It had been about a month since the painfully dramatic ordeal with my friends, and school was starting tomorrow. I had my fantastic four-year-old book bag, a pack of pens, pencils, and everything. But that makes me sound like I was excited to be starting up a new school year. I hate school. I really, really hate school.

Don't get me wrong, I love learning, and the idea of school is a rather good one. But the way it's generally approached, and the people I have to be around for a far too prolonged period of time, doesn't really ever excite me.

I already had my schedule, and had compared it to Dwayne's. We had a couple classes together. To me that wasn't too important.

The bus came early, while I was still half asleep. Somehow I had clothes on, and was actually prepared to get on. I stood on the corner with Dwayne. I supposed one of us could drive to school, but apparently you need to check in to do that, and get a spot in the parking lot. I don't know. It sounded like too much work.

The bus creaked to a stop in front of us.

"I would apologize for the asses that you'll be surrounded by soon, but I'm not going say sorry for them. You can sit with me if you want?" He muttered as the doors swung open.

"I might…you're a little too uncool for someone like me, mister."

The woman driving was a stick, and wearing a giant sweatshirt from some nearby college added to the effect. She stopped me.

"Seraphie Adams?"

I kept my jaw closed tightly as I nodded. There were a few tired looking kids sitting near the front, most of them outcasts. I walked a little faster toward Dwayne as the bus lurched forward, and I nearly fell on my face. As I plopped into the seat next to him, I heard two boys in the seats behind us snorting.

"Hey, vow-boy, you got a girlfriend?!" One chuckled as the other broke out into near hysterics. I sunk down lower in the seat.

"Yeah, we've seen you guys out. Neither of you talk, right? Do you…" he giggled like a horse, "Do you like silently fuck, or whatever?!" I jumped as one of them slapped the horrible, squeaky, brown seats, and sunk even lower. Dwayne just flipped them off.

About two months passed of the same things on the bus. At least I was doing great in every class. I never really said anything, but my school had been a bit harder on everyone, and the whole curriculum had been a bit more advanced. Every class was like a nice little review, well, except creative writing. I mean, I was acing that class, but everything was new, and different from what I had done before.

But that's all beside the point of some little exciting stuff that happened.

Dwayne and I were waiting in the sickly green main lobby, waiting for the buses to come. There wasn't too much harassment on the bus anymore. Those guys usually drove home on their own, so they had sort of slowly become less, and less of a problem. There were probably a hundred other people all standing around, swaying, waiting.

"Hey, vow bow! Quiet girl!"

I cringed, and nudged Dwayne.

"I heard him. It's alright." I muttered something that was so unintelligible I don't even remember what I was saying. "Sera, I don't know what you're worried about."

"I'm not worried. I'm just annoyed. And tired, I got like three hours of sleep last night."

"Why?" He asked, nearly rolling his eyes, and draping an arm around the back of my shoulders.

"Because I stayed up for a while, then woke up because I had a nightmare."

"HEY, vow boy, having trouble getting any with this one. Don't really know why you would, anyway, but face it dude, you got friend-zoned a while ago."

"Jesus fucking chri…" I murmured. Dwayne opened his mouth to say something insulting back, or maybe even punch him in the face. Instead he was kissed by me. I held my hands firmly on his shoulders, and kissed him in front of everyone. "Alright, A: Shut the hell up about the friend-zone, moron. B: Yes, yes we are in a relationship, and you need to find some other way to carry out your own petty life other them tormenting us. Be on the soccer team, or start early spring training, I don't care, just leave me alone." I said strongly. He looked completely shocked. His mouth was actually hanging open. I'm fairly certain everyone around us was equally surprised. After a few more minutes of gaping like a fish, he stormed off.

Dwayne hugged me as soon as he was three steps away.

"I don't think anyone has ever said anything like that to him." He grinned.

"I don't think I've ever kissed anyone in public like that, either. That was a bit weird." I shifted. "Do you want to just go home?" I finally asked, brushing at his hand.

He raised an eyebrow, "Sure."

"I kind of wish I was back in New York."

"Why? It isn't because of…?"

"No, no, it's just that it's fall, and that was my favorite season there because all of the trees would be all these different colors." I smiled, thinking about how nice home actually had been for once. "There was this one tree that's leaves turned pink every year, and one time I saw I snowy owl in it."

"There are owls in New York?"

