"It's time to wake up, young master." The sharp rays penetrated through my closed lids, waking up to see Sebastian with his usual butler attire. His face did not display the playful, gentle smirk however -he was silent and mellow.

I shot up, rubbing my eyes. At the foot of the bed, a woman of the familiar maid clothes sat with a smile. Instead of short auburn locks, long pitch black hair flowed just before her waist. My grogginess slowly seeped away as reality pulled a brick canon on me.

"Good morning, master."

"Morning, Aleecia..." Sebastian cleared his throat.

"We must prepare you now. You have a meeting with Mr. Hankins at eight-thirty, then a lunch party in the main hall with your fiancée Elizabeth." I nodded.

"I didn't know that we're hosting a party."

"It's more of a gathering between close friends." I lifted my brow, internally cringing at his use of words.

"I presume Sohma will be there?" With that, it was Sebastian who flinched.

"Yes." I could almost read the despicable ideas training in his head, yet I never understood where his hatred rooted from. He just appears to be on the edge whenever the prince is around.

I grinned. Perhaps I do know Sebastian's game.

I turned to Aleecia, "You will need training from now on." A small pout was revealed from her.

"Training? I don't need that. Why do you think I lived so long for?" She stood, and in one whip of an arm faster than a blink of an eye, multiple gourmet dishes appeared before my bed, all put elegantly on a cloth-draped round table.

"I can do better than any of your servants in this house." I narrowed my gaze at her arrogance. Someone indeed require some taming, a hard lesson from an equally strict professor.

"In this manor, you must act like any other human being. Pulling some French dinner out of thin air isn't something people normally do. Besides, I'm telling you now - my servants aren't all too normal either." Sebastian bowed his head, hiding a smile. "You must bear with them." I added.

She sighed in defeat, "Fine."

"That's not all." I unbuttoned my shirt, walking to my closet as I chose a coat. I settled for a navy blue and black coat, brushing Sebastian's forceful hands off of me. She only watched as I slipped into dark slacks, placing the a checkered vest on my torso then proceeded to brushing my hair. I was quite proud of myself of getting better at fending for my necessary, intimate needs, - though not so intimate with two pairs of eyes looking from head to toe.

"Don't talk to me as if I am your friend, you hear?" After, I sat on a cushioned seat, my legs crossed as Sebastian fetched the breakfast cart.

"You can refer to me however you want when we are alone. However, treat me with respect in public." The cockiness disappeared, her body language submissive. That moment, she happened to realize the kind of master she is dealing with. One that is not to be taken lightly despite being powerful enough to rip me by the skin. Someone who is absolute and of the same stand of a ruler - who does not let these manipulative and sly demons control him.

The butler came in, serving a plate of scones with strawberry cream cheese on the side, lemon chamomile tea on the side and a piece of homemade crepe cake.

"Enjoy your breakfast, master." Cherry eyes followed the male demon, the sides of her face folding. "I understand now." She whispered. I observed her all the same from a far in silence, thinking if whether it is to me she replied to or to Sebastian. Looking at the cunning expression of the raven butler, it seemed they were translating the air between.

"One more thing,"

"There's more, kitten?" She teased.

"Yes." My voice tight, a vein popping in my head. "Do not question me about my sweets."

At eleven, I was thoroughly exhausted. Mr. Hankins knew to get under my thick skin, bombarding me with different insignificant proposals when obviously he wants to drag the company to the ground with him.

"That will be the last time he'll be going to this mansion, Sebastian." Sebastian sighed.

"I agree." He muttered.

"About...our bond.." I spoke quietly. He glanced to me as we walked.

"We cannot break it, or escape from it. Perhaps we can use to our own advantage, see what else it has to offer." I said it almost professionally, without any other meaning behind.

"So we make it work." I concluded. We did break some rules, and we it's on the both of us - to fix it, we need to stick together and accept this...disgusting soulmate crap.

His even steps halted, now facing me. "Of course." His eyes glinted.

"With all due respect, I never wished to be tied to you, a human, and my master. I would rather break it and eat your soul." I gulped, my eyes neutral.

"But I'd want to fix this problem as well. I've dealt with shinigamis, but I would hat to fight an angel head on." He smirked. "They will surely be too horridly murdered to be brought to either heaven or hell." So he wasn't afraid, after all? I nodded, amazed by the calmness in me despite the vigorous throbbing in my chest. I pushed it back in my throat, trying to not let the pain escape from its tiny vessel.

