
A/N: Little oneshot I decided to write when I found out about the Gremma hug in "That Still Small Voice;" basically it assumes that the hug was the catalyst for Graham's letter. It's short, but I hope it's good.

Disclaimer: If I owned Once Upon a Time, Graham never would have died in the first place, and he and Emma would probably be married by now, and Neal and Bae would not be the same person, and did you see that time Tamara killed Pinocchio, who was made out of wood, with electricity? Yeah, that wouldn't have happened because it was stupid. Also Robin Hood's role would have been worthy of all that advertising before Lacey and I would have moved heaven and earth to have him played by Jonas Armstrong. But since none of the above statements are true, you can clearly see that I don't own it. Sadly.

A hug.

That's all it was.

Just one little action that most people do every day.

But he had never before experienced something so…

So sweet. So intimate.

So right.

He's been physically close to other people, before, of course, there is that thing he has with Regina that he doesn't understand and doesn't want but cannot, for some reason, bring himself to stop – but it's never been like this.

It was a moment in time that he almost cannot understand.

It was a moment of celebration, because she had saved Henry and Archie – but it was more than that.

He had felt something in that moment and she… She had those damn mile-high walls around her all the time but in that moment she had let him into them.

He had been behind her walls for that one brief second and he wishes he was still there.

He wants to tell her how he feels – how she makes him feel – but he knows that he cannot, not yet.

So he sits at his desk and starts to write.

My dear Emma,

It's strange the things you find when you're not looking for them…