"Mhmm, in a place in sort of really northern Pennsylvania which I ended up visiting a lot because it was really pretty there all the time too, they had a ton of eagles. Okay, well, not a ton, but there were three or four little eagle families. That was pretty neat. But also kind of horrifying, eagles are gigantic, and I didn't even realize it until one flew over me this one time, and…what?" I finally glanced up a Dwayne who had a permanent smirk plastered on his face.

"You're just…you're just always so interesting."

"C'mon, Dwayne, don't be such a sap." I said, nudging him over on the sidewalk.

"I know, but it's true." He chuckled, nudging me back. "Well," he drawled, and slowed as we passed his house, "I should go home."

"You're coming to my house." I said, looping my arm into his, and jogging down the sidewalk, and towing him along.

He was close behind as I ran up to my art room to play him something mildly impressive on my piano. I set my hands in my lap as I finished, and glanced over at him.

"That was nice." He whispered, leaning in slowly, and softly kissing me. I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, deepening the kiss as he ran his hands through my hair. He quickly pulled back, like he was surprised. He moved his hands away from me like I was hot coals.

"I'm sorry, what's wrong?"

"I just, I didn't think that you…I mean, I'm sorry, I didn't even…"

"Because your hand was up my shirt?" I said blandly.

"Well, yeah."

"I'll tell you when to stop, and if or when you've overstepped any sort of boundary, alright." I kissed him lightly. I wasn't kidding, if he did anything I thought was too far, I would stop it all. I had run over scenarios in my head hundreds of times. But at this point, there was less and less that was 'too far'.

"Alright." He whispered, and we both leaned in again.

My hands were shaking. A small part of me wanted to wait for my mom to get home to open up the letter, but I had already waited so long. It was a letter from New York University for their creative writing program. I had applied to a few other colleges, and had been accepted to one of them, but that would all be tossed out the window if I was to be accepted into NYU. It was the college of my dreams. Okay, well being accepted to MIT or any other Ivy League would have been nice, but I hadn't even bothered to apply to those.

Dwayne had already been accepted to New Mexico University, and was going to major in aeronautical engineering, which is just people who build planes. He said that he figured if he couldn't fly them, then he had to at least get close to something that could fly away.

I sat alone in the kitchen, holding it with two hands.

And then it was open. I barely remember tearing the paper; all I remember is frantically opening up the folded piece of paper, and skimming it with eyes nearly full of excited tears, and clutching my nervous stomach. The tears spilled over. I clamped a hand over my mouth so I wouldn't cry out.

There were two knocks at the door that I nearly ignored. I said that it was open at the last second. Dwayne bustled in, shrugging off his sweater, and jogging into the kitchen. He stopped when he saw the tears in my eyes.

"Oh, no…" he whispered, glancing down at the papers on the counter. He clutched my head to his chest, in a semi-uncomfortable hug.

"Wait, what?" I slowly moved my hand away from my face. "No, I got in. What are you doing?"

"Oh, well…you were crying…?"

"Happy tears, I guess." I said shrugging. He just hugged me again, but I saw him roll his eyes out of the corner of my eyes.

"You're so weird."

"Be quiet Mr. Aeronautical Engineer."

"So you'll live in New York City?" He asked after a moment once we had sat down at the tall chairs at the side of counter.

"Yup, I guess. That'll be pretty fun." A soft, girly giggle escaped my mouth.

"That's pretty far away from New Mexico."

I sighed. "I know, but…you know."

"No, I'm not saying you should give up this awesome college just because I'm staying in this damn state. I was just…"

"Yeah, I know. I mean are we going to keep on…?"

"I would like to, but I understand if you don't want to."


"Yes, what?" He asked slowly, with a slightly pained expression painted across his face.

"Yes, we'll stay in a relationship, and just see where it goes from there. We can call, and e-mail each other, and just do things like that." I said sure of myself because, well, I was very sure of myself.

Whew the website was being weird, or this would've been up a little sooner. It wasn't really letting me paste correctly,, what can you do. Anyway, here comes the super (maybe not so) long writer letter at the end of the story. I am pleased with this story I believe. It's not my favorite, but I'm pleased with it, and hope you are as well. I've enjoyed writing this, and hope you liked reading it. This was much easier to finish than my first fic I finish (which was actually like my third fic, but it was the first one I finished), I'll say that much. Anyway, review, and stuff, and I may or may not be doing a little series of one-shots about these guys, so if you're interested tell me below, but don't hold your breath because I'm finishing up a fic that needed to finished months ago, planning out a new one, currently updating another one, and ALSO writing a series of one-shots for this other story I just finished up. Bye.