Freeze Frame 5:

How is the death of a French Naval officer on American soil connected to Eli David, and how will Ziva deal with the shocking news her father finally reveals? Will this be goodbye?

Warnings: None

Previously... The team are officially off the case, but are covertly assigned to the protection of Eli David in order to thwart the goals of Halim/ Malouf. Ziva, in disguise as an old girlfriend of Tony's, and Adam have settled in with Tony, escaping the notice of Malouf. Marley and Abby are cooking up something to persuade Gill and Gibbs to further develop their relationship. Parsons is being very sneaky… still, and is on his way to Eli's American safe house with Jabarin, a Mossad agent posing as NCIS agent Ziva David.

Chapter 7: Hello Goodbye, part 2

FREEZE FRAME: Mid shot of Marley and Adam in profile looking at each other; their expressions grim. Convert to Black and White. Then Blackout.

Fade into a wide shot of The Hungry Games Family Restaurant and Amusement Arcade. Kids and parents all head through the doors excitedly. Pan and crane right to long shot of Marley dragging Tony by the arm towards the entrance.

"Come on Tony, my friends are waiting."

"Slow down, Marley. If they are here, they are not going anywhere. I'm meeting someone here, too, in fifteen minutes."

"Ohh, who?"

"You'll get to meet them when they arrive."

"Oh, Okay. Hey, why don't I go inside a get us a table. Make sure the gangs all there and we can eat in the same place."

"No, just be patient, Marley. Gibbs doesn't want you out of my sight," said Tony as he scanned the street.

Marley scowled and crossed her arms across her chest. "Jeepers creepers, I'm twelve for God sake!"

"Hey!" scolded Tony. "Language!"

"Well, Tony, I am. Besides, I was doing stuff like this all the time just over a year ago. Heck, I was driving and picking Rose up from bars. I survived then. I'm just going in there; you can see me from the window…I"

"Shush, here they come."

Marley looked up to see a small blonde headed woman and a small boy coming towards them. She frowned. "So is this a new girlfriend, Tony?" Marley didn't sound enthusiastic at all; she had always hoped that Tony and Ziva would get together and had worked hard over the last month to match make the pair.

"No, Marley, actually an old girlfriend… well not old, yes new… Oh, I can't explain too much now."

Marley stared at the woman still some distance away. She looked a little familiar, but Marley couldn't put her finger on it. The blonde messy hair and the mis- matched second hand clothes were interesting; a little bohemian looking even. But Marley would have thought this type of girl was not really Tony's type. Marley stopped looking at her and instead she glared at the boy bouncing at her heels. He held tightly to his mother's hand while crossing the road. "Who's the kid?" She asked in annoyance.

Tony smirked, "Adam. He's a good kid and new in town. I want you to be nice to him. He and his mom are staying with me for a while."

"Huh… They family? How much is a while? Why haven't they got any other friends?" asked Marley, a multitude of other questions formulating in her mind.

"Yes, maybe months, and not yet," answered Tony.

"Huh? Which is which answer for which question?" Marley kept her eyes on the boy as the couple neared the doors of the 'Hunger Games'.

"Marley, this is Adam; Adam, Marley," introduced Tony.

"How old are you?" asked Adam.

"Too old for you, buster!" snapped Marley.

"Too old for me what?" asked Adam, confused.

"Marley!" Tony shoved Marley in the shoulder, turned and glared down at her, effectively hiding Ziva, aka Lisa, behind him. Ziva laughed at Marley's reaction and picked up on the fact that the young girl may feel a little put out. Still, she was relieved that Marley had not recognised her. It was hard to keep a straight face, even harder when Adam, in all seriousness, looked up at Tony.

"Ohh…" he said with an expression of realization on his face. "I did not think you had arranged marriages here. Is she to be my mate when I come of age? She is pretty, though the short hair is a little unbecoming, and she is a little too old for me, Father."

Tony snorted, looking at Adam to see if he was serious or not. When he saw the boy wink, he had to supress a laugh. The kid was after his own heart and had a wicked sense of humour. Of course, the father comment was a little bit of problem. He hadn't wanted to have to deal with this so soon. However, it was the story they had all decided on for everyone's safety.

"What! Father… Tony where did this kid come from, and what country does he think he is in? Is he crazy…" Marley side stepped Tony, trying to get a better look at the boy's mother.

Tony tried to block her view and answer her at the same time. Ziva's giggling didn't help.

"He's not crazy, and he's stirring you… joking. And yes, I'm his father. It's a long story, and that's all you need to know. It's a need to know basis only."

"Does Ziva know about this? I know Gibbs had to go out and help her the other night. I thought you did, too. Where is Ziva? I think she should meet this…lady. Sorry, lady, what's your name?" asked Marley as she flipped her gaze to and fro between Tony and Lisa, not giving either adult a chance to answer before she rolled off another round of statements. "Tony has a…" Marley had to think, she couldn't say girlfriend, even though that what she wanted them to be. They weren't actually that … yet. Marley had to make sure this situation was not going to interfere with that relationship. "Tony has a … partner, one he is very close to. You should get Ducky to test the kid's DNA, Tony. Besides, Abby told me there are lots of different ways to get pregnant without… you know… actually having to do it… and..."

"Hey, Marley, slow down. Not in front of Adam and Lisa. Right now Lisa and Adam are staying with me, and, yes, Ziva knows."

"And she is very happy with the arrangement, little girl," said Ziva.

"Lisa?" enquired Marley as she walked up to the disguised Ziva. She screwed up her face at her. "You know Ziva?" asked Marley.

"Yes, I do. She and I are old friends; breast buddies."

"Ohhh… bosom buddies, huh?" Marley asked suspiciously.

"What does this mean, bosom buddies?" asked Adam, intrigued by the small girl championing his aunt. He liked her, and he liked Tony. He also liked the idea that maybe Tony liked his Ziva.

"It means they are best friends, closer than family, almost," explained Marley.

"Ahh, then this is true," exclaimed Adam. "Now can we go in and play these games, Father…I mean, Dad?" he asked.

"Sure, Kid. Let's go."

Tony took Adam's hand as well as Marley's. He whipped her around so that she would stop staring at Ziva. He was afraid she would figure out their deception and perhaps blow her cover right there on the street. They still couldn't be sure they weren't being followed.

"I am not coming in," said Ziva.

Tony stopped and turned around. "What! Where are you going, Zi…Lisa?"

"Oh, I have something to check out. Besides, you and Adam should spend some time together," she said, turning and waving the trio off.

Tony let the children's hands go and caught up to Ziva. He stepped closer to her and whispered right into her face. "Zive, Gibbs won't like this. What are you up to? You're supposed to stay hidden. Your father won't like it either."

