Another new story. This one is going to be fun to write. Well, here I go!

Time was frozen for her. She couldn't move, or do anything. She could only think. She had no idea how long she had been stuck there.

You're confused, aren't you? Well, here, let me explain.

This girl's name is Katherine. She is a spirit. She is the embodiment of the four elements. By a spell, she has been frozen inside a giant tree for eternity.

Wait, I should probably start from the beginning.

It all began when she met one of the legendary Guardians...

Katherine was wandering in a forest, when she came across a giant rabbit -or was it a Kangaroo?-. She went a little closer, to confirm that it was indeed a bunny. It was very strange, she thought, and it had to be at least 6 feet tall. She walked up to him, and he looked at her.

"What're ya lookin' at, sheila?" He asked, a very evident Australian accent. She tilted her head cutely, like a curious child.

"You, of course. Are you a bunny?" She asked, just out of pure curiosity. The pooka nodded,

"Yeah, I'm a bunny. The Easter Bunny, actually. My name is E. Aster Bunnymund. 'Nd who're you?" He asked her.

"My name is Katherine." She said, and left it at that. She wouldn't tell him her last name, he would find out eventually. "You can call me Kat, though." She added.

Aster smiled, "Alright. Pleasure to meet ya, Kat." He held out his paw. She took it and shook it a little.

"The pleasure is mine, Aster." She smiled sweetly. If only the two of them knew what would come in the future.

For several years, they were inseparable. The perfect example of an unconditional friendship. And that all changed on a certain Valentine's Day.

Katherine fiddled with her delicate fingers, messing with her auburn hair, her eyes searching and avoiding all contact with a certain pooka's.

Aster was nervous as well, he was just better at hiding it. He looked at her, frowning a little, "Why so nervous? Is somethin' botherin' ya?" He asked, concerned. She shook her head quickly, stuttering out a reply.

"N-no, I-I'm fine.." She lied. "Th-there's just something I want to tell you... But I don't know how.." She looked down, her cheeks burning bright crimson. Aster's eyes widened, hoping that she was hinting at what he thought she was hinting at. He took one of her hands, smiling.

"I have a feelin' I already know what it is." He hugged her tightly. He whispered in her ear, "I love ya, Kat."

Her eyes widened, and she smiled. She hugged him back excitedly, "Oh my gosh! I love you too, Aster." She nuzzled her nose against his.

And for the moment, everything seemed perfect. And then that moment ended.

Many, many years after that, the two only grew closer. But, it turned out their unconditional love wasn't so unconditional.

"Aster, wait!" She called, speed walking to him as he walked further away. "Please, let me explain!"

"Why didn't ya tell me?! We've been together this whole time and you never even said anythin' about it!" He shouted back. He'd finally stopped walking away and faced her. She looked torn, it nearly made him want to forget about this whole issue and just go back to the way it was the day before. But he couldn't just drop this.

"I was afraid, Aster, terrified! I knew that if I told you Pitch is my father then you and the others would leave me.. I was so scared.. Aster please.. tell me you still love me. Just because he's my father doesn't change who I am. Please, Aster.." She begged. He shook his head. This was serious.. there were so many thought running through his head.

What if later on, she turned on them and joined Pitch?

What if this was all an act, and she was leading them into a trap?

What if everything she was, was all fake?

Many other questions seeped into his mind, and fear started to taint his heart. He felt like he just couldn't be with her anymore, knowing that she was his daughter.

"I'm sorry, Kat.. I have to go." He looked at her dejectedly, seeing the torn look on her face. She looked absolutely devastated.

It wasn't long until the Guardians trapped her within the tree, to make sure she never could join her father, or do anything against them. It hurt them all to have to do that, but they did it anyway. Better safe than sorry.

And that led us to where she was, still stuck in that tree.

Then, a woman came to the tree. Dear Mrs. C, a woman very knowledgeable in spells and curses. She felt very bad for little Kat. Mrs. C knew Kat didn't and wouldn't do anything wrong, and she had been waiting for this chance. After hundreds of years, she finally got the chance she was waiting for.

Mrs. C went up to the tree, placing her hand on it. She starts chanting a spell, one powerful enough to release Kat from the accursed tree.

"С помощью этого заклинания, я освободить несправедливо наказан, с этого пения я спасти невинных. Отпустите!" (*1) The base of the tree began to glow bright purple, and Katherine emerged from the tree.

Kat stood still for a moment, before her eyes fluttered open. She looked at Mrs. C, then backed away a bit. "P-please don't hurt me.." She said quietly. Mrs. C chuckled sweetly.

"I'm not here to hurt you, sweetheart. I'm the one who just got you out of that darned tree." She explained. Kat looked at her in confusion,

"But, why would you save me? The others all abandoned me, so why wouldn't you too?" She asked. Mrs. C caressed Kat's cheek like a loving mother.

"Dear, you never did anything wrong. You are as innocent as a newborn, and just because you are the Boogeyman's daughter from his past life doesn't mean you'd do anything wrong. You don't deserve to be locked up in a cage, you just the same as all us other spirits." She smiled. Kat smiled, the light returning to her eyes. She hugged Mrs. C tightly.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" She shouted happily. Mrs. C looked around, making sure no one was there.

"I need you to go to the South Pole. I know you can endure any kind of weather, and that's where you're going to have to stay for a while until we can work out how to keep North and the others from seeing or recognizing you. Alright? I'll be there in a few days to help you. Just be careful and keep a watchful eye on your way there. Alright?" She said quickly, and Kat nodded.

"I'll be extra careful." She said with a childlike determination. Mrs. C chuckled.

"Alright." She kissed her forehead. "Be careful, child."

Kat had several close calls on her way to Antarctica. She almost ran into Bunnymund, Toothiana and Sandman.

She nearly was seen by all three of them. She promised Mrs. C that she would be careful, but it was a lot harder than she thought. After about a day's worth of riding the wind, she finally made it to her destination.

It was really cold in Antarctica, but she wasn't very affected by it. Being the embodiment of all four Elements, she easily was able to handle extreme temperatures.

But, there was one thing she wasn't expecting. Or rather, someone she wasn't expecting. Another Guardian, one she had never heard of, was there. She was never told that there was a fifth Guardian.

I'm sure you're thinking, 'How did she know he was a Guardian?' she knew because could feel it in the vibe he gave off.

She was frozen in thought, stuck staring at him. He was so intriguing.. His stark white hair blended in with the snow. his blue hoodie and brown pants contrasted his pale skin. It wasn't until he caught her gaze that she saw he had electric blue eyes.

He looked at her strangely, obviously not expecting anyone else to be at the South Pole, the same as him. All was silent for the longest time. She was the first to break the silence.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Jack Frost."

*1: This is spoken in Russian, and it translates into "With this spell, I release the unjustly punished, with this song I save the innocent. Let go!" It was cool, because at first I typed it into the translator differently, but then when I double checked it came out as this. This sounded a lot better than what I had originally put, so I went along with it.

I have a mission for whoever reads this. Guess who Mrs. C it! I bet it's really obvious, but still. Whoever gets it right will get a virtual cookie! :D

Anyway, this was just a random idea I came up with, and figured it would be fun to type it up and see what happens. Alright? Alright.

I don't own ROTG or any of it's characters, only my OC's and the plot of this fanfic.

~Hinata-Chan33, Signing out!~