"So you thought that by hiding behind a curtain I would not be able to find you," Jack Frost drawled, as he glanced at Hiccup amusedly. Right now they were back where this whole fiasco had started, in Hiccup's room. Jack had spent no less than five minutes to find Hiccup, his house wasn't that big anyway, and had managed to pin Hiccup down on the bed.

The brunette flushed scarlet and blustered," Well, I am a talking fishbone anyway! You constantly tease me about my size either way and I was really desperate so…" Hiccup trailed off and looked away, the tips of his ears burning red. Jack chuckled, Hiccup was so adorable.

"Well," Jack said slowly, a small smile on his face," I'm here to prove that I can do so much better." Hiccup turned his head slowly back up to stare at him with disbelief. "I'm sure I did better than what you can do," He replied his voice smug as he stared back at Jack. Jack grinned," I wouldn't be so sure."

Jack bent his head down to kiss Hiccup lightly on the lips. Hiccup froze before melting like putty in his arms. Jack smiled against his lips before slowly moving his lips on Hiccup. Hiccup eagerly responded as his hands moved to grasp Jack's hair tightly. Jack let out a sigh, maybe this was a bad idea after all. He could already feel his mind slowly rolling to a stop. His body was now in control. As Hiccup's hands went in under Jack's shirt, Jack could almost feel the whole temperature of the entire room rise up rapidly.

No, I can't let Hiccup win, Jack thought. He groaned loudly before slowly pushing himself up, leaving a very breathless Hiccup underneath him. "That's all?" Hiccup muttered as he propped himself up with his elbows, his face rather sullen. "Why did you stop," he complained as he glared at Jack. Jack grinned triumphantly," I already told you, I can do much better than you."

Hiccup sat up with a huff as he exclaimed, "You-You sir are playing a dangerous game, leaving all this raw… Viking-ness contained! There will be consequences." He pointed a finger at Jack as he attempted to look threatening. It did the exact opposite. Jack smirked and replied smugly," I'll take my chances."