Chapter 6

Rikuo drifted in and out of consciousness. Later, if anyone asked, he wouldn't be able to tell them what exactly it felt like. In one instant, he'd see nothing but black and feel as if he were floating. But in the next, he'd be firmly grounded and in enough agony he'd cry out if he could. Sounds were distant, muffled. He'd sometimes hear murmuring above him, or to his side. At other times, he'd hear nothing at all.

He dreamt too. They were short, usually; only snippets of whatever strange stories his mind would conjure. Most, he wouldn't remember when he later awoke. Some, he'd remember with frightening clarity.

Everything was hazy and unfocused, like the scenes of a video shot by an unsteady hand. The air, however, was warm and smelt distinctly floral. It was a welcoming scent, calming almost. He heard a giggle, a child's voice; it was no more than a distant echo. Then, he could feel soft grass beneath his toes and a gentle breeze upon his cheeks. He was crouched low behind a shrub, his hand and knees sinking luxuriously into the grass and dirt below. The ground was covered with cherry blossoms, and petals from the nearby tree continued to drift downward as the wind gently harassed its branches. He realised the voice he'd heard before had been his own. He giggled again.

"I wonder where Rikuo-sama has disappeared to." Came a voice from somewhere beyond the shrubbery.

He grinned enthusiastically and ducked lower. The shrubs were thick and obstructed his view, but he could still hear the dull footfalls of the other person. They wouldn't find him here, he was sure of it.

"I can't seem to find him at all…" The voice seemed to be talking to itself.

Shifting forward a little as the footsteps grew closer, he could make out a pair of ragged sandals through the leaves. As always, he wondered if their owner would ever realise just how ragged they were and buy a new set. Or perhaps all of his sandals were equally as ragged as this one and he simply liked the ragged look. Could you buy sandals that were already ragged?

He jerked in surprise as a hand grasped the back of his kimono and hauled him upwards. With a good-natured squeal, he kicked his little arms and legs in mock protest.

"Oh. Look what I found. A stray."

He laughed as the older boy - he looked no more than eighteen - grabbed him and lifted him to his shoulder. There he squirmed, giggling helplessly as the boy attacked his ribs, tickling him. Despite not having overly muscular arms, the older boy's grip was strong and sure, but never violent.

"I caught you Rikuo-sama."

Rikuo scrabbled to grip the boy's shoulder, burying his face into the nape of his neck and squealing as the older boy continued his tickling assault. The boy was laughing too, his chest rumbling in mirth.

"Stop it!" Rikuo cried, tears of laughter in his eyes.

The boy chuckled but stopped, and allowed Rikuo to catch his breath.

"No fair, I'm ticklish!" Rikuo said, pouting.

He rested his chin on the boy's shoulder, feeling quite content now that he wasn't under constant attack. The scent was safe and comfortable, and Rikuo twisted his fingers idly through blonde hair. The boy's hair resembled a bird's nest at the best of times and Rikuo was always intrigued by its inherent messiness.

"You deserved it after running away from your father like that. He's going to be quite angry at you when we get back you know," said the boy as he gently lowered Rikuo to the ground.

Rikuo crossed his arms across his chest and huffed.

"Don't wanna go back."

The boy extended a hand toward Rikuo, and after only a second more of sulking, Rikuo unfolded himself and grabbed it. The boy's hand curled warmly around his.

"Come, now. Is this any way for the young master of the Nura clan to act?" The boy asked, and Rikuo looked up at him with a frown. The boy smiled indulgently down at him. "After all, sometimes a leader must do things he doesn't always enjoy for the sake of the clan."

Rikuo faltered.

"So how about it? Are you ready to take your bath now? The clan can't have a stinky leader after all; it simply wouldn't do!"

Rikuo giggled at the other boy's dramatics and squeezed his hand before schooling his features.

"Ok then. For the sake of the clan." Rikuo said seriously.

"For the sake of the clan," repeated the blonde boy, face grave. His stern expression soon melted into a smile though.

Rikuo followed the boy as they made their way back to the house, shifting closer when he spotted the boy's frightening companions lurking on a rooftop nearby. Noticing this, the boy waved his free hand dismissively and the three figures disappeared from sight. Rikuo knew, however, that they weren't really gone, just in hiding. After all, the creatures never ventured far from their master. He tightened his grip on the boy's hand and pushed himself against his side. He disliked those creatures immensely. They reeked of death and decay, and grew violent far too easily. Rikuo sometimes wondered why such a kind person would be accompanied by such beasts. The boy only chuckled and ruffled his hair fondly.