I am crazy enough to choose being stuck with this cold demon for eternity. I would've chosen death instead if I had the chance.

"About the Mark." I reminded. "You didn't say anything about marking me."

He looked straight ahead. "It wasn't important. I just thought it was logical." He snickered. "Though I did not ask for...this. I still grow possessive over things I own." I glared.

"I'm not your thing."

"Prove it." I bit my tongue, hating him with every cell of my being as the clocked ticked.

He smoothly changed the topic, clasping his hands, "Then, master, I must prepare for the main courses. Agni seemed to have started it since they arrived early." He proceeded to walk.

"I'll be in the library." I left, a grimace still lacing in my features. Going through the long carpeted hall, I opened the heavy, wooden door, finding a comfortable spot by the glass window to read the next few books I've been pushing aside.

Some of them are related to the studies essential for the growth of the business, while most are about demonology and the mythical creatures that I assume to exist if angels and demons themselves do.

It simply piqued my interest - the world that is opposites to each other with entirely different tales.

"I have a job for you, Aleecia." I recalled.

"I want you to act as our offense. This manor is protected enough, but keep constant watch on threats that are beyond the means of this world...be it demons or angels." I told her.

"You must figure out whatever the enemy is thinking, or planning. You are a double-agent, a secret wild-card. No one must know where your loyalty lies, and you must act like how you always did. You...shall work in the shadows."

I did not require her to stay by my side all the time, and if the servants ever start questioning then perhaps I will let Sebastian take care of it. They are gullible enough anyway. I wonder how she's doing in the kitchen...but if she's anything like that bastard, then surely everything she does will be as flawless.

One notion is bothering me, though.

When Sebastian was an angel...what was he like? I just wondered. What has caused him to fall, or what is his current position in hell? Rather, I was curious about their universe - ever since I heard about these angels, it made me think of them not out of hope but out of disgust. What the hell are they doing - what is God doing, if he ever actually existed, that they left this world rotting to dust?

I was convinced for a decade that they did not exist except for the kingdom of flames underneath this equally filthy world. So much things have happened yet these creatures don't seem as holy and pure as they were thought to be.

They are just as selfish.

What are they hiding? What is it in me they want, or how did we broke the rules? They have an obsession over not ever explaining themselves to anyone, don't they?

"Aleecia." I whispered. A cold gust of wind scraped me by the side, the presence overwhelming.

"Master." Her voice rather kinder than hours ago.

"Demons were once angels, weren't they?" She seemed caught off guard, but immediately the confusion subsided.

"You are interested now, are you?"

"What if I am?"

"That is to be expected." She folded her arms, "If you are to be tied with that demon for eternity, then of course you must know a little bit about us." I nodded.

"Were you once an angel?" I stated.

"No. I am not a pure blood. I was one human, and my soul turned corrupted."

"Then Sebastian is...pure blood or something, whatever that means?"

"Yeah, he's one of the first ever fallen angels along with Lucifer." She explained, coming to sit in front of me.

"Do you know why he fell?" Her brows furrowed, shaking her head. "Even if I do ask him, he won't be able to say anything. He doesn't remember."

"Lost memories?"

"He's the only one who forgot why he fell." I absorbed the new information. She continued, "Though...I think...he's part of the Thrones...or something."

"Heaven has royalty?"

"Not necessarily. It is a rank. Higher than archangels." I pushed further. "So Gabriel - this supposed archangel, is looking for him? Talk about awkward."

She rolled her eyes. "The agreement is I relay the message, but that's it. I'm not part of their league or anything." She added.

"Yes. One last question."


"What did I smell like?" She raised her fingers, playing with her lips. Her brows were close as she tried hard to think, but she couldn't figure it out either. "I can't explain it. You just don't smell...raw."


"You see, human souls have this scent - to us, it make us hungry as hell. They smell is raw or new, since they haven't existed that long. They all have different scents based on how corrupted their soul is, and the stronger the sin, the more appetizing because it is bittersweet in taste. However, you...you smell delicious, truly has me ravenous...it is special. So evil...very evil...yet so goddamn innocent." She rambled. I got the idea, felt a tad bit flattered about demons craving for my soul, but she missed the point.

"What makes me not so typical despite my distinct rare flavor?" I said in discomfort.

