Disclaimer: It isn't mine.

A/N: Here is, guys – the end. As in, the proper end. Sorry it took a little while to get this out, but it's here now, so enjoy! Please review and I'm open to any ideas for oneshots you lot want to read or even possible ideas for a sequel. I'm not promising anything, but I'm not opposed to the idea :)

10 Years Later

"You look gorgeous, let's go!" Sirius sighed grouchily, bouncing on the balls of his feet impatiently as he checked his watched pointedly. Lily stood in the doorway to the bathroom of the Potters' hotel suite and tore her gaze away from the mirror in which she had been checking that her outfit didn't clash with her complexion.

"Don't just say that," she groaned, sweeping into the bedroom for the hundredth time to look in the floor-length mirror again, "Tell me the truth!"

Sirius let his eyes flit over Lily's body briefly. The woman looked stunning in a strapless, forest green dress with gold embroidery in a light, flowing material that brushed the floor as she walked and matched her eyes perfectly. She was – as always – slender, apart from the small swelling of her stomach.

"You look like a troll," Sirius deadpanned, "A fat, fat troll!"

Lily's eyes instantly started to well up as she looked back at the mirror in horror. Sirius rolled his eyes and sighed again, wondering how he had landed with the job of dealing with a hormonal woman getting ready to go out. Actually, he knew exactly how. James had hurriedly dragged Harry down to the lobby to wait once they were ready, to avoid his wife as she got dressed. Remus was currently in the shower in the suite above the Potters', lathering himself up and being generally sexalicious without Sirius, because Lily had barged into their suite in naught but her bathrobe and dragged Sirius out with her, babbling about crappy designer clothes and demonic love handles.

Luckily, Sirius had only just decided to join Remus in the shower and had been standing there in his underwear, instead of completely nude, clutching the clothes for dinner that he had quickly stripped off in order to go and seriously invade Remus' personal space. At least someone had gotten to see Sirius in all his partially-naked, thirty four year old glory, even if that someone was his best mate's pregnant wife.

Presently, Sirius had donned his jeans and deep red shirt again, as he had started to feel uncomfortable standing in his boxers with only Lily for company. It was hot in the suite, so he had had to unbutton the cuffs and roll up his sleeves, despite knowing that Remus would murder him for creasing his shirt.

"No," he insisted quickly, "I was joking, you look beautiful as always, Lils. Trust me, you haven't put on any weight, just like you didn't when you were pregnant with Harry."

"Aw," Lily cooed, her mood instantly switching. Women, Sirius thought wearily as he watched her tie her hair up to keep it off her neck in the humidity of the warm San Francisco evening. She had threatened to cut it short at least twenty times during the holiday, but James had begged her every time to keep it all. Naturally, Sirius had asked Lily to repeat the threat to chop off her hair, just so he could watch James' face.

Tapping his watch to indicate that they needed to hurry up, Sirius left Lily to go and apologise to Remus to running late. The second he was out the door, however, Sirius waltzed straight into the man in question. His first thought was that he should have abandoned Lily far earlier and gone ahead with his accost-Remus-in-the-shower plan. In his white slacks, slung low on his hips, and his fitted, light blue shirt – it must have been truly hot, as he had rolled his sleeves up, too – Remus looked delectable.

"Hey," Sirius grinned, deliberately roving his stare over Remus' body.

"Hey back," Remus smirked, leaning in to kiss Sirius briefly on the lips before pulling back to raise a questioning eyebrow, "You disappeared from the suite. Where did you go?"

"A pregnant lady kidnapped me and made me tell her that she looked pretty. Repeatedly." Sirius complained, slumping forward on Remus and burying his face in the other man's neck. He smelled nice, like soap and chocolate – but he didn't get the chance to even stick his tongue out and sample the delicious feast beneath his lips, because the next thing he knew he was being whacked on the back of the head.

"What the hell?" he demanded, spinning around and rubbing the back of his head. Lily was stood behind him with a bad tempered frown. "Ah, err…hello again, Lily. Fancy seeing you here…in the hallway outside your hotel suite…"

"I hear everything," the redhead whispered, leaning forward to smile eerily. Then she turned and swept down the corridor, a black clutch in one hand and her other hand on her belly. She paused before stepping into the elevator and called over her shoulder, "Come down, boys, we're running late."

