Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I Wish I Could Say I Love You

Chapter 12 - Christmas Eve

Collaboration between: strawburri and Hita-Chan

Disclaimer: WE DO NOT OWN OURAN...yet. MWAHAHAHHAHAH(jk, we do not, and will not own Ouran)


(A/N Hey guys! it's finally the last chapter! ;-; I'm so sad, and i hope that Hita and i will be able to collab again, real soon. Also, I have a Kuroshitsuji(Black Butler) fic coming out, so keep your eyes open! It is indeed very sad to see this story come to an end, it has been fun to write! I also hope we will collab again, not sure what it would be, but hopefully it would be something as or even MOAR amazing. ;) Well I don't really have anything new coming out but a lot of updates to current stories hopefully! I've been so lazy with updates over the last few months. :( MY COMPUTER IS BEING SO LAGGY! I'M GOING TO KILL IT. -End rage- I cri evry tim. ;-; *insert sad Titanic music here*)


"I love you"

*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

"Wait, what?"

"I love you, Haruhi Fujioka, and I wanted to know if you would like to go out with me."

"Uh, uuuumm," she stammered nervously.

Sensing the tension, Mori said, "It isn't something you need to decide right now, I just want to know before the party is over…"

As he turned around to walk away, Haruhi grabbed his arm and held him back.

"I...I love you too!"

Mori, who was slightly shocked, pulled his arm from her hands and grabbed her shoulders and looked at her straight in the eyes. She looked at him, her eyes searching his. He leaned down to her height and kissed her passionately. She was shocked but it didn't stop her from kissing him back, her arms found their way around his neck. The two pulled back and stared at each other once more.

"That was…" Haruhi trailed off.

"Incredible," Mori finished for her, nearly breathless.

They both smiled, Mori's wide and proud. Haruhi's small and shy.

"Let's go," said Mori.


"We have a party to get to."

Shawty got them apple bottom jeans (jeans)

Boots with the-Fades out-

The party was pretty successful, considering that it was last minute, and that their DJ was… Kyoya. Apparently, he was better at technology than everyone thought.

"Ok everyone, grab a partner, this song's for the lovebirds in the room."

Cause all of me~

Loves all of you~

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all~~fades out~~

Mori took Haruhi's hand and led her onto the dance floor. Haruhi blushed and faed him once he stopped.

"You know I've only ever danced the guy's role in a slow dance, Mori," Haruhi pointed out.

"I know," he replied simply, placing his hands on her waist.

She looked up at him and wrapped her arms loosely around his shoulders, not really able to completely wrap her arms around his neck due to the height differences of more than one foot. He smiled down at her and began to sway slowly, just moving back and forth. She soon fell into pace with him and so the two danced through the song. Once it ended Mori kissed her cheek softly and smiled.

"Thank you for dancing with me," he whispered quietly.

"It was my pleasure," she replied cheesily.

Mori chuckled and led her off the dance floor and to the refreshment table to grab them both a quick drink.

Haruhi smiled and walked to a nearby table as she waited. Tamaki appeared next to her, looking a bit nervous.


She looked up at him, "Yeah, sempai?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm happy for you. Yes, I'm a bit sad that nothing could happen between us but I'm happy for you and Mori."

Haruhi looked at him blankly for a few seconds before a small smile came onto her face, "Thank you, Tamaki."

He grinned widely and began to bounce around due to her calling him by his first name. He grabbed her hand as another slower song came on and brought her over to the dancefloor. All the girls watched in giddiness and jealousy. Kyoya squinted to make sure that he was seeing things correctly, Yep, that is indeed Haruhi willingly dancing with Tamaki. Things couldn't get any weirder.

"Thank you for dancing with me Haruhi, it made my night," he gave her one of his signature smiles.

Haruhi nodded, "It was rather nice. But just so we're both aware, I love Mori and there will be nothing that changes that," she turned to face him as she said this, halting them from walking.

He looked down into her eyes, a sad smile came onto his face, "I know Haruhi."

She hugged him quickly and walked off to where Mori was sitting. The girl pulled out the chair next to him and sat down, taking his hand in hers.

"Hey. Sorry about that, Tamaki wanted to dance," she apologized quietly.

He rose an eyebrow at the missing honorific but didn't point it out, "It's fine."

She smiled and ran her thumb over the top of his hand, causing him to give hers a gentle squeeze. They both smiled and watched Tamaki begin to chase the twins around the large ballroom. Kyoya looked slightly aggravated from his place in front of everything behind the DJ table. Honey was nowhere to be found, and shockingly Mori wasn't becoming frantic and wanting to call on a search team to find him. It was calm and everything was going pretty smoothly. It was a great Christmas party.

As everyone was cleaning up Mori brought Haruhi out onto the terrace. She looked confused as they stood there. He wrapped his arms around her middle and turned her towards the side of the railing. He pointed up to the sky, she tilted her head up. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open a bit.


He smiled at her reaction and watched the colors explode in the air along with her. The loud noises of the fireworks went off and soon the other Hosts were standing in the doorway behind them, looking on.

"Wooooah!" Honey giggled.

The twins nodded in agreement, "This is amazing."

Haruhi leaned her head back until it was resting against Mori's shoulder, he smiled and kissed the top of her head. Haruhi gave a small chuckle and turned around in his arms, leaning up and kissing him passionately. Mori was a bit surprised but kissed back anyways, pulling her closer.

The rest of the club watched, most of them with smiles, staying unknown to the happy couple in front of them.

"I love you Takashi," Haruhi murmured as they pulled apart, resting her forehead against his.

"I love you too," he replied and kissed her gently.

The two held hands tightly as they turned and watched the fireworks again.


THE END! We apologize for how long this took to get out, it's been hard to get on at the same time and stuff. But we do hope to collab again. Maybe another story or a sequel to this one? Who knows! But we hope you all enjoyed it and please leave a review!

Thank you to everyone who has read, reviewed, and all that stuff! We appreciate the support and it's what drove us to continue this for you all!

Well I guess this is all for this story!

Bye Bye!

Hita and strawburri out! :)