe from especially with that smirk he had plastered on his face.

"We just want to discuss what your plans are since we have lost a major Military power with the loss of the Kyuubi." Danzo stated as Minato narrowed his eyes at the man, what was his angle.

"What are you getting at?" Minato questioned sharply since he really didn't like this man and he had a feeling he would like him even less after this meeting.

"I just wanted to know what really happen to the Kyuubi?" Danzo questioned with a smirk that caused Minato to tighten his grip on his seat so that was what this was about.

"I killed it nuff said." Minato stated as all the civilians nodded to this they didn't even know why Danzo wanted this meeting called. Though all the Shinobi council knew what really happened that night since they were told about it.

Danzo simply smirked. "Hokage-sama do you take me for a fool I know that a Biju cannot be killed, they can only be sealed." Danzo stated as all the civilian were confused at this point. "The question is who did you seal the Kyuubi inside of?" Danzo questioned with that same smirk that was really beginning to piss Minato off. "You know your son Naruto he seems extremely talented for an eight year old." Danzo commented as Minato looked at Danzo with icy eyes.

"What can I say he's a smart kid?" Minato commented as Danzo just continued on.

"You know the strangest thing happened a year ago." Danzo stated as he brought his finger up in mock thought. "He developed these strangle looking whisker marks along with slited eyes…I wonder where that came from?" Danzo questioned while Minato kept his calm look on the outside though on the inside he was seething and wanted nothing more than to get rid of Danzo right now it would probably help with many problems in the future as well. He then looked to the civilans and noticed most of them had already put the pieces together sigh to himself he decided that it was best to just tell half the truth. 'I'm so sorry for doing this Naru-chan.' Minato said in thought as he spoke.

"Fine you want the truth. I sealed the Kyuubi inside of Naruto my own son." Minato stated as all the Civilians widen their eyes from hearing this while Danzo just grinned from his victory, but it disappeared soon after when a massive amount of Killer intent flooded the room.

"Though I would like to tell all of you that the Kyuubi is of no harm to you it is subdued inside of Naruto and will never be released and it has not done anything to his personality. Oh and if any of you even mention anything of what you heard to anyone else in the Village." Mianto's eyes then darkened. "I will kill you myself." He finished as he stood up and left the council room before he did something he may regret to Danzo.

Namikaze estate 20 minutes later

Minato opened the door to his home as he walked into the living room to see everyone in his family huddled around the coffee table staring intently at something. Walking up to them he looked over Naruto's shoulder who was the closest one to him. He found that they were looking at different Ninja outfits for some odd reason and he could tell they were Naruto's.

"Umm…What are you guys doing?" He suddenly questioned as they all looked up towards him then quickly looked back to the clothes which caused Minato to sweat drop.

"I think I will go in this one." Naruto stated as he picked up a change of clothes that consisted of black ANBU pants and an orange colored shirt. Kushina just looked at Naruto with a confused look why would he pick such a bright color.

"Why orange?" She questioned as Naruto smiled towards her.

"Well it's the perfect mix of red and yellow, just like me." He answered as Kushina and Minato smile from hearing this even if he still didn't know what was going on.

"Okay back to my original question what are you guys doing?" He questioned once again as Naruto smiled towards him.

"I'm picking the outfit I will be wearing in the Chunin exam next week." Naruto stated as Minato smiled slightly. He originally wanted to send a genin team to Iwa in order to show the Tsuchikage that Konoha had no bad blood towards them, but when he found out that the only team with a high enough skill level was his son's team he almost dropped the idea completely. Though he really wanted no bad blood between the two countries' so he decided to send them with his own son. This could work out two ways Iwa sees that Konoha doesn't feel the need for revenge or they feel that Konoha is being arrogant by sending the son of their most hated enemy. He was hoping that it was the first one though. Still he would take all the precautions in order to keep his son safe from harm.

AND DONE! I'm trying to move the story along until Naruto is of Jonin status so I'm probably going to be flying through his early life a bit, but I did want you guys to have a bit information of his early life so that's why I have all this in. Also I haven't really thought of a good idea for the second stage of the Chunin exam in Iwa so if anyone has any good ideas it would be really helpful…PEACE!