"Come on then, let's go face the wrath of your father."

Rikuo awoke abruptly but silently, feeling melancholy. He didn't often dream of his childhood, but it appeared he could still recall their events clearly. Familiar as they were however, it all seemed so long ago.

A sharp, insistent pain pulsed through his head and he inhaled slowly. He slid his eyes open and was instantly met with a bland, uninteresting white ceiling. His mind was slow, tired, and even the simple action of turning his head felt like the most difficult of tasks. There were no decorations in his immediately line of sight, only a small, unadorned window hung with curtains of the most neutral grey. His foggy mind supplied him with the only explanation he could think of; he was most likely in some sort of hospital. But, then again, which hospital would treat a demon? A familiar form was crouched against the wall to his left, and upon seeing him he felt an immediate and innate sense of relief.

"Kubi…nashi." he said, his voice no more than a croaky whisper. The boy heard him however, and his head shot forward immediately. Soon, the rest of his body followed at a more reasonable pace.

"Rikuo-sama." Kubinashi said as he crouched by the bedside. "You're awake." The relief in the boy's face and his tone of voice was evident.

"Where-"Rikuo began, but the dryness of his throat caused him to choke on his words. Kubinashi shushed him before procuring a glass of water seemingly out of nowhere. He helped Rikuo sit up, a taxing effort for the tired and injured, before tipping the glass gently to his lips. Rikuo's wounds stung painfully at the movement, but they felt clean, tended to and securely bandaged. After being attacked so viciously, he was still alive; for that, he was grateful.

Rikuo took small sips of the liquid, relishing in the way it soothed his parched throat. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity of drinking, he slumped backward. He was beginning to feel better. However, he was still far too drowsy for his liking. He knew he'd soon slip back into unconsciousness.

"Where are we?" Rikuo asked softly.

Kubinashi bit his lip, looking uncomfortable as he replaced the cup onto a small night stand. There was a moment of hesitation wherein Kubinashi looked to be battling his own thoughts. Then, with a small sigh of resignation, the neck-less boy answered.

"In an apartment." Kubinashi replied evenly. "Specifically, a friend of Sawada Tsunayoshi's. He's the doctor who tended to your wounds."

Within his foggy mind, several alarm bells went off. However, in his state of drowsiness they sounded less like the piercing calls of an emergency, and more like a muffled suggestion.

"A Vongola doctor." Rikuo said, because it was the obvious answer, and although it wasn't a question, Kubinashi nodded anyway. Rikuo attempted to blink the sleep from his eyes.

"We shouldn't stay for longer than absolutely necessary." Kubinashi said.

"How long have I been sleeping?"

"Less than a day."

Rikuo was relieved. The shorter the amount of time he was unaware of, the better. He looked outside and noted the dulled orange hue of late afternoon. If it had indeed been less than a day since the attack, it would mean he'd slept through only one night here. Something occurred to him at this moment and he became acutely aware of his body.

"I've changed back." Rikuo said, and Kubinashi looked grim.

"I tried to get him out of the room before sunrise but the Vongola doctor insisted on checking you every few hours." Kubinashi bowed his head in apology. "I'm sorry. He didn't see the change itself, but obviously noticed the difference afterward."

"It's fine." Rikuo said, placating. "I know Sawada-kun has been suspicious of me from the start. He would have found out eventually."

"Even so…"

"Don't worry about it; we have bigger things to be concerned about after all."

They exchanged a glance and Rikuo knew that Kubinashi was also thinking of the creatures which they'd fought earlier. They fell into a contemplative silence, Rikuo's tired mind beginning to whirl once more.

"They're after the Vongola heir aren't they?" Kubinashi said, and Rikuo nodded in response.

"That seems to be the most likely explanation." Rikuo reasoned.

"The Vongola will be curious to know what is going on in their town. I think we should tell them what we know." Rikuo said, and Kubinashi's brow furrowed.

"Do you really think that's for the best?" The blonde asked in response.

"If grandpa sent us here on business involving the Vongola, then we won't be able to avoid interacting with them." Rikuo explained. "Eventually they will find out our secrets. If we tell them ourselves, then at least we know that the information they are receiving is true."

"What if they turn on us?" Kubinashi questioned, frowning. "We are demons after all. Humans don't tend to like us very much."

Rikuo turned to smile at Kubinashi.

"If we managed to convince the Keikain household that we aren't inherently evil, I'm sure we can convince anyone." Rikuo reasoned, but Kubinashi still seemed somewhat hesitant. Seeing this, Rikuo added, "For the most part, I don't think Sawada-kun consciously means to harm us."

