

That was the only way to describe her little family of society's misfits.

They never settled down for too long, always moving, going where the work went. By the time she was eleven she'd already been to seven schools in four different states. But that's the way it was. It was always just the Winchesters against the world.

It wasn't uncommon for John Winchester to go out on hunts leaving the kids alone to go to school and live basically whilst Dean did the best that he could to look after his two younger siblings. He wanted nothing more than to have a normal life for his children but after what he'd seen the night that Mary was killed haunted his every moment.

She tried to tell him that everything would be alright and that they would get the thing that killed their mother but all he would do was look at her and tell her to go back to her school work. She wanted him to know that everything would be ok but by all rights, she shouldn't even be there in their little family.

The Tapestry of Fate had only read that John and Mary Winchester would have two sons, Sam and Dean Winchester. They were descendants from the bloodline of Cain and Able with great and grand futures ahead of them as hunters. They would save hundreds of people and even save the world along the way. One year after Dean was born, Mary Winchester found herself pregnant again, with a girl instead of the fated boy. Destiny ruled that Mary would lose this child before it was even born; she however found herself an opportunity.

She had been on the run from her brothers and sisters for hundreds of thousands of years. Cast out of Heaven for allying herself with her brother Lucifer, she had been on the run away from those who wished to kill her. Her brother refused to allow her to follow him and so she was left alone to her own devices and slowly became something that wasn't angelic but not demonic.

When word reached her that Mary was pregnant with a girl child she saw an opportunity to be reborn again. She took the child's body early in her development, there was no soul attached it was still just an empty vessel. She didn't need permission from someone who didn't exist yet.

And so she became Lily Winchester, the bratty middle sister with their mother's blonde hair and the strangest blue eyes that came from neither mother nor father. The blue eyes were the only sign she showed of the connection to the Grace of Heaven.

After Mary died, it was just the four of them. John Winchester raised his children as warriors but they were always together because a Winchester always looks after their own.

Sam was nineteen when he left them.

Dean and Lily just sat and listened as Sam and their father got into a heated argument with each other. Sam wanted a normal life; he'd got accepted at Stanford University for a scholarship, their father refused to let him go. As Sam stormed out, Lily chased after him, they were always so close, with only a year of age between them.

After Sam left, Lily decided to leave after a week. In the middle of the night she packed her things and left. They'd just been in a hunt so Dean and their father were crashed out tired so it was easy to go unnoticed.

The following morning when she had just stopped for breakfast she got a missed phone call and an angry text from her father and Dean demanding to know where she was. She ignored them

Lily called Sam and asked if she could crash with him for a while whilst she figured out what she wanted to do. She stayed with Sam for three months before she left, she could feel a stirring in her Grace that prevented her from staying in one place for too long.

She travelled the world.

The best thing about being a fallen angel was that she could travel the world on Angel Air. She went to Brazil, China, Australia, Egypt, she went to so many places and fought every kind of evil creature in every kind of culture. It was liberating not to have to hide her Grace and her wings all the time. Even though her wings were no longer the white of an angels but more like a shimmering metallic black, she was still immensely proud of them. Evil things feared her when they saw her with her wings.

Not quite human, not angelic and not demonic either.

Four years went by so quickly.

She was in New York, admiring the view of the city from the torch of the Statue of Liberty when her old phone rang. Lily always kept it charged in case someone needed her badly.

It was Sam, there had been an accident and Dean was in a coma. Apparently he had started hunting again in her absence.

As much as it killed her, Lily had to give it a couple of hours before she appeared in the hospital. They would have questioned her sudden appearance as was the hunter's way. They may have been human but they were her family.

Her father actually cried when she arrived, that sort of emotion was hard for a man to display. Every fibre of her being twitched, she could feel her Grace pulling her. She wanted to badly to heal Dean but it would drain her and she would have to explain why so all she could do was wait and hope.

For the first time since she had been cast out, Lily found herself preying to Him.

It hit her harder than it should have when their father died.

She withdrew into her shell and stayed there whilst they sought refuge at the home of a close friend Bobby Singer's home. Dean buried himself in fixing his car, Sam researched any case he could find and Lily just withdrew. She didn't eat, couldn't sleep, Sam tried his best but in the end he gave up.

She got better after a few months and started hunting again, promising to keep in touch. She was used to hunting solo these days and didn't want to hinder Sam and Dean in anyway-at least that's what she told them.

Truthfully she'd gotten used to just smiting any evil thing that came her way with her Grace.

It was her life, yeah it was a little messed up but she had her family.

But she knew more than anyone that peace doesn't always last.

A few months after Dean's soul was dragged to Hell by the demon Lilith, Lily was in Brazil watching the running of the bulls from one of the buildings when she felt the earth shake. The humans wouldn't have felt it but any angel that walked the earth would have.

She couldn't believe it.

An angel had just raised a soul out of Hell.

The shit was about to hit the fan.