"I think she heard you," Remus chuckled giving Sirius a sideways grin. He grabbed Sirius' arm and pulled him along to the elevator at a jog to catch the lift with Lily. They spotted James with Harry – an exact copy of James from back when he was ten, minus the eyes, which were a vivid green to match his mother's – waiting in the lobby of The Carlton. James was dressed in a short sleeved, green shirt and black slacks and Harry was dressed to match. Lily, who had fallen easily into motherhood after Harry's birth, liked to colour coordinate her family, despite the amount of times Sirius had bust a gut laughing at the outfits she had James and their son wear in public.

"Took you long enough," James said as they approached.

"Remus was doing his hair," Sirius apologised, earning himself another smack upside the head, but this time from Remus.

"Why does Remus take so long to do his hair?" Harry asked his dad, looking at Remus questioningly, like he actually believed that Remus gave a monkey's arse about his hair. Sirius rolled his eyes – Remus had taken to tying his hair in a knot at the base of his neck, since it had grown out over the years – much of the front managed to work free and he already had loose strands in his eyes.

"Because he's ga-" James started in conspiratorial tones.

"If you dare say it's because he's gay," Sirius snapped before James could finish, "I'll personally show you what it means to be gay and take my-"

"There is a ten year old child present," Lily spoke over Sirus in a tight voice.

"-and shove it up your-"

"Okay," Remus interrupted loudly, "Harry doesn't need to know how we do it, Sirius."

"But he keeps making out like we're girls to the kid!" Sirius whined, grasping Remus' arm and pouting. Remus lifted an eyebrow and made that expression that warned Sirius to shut up before he did something he would regret.

"Mum, I'm hungry," Harry moaned before Remus could say anything, copying his godfather by sticking his lower lip out in a pout and looking up at Lily through his lashes. It was the infamous puppy pout that Sirius had taught the kid when he was five and he was immensely proud to be recognised for his work when Lily instantly turned at glared at him for teaching her son the trick.

"We're going now," she sighed, throwing Remus a woeful glance for what they had to put up with, "Come on, children, let's go."

"Yes, mummy," Sirius, James and Harry chimed on cue. Lily, James and Harry made their way outside, into the warm evening air, but when Sirius made to follow, Remus grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"What is it?" Sirius asked curiously, before frowning, "I'll have you know that I'm hungry, too, and you know I get cranky when I'm hungry."

"You should have joined me in the shower," Remus said in a low voice, stepping close to Sirius so that their bodies were pressed flush together, despite the other guests in the lobby, "Now I'm going be horny all through dinner. You know I get cranky when I'm horny."

Sirius wanted to make a smart reply, but when Remus moved an inch closer, his mouth went dry. The other man's arousal brushed against him only for a second before Remus was pulling away, his lips brushing against Sirius' ear as he breathed, "By the way, I'm not wearing any underwear."

Then he was gone, walking through the doors and leaving Sirius behind with his mouth hanging open. Christ, he thought as he followed Remus outside to where the Potters were already waiting in a car to take them to the restaurant, over ten years together and the guy could still make me come on the spot if he tried.

By the time they arrived at the restaurant, Sirius was sweating for a reason that was entirely separate from the heat of the evening. Remus seemed intent on torturing him with brief glances and near touches for not joining him in the shower – which was completely unfair, as Lily had kidnapped him – making Sirius relieved that he was wearing loose jeans.

Remus gave his name for the reservation and they were seated at an intimate table to side of the soft din of the restaurant. Sirius dragged Remus into the seat beside him, making sure they were seated with their backs to the wall and facing the hubbub of the eatery. He enjoyed people watching whilst eating in normal places – so unlike the classier places he and the others had to go to whilst meeting with clients – as the cliental was so much more human.

When he and Remus had gotten back home after their spontaneous holiday ten years ago, they had discussed how to use the money left to Sirius by his uncle which was then halved and passed on to the Potters. Eventually, they had started a small business that provided make-up artists for special occasions, using James' and Lily's art school qualifications for better uses than in the tattoo shop. After five years, the company had exploded into the country's most successful place to go to for specialist make-up artists for film sets.