"And you're going to trust that he won't?"

"No," Rikuo replied honestly, "But what other choice do we have?"

Kubinashi sighed, but ultimately resigned. After the battle in Kyoto, he'd obviously been trying his best to stop coddling Rikuo. After all Rikuo was no longer a child, but head of the Nura clan. He was a leader now: his leader.

"If you deem it necessary, then I have no objections." Kubinashi said eventually.

Rikuo smiled gratefully at his loyal friend.

"I'm not proposing we tell them everything." Rikuo said before sighing tiredly. The conversation had drained him of what little vitality he'd had. Kubinashi was lowering him back into bed at once.

"Rest first. We'll talk to them when you've regained some strength."

Rikuo murmured his thanks and closed his eyes; his pounding head quietening briefly as he did so. It gave him some semblance of relief.

Without the distraction of conversation, his mind drifted. Soon, it was approaching territories he'd been avoiding since he'd awoken. Reluctantly, he recalled his dream from earlier. The memory had been so vivid. He'd been able to feel the grass beneath his fingers and the sunlight on his neck. He'd smelt the heavily scented air, floral and heady, and heard laughter in his ears. Most of all, he'd been able to see so very clearly, the bright smile of a man he once knew.

The images vanished as he opened his eyes and the pain in his head returned full-force. Along with it, as if in vengeance, so did the persistent flicker of betrayal he'd banished earlier.

"Are you the ones killing all these people?"

"Indeed. It is us."


"Because it was ordered."

Kubinashi was hovering at his side, watching him.

"Kubinashi..." Rikuo said suddenly, his stomach churning uncomfortably. Three dark, horrible creatures flashed to mind, their soulless white eyes terrible even in memory. Alongside them, in complete contrast, appeared the kind face of the boy from his dreams. He felt sick. "He wouldn't...right?"

Kubinashi's gaze softened and he smoothed a gentle hand across Rikuo's forehead. "Rest, Rikuo-sama." he said soothingly.

Rikuo closed his eyes beneath the touch and forced himself to relax.

"He wouldn't." Rikuo said again, his mind slowing, becoming blank.

Kubinashi continued to stroke Rikuo's hair softly, until his breathing became deep and even. Rikuo never saw the moment when Kubinashi's face faltered and his gentle expression tightened.


His long, black coat rustled roughly around him and his hair whipped gracelessly into his face. Up here, atop the tallest building in Naminori, the wind was strong and unforgiving. His already messy blonde hair would become even further mussed, but he paid it no mind as he stared blankly out across the city. It was nearing sunset and the streets below were heavily trafficked as commuters began travelling home from work. The expression on his handsome face was gentle as he mulled over his thoughts, his hands curled into loose fists in the pockets of his slacks. How ordinary their lives were, he thought; how insignificant their place in the world was.

Amidst these rambling thoughts, his neck prickled. He froze.

"Master." Came a now familiar, but no less chilling, voice from somewhere behind him. He hadn't been able to sense them until the very last moment, as always. "We have located the boy."

He straightened at this news but didn't turn.

"I notice you don't yet have him," he said, toneless.

"We ran into some…unexpected obstacles," replied another voice, similar to the first but coming from slightly more to the right. He raised a single eyebrow. What could have possibly stopped these creatures from completing their task? "The Nura clan are here."

He turned at this, blue eyes blazing. The three creatures bowed their heads low.

"What?" He hissed.

"Nura Rikuo and his followers were present when I encountered the Vongola heir." One creature replied. "They seemed to be in league with the Vongola. I retreated from the battle immediately to report to you."

He bit his lip in deep contemplation. Nura Rikuo was a familiar name to him. How many years had it been since he'd last seen the boy? Nine? Ten? What was he doing here, now? He turned back to the city. It must have been the work of Nurarihyon. It certainly could not be mere coincidence. But how did he know?

He took a deep breath and forced himself to relax, a dry smile rising to his lips. It seemed Nurarihyon had sent his grandson here to meet him.

"We await your orders."

"Nothing has changed," he said flatly, his voice exhibiting none of the thoughts that now plagued him, "The task remains the same. Capture the Vongola heir and bring him to me."

"And if the Nura boy intercedes?"

His hesitation lasted no more than a second.

"Leave him to me. I think it's time I paid a visit to a dear old friend."

The creatures made a soft hissing sound; it was one he had long come to associate with disapproval. Then their presence vanished, silently and all at once. After inhaling long and slow, his fist loosened. Those things had never liked Rikuo, or the Nura clan. He had no doubts that they would kill the boy without the slightest reluctance if given the opportunity.

