Chapter 1

Angela POV

Tomorrow I go to the school Seiyo Middle School. My family and I just moved to a house not far from the school, meaning I can walk there. I walk into my new room and start unpacking. I go in my bag and pull out a purple ball of yanr, a small bag of catnip, and a toy mouse my friends from France got me for my birthday. "I miss them too." said Ringo as she, Marci, and Aura flew over. Yes if you're asking, they're my Guardian Characters.

Ringo is my dream to one day be a Ringmaster. She's really hyper and peppy and sometime yells and sings alot. When I Chara Change, I have a white top hat with a pink strip, and a pink baton with white tips. She twirled her baton in the air and caught it with ease. "But I'm sure we'll see them again." she said happily.

"Calm down Ringo." said Marci as she looked in one of her spell books. "I need to check something out." Marci was my dream to be a witch. Not like a halloween costume or anything, I mean like a real witch. One that does spells and creates potions and all of that cool stuff. I know it's a weird dream but that's how I am. When I Chara Change, I have a purple witch hat with a black strip and a wand.

"I need to concentrate on a new story." said Aura while holding her notebook and pencil. She's my dream to be an author. Every once in a while, she Chara Changes with me and I creat a story that could be a bestseller or something. That reminds me, when I Chara Change, I have a blue beret, a notebook, and a pencil.

I got out my phone and texted my boyfriend, who is in France.

To: Kitty
From: Angela

I just arrived in Japan. Gonna enroll in a middle school tomorrow. I miss you and tell the others I said hi. I hope your fight with XANA is making progress.

I pressed send and went downstairs to watch TV. I don't even know if Angel and Angelica are my real sisters. When we got to Japan, they're so much nicer to me. They're not calling my a freak or anything. I can look in their eyes and tell they're not lying about what they say. Maybe they really have change.

The next day I was walking to a huge building while talking to my Guardian Characters until I heard someone say "No way." I turned around and saw a pink-haired girl with yellow eyes. She looked somewhat my age. "You have Guardian Characters too?" she asked.

"How do you know about them?" I asked. Then four Guardian Characters flew out from behind her: a Guardian Character that looked like a cheerleader, one that looked incredibly like a boy, one that looked like a maid, and one that looked somewhat like a vocalist because of the headset. "Amu-chan that girl has Guardian Characters." said the cheerleader.

"Same with her, Angel-chan." said Aura. Then we all heard the bell ring. "Oh crap we'll be late!" me and the girl yelled in unison before rushing off to the gate. "I'm Hinamori Amu." she said. "Who are you?"

"Angela Jackson." I said. I went to the principal's office before going to homeroom. Turns out, that Amu girl is in that class too. She was talking to a boy with blonde hair and a boy with purple hair. "Hey." I said.

"Oh hey." said Amu. "So you're in this class too?"

"Yeah." I said. "Who are they?"

"The one with blonde hair is Hotori Tadase and the one with purple hair is Fujisaki Nagihiko." said Amu.

"We also have Guardian Characters." said the boy known as Nagihiko as two boy Guardian Characters flew from behind them. One looked like a little king while the other one looked something like a rapper in my opinion. "Yo I'm Rhythm." he said while giving a thumbs up.

"I am Kiseki the Guardian Character king!" yelled the little king.

"So where are your Guardian Characters?" asked Nagihiko. Then Ringo, Marci, and Aura flew out. "I'm Ringo. I'm Angel-chan's dream to be a Ringmaster." said Ringo.

"I'm Marci, Angela's dream to be a witch." said Marci.

"And I'm Aura, Angel-chan's dream to be an author." said Aura.

"Wow you have three Guardian Characters like Amu-chan used to have." said the cheerleader. "By the way I'm Ran, Amu-chan's dream to be athletic."

"I'm Miki." said the one that looked like a boy. "I'm Amu-chan's dream to be an artist."

"I'm Su." said the maid. "I'm Amu-chan's dream to be girly and motherly."

"And I'm Dia." said the vocalist. "I represent Amu-chan's radiance."

"It's nice to meet you." said Ringo.

"I hope we can be friends." said Aura.


During break, they announced that they will have a Guardians in middle school. We all met in the auditorium so Chairman can introduce us. "I would like to present the Seiyo middle school Guardians." he said.

"My name is Hotori Tadase." said Tadase-kun. "I represent the King's chair." Then out of nowhere I heard a "He's a cute prince!" I saw Nagihiko run to get a bucket before Tadase-kun could say anything. "I'm the Queen's chair Mashiro Rima." Said the shortest one out of all of us, Rima.

"I'm the Jack's chair Fujisaki Nagihiko." said Nagihiko.

"I'm the Ace's chair Kukai Souma." said Kukai. He's the oldest out of all of us and a huge jock. "And I'm the Joker Hinamori Amu." I said in my Cool N' Spicy attitude. I heard someone shout "Ready and Cool N' Spicy!" I heard murmurs of agreement. I ignored them and went to the Royal Garden with the others. "In case you don't know, we have a new Guardian joining us." said Tadase-kun. "I'm pretty sure some of you know who she is."

"Who is it?" asked Rima. The door opened and I saw Angela from our class. "I didn't know you three were part of the Guardians." she said.

"Well we are." said Nagihiko.

"Who's she?" asked Kukai.

"I'm the Jester." said Angela."I moved here from France."

"So you're French?" asked Ran.

"No." said Angela. "Before I was in France, I was born in America."

"You're American!?" we asked in unison.

"So what's your Guardian Character like?" asked Kusukusu.

"I don't have a Guardian Character." said Angela.

"Then how can you see us?" asked Daichi. Then Ringo, Marci, and Aura flew out from behind her. "EEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHH!?" yelled Daichi, Kukai, and Kusukusu.

Angela POV

The clown Guardian Character, the Ace, and his little sporty jock looked dumbfounded. "I'm Ringo, Angel-chan's dream to be a ringmaster." said Ringo.

"I'm Marci, Angela's dream to be a witch." said Marci.

"And I'm Aura, Angel-chan's dream to be an author." said Aura.

"Now it's time to introduce your Guardian Characters." said Nagihiko. He was talking to the short Queen and the Ace. "I'm Kukai." he said. "This is Daichi."

"Yo I'm Kukai's dream to be awesome at sports." said the little jock.

"I'm Kusukusu." said the clown Guardian Character before she giggled. "I'm Rima's dream to make people laugh."

"Kusukusu!" yelled the chibi as she started blushing. I guess she really doesn't like people to know what her dream is. "And I'm-" I started.

"Angela Jackson we know." said Kukai.

"Stalkers." I said.

"We just have records of all the students." said Tadase.

"Let's get something straight." said Rima. "Stay away from Amu. That goes to you too crossdresser." I raised an eyebrow. "Ok then." I said. I think I'm gonna like it here in Japan, but I'll still miss my friends in France.

(A/N): Ok everyone this is the second book of the Angela Saga. If you Shugo Chara fans are kinda confused, watch Code: Lyoko and read The New Lyoko Warrior. If you're wondering where the other main characters are, don't worry. They're in the next chapter. See ya soon.