"Oh, like I said, you just don't smell new. You smell like an...I'm not sure because it's impossible." She hesitated, but I leaned in for her to continue. "Your smell is oddly all too familiar. I've smelt it before. You smell like a very, very old blood."

"Old blood? What does that mean?"

"I think it's insane. But you smell exactly like them." She bit her lip, unsure of her words. I grunted with impatience, grabbing her arm. "Just tell me."

"Well, your blood smells as freaking old as time. As old as when the world was first created. Old bloods are the first creatures that walked earth, and they are not human, you can say. They are from heaven - but God sent them himself to protect the earth, and they are not fallen." My eyes widened.

"I forgot what they are called, but in simpler terms, you stink like an old angel." She said.

"Ciel!" A male, loud voice reiterated in the small room. Aleecia and I turned to the boy - the prince, who was jumpy as usual.

"It's been so long - eh? Who are you?" The Indian royalty pointed at the copper-skinned demon, making her stand quickly. She bowed her head, "I apologize for my late introduction. I am Aleecia, the new Phantomhive maid." I choked at the sudden respectful manner, chuckling internally.

"Oh - eh? Ah, then welcome." His smile widened, his nose pointed and confident, "Call me Master Sohma. I am the best friend of Ciel here, so remember me."

"It's my pleasure to meet you, Master Sohma." She smiled - one that seemed close to scripted, and who knows, she might be ranting about him later.

"Okay, leave us." He commanded. She bowed to both of us, quickly leaving. I sighed, watching the noisy man.

"Hey, should we do it again?" Sohma knelt before my side, placing his chin on the back of his hand; an expectant smile on his face.

"Do what?"

"Make him jealous?" I swallowed hard. Is it even necessary now? There are more important things at hand, but then again...

'We are already soulmates, and I did say that I want to make it work. Both of us does.'

"We can stop now." I massage my forehead. His happy features crumbled.

"But why?"

"I don't feel it anymore."

"But - but he hurt you!" He abruptly stood, a red hue of animosity painting his cheeks. "He made you cry! He deserves it!" I pulled him down, coming to his ear.

"Don' shout!" I whispered. Who knows if someone is listening?


"Stop it now." I sighed for the hundredth time. "I'm over it. He and I."

"You're not. I can see it." He stared at me, purple eyes glazed. I was surprised at his reaction. What do I say to him? That Sebastian and I are making this work - platonically making this work, and it's enough for me?

I don't love him anymore?

"I can show you." His fringes shadowed his eyes, his palms fisting the air. His voice dark and hoarse, "I can show you and him that I am better." What is he saying now?

"I can take care of you, you know..." His sentence trailed and came to a hush whisper, as if he's saying it to himself. A blush involuntarily showed on my face, utterly shocked at his words - confession, actually. I did not know - Sohma was an annoying, pushy friend, almost like a brother whose culture just didn't match mine, and I never thought...

"What..." Uncertain and shocked is an understatement. I really don't know what to say...we will be spending the whole day together and that is just going to be extraordinarily awry.

"Whatever." He lifted his head, wiping his tears.

"I'm not a kid, Ciel. I can fight for what I want." His cheeky face was now hard and manly, his eyes serious. I leaned on my chair, sweat beading my skin. He was still watching me, then his tongue came to lick his lips.

"I'll can tear you away from him." With that, he straightened his long attire, fingers combing his hair backwards. His aura changed to that of friendly, playful and light - and now he had the air of a man prepared to get whatever he wants with his armor hands. He left within seconds, a smirk not leaving his face.

What...on earth...

He is a kid who will do everything to pursue what he aims for. Now, as man himself, he can be rather frightening.

This...I don't need this crap. There angels going after us and there is that bastard demon number one and number two. I don't need this. Nope.

"And that, is what you call entertainment." A female voice laughed.

Author's Note: This is kind of a crappy chapter. Anyway, it is kind of a filler, you know? Anyway, Sohma is now pursuing Ciel, but hey. Ciel is tied to Sebastian. Oh no. But it doesn't mean that they can't have other relationships with other people, right? Well, it's not like they are going to fall in love...

so ciel and sebby are still skeptical about their relationship but it seems ciel dear still has feelings for him...how sad...

butnow that Sohma is there...ooooooooohhhh what if ciel considers it?

btw, what do you think of aleecia?