"Tony! Firstly, Marley is going to make me very soon. And secondly, someone is trying to kill my father. We are all being watched, but most likely not me. Well, not Lisa. I have some questions to ask certain people. I will be back in two hours and will take Adam home on the bus. Now, I need your car," she demanded holding out her hand. "Jabarin has mine."

"What? No! Not my new car, take a taxi," huffed Tony, distracted from the debate about Ziva leaving.

"Oh yes, good idea. They might be tracking you. Okay, bye for now. I will meet you at home, then." she said and quickly pecked him on the cheek.

"Wait, no, you can't…" before Tony could say another word, Lisa (aka Ziva) hailed a cab and was running towards it.

"Come on," said Marley. "We're wasting good game time," she yelled and ran in through the doors.

Adam stayed and stared at Tony's worried expression as he walked back towards him.

"Hey, Kid, come on. Don't worry about your mom, she'll be back," said Tony, grabbing Adam's hand and leading him back towards the game arcade.

"She is worried about grandfather," stated Adam.

"Yeah, she can handle herself pretty well, though," smiled Tony.

"I know, but I still worry."

"Well, don't. Come on. Hey… You like hamburgers; how do you feel about fried chicken and fries," asked Tony.

"With iskender sauce?" answered Adam excitedly…

"Eweee, not with the chicken. Hmmm, maybe the fries though," laughed Tony.

Cross fade to close-ups of the Mossad agent, Jabarin, at the wheel in Ziva's Mini. Richard Parsons is squashed in the passenger seat beside her, hanging on for dear life.

The agent sitting beside Richard concentrated on the road, weaving in and out of traffic as they made their way downtown. Richard Parsons hadn't met Ziva David until that morning, but had been pleasantly surprised when the General had insisted that he drive with the pretty young agent. Gibbs and the General had taken the General's two seater BMW. Gibbs had made some excuse about his car being in the shop. Richard and Ziva were to meet them at the safe house in five minutes.

Perhaps that was why this woman was driving like a maniac, mused Richard silently.

Jabarin smirked when she glanced sideways at the man sitting next to her. His head touched the roof of the car, and he had to lean slightly forward. She was sure she could see beads of sweat run down his forehead as he held tightly to the hand grip above his door.

"Ahhh!" squealed Parsons, covering his eyes with his free arm as Jabarin overtook a driver and swerved to miss a large garbage truck that was lifting a bin at the curb.

"Do not alarm yourself, Mr Parsons. I have had the most intensive Driving Assessment Program and passed with flying colors... and only after three attempts."

"Yes, well, I suppose you are well qualified then, and maybe a little anxious to see that your father is safe."

"Yes, that too," smiled the agent.

"It was good of your boss to give you this assignment, releasing you from the many cases that you must have," said Parsons.

"NCIS and Mossad have a working relationship. While I would insist that I be put on my father's protection detail, I am also the most qualified for the job…" stated Jabarin. "Oh, here is our turn… I mean was!" she announced as she over ran the intersection. She put the little car into reverse and floored the accelerator.

"Ahhh… watch out," yelled Parsons as she spun the car one eighty degrees and then took the turn, hitting the gutter before narrowly missing a fire hydrant.

"Oh good, here we are. Made it with a minute to spare," gloated the pretty Mossad agent, looking at her watch. "We will have to park around the back."

The little car, with one very squashed passenger, slowly rounded the alley way behind a small hotel. There they made their way up to a third level parking garage. Very few parking spaces were available. However, Jabarin smiled when a single car parking space appeared. It was going to be a tight squeeze, with two large four wheel drives parked either side. Jabarin drove past, and then swung around to reverse park into the space. It took several attempts, in and out, left wheel lock, straighten then out again with a right wheel lock, before the Mini Cooper was snuggly in.

Richard Parsons couldn't wait to exit the vehicle. However, the passenger door was too close to the car next to it and would not open more than three inches. Jabarin had more room on her side. She ignored Parsons's frustrated attempts to open his side door. She exited the driver's side, opening the door and sliding sideways, before closing it and shimming sideways to the front of the car. Once there she looked back at Parsons and shrugged.

"Climb over to my side. I will meet you at the elevator." With that Jabarin headed towards the elevator. She entered as soon as the doors opened, not waiting for Parsons to catch up. She hit the buttons, and within minutes the elevator started a descent to the ground floor.

Jabarin's elevator arrived on the ground floor. The young agent quickly strode through the doors and lobby, passed through the swinging doors of the hotel's entrance and out into valet parking station. There she smoothly took a set of keys from Gibbs and got into the driver's seat of a dark hummer. Gibbs joined her while they waited just a few seconds more for Geraldine to hand her car keys to the valet and then climb into the back. Before Geraldine had barely closed her door Jabarin put the SUV into first gear and accelerated towards the ramp's exit.

Cutaway to 'The Hungry Games Family Restaurant and Amusement Arcade'. Mid shot of Tony at a booth with Adam as they eat from a basket. Kids can be heard laughing and playing and some seen running around in the background.

Tony and Adam sat at the table eating their fries. Marley had quickly scoffed hers down and ran when she spotted her friends at the pinball machines. She arrived scowling at Ben's side.

"What's got you so mad?" asked the twelve-year-old.

"Nothing!" snapped Marley.

Ben looked behind her and over at Tony sitting at the table with a small boy opposite. "Hey, so who's the little kid with Agent Di Nozzo?"

"Hurumpt… his son," replied Marley.

"Hey, that's cool, I didn't know he had kids."

"He didn't until today," snarled Marley.

Ben laughed. "Huh? He doesn't look like a baby, Marley."

"I mean, he just found out he has a kid. I just found out today. It might be some trap. Some girl named Lisa was supposed to have hooked up with him years ago and is now back on the scene. Probably thinks she's onto to a good thing."

"I don't think Agent Di Nozzo could be fooled that easily. You know your mom was in the same boat, Marley. It may not have been easy for this girl. And it looks to me that Agent Di Nozzo is trying to give it a go. I think you sound a little jealous," accused Ben.

"It's not that. The kid seems okay, but…well, I worked so hard to try and get Tony and Ziva together."

"Boy, you have been busy with the match making bug… Gill and Gibbs and Tony and Ziva, maybe you should just leave it to them. They're the grownups."

"Look, Ben. Gill and Gibbs are practically married, it's just a formality. Besides, I think me and Abby might have a little something that could push them along. But, Tony and Ziva, they were just starting to get closer and, well, this could spoil everything. I know they really like each other… more even. I can tell. And now this girl comes back… after he's sewn his wild oats and all, and he'll feel responsible. He may end up having her move in."

"Sewn his wild oats… what?" asked Ben confused.

