A/N: Chapter titles are of different song titles.

How easy it would be…

I could just reach over, grab the steel bars and exert all my force into bending them. Then again, I also had the option of simply leaning over and luring the guard over with a beckoning finger. I would then lock gazes with him and exercise my influence over the weak and brittle human mind.

The reason behind me not fighting back the guards that had thrown me in here, was plain and simple – I needed to calm down.

It had only been five minutes and once the anger had somewhat dissipated, I grew hungry, jaded and very bored. It even had me wishing that I had a harmonica and just because it seemed like what I would need in a situation like this – well, considering what I'd seen in the movies.

Urgh, how did I get myself here?

Well, now that as the million dollar question, wasn't it?

I suppose I could date all of it back to September 28th or to be more technical, I could trail back to the nineteenth – the day of my birthday. Alice had promised that it would be 'fun' and sure you're not supposed to bet against the psychic but I know better now.

However, it all went downhill when I accidently sliced my finger and had to fight with everything within me to not blow my cover. This ended up with me hastily excusing myself form the Cullen home so they didn't notice the swiftness of my healing.

Thankfully, I escaped from their prying eyes and thought that maybe I could go back to being normal. Well if normal was being defined as pretending to be something that you're not for the sake of others.

Nonetheless, this all went downhill when the Cullens began to withdraw from me, especially Edward. Soon, I learnt that the reason behind this was because my beloved boyfriend didn't think I was strong enough to make my own decisions. Apparently, he was the one to decide what was good for me and what was bad. I had gone through that before and I was not going to put up with people controlling my life anymore.

I could tell that from the contrite look on his face that there was more to the story. This clearly gave me the permission to actually filter through his thoughts and I was glad I did. It turns out that the stupid twinkle had slept with some other twinkle – a blonde this time.

As a result of my built up rage, I decided to steal a page from Carrie Underwood's handbook and went to the go to Newton's Sporting Goods and 'borrowed' a baseball bat.

Yep! That's right – I smashed twinkles' precious Volvo.

Just not in the usual manner…

Basically, I waited until he and his family was on the road, driving down the interstate. Then, I lingered for a few seconds before jumping down onto the hood of his moving soccer mum car. My hand was splayed on the metal but with great intention, I scraped my fingers across the hardened surface before, battering the piece of crap into oblivion.

Sure, it was a stupid and risky move but I sure as hell enjoyed every minute of it. It was even more satisfying when seeing the look on his face when he swerved off the road and tumbled deep into the forest.

It only worsened when he ripped the door off the car and jumped out, widened golden eyes glowed under the darkened night sky as they locked onto mine. Bewilderment and fear blazed the gilded gaze that met my amusement.

Too bad, I hadn't anticipated on a reunion as I was tackled down by the blonde bitch that was Rosalie Hale. Her cold granite hand gripped my neck, pushing me further into the dampened earth, thus having my locks caked with dried mud.

Long story short, my fangs came out, my control snapped and soon, the tables were turned which ended up with his sister losing a limb or two. Even Alice ended up with some damage when trying to pin me down. However, she ended up thrown across the forest and never caught up as I ran away.

So yeah, maybe I don't take break ups too well...

Anyway, I was going to blame it on the fact that my emotions are still on haywire and rage, being the most prominent emotion, made everyone around me in a great risk of danger. It would be a horrible mistake for anyone to be an obstacle on my warpath.

Hey - give me a break, I was only 53 years old.

My only regret was breaking the baseball bat. If they wanted, they could take it out of my salary – what did I care? If I wanted, I could buy the whole damn store.

Okay - yes, maybe I was a little drunk too but I didn't mind. I was happy to have hidden the silver flask from the police guard and it was still in my jacket. Tucked away until the guard was out of the way and I had a chance to sneak a subtle sip – liquor courage.

Anyway, what got me here was my innate desire to try out different human experiences. Nonetheless, after this, I will be sure to give a tick on getting advice from my playlist.

"Come on Swan"

The guard's booming voice thudded my eardrums and had me snapping my head up to lock gazes with him. My own stormy eyes met his gloominess. "Your father bailed you out" he groaned and wiped his tired eyes. He was obviously drained because he didn't even care to listen to his walkie-talkie which suddenly buzzed to life.

I glanced at the clock; 02:06.

Poor Charlie, he didn't have to waste his money and time to come and bail me out. I'm sure this would make him finally snap out of the deluded state that we were a happy family. With a heavy groan, I pushed myself up and began to walk towards the bars. "Charlie didn't-"

"Not Charlie"

Someone else joined the conversation and we both snapped to the dark-haired, blue-eyed, leather-clad visitor.

A/N: What do you think? Been itching to write with a badass Bella.
Question; Who's bailed her out?
I should let you know that I'm still waiting for my new timetable before I create a schedule for which stories will be updated and when. I will let you know when it's done and will make sure to post it on Facebook, my blog and profile.