
"This is a terrible idea," Pansy stated, standing in the Malfoys' doorway. "It's his first day of school, and he doesn't want me there. You've got to stop trying to force this, Hermione."

Hermione smiled as she pulled her friend inside and closed the door behind her. "It was his idea," she replied. "Although it might have just been to shut Ava up. All she asks for is pretty Aunt Pansy."

They stepped into the living room where Hermione's three year old daughter greeted Pansy with a squeal. "There's my princess," Pansy said as she picked the little girl up.

"Did Harry come?" Hermione wondered. "I thought he'd be in by now."

"He's wrestling James out of the car," Pansy told her, trying to hold in her laughter. "We told him we were coming over here, and he threw a fit. Apparently, he's scared of Draco. Imagine that."

Hermione chuckled as Oliver joined her. "Draco has always been all bark and no bite," she replied. "There's nothing scary about him. Right, Ol?"

Oliver snorted. "Dad doesn't even use magic. I'm pretty sure James could take him," he added. "Mum, I'm all packed. Dad said to let you know he wants to leave soon."

Nodding, Hermione left the living room to get ready. Pansy, now alone with the children, smiled. "Are you excited?" she asked, never sure how best to talk to her son.

Shrugging, he took Ava from her and told her to go upstairs. "I, um, I'm glad you're coming," he told her. "I know it makes Mum and Dad happy too. So, uh, thanks."

"It's my pleasure," she replied.

Hermione and Draco returned with Oliver's trunk and Ava. If either felt the tension, neither mentioned it. "Aren't we missing a Potter?" Draco inquired. "Or two?"

Pansy filled him in, causing Draco to laugh. "Well, at least I intimidate someone," he replied.

"Yeah, but he's two," Oliver retorted.

Draco scowled, and told him to get in the car. Oliver took Ava with him and left the house. "You okay?" he asked Pansy when they were alone.

She nodded as she smiled. "I think so," she replied. "It only took five years, but I think Oliver is finally starting to warm up to me."

"We should go," Hermione said.

Draco frowned, but allowed the women to leave the house first. Since Pansy's return to their lives half a decade ago, he knew his wife felt guilty about usurping Pansy's role in the boy's life. Oliver had been thrilled when his father married and Hermione became his mother. When Pansy and Harry began dating, she came around more frequently, much to Oliver's consternation. Their marriage a year after his parents' solidified her place in his life.

"So, how are you getting away from work, Mr. Executive Chef?" Harry asked when he joined his family and the Potters.

"I'm shipping my boy off to boarding school. Anton knows how heartbroken I am over it," Draco replied as he climbed into Harry's van. "Besides, the last time I took a day off was when Ava was born. I'm due."

"Funny, that's what Mum said the last time you took a day off," Oliver joked.

Draco turned and tossed Ava's stuffed teddy bear at his son. "Enough of that, you, or you're going to get another sister," he warned.

Oliver rolled his eyes. "Sure, because you can control that," he retorted.

"Enough," Pansy and Hermione said in unison.

Harry glanced at the row of children and smiled. "So, Ol, planning to follow in your dad's footsteps? Try out for Quidditch?" he asked. Oliver shrugged, having never enjoyed the game since learning he was a wizard. "Don't worry. You're dad didn't make the team his first year. Not like me. First first year to make the team in probably forever."

"Quit bragging to my eleven year old," Draco told him. "Isn't it enough that you've told him you're the savior? Enough with the neverending list of accomplishments."

"Enough with the bickering," Hermione interrupted. "The two of you are setting an awful example for your children."

He shot her an apologetic look. "Sorry," he mumbled.

They soon arrived at Kings Cross and everyone vacated the van. Oliver stood close to his parents while Draco carried Ava. Father and son quickly walked ahead of the rest of the group, leaving Harry and Hermione to bring up the rear. "You okay?" Harry asked as they entered the station.

"Sure," she replied half-heartedly. "I just wish he didn't have to go. It's so far away."

Harry placed his arm around her shoulders. "He'll be home soon enough," he promised.

"Does it ever bother you?" she asked. "What happened between Draco and Pansy, I mean. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy that she's around and becoming more involved in Oliver's life. I just...I don't know."

"Yes, you do," he replied. "They're his parents, and sometimes it feels like we don't belong. Mione, you're his mother though. He will never acknowledge that Pansy is, and I know that hurts her. That kid has loved you since the moment you stepped into his life. Don't forget that."

Hermione nodded, and the friends remained silent as they passed through the barrier to Platform 9 3/4. "Mum, look at it," Oliver said, staring in awe at the Hogwarts Express. She joined him and stared at the train, remembering the first time she had seen it. "It's incredible."

"You know, your dad and I met on the train our first year," she told him. "He helped me look for a frog."

"And then I made fun of her hair," Draco added as he joined them. "It was...downhill from there."

Oliver smiled. "You still make fun of her hair," he pointed out. Chuckling, his father laughed. "So, if some girl asks me to find a frog, I should tease her, and marry her fifteen years later? Is that really the advice you're giving me?"

Sighing, Draco shook his head. "You and I were raised very differently," he said. In the years since his admission to being a wizard, he had told his son stories from his childhood. He hadn't shied away from confessing that he was a Death Eater, nor that he was a horrible, spoiled, angry little boy. He told Oliver how he had treated Hermione and Harry and Ron during their school days. "Just don't be like me. Be kind and accepting. Never, ever judge anyone based on their heritage."

Oliver nodded as he hugged his father. "I won't," he promised. The train whistle blew to signal that it would soon be leaving. "I guess that means I should board? I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, buddy," Draco replied, letting go of his son. He watched as Oliver hugged his mother and sister before stepping away from them.

Oliver approached Harry and Pansy cautiously. "I'll see you soon," he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Write to me?"

Pansy nodded. "Only if you promise to write back," she replied, blinking away tears. "I'll miss you."

Pulling away, he smiled. "I'll miss you too," he told her. He bade Harry and James goodbye and returned to his family.

Draco hugged him once more. "I'm proud of you, and I love you," he whispered in his son's ear. Oliver beamed with pride. He had heard the words before and often, but they meant so much more as he prepared to leave his family for the first time.

When he stepped out of his father's arms, he soon found himself in his mother's warm and loving embrace. "You're still my favorite mum," he whispered, causing her to laugh despite the tears in her eyes.

"You're still my favorite son," she replied.

The End