"It's a saying Doctor Mallard made. He and Gill were having a debate about men and women and stuff and the incon…well something about it not being fair… that a man could sew his wild oats and a woman couldn't, that she'd get a bad reputation or get stuck with a baby. Doctor Mallard agreed with Mom. I figured this is probably a similar situation."

Ben shrugged not quite getting the scenario Marley was trying to explain. He looked back over to Tony and Adam. "Well, the kid's mother must have waited a while, because he's no baby. Maybe the boy wants to know his father. And seems to me Agent Di Nozzo is trying to get to know him."

Marley followed Ben's gaze. A pang of guilt hit her. The boy didn't seem so bad, and if he was Tony's son, then he's probably be a heap of fun. And he did have the right to know his dad, and she guessed Tony had the right to know his son. Tony had mentioned his own father a couple of times. Marley got the impression his life wasn't all that easy with the man, especially after Tony's mother died; just like Marley's situation in some ways. But she had a new life now, new parents, and even though she could love her mother very much, things were better with Gibbs and Gill. "Guess I am a little jealous, maybe. But I'm just scared this girl, Lisa, Adam's mom, might move in on Ziva."

"Well, that would be Agent Di Nozzo's choice wouldn't it? I mean you can't control those things. Besides, if what you say about his friendship with Ziva is true, it doesn't mean that his son can't be in the picture too. There are lots of families with that sort of blend… look at Jarrod and his mom, Chelsea. He lives with his dad in Australia for half the year and then with his mom, here, for the other half."

"I guess," said Marley as she chewed on her bottom lip. "It's a bit like me, too."

"Sure it is. You wanted to find out more about your dad, Patrick, right? We found out he was a good guy. It cost us an ass busting, remember? Maybe this Adam just wants to get to know his dad. And Agent Di Nozzo wants to be one to him. I think you're being lousy!" Ben was gentle but firm.

Marley scowled at her friend. "I swear you're gonna grow up just like Gibbs."

"Now thatta be cool." He paused, "Look, Marley, I'm lucky. I've got my dad, and my mom, and Gibbs, and a whole bunch of friends. I think you could at least invite Adam over here."

"Alright, alright. At least the mom's not here drooling over Tony. That's a good sign, I guess."

"Another word of advice, Marley, I wouldn't be sticking my nose into other people's love life. It might not be a good thing for your backside. You gotta let people work those sorts of things out for themselves."

"Ahh, you're a boy, what do you know about romance?" scoffed Marley as she marched off towards Tony and Adam.

Tony looked up from his fries as Marley approached. "You weren't gone very long." Tony looked over at the arcade and could see Ben watching. "What's up with Ben? he looks nervous. Hey, he didn't make a move on you, did he? "

Marley screwed up her face in disgust. "What! No…"

"What does this mean, make a move?" asked Adam.

"Tried to kiss me," answered Marley.

"He tried to K.I.S.S. you?" Tony yelled and then stood up.

Ben saw the movement and his eyes went wide. He shook his head and then took off in a flash to find the other Tree House Gang members.

"What? No, he didn't try anything…" stuttered Marley.

"She is too young to have a boyfriend, yes?" asked Adam.

"Yes, SHE IS!" Countered Tony glaring at Marley.

"You are crazy, Tony. He's a twelve-year-old boy, what would he know about kissing? Besides, Tony, he's a B.O.Y. Yukkk, I'm so not ready for that." While Marley was frustrated with Tony's stupid assumptions, she was also relieved. Any jealously she had for Adam's relationship with Tony and the misconception of the intrusion in their lives dissipated. Tony was going all big brother on her. She felt annoyed, loved, and protected all at the same time. Life was strange. But one thing she was certain of was that for all of Tony's clowning around, he was a softy and would make a great dad.

Adam looked confused, and then he brightened. "She is right; I know very little about kissing."

"You're nine years old. You're not supposed to know about kissing girls yet, though when I was your age… or maybe twelve…" he amended looking at Marley.

Both children looked at each other then back at Tony. "Yes…" they chorused.

Tony blushed, "never mind."

Adam chuckled. Marley then nudged Adam on the shoulder. "Ya wanna come and meet the gang, maybe play some games?" she asked.

"Do I have your permission, Dad?"

"Sure, go ahead," said Tony, glad that Marley was including the boy.

Adam jumped up with all smiles.

"Good," said Marley. "He'll need some coins," she added, smiling at Tony as she held out her hand.

Tony shook his head as he pulled out his wallet band handed over ten dollars.

"Cool, that will buy us fifteen charms. Come on, kid, I'll show you how to play."

"Charms?" asked Adam as the two moved away from Tony and towards the games.

"Yeah, you need charms to play the games." Marley slid the money into a machine and punched a couple of buttons, then retrieved the charms dispensed in a tray at the bottom. "Here," she said. "These will get you a few good games, mostly the games over there next to the little kid's playground. You gotta be twelve to play the shooting games though."

"Ohh, can't I watch you?" asked Adam. "I really do not want to play by myself."


"You do not mind?"

"Nah, Jess and a couple of the others are watching. They aren't old enough either. We all hang out together, not all of the time though."

"Oh, yes, I understand the social requirements."

"What! Hey, don't talk like that then, they'll think you're weird. Come on, I'll introduce you to them. Maybe you can have a car race with Tom, he loves cars."

Marley and Adam met Tom and Jarrod at the racing car simulator. Both boys were seated in high back leather racing car seats and having it out on a particularly twisted track. They leaned, their tongues jammed against the sides of their mouths, as they swerved other cars, each overtaking the other with skill. The rest of the gang watched on with interest as the boys ran up their scores and their levels.

Adam also looked on with interest; intrigued by the reality of the simulation. He looked around for another car game, hoping to try out his skill, but all the other car seats were taken. The only console unmanned was a shooting gallery a couple of feet away. He moved towards it and stood in front of a mounted gun, with a large screen in front of him. He played with the large toy automatic; swinging it from side to side on its tri-pod and then looked through its sights, flicking switches and coloured filters that simulated night sight and insurgents targeted with red circles. He bent down, inserted two charms, and pressed the one player button. The screen then came to life with a profile template. From a small console beside the charm box was a key board, where he could choose an avatar to represent his persona, and type in a name. He also could select a military insignia, representing his allegiance to a particular intelligence agency.