With Sirius' and Remus' business skills – learnt from the classes in private school where their parents had forced them to take business studies and economics – and James' and Lily's increasing talents in the film make-up industry, they had ended up with a famous British firm. The only downside was the stuffy sort of places they had to go to and people they had to meet to get jobs. Luckily, they hired people to meet potential clients, so there wasn't a lot they had to do anymore, apart from oversee the general working of the Ministry of Magic – their eventual name of the business, as many people called the Potters' work 'magical' – and spend the money they earned.

"I'd murder for a glass of white," Lily grumbled as she skimmed over the drinks menu.

"Probably not your best idea. First of all, you'd have a pesky murder charge to deal with," Remus reasoned as he plucked the drinks menu from her hand and replaced it with the food menu, "And second of all, Harry turned out bad enough without you feeding him alcohol before birth, so imagine how retarded the second one would be if you did drink."

"Shut up," Harry grinned, ignoring his mother as she told him off for saying 'shut up' and Remus stuck his tongue out at the kid in response. Sirius focused on Remus' tongue and was suddenly focused on the uncomfortable bulge in his trousers again. Damned sexy man. Why did he have to give him an erection when they were having dinner with a ten year old child? He couldn't drag Remus to the loo, as had somehow become their habit since that first time back in the bowling alley all those years ago, as he knew James' humour was twisted enough to send Harry looking for them.

"Food," Sirius said suddenly in a poor attempt to distract himself from the man sat beside him, "What are we all eating? I agree with the midget, I'm starving my arse off."

Lily face-palmed and groaned quietly, "How many times am I going to have to tell you idiots to stop talking like that in front of Harry?"

"Once more," Sirius answered.

"Always once more," James added with a conspiratorial grin at his son. Sirius was going to add something else, but he closed his mouth and gulped when he felt a hand rest on his thigh. Dangerously high on his thigh. Remus was going to be the death of him.

The sex-deprived death of him.

"Food!" Sirius insisted, snatching menu from Harry's hands. The kid kicked him in the shin for his troubles the way Sirius had taught him, stuck his tongue out the way Remus had taught him and then told on Sirius to Lily in the way James had taught him. Lily must have been so proud.

Once they had eaten their main courses and were halfway through dessert, James nudged Harry and leaned over to whisper something in his son's ear, a wide grin on his face. Lily glanced at them briefly, seemingly uninterested in anything but the hot chocolate fudge cake she had stolen from Remus when her usual favourite banana split had arrived and managed to make her feel sick (Sirius had had to restrain Remus and quickly order him another fudge cake before things got messy).

"What's with the secrets?" Sirius asked, watching his godson's face split into a grin that was the exact replica of James'.

"Dad says he's gonna take me to see a basketball game tomorrow!" the boy crowed proudly. Sirius nodded and stuck a jealous expression on his face as though the basketball tickets were news to him. It was the kid's birthday in a few days and the holiday had been part of his present, as he had always been taken with basketball and America had some of the best teams in the world.

"No way!" Sirius scoffed, leaning back and folding his arms, "Even I've never been to a game here. You can't be going before me, midget."

Harry's face lit up with delight at the prospect of beating Sirius to something and bounced up and down in his seat excitedly, "Yeah! Yeah, I am! Just ask dad!"

"It's true," James nodded, unable to keep the smile off his face, ever the doting father. The rest of dessert was spent discussing basketball players, which bored the hell out of Sirius and looked like it did Lily, too. Remus was too busy licking out his bowl to pay any attention to the direction of the conversation at the table.

"Can we leave, now?" Remus asked suddenly, his hand landing on Sirus' thigh again and making him jump.

"Don't worry, you guys just go on and leave," Lily snorted, but she was smiling and waved them off as though they were her children asking to go and play in the sandpit. Remus grinned and jumped up as Sirius took out his wallet and threw a handful of twenty dollar bills onto the table for their food.

"What's the rush?" he asked as Remus took him by the hand and pulled him out of the restaurant. Remus didn't answer and continued to lead him along in silence, glancing back at him occasionally to smile beatifically. Sirius grinned back each time, his