He closed his eyes against the wind and stood in silence for a moment, enjoying the feel of its roughness against his skin. Then, with barely a noise, he blinked and leapt from the building into the darkness of the night.


"His healing abilities are miraculous. His wounds have almost all closed," Shamal said, "In fact, with the injuries he had when you brought him in, I'm surprised he's still alive at all."

Shamal was leaning on the sink, eyeing Reborn on the counter beside him. Tsuna was on the ground, back against the couch, his homework from today's lessons spread out on the coffee table in front of him. He'd spent most of the afternoon at the hospital talking to a very frustrated Yamamoto and Gokudera; there was no way he was going to finish his report and solve all of his math tonight. He looked up at Shamal's voice.

"It couldn't be from a sun flame, could it?" Shamal asked, and Reborn shook his head in response.

"From what Tsuna's told me, none of them have shown any indication of possessing dying will flames of any attribute," the baby said, "We had originally thought Rikuo was a mist user, but I think we can rule that out too."

Shamal nodded grimly. "Unless someone really powerful is creating illusions within illusions, I'm sure the body I treated – or rather I should say, both bodies I treated – were real."

Reborn nodded.

"Which brings us to the most important question, doesn't it?" he said, "What kind of power is he using, if not flames?"

Tsuna chewed on the end of his pencil in worry. It seemed that they were no closer to figuring out anything that was going on here. One mystery always led to another whenever they got involved.

"And what about the creature that attacked Tsuna and the others? You said it was poisonous?" Shamal asked, "Was it the same one that attacked that Rikuo kid?"

The thought of that creature once again sent a chill down Tsuna's spine. He'd be happy if he never saw it again.

"I'm unsure myself…" Reborn trailed off, glancing to Tsuna. "What do you think Tsuna? You were there after all."

Tsuna jolted, pulling his chewed pencil from his mouth.

"Nura-kun never mentioned what hurt him." Tsuna said, eyebrows furrowing, "He didn't really have the chance to. He came just as the creature attacked and collapsed almost as soon as it left. None of his friends said anything either."

A moment, and then Tsuna remembered something.

"There was one thing I did find strange now that you mention it," Tsuna said, and he instantly had the full attention of both Shamal and Reborn. "Nura-kun and the creature…talked for a bit."

"They talked….?" Shamal asked, eyebrow raised.

"Yes, like they knew each other." Tsuna said, "The thing- it mentioned siblings."

Reborn's eyes narrowed then.

"There's more than one?"

Tsuna nodded and then added, "I think they're the ones that attacked Nura-kun."

"So...Rikuo knew the thing that attacked you and they chatted away like old buddies for a bit, but you also think this creature's 'siblings' attacked him?" Shamal listed. Tsuna nodded and in response, Shamal threw up his arms, frustrated. "I don't get it. Is this kid our friend or foe?"

"I'd say neither at this point." A voice that wasn't theirs responded.

In an instant, Reborn was on Tsuna's shoulder. Shocked for a moment, Tsuna didn't know whether to be touched by his tutor's seeming concern or scared listless by the suddenness of the action. He settled on ignoring Reborn in favour of staring at Rikuo, who had apparently just spoken.

Tsuna could hardly believe his own eyes. He stared slack-jawed, at the small Rikuo in the doorframe. Despite recovering for only about a day, Rikuo already looked reasonably healthy. His bandages were mostly still in place but his skin had regained its colour and he stood straight without any indication of pain. Reborn was soundless, but Tsuna suspected even the baby's interest was piqued now. Shamal had warned them of this particular anomaly but seeing it for himself was far more shocking.

Kubinashi stood stiffly to one side, his sharp eyes attentive and ever-watchful. He was staring, in particular, at Reborn. It seemed an infant who could speak fluent Japanese and wore tiny suits had caught the attention of the boy with no neck. And as if that wasn't the strangest thing, Kurata, or Aotabo as he'd later introduced himself, was retaining his form from the previous night. All pretences of being a normal, albeit older-looking, middle-school student were completely annihilated. Along with Kubinashi's constant vigilance, he was a bulking reminder that getting closer to the young Nura was not permitted.

It was Reborn who broke the silence first.

"It's good to see you're recovering well." Reborn said amiably.

To this Rikuo bowed his head in acknowledgement. "I suppose I should thank you for that. You really saved me."

At this, Reborn motioned to Shamal, who was staring indifferently at his most recent patient. "Actually, it's Shamal you should be thanking. He's the doctor that treated you."