Once that was entered the screen switched to a scene almost familiar. A village in ruin, and a house caught in the cross fire between two fighting factions. His avatar made his way to the house, firing his weapon at the insurgents that popped up trying to stop his path. Before he had made it safely to the house, nearly twenty insurgents lay dead on the ground. The screen suddenly changed and the numbers at the top flicked over with the speed of light. "Level two," announced the computer's voice, and Adam found his character now inside the house facing a woman and two small boys. The objective was obviously to get them to safety. However, Adam found the idea an impossible task. They were surrounded by who knew who. If it was him he'd just wait it out until they killed each other off, and then try and make a run for it. But the game was not to use such a scheme. Instead, the walls were suddenly being riddled by bullets, leaving holes with streaming light coming into the room like laser beams. Insurgents followed, kicking down the crumbling walls. Adam shot each one as they entered. Surely this game must end, he thought, he was not enjoying it. However, he never got the chance to see how it would pan out. A hand suddenly grabbed his arm as he was about to take out another assassin, causing him to miss the shot. Before Adam could wonder what was going on, another animated character burst through the ruins, and shot Adam's avatar.

"Hey, kid, whatcha doing? You're not supposed to play this game; it's for us big kids only," said a tall and rather large boy.

"What are you doing?" shouted Adam, "now they will die." He shook with anger totally engrossed in the game's scenario.

"Too bad," said the tall boy, and shoved him away from the game. "At least that way I keep hold of the record," he bragged. "Now get before I call the manager and have you kicked out."

Adam saw red, and ran at the boy, head butting him in the stomach and sending him backwards.

Ben, Jarrod, Tom and Marley saw the commotion. All four ran to Adam's aid, with Jessica hot on their heels. By that time, the taller boy had regained his footing and charged back at Adam. He pushed him over, then hauled him up by his collar and slapped him.

"Hey," yelled Marley, who was the first to arrive. "Pick on someone your own size." She then kicked the boy at the back of his knees. He buckled, dropping Adam to the floor.

As Adam stood up he brought his small fist and landed an uppercut to the boy's nose. It immediately spurted blood. The boy grabbed his nose in pain. By that time the manager and Tony had joined the fray and pulled the children apart.

"Okay, that's it," said Tony. "Marley, Adam, with me, we're heading back. You kids, head home," he ordered.

The manager looked at the bully that had started the whole thing. "That's a good idea. You, too, Gary. I'm sick of you starting fights around here."

"Hey, but I've got a broken nose," he objected.

"It's not broken, but let's get you over to first aide and clean you up, then get home. And I don't want to see you back in here for a month."

"You can't do that!" he claimed.

"I can!" said the manager firmly.

"He can," added Tony, then flashed his NCIS badge. "And I can help him, or would you rather join us down at the Navy Yard where you can explain to this little girl's father how this all started?"

Gary conceded quickly when he saw Tony's badge and the agent's calm but threating manner. He let the manager lead him towards the first aide room.

Tony looked down at the gang in front of him. "Someone like to explain what went down here?"

"That boy pulled my arm away and the… the… "Adam looked at the game. The screen was frozen, his score flashing. He couldn't see the family any more. He realised he had taken the game far too seriously, but was still affronted by the boy's attack. "Because of that, I lost the game," he said.

"Yeah, and then I saw him about to hit Adam so I kicked the mother Fu… ahh the big fat bully in the leg," continued Marley.

"I didn't need your help," announced an indignant Adam. "You should have stayed out of it."

"What! You did so need our help, he was about to squash you like a fly," said Marley pushing at Adam's shoulder.

"He was not!" Stated Adam, pushing her back and ready to argue.

"Enough," said Tony.

"But, I was supposed to save them," said Adam pointing to the game.

"Hey, Buddy," said Tony. "It's a stupid, stupid game. I don't want you playing it again. It's not real."

"I might not know about kissing, but I know about a lot of other things Tony; things that are real," said Adam seriously.

Tony paused, then nodded and smiled. "Tony? What happened to dad?" asked Tony gently.

Adam shrugged, not wanting to get into trouble for letting his temper get the better of him and now almost blowing his cover.

Tony felt for the kid. His comment made him realize while he may have been under Eli David's protection for the last two years, he had also experienced a very different childhood than a lot of the kids who were looking on.

"Well, it's going to be different now. And I'm your dad, right?"

"Right," said Adam.

"Good so no more of this game," he said pointing to the simulator.

"Yes, sir," said Adam.

"Don't call me, sir," smiled Tony.

"Okay, Dad," said Adam and smiled back.

"Well, all's good then," announced Marley. "We have more charms to use."

"Oh no," said Tony, "You were fighting. You're not off the hook you two. We're going back to headquarters."

"We can't go home yet," said Jarrod. "Mom and Lindsey are picking us up in an hour."

"Fine," said Tony and grabbed the remaining charms out of Marley's hand. "Here play with these," he said, handing them to Ben. "But, just stick to the milder games, will you," he suggested, waving his arms about.

"Sure, no worries. Thanks, Agent Di Nozzo," said Ben.

"Besides, I don't think anyone could break Adam's record anyway. That's why that Gary kids was so piss… hahh… mad," added Tom.

Tony turned to the shooting game. There flashing next to his avatar profile was Adam's record;

Avatar profile; caricature of Sean Connery as James Bond.

Code name ADDADiNOZZO.

Agent of Naval Intelligence.

Highest score Level two – 24.65900

Casualties; 50 insurgents mortally wounded.

20 critical wounded

0 civilian casualties

"Huh, how'd that happen?" asked Adam, "I thought for sure that family was and I was…"

"Yer a DiNozzo, that's why. Add a DiNozzo, very clever. Come on, kid, we need to talk."

Cutaway back to the parking Lot. Mid shot of Ziva's small coupe parked between to large cars.

Richard struggled to get of the small space between the cars in which Ziva's coupe was parked. There was no way he was going to be able to get out of the passenger's side door, so he climbed over the gear shift and into the driver's seat. He didn't have the keys, but he wasn't going to let that slow him down. He thanked the lord the woman drove a manual. He put the stick into neutral and, opened the driver's door, but was still too big to exit the same way the petite agent had. All he could do was slide his leg out. His bent leg touched the ground and he proceeded to push the little car forward and roll it out. He felt like an idiot, like Fred Flintstone, as he pushed off with his foot and got the little car mobile. But it worked, and within seconds he had rolled out far enough to clear the car next to his before the steering locked. He got out of the driver's seat and headed for the elevator he'd seen Ziva take.

Ricard had no idea which room they were keeping Eli David in, but he could pretty much work out which floor they were on. Perhaps he wouldn't be all that far behind the NCIS agent anyway. They were definitely in front of Gibbs and the General, perhaps he would run into them. He pulled out his cell and punched an app. A blue light emitted almost instantaneously and Parsons used his cell to scan the lift's key pad. There on the third floor button was a fresh small finger print. He hit it and the elevator rose.

As soon as the doors had closed another figure dressed in a large coat arrived at the lift and stared at the illuminated numbers descending and ascending above each door. The figure then pivoted and marched right to the fire escape stairwell. Obviously having observed both Parsons and Jabarin the figure now followed… one of them.

