April 8, 2016.

The lights of New York lit the night as horns and yells of explicit language filled the air. A light passes by the buildings as crowds begin to cheer as it passes by, a figure in red and gold armor flies in between the buildings, it flies up towards the building labeled "Jaeger". The figure lands on the landing pad and raises both of its arms to the sides, mechanical arms take off the armor on the hands.

"Sir, agent Reiss would like to speak to you." the voice spoke on the coms. The arms remove the helmet to reveal its a boy with black hair.

"Cut her off the coms." he replied.

"I'm afraid she hacked the coms." the A.I. replied.

"Unpredictable bitch, first I find out she collects Captain America memorbillia then I find out she's part of anonymous." he sighed

"Mr Eren Jaeger." the blonde woman greeted. She wears a black blazer and a black skirt and has long hair.

"Ah yes, agent...Was Historia?" The blonde smiled warmly.

"No sir, its agent Christa Reiss. Agent of S.H-"

"I know that, what do you want?" Eren replied. Christa pulls out a document labeled with a capital A. Eren reads it.

"I thought I denied being part of it."

"Well, I'm afraid director Fury needs your assistance."

"What if I refuse?" Eren questioned while he pours some tequila in his glass. He turns to see Christa pulling out a SHIELD-issued hacking device.

"Do you want me to let your own escort you to the heli-carrier?"

Eren remembered that all the suits have some type of auto-pilot and telling by that hacking device, she can already hack all his suits.

"Jeez alright."

"Thank you for your cooperation Mr Jaeger. We'll contact you some other time." she generously said. She leaves the room.

"Y'know, selfish people like you are the reason humanity never progresses. How do yo sleep at ni-" the door closes. In the jet sits a pilots still wearing her helmet, there are two visor like pieces on each side of the head connected by a hinge. Christa enters from the back and sits on the co-pilot seat.

"So, did he say yes?" asked the pilot. She is tan-colored and has freckles and black hair.

"Yeah, we'll inform him next week about the situation. Lets head back to the heli-carrier." Christa puts on her microphone headset.

The pilot nods and her visors come together, letters begin to glow green and the text reads "Ymir"

The aircraft leaves the landing pad as Eren watches from the window. The billionaire cooks some steak and eggs as he reads the document.

"Sir, what does the document say?" questioned the A.I.

"Typical things, Loki maybe trying to get his tesseract back after the pounding he received when Christa hacked Ultron. Thank God Fubar forgot to install a firewall prior to his creation." He flips over the document and he stares at the document in complete horror.

"What is it sir?"

Eren doesn't respond.

"Sir?" the picture in the document shows a female figure wearing a a red suit, a kevlar vest with shotgun shells attached to it, two sword sheaths on her back, black hair and wearing a red scarf over her neck.

April 12, 2016.

"Hey Mikasa, its me the president of MTV. I saw your message/threat in the VMA 2013 awards about how MTV isn't in its roots and we decline your request about returning to it, we feel like it pleases the teenage crowd more. Also we don't negotiate with stupid, trigger-happy, rude, insane, slutty mercenaries like y-"

The phone gets shot into pieces. On the couch sitting is a woman who is heavily armed, Mikasa Ackerman. In her head, two voices are arguing.

Seriously, what was the point of that?

It was to get MTV back to their senses!

I know but we could've just sent a letter or complaint!

"Oh come on, by MTV is filled with swaggots and hipsters. I'm quite sure they wouldn't listen us." Mikasa replied.

By paralyzing Miley Cyrus!?

"Haaa! I wanted her to stop twerking but she didn't listen. Also she said that more young people look up to her than me." The mercenary remembered when she snuck inside the VMA's dressed like a celebrity. The moment she got on stage and started acting stupid was the most traumatizing moment in her life! So Mikasa got on the stage and broke two of Miley's legs.

"But I was teaching a lesson! Lesson number onnneee..."

Its to tell kids that twerking is for jerks!

Oh God, your stealing from the manderin.

"Twerking...There's no such thing..." Mikasa gets off her couch and looks around her apartment. Sitting against the wall is her dog, Ellie, she kneels in front of her dog and pets it.

"Who's a good girl?" the dog responds by licking her in the face. The dog whimpers for the beer placed on the table nearby, Mikasa responds by grabbing the beer and pouring it in the bowl.

"Time for some hooch, hooch for the pooch!"

"Now just sit there peacefully and I won't have to shoot you." The woman gets up and opens the window blinds.

"Needs some light in here!" the window opens to reveal that she's living in Germany. The mercenary takes a deep breath and lets it out.