Rikuo blinked, nodded and then turned his bow toward Shamal.

"You have my utmost gratitude." Rikuo intoned formally, to which Shamal simply grunted. He then turned back to Reborn, gesturing to the armchairs placed around the coffee table. "I hope you don't mind if we take a seat. I may be in better shape than I was, but I still tend to get a little weary."

This snapped Tsuna out of whatever trance he'd been in.

"P-please sit down. We don't want you to collapse again!" Tsuna replied hastily, gathering up his books and papers as he did so. Rikuo smiled in gratitude, while Kubinashi and Aotabo exchanged an amused smirk at his antics.

"It's nice to finally greet you properly." Reborn started politely once the three were seated. Rikuo sat directly across from them, with Kubinashi perched on his armrest, while Aotabo had secured his own seat nearby. "My name is Reborn."

"I'm Nura Rikuo, it's a pleasure to meet you Reborn-san." Rikuo replied, equally as polite.

Kubinashi remained silent but tilted his head slightly in greeting. Reborn likewise inclined his head.

"I had suspected as much from your name, but are you all members of the esteemed Nura clan by any chance?" Reborn asked, a curious inflection to the tone of his voice. Tsuna understood this as a ploy; they didn't want their guests thinking they had investigated them after all.

Aotabo and Kubinashi shared a look.

"Yes, we are." Rikuo replied, looking genuinely surprised. "How do you know that name?"

"I have always been a bit of a history buff. The Nura name holds quite some prestige if you know where to look." Reborn replied easily. Unfortunately, Kubinashi wasn't falling for it.

"And where exactly is it that you looked?" The boy asked, gaze sharpening. Tsuna felt a sudden urge to shrink backward, and if it weren't for Reborn's swift elbow to the neck, he might have done just that.

"Relax, Kubinashi. It's not polite to ask a man to reveal his sources." Rikuo said. Kubinashi relaxed and instantly, Tsuna felt the urge pass. Strange, it felt like a curtain had been lifted. Rikuo, meanwhile, was staring at Reborn in polite interest. "Excuse me, but may I ask you something too?"

Reborn consented with little hesitation.

"You know of our family, so it's only fair that I ask you for yours."

"He's testing us." Reborn whispered quietly to Tsuna and Tsuna swore he saw Rikuo's lips twitch at this, despite being on the other side of the room. In a louder voice, Reborn said, "I assume you don't mean my relatives do you?"

This time Rikuo did smile. "Not explicitly, no."

Reborn fell into silent contemplation and Tsuna stared at Rikuo in complete bewilderment. The other boy simply smiled serenely back at him. It seemed Rikuo knew far more than he'd first let on.

"Judging from the way you phrased your question, I'm assuming you already know who we are." Reborn said after a moment. "But you want us to tell you directly, otherwise you won't know whether or not to trust us. Am I right?"

Rikuo shrugged. "I know no more than I know."

At this, Reborn's eyebrows shot up. "Indeed."

Then, the baby nudged Tsuna sharply, causing him to jump. "Tsuna, why don't you introduce yourself properly?"

Tsuna turned to Reborn with wide eyes. "What? But-"

Reborn pinched him. "Stop questioning me dame-Tsuna, and just do it."

Rikuo, Kubinashi and Aotabo were watching him expectantly and so Tsuna groaned.

"Um. M-my name is Sawada Tsunayoshi…I'm, well…honestly, I'd rather not-"

Reborn kneed him rather hard.


Rikuo, Kubinashi and Aotabo smiled amusedly at this. Reborn sighed heavily.

"Honestly Tsuna, are you five? Can't you speak properly?" Reborn asked, an evil glint in his eyes.

Tsuna gulped at the expression, his belly filling with dread. Luckily for him, Rikuo took pity on him and distracted them both with a laugh.

"It's fine. I managed to understand most of that…I think." Tsuna found that Rikuo's friendly smile was a pleasant tension diffuser. That was, until it melted into a smirk. "After all, we already know who you are."

All Tsuna could do was stare in bewilderment as Rikuo lowered his head into a quick but respectful bow. He noticed immediately that neither Aotabo nor Kubinashi followed suit. When Rikuo raised his head, there was a mischievous gleam to his eyes that Tsuna swore he hadn't possessed before.

"Truly a pleasure, Vongola Decimo."

A/N: Hi guys! Once again thankyou for all the kind reviews! I love reading them and have resolved to start answering more of them from now on. So if any of you receive an answer to a review from months ago, that'd be why :) See you all next update!