Once out on the third floor, Parsons looked down the corridors that lead to the ten small rooms. He supposed he could knock on each one until he was admitted. However, that was not an overly bright thing to do. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught the sight of figure entering a room three doors down to his left. He snapped around and marched quietly towards the room. Hearing muffled voices, he paused at the door. When the name Gibbs was mentioned, he knocked quietly on the door. Everything then went quiet, and he suspected he was being scanned from the peep hole. He held up his ID and then stepped backed and squatted so that the viewer could get a clear picture of his face.

The door opened and Richard Parsons barged in ready to give Ziva a piece of his mind and complain to the General about how unco-operative these NCIS agents were.

"General, I have just…" he stopped in his tracks when the lights were suddenly turned off, the door behind him slammed shut and he was pushed firmly into the shadows of another room. A pair of hands gripped him firmly and shoved him down on a chair. He felt the cold barrel of a gun at the nape of his neck.

"What's going on here?" he demanded.

"I'm going to ask you some questions. And you are going to give an honest answer," said a female voice, thick with what sounded like a French accent….

Cutaway to NCIS headquarters Long shot. Tony rounds the corridor to the interrogation room, Marley and Adam are pushed along in front of him.

"Okay you two, a little time out for fighting, while I try and figure out where everybody is."

"Including Ziva?" asked Marley.

"Yeah," said Tony mild concern in his tone.

"She is very capable agent," added Adam.

"How would you know?" scoffed Marley.

"I mean… is she a very capable agent?" corrected Adam. "Ziva is your partner, am I right?"

"Yeah, she is, and she's a girl and quite capable, just like me when it comes to handling bullies," Marley reminded Adam.

"Okay, I underestimated you. But I do not know you and… I did not need the help."

Marley stopped and growled, ready to have another argument with the boy about her abilities.

"Enough!" said Tony., "Maybe I should separate you two. Let's see what rooms are free," he whispered.

Marley turned to Adam and stared down at the boy. "I just wanted to be friends, you know. That bully needed to know you had friends to back you up. That's what we do around here," she informed him.

Adam blushed a little. "You want to be my friend? Your friends want to be my friends?"

"Maybe," snapped Marley in a huff and walked on.

Adam looked up at Tony and smiled.

"Can't help it, you and me, well we like strong women, yes?"

Adam giggled. "Yes. Am I still in trouble?"

"Yes. New rule: no fighting. He scolded. Time out should help you remember that."

Adam sighed, Grandfather used a similar discipline, though sometimes he added a swa…" Adam paused not wanting to give the agent any ideas. "Ahh… a grouch face," he qualified.

Tony arrived at an interrogation room and called Marley back to him. He then opened the door to interrogation room one. "Now, am I going to be able to leave you two alone in here for five minutes? Find a corner each of you…" Before he could finish the sentence, he stopped and held the children back. There in the interrogation room was a man, seated at the table. He was un-cuffed. He smiled at them when Tony entered, his bronze handsome face held a friendly warmth about it. Tony immediately recognised him from the BOLO pictures they had sent out. "Malouf!"

"No," said the man. I've tried to tell your agent… Agent Dorneget, that I'm not…"

Just then Marley and Adam stuck the heads under Tony's outstretched arm still holding onto the door knob.

"Hey, get back, you two," he ordered.

"So this is Malouf," said Adam. "You are the man who killed my…my friend… Adrienne.

"No! No! Killed? No, I haven't killed anyone," insisted the man, now very concerned. The agent hadn't given him details, just asked him if he was this man, Malouf. He's also asked if he had ID and give a DNA sample. Of course he obliged, only wanting to help. But murder? Was this man they suspected him of being a spy and murderer… a terrorist perhaps? Intriguing as it was at first, now it was scary. The voice of the small girl jolted him out of his thoughts.

"Hey, what do you mean killed your friend? How do you know about this case?" she asked Adam, before looking up at Tony. "Tony, how does he know about…?"

"Shush, both you. Now out," he said pulling the children back behind him.

Just then, Abby came running around the corner. "Oh, Oh, No, Ned, Ned, you won't believe…"

She stopped short as she saw Tony, only pulling up in enough time to end up being face to face with the agent. "Ah, Tony, you're back. Oh and who's this little boy? Is he one of Marley's friends? Is he one of your friends, Marley?" asked Abby. "I don't think I've met him before. Tony, you should take them down to the cafeteria. Agent Dorneget has a … a witness here he just needs to process," said Abby.

"Where is Ned?" asked Tony, "And why isn't this man cuffed? He looks like…"

"He's not one of the gang Abby," interrupted Marley.

"Huh? What gang?" asked Abby.

"I'm not a member of any gang," answered the man. "I'm on a few committees though, fundraising ones specifically supported by the UN, I might add. Perhaps if I could call…"

"No, not him, Abby, him," said Marley pointing to Adam. "Him. He's not one of the Tree House Gang, but…"

"But I could soon be," added, Adam hopefully.

"Hey, no jumping the gun, kid. There's initiations to go through. Anyway, Abbs, he is a new friend, I guess," emphasized Marley. Actually the kid was kind of growing on her. She felt like thumping him, but really, he wasn't too bad. "But, more importantly, Abby he is Tony's kid. He's nine years old, and his name is Adam."

"Tony?" Abby looked at Adam and then back at Tony. "What? When? How…"

"Later, Abbs."

"Oh, oh, yes…" nodded Abby. "He looks like you a little; that cleft chin and all. You can only get a cleft chin if one of your parents or grandparents have the gene. It's familiar like blue eyes and blonde hair, though they can be throw backs, too. The truth is that there is probably a whole suite of genes that contribute to the formation of a cleft chin, although the genetic data on this is quite sparse. Environmental factors come into play as well and interact with those genes. These environmental factors can include the sub-cellular and extra-cellular environment around the genes, the uterine environment or, indeed, larger environmental factors that the mother's body is subject to. You used to be a blonde, didn't you, Tony? When you were little? Then, there's genetic modifiers …"

Tony held up his hand. "Abbs, later. Where's Dorneget? And who is this," he asked, pointing to the man seated in the room watching the proceedings. He was now confused more than before. "He says he's not Malouf, but he looks like him."

"He's not. But you're right, he looks like him."

Adam moved into the room and took a closer to look at the man. "The tall pretty girl is right. "He's not Uncle Halim," Adam looked at the man they had in custody. "I am sorry, sir," he said.

Marley followed him in. "What do you mean your uncle?" asked Marley, growing suspicious of Adam and the relationship he had with Tony.

"I mean he looks like my uncle, but…"

"Hey, kids, out. Get back now," again ordered Tony even more sternly.

"It's alright," said Abby. "There's been a mistake. He is harmless."

"He kind of looks like George Clooney," commented Marley.

"That's because he is George Clooney," said Abby as she moved into the room, babbling and bouncing in her heals. "I'm sorry, Mr Clooney. You look very much like a suspect we sent a BOLO out on. The agent who bought you in was just trying to do his job, he's a very dangerous man.

"Agent Dorneget? He didn't look too dangerous," stated Mr Clooney.

"Oh what? No not, Ned. He's not dangerous at all, just well a little nervy at times trying to do his job. When he saw you at that United Nations Dinner, well, he thought you were a suspect in a case we've been working on. Can I get a picture with you? Sister Mary Ellen is a great fan. She'd love…"

"Abby!" shouted Tony. He turned to Mr Clooney, "Sorry, sir, I'll have Dorneget sign you out as soon as I FIND him," enunciated Tony, while staring at Abby.

Abby 'eyes went wide, then she pouted a little disappointed she wasn't going to spend time with the handsome star. She begrudgingly bounced off.

Marley followed. "Hey, Abby," called the young girl. Grabbing her by her arm, she asked, "did you get that thing we talked about sorted out?"

"Oh, yeah, It's down in the lab. Come and get it later. I better find Ned, or we'll be in real trouble."

Marley headed back to the interrogation room where Tony was still talking to Mr Clooney.

"I got to say though, I too am a fan. Love all of your work, especially Ocean's Eleven, oh and Monument Men, you were great in that. But what was with The Men Who Stare At Goats…Crazy; a little gritty."

Mr Clooney frowned.

"Ah, I like gritty, though," stuttered Tony.

Mr Clooney shook his head. "Good, but I'm more concerned about the fact that there's a man walking around that looks like me and…"

"Yes, but we know you aren't him. Dorneget needs to sign you out, and you can go."

Mr Clooney stood up. "He's dangerous, the young girl said so, and the agent thought I was him because of the United Nations Dinner. My wife and I are helping to organize this fundraiser. I'm concerned. There is obviously a threat, a political threat, by this man, Malouf. Are we in danger? Are any of the guests in danger? Should we cancel? My wife has already had to re-organise the catering."

"Hey, you are good. You figured all that out…" he said, impressed at the actor's skills of deduction.

Again Mr. Clooney frowned.

Tony chuckled, "Sorry. No I'm pretty sure you guys are safe. We've had a threat to another dignitary at another forum, not one of your delegates. I'm sure your function can go ahead. When is it?"

"Tomorrow night."

"Hey, these guys will have the bad guy. caught by then, Mr. Clooney," added Marley. "They are really good at their job. Don't be too mad at them."

"I'm not mad… Marley?"

Marley nodded.

"I hope they do catch him. Glad I wasn't your guy, but happy to help NCIS," said Mr. Clooney, holding out his hand to Tony.

"Sorry about all this, good luck with the fundraiser."

"Hmm, I hope it goes well. It's a fundraiser in conjunction with UNISEF. We were lucky to get the caterers. The first crew we had had to pull out. They have a big job that has been postponed and could be called in at any moment. They couldn't take the chance that the two events would coincide."

Tony nodded, "My dad paid two hundred a plate once for a fundraiser for the homeless, got spam and chips. The organisers wanted them to know what it was like to have to eat like the poor."

"That's a banquet for many. But you're right, it's the fundraiser that counts. We just don't want to poison anyone," laughed Mr. Clooney.

"Huh, yeah," said Tony. "Well, looks like Dorneget's busy, I'll escort you out, Mr. Clooney."

"Please call me, George."

"Okay, George." Tony then turned to the two youngsters. "You two pick a corner. I'll be back after I see Mr. Clooney out."

The children sighed, and George Clooney laughed. "What did they do?"

"Just a little fight," answered Adam.

"Yeah maybe UNISEF could put in a good word for us, Mr Clooney," asked Marley.

"Maybe… First world problem though, kid. Good luck anyway," he chuckled and left the room.

Marley and Adam took up position in the corners as Tony closed the door. As soon as it was closed, Marley grabbed Adam and sat him down in a chair behind the table. She rounded the table and sat opposite, impersonating Gibbs interrogation mode as best she could.

"Okay! Now," she said. "spill the beans. Who are you really, and what's going on?"

"I did not spill beans. And what is going on, is…it is need to know only," stated Adam. "But perhaps, if I was to be initiated as one of your Tree House Gang, then…"

"Okay, okay, besides what's said as a gang member stays with the gang. Your secrets are safe."

Adam chewed on his bottom lip. "That is good, Marley, because there a lot of people that have helped me to safety, and I would hate to think that I have undermined their confidentiality and confidence in me."

"Huh? Stop talking so funny will ya. Besides, if you're with us, you'll always be safe. I'm practically in the same boat."

"Boat, what boat?"

"It's a saying. I'm sort of under witness protection with the NCIS. It's a long story, I'll tell you later. So, just tell me about you, your mom and Tony."

"And my Aunt Ziva."

"Ziva and Lisa are sisters?"

"No, they are one and the same."

Marley's eyes went wide.

Cutaway to Close- up of Parsons sitting in a chair in a hotel room. The room is dark except for a soft light on him. He is sweating. A shadow can be seen behind him. It is female with a large mop of hair.

"I told you why!" screamed Parsons. "I'm supposed to watch the General and her delegates and report any contact with David or NCIS intervention. Eli David had something to do with the murder of Malouf's sister and child. The French don't like being used by Mossad and the Israelis are just as incensed. It was not, from all accounts, sanctioned."

Richard Parsons was suddenly punched in the side of the face.

"You lie."

"Okay, okay," he moaned, "what do you want from me?"

"Who do you work for?" asked the shadow behind him.

"I'll tell you who my boss is if you tell me yours," snicked Parsons.

"I am only interested in making sure these peace talks happen without anyone dying."

"So you don't intend to kill me then. We are on the same page," said Parsons.

"Perhaps, but you are keeping secrets. And, I can hurt you without killing you. Now…" Suddenly the hand grabbed him from behind and yanked his hair back. "Where is Malouf?"

"A better question would be, where is Eli David?"

Parson felt his interrogator's surprise as another figure entered from the bedroom; a male with a thick baritone voice clear and unnervingly calm.

"Malouf?" said Parsons' female interrogator. "You are Malouf."

Parsons heard a gun click and fear struck a chord in his chest. He pulled at his restraints, while the figures behind him confronted each other.

"It does not matter who I am. All I want is Eli David, and he should be here."

"Why? Why do you want David?" asked the female interrogator.

"Revenge and redemption… it is like killing two birds with one stone. Is that what they say? Now who are you, little one," smirked the intruder, Malouf, and pushed his gun into her neck.

"Lisa Prudeaux."

"And why do you want me?" asked Malouf.