"Sounds like a good day to-" she hears screams of civilians in the nearby museum.

April 10, 2016. Earlier to event.

Eren sat on the chair in the local bar he always visited, parked outside is his mark 47 suit in the parking lot. He sips down his corona beer.

"Eren!" he turns to see his best friend and loyal body guard, Armin Arlert. The blonde boy sits next to him, following alongside him is Levi aka war machine aka iron patriot.

"Sup guys!" he greets the two of them. The TV screen shows a news clip of the president talking.

"I introduce to you, Corporal Levi also now known as Iron Patriot." Levi enters the scene donning a similar suit to Eren's except in red, white and blue and armed with a minigun on his right shoulder and a missile launcher on his left.

"Seriously, Iron Patriot?" Eren began to along alongside Armin.

"They needed something less threatening so it won't scare the public." replied Levi as he stops drinking his beer.

"That name belongs to Reiner." Armin mockingly laughed.

"Speaking Reiner, hows the old warhorse doing?" Levi asked.

"Good, still doesn't know how to use a computer."

"Pfft, I always see him in the gym." The three turn to see Doctor Bertholdt Fubar aka Ant man.

"Fubar!" Levi greeted.

"Its pronounced as Hoover." The tall scientist corrected.

"So Jaeger, what the assignment from SHIELD?" he asked.

"Loki is trying to get the tesseract back after the pounding he got from a hacked Ultron."

Fubar laughed.

"Your kidding right?"

"Nope" Eren replied as he sips his beer.

April 12, 2016.

"Agent Braus and agent Reiss please report to director Fury on the deck."

Sasha Braus lowers her bow after she got a bulls eye on a target. She holsters it over her shoulder and goes out to the hallway, joining by her side is Christa. The door slides open to reveal director Nick Fury waiting for them.

"We just intercepted Loki's location in Germany, he is stealing some type of components for a bomb." Fury stated.

"I thought he was trying to get the tesseract back..." replied Sasha.

"His intentions for the parts are unknown at the minute." Fury said. Next to him is his new number two and replacement of Maria Hill: Agent Petra Ral.

"You'll be joined by Fubar, Jaeger, and Levi." Petra stated.

"How about Hanji?"

"She's unavailable at the moment alongside Reiner, something that had to with an investigation about some experiment called the 'winter soldier'"

"Then what are we waiting for?" Christa replied as she readies her gun that was forged from the destroyer that Thor fought.

"Lets kick some Asgardian ass!"

The two agents go to the heli-pad and meet Ymir there. They get inside and ready their seat belts.


"Yep." Ymir nods in response and the jet/VTOL takes off.

Loki looks at his brainwashed scientists as they build a new tesseract, this time it's a bomb variant and can be used as an inter-dimensional grenade. But he has to find the proper test subjects...The citizens of Germany.

As the citizens kneel before Loki, he unpins the tesseract grenade, unlike a normal grenade, its count down is two minutes.

"Tests have always been in man-"

"Booooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rgrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggggggggggggg!" blared the voice.

Loki turns to see Mikasa approaching towards him holding a megaphone. The mercenary pulls out her twin katana's and points them at Loki.

"Hey Loki! Long time no see, we never hang out as much we do now. Was it because of the one night stand we had?" Loki smiles in response.

"I have plans, don't tell me you became a hero." The Asgardian mocked.

"Nope, still a merc. I could see your terrorizing these people." she observed the terrified crowd.

"Yes, why state the obvious?"

A moment silence falls between the two psycho's.

"Because I'm the only one that terrorizes them." The crowd begins to talk in an agreeing tone. After all, getting taken hostage by Mikasa is the equivalent to being invited to a wild party. The mercenary lunges towards Loki, he responds by tilting his staff sideways as Mikasa tries to slices him, Mikasa swings her katana to the right only for Loki to duck down and trip her using his staff, the mercenary dodges the attack by rolling to the right.

The two begin to circle around each other, Mikasa twirls both of her swords in intimidation. The two clash against each other, Mikasa blocks two blows with her katana, Loki swings his spears at her head only for her to duck down. She slides underneath him and kicks him down to the ground from the back.

"Had enough?"

"No..." Loki responds by punching Mikasa in the nose. The mercenary covers her regenerating nose and Loki taps her on the ass. The embarrassed merc kicks him in the face.

"Okay, you could look but not touch!" a SHIELD VTOL uses a spotlight on them.

"Loki and Miksasa Ackerman we have you surrounded!" blared agent Reiss, on the side of VTOL taking position is Sasha and Berholdt.

"Or what!?" she hears shoot to thrill in a distance and see's two figures flying towards them.