"Vous ... tu as tué mon ami, you… you killed my friend," said the interrogator. "I went to college with Adrienne."

"I have killed many for the right reasons. You may have to join your friend. Now, where is David?" He grabbed Lisa by the shoulders and turned to face Parsons. "You or this weasel…" said Malouf suddenly pointing his weapon at Parsons. "Do not move, Parsons," ordered Malouf. Where is David…one of you tell me…. then one of you dies, the other lives. Who is first?"

Richard Parsons suddenly froze. His leg restraints hung loosely at his ankles, but he dared not reveal that fact. Instead, he looked at the face of Lisa; the woman who had only moments before been the interrogator. She looked familiar. Her Bohemian blonde dreadlocks were obviously a cover, and he wondered if she was one of the delegates in disguise. Perhaps he had seen a picture of her in Adrienne DeGuille's file that the General had. The blonde woman's expression, a determined d yet calm demeanour, suggested she was military trained. He hoped so, for both their sakes. "Neither of us know where he is. You are right, he was supposed to be here, but his security detail set me adrift. You were following me… not the General? They must have suspected you were following me and not her!" revealed Parsons, sounding like a bumbling fool as he suddenly realised he too had the wrong intel on the General and NCIS's continual cover-ups.

"Oh…" said Malouf and turned to Lisa. "And you did not suspect. What a shame. You both ran into a trap," he laughed, pointing to each with his weapon. "Two years ago, Eli David gave the order to Adrienne DeGuille to assassinate Mara Ganem; my sister. You remind me of her a little," he said looking at Lisa. "Perhaps it's the blonde hair and the shape of your face. She was blonde, just like my mother. It was a great help to her as an operative, she could look like any westerner. The Capitainne killed her and then stole her child, the bastard son of Eli's bastard son."

"How do you know this?" asked Lisa.

"He and the Capitainne are suspected of several covert operations where Fatah and Hamas executions have taken place."

"They would not be only ones," suggested Lisa.

"Yes," interrupted Parsons "But, in several cases those agents were coming in as informants. Some were no longer involved in their extremist groups. Others were helping infiltrate and gather information," he added.

Lisa dropped her gaze to Richard, noticing his feet were close together but no longer restrained to the chair. We may have a chance here, thought the undercover agent. "I thought you were only watching?" she asked, while Malouf held his gun back on her.

"And reading," sighed Parsons. "This is the real reason you want David, Malouf. Your sister was one of those coming in."

Malouf got angry and swung his gun around between the two. "David deceived her. She was fooled into believing he could save her son. He has no real love for the boy, just like his own son. He is interested only in bringing down Hamas. David had her tortured, took her son. She betrayed Hamas, and then he had her killed. He and his son dishonour her and our family."

"So, you are not interested in the boy?" asked Lisa.

"No. I suspect David got what he wanted. I doubt he cared enough to keep the boy. He is most likely dead or perhaps the man had the heart to see him adopted. But, more likely that would have been the Capitainne. Either way, I am not interested. I just want David and to finish my mission," he growled.

"But, we do not know where they are moving the peace talks," said Parsons.

"They will not reveal them while they believe you are a threat," smirked Lisa.

"This is true," laughed Malouf. "And, Eli David will not attend if he thinks by his presence he will put what advancements they will make at risk."

"Then you will not kill your two birds with one stone, Malouf," said Lisa.

"Ah, no…my pretty young one, I will get three birds. My redemption will be celebrated by many."

"What do you mean?" asked Parsons as he pulled at the knot that tied his wrists to the back of the chair.

"I will not tell you, and, unfortunately for you both, you will not have the time to figure it out. You know I can't let you go," said Malouf. He pointed the gun at Parsons.

"Now!" yelled Lisa.

Ricard kicked out with his right leg, sending Malouf's arm up and causing him to fire a bullet into the light fixture, shattering it. Then in one smooth motion, Lisa took the opportunity to wrap her ankle around one of Malouf's and drop her knee behind his knee cap. Malouf folded, but did not drop the weapon. However, he did loosen his hold on her upper arm. Lisa was then able to turn enough to punch him hard in the armpit of his outstretched limb. Malouf screamed in pain and dropped to the floor.

Before Malouf could aim the gun at Lisa, Parsons stood up, rushed at him and landed on top of him. The chair legs broke on impact, and Parsons's lower torso rolled onto Malouf's outstretched gun arm. Parsons heard Malouf's arm break, just before the gun in his hand went off. It was then Richard's turn to scream in agony as he rolled away.

Lisa quickly lunged at Malouf as he tried to get up. Both wrestled, too close to each other to affect any manoeuvers. Lisa pushed off his chest and readied herself for a high kick to his face. However, Malouf dropped low as her foot became airborne. He picked up one of the broken chair legs, pivoted and swung it at Lisa. Lisa blocked it just in time with her arm, and sent Malouf flying backwards towards double class doors to a patio. She moved in and kicked the assassin in the stomach, sending him through the glass and over the patio's steel rail.

Malouf caught the bottom rail, nearly falling to his death from the third floor. Lisa rushed there, intending to grab him before he fell, but Malouf swung himself to the balcony below. Lisa watched him scale a drain pipe to another balcony and eventually to the ground. She pulled her knife from the boot of her left foot, took aim and threw.

Malouf weaved below, but Lisa knew she had hit him when all of a sudden he flinched. Malouf stopped and turned. He looked up at her and held a steady and determined gaze as he reached back pulled the knife from the shoulder blade of his broken arm. He wiped it on his sleeve, then looked at it. He knelt down and lifted his right trouser leg. There strapped to his shin was a pouch, that also held a knife. He pulled out his knife and replaced it with the one now stained with some of his blood. Malouf stood up and smiled at Lisa, before hurtling his knife into the trunk of a nearby tree. He then ran.

Lisa quickly returned to the room where Richard lay on his side grasping his buttocks.

"I've been shot," he said.

"Hurts like the Charles, doesn't it?" said Lisa.

"Huh… oh you mean hurts like the Dickens. Yes, but not as bad as I thought it would," said Parsons. I've never been shot before. Why didn't you shoot at Malouf? Where's your gun?"

"I do not have a gun. We have rules about holding federal agents at gun point and rules about making sure one always carries a knife," said Lisa as she tried to examine Parson's wound.

"We? Who are we?" asked Parsons.

Lisa helped him, ignoring his question. "It is only a flesh wound. The bullet only grazed your backside. I have to go. I have to try and get Malouf."

"He's wounded; he won't get far. He doesn't know where the talks are, and with any luck he never will."

"He was too confident," said Lisa. "He told us too much. He…" Lisa suddenly stopped. "Why would he be so forthcoming?" She asked herself. "Three birds…" she wondered out loud. Suddenly her eyes went wide. "I have to get to Eli David."

"But…" started Richard.

"Malouf's problem is Eli not being at the Peace talks. But, if he kills David before them, he kills two birds… one he gets his revenge, and two he stops Eli's vote on the treaty."

"What about the third bird?"

"The French consulate, the driving force behind the treaty. But, Malouf did not seem concerned about the peace talks and his mission there. I believe whatever he has planned will happen wherever they are held and without him actually being there."

"How can we know what that plan is? We need to have the talks cancelled altogether."

"You need to convince the forum leaders to do that. I'm going to find my fath… Eli David."

"I should come with you," suggested Richard.

"No, you have been followed. You must have a bug on you somewhere in your clothing. You do not have time to search for it. Take your clothes off and change into the complimentary dressing gown they provide here at the hotel. There will be one in the bathroom. I will call my … superiors tell them you are here."

"No, call NCIS or General Stanhope. Tell them what you know. They are with David now."

"Fine, but do not leave this room in those clothes. Leave your cell, too. Get the forum stopped until we have caught Malouf or find out what his plans are." With that Lisa gathered up Malouf's gun and started to leave.

"Hey, what about my injury? Should I…"

"You will live," called Lisa as she closed the door. She slowly made her way to the elevator. Once down into the carpark, she found Ziva's Coupe. She leaned down in front of the number plate and felt around. She then pulled out a small magnetic case, opened and retrieved the key. She slid between the tightly parked cars got in. Lisa then became Ziva; she felt like her old self again, as attempted to gather the extra strength she needed. She laid her head on the steering wheel for a few moments, before starting up the car. Had her father lied to her? Did he really order Mara's death? Was she and her father responsible for Adam being without both his parents? Was Adam really who her father said he was? She believed so, he may not have had Ari's coloring, but he had his eyes. Ziva could also see Ari's bravado in the child's expressions and stubbornness. He was quick minded. Besides, Eli David would not have had him at the safe house if he did not care for the child's safety. If what Malouf and his allies believed was true? Then Eli David would have had a good reason for getting rid of Mara. Perhaps it was like her having to shoot her own brother. She had loved him, but not what he had become. Ziva had had no choice. But, what was her father playing at, putting himself in danger, putting Adam and her in danger, except… she and Adam were no longer in danger. Ziva intended to speak to him about it now before the peace talks, before anyone else was targeted. Ziva hit an app on her cell. Within seconds a red pin point pulsated. She then put her car in gear and headed out the parking lot and east towards Georgetown.

Cut away bull pen, Tony and George Clooney are waiting at the lift.

Tony again shook Mr. Clooney's hand. "Security will let you pass now, Mr Clooney."

"Thanks. Anything I can do for you guys just let me know, and if I see someone lurking around that looks like me, I'll call you."

The elevator door swished open. Gibbs, the General and Gill stood there about to disembark. Gibbs exited first, frowning at Tony as the agent and Mr. Clooney stepped back to allow the passengers to exit.

"Boss! This is Mr. George…"

"Clooney," swooned Gill as she followed Gibbs. Geraldine Stanhope moved to stand next to her and smiled.

"Ladies," smiled Mr Clooney.

"Mr. Clooney," acknowledged Gibbs. "Di Nozzo, why is…"

"Dorneget, Boss; he picked him up."

Just then Abby came bustling around the corner. "Tony, Tony!" She stopped suddenly when she spotted Gibbs. "Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs. It is really George Clooney. Ned picked him up thinking he was Malouf, but he's not because I did DNA test, and he's the real George Clooney. Mr Clooney can I have that selfie now… for sister Mary Ellen?"

Mr. Clooney sighed, "Yes, okay, then can I get going?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" jumped Abby. She then shuffled in close to Mr. Clooney. Gill too got in on the action, slowly inching her way to the other side of him. Geraldine smiled as she made her way behind the three. Abby held up her cell and out at arm's length. "Smile," she called. All four smiled as Abby pressed the button.

While they were waiting there, Gibbs continued to talk with Tony. "Where're the kids? Where's Lisa?" he asked.

"The kids are in the interrogation room. Lisa, well she said she had something to do. I couldn't stop her, Boss. Is Eli alright?"

"Yep, they've called the forum for tonight. Only Eli will get the location. Fornell and his group will follow his directions. He has his own protection detail with him."

"Jabarin?" asked Tony.

"Yep? Now, for Lisa," he growled.

Suddenly his cell went off. He looked at the screen. The numbers 924 flashed. He flicked it open. "Ziva?" he said walking away.

Tony watched Gibbs having his conversation with Ziva as he tried to figure out what his partner could have been doing and what she had found out.

"No, stay away… get back here. Are you being followed? We'll need everyone ready for the forum. As soon as we get directions you can get to your father then. I'll send someone for Parsons… why… Any ideas how that is gonna happen? Ziva, get back… Ziva!" yelled Gibbs.

Gibbs walked back to the group still milling around the elevator.

"Boss?" asked Tony.

"Ziva's going to her father. She ran into Malouf. He's after Eli. He's been following Richard Parsons."

"Richard?" gasped Geraldine.

"So Malouf's dropping his mission, not going after the French consulate?" questioned Tony.

"Not for now, though Ziva thinks he's already put something in place," answered Gibbs.

Tony chewed on his bottom lip. "A face to face confrontation isn't his MO, but what could he…"

Abby moved forward, "He poisoned his sister. He had a bee hiding in Adrienne's flowers."

"How'd he poison his sister?" asked Gibbs. "Food?"

"No wine," interceded the General. "Adrienne's investigation showed Mara's wine had been poisoned. They thought it was the food, but then others would have been affected. Mara liked a particular Pinot Gris"

"Ah, the chalice with the malice," snapped Tony. Then suddenly he turned around to Mr. Clooney. "George, your caterers, did they say what event they were working on."

"No, but we have the menu and the food, we just had to organize a different crew. Come to think of it we had to get different barman, too. The wine and food came together. I have their company details. This could all be co-incidence, though."

Tony, Gill and Abby, turned to the man. "Rule 39: There is no such thing as a coincidence," they chorused.

From the stairwell corner two small children watched and listened in.

"I have to find my grandfather," said Adam.

FREEZE FRAME: Mid shot of Marley and Adam in profile looking at each other; their expressions grim. Convert to Black and White. Then Blackout.

TBC Chapter 8: Hello Goodbye part 3

A.N. Finally another chapter. Sorry it's been so long but you know the drill; life; work; family; computers (grr… windows 10) and a very bad case of a summer head cold. Actually the plot the case has been giving me grief. I came up with too many twists, keeping it all plausible and flowing has been difficult. But thanks to Harliquinn we got this one out. I hope you readers are still out there. Thanks for all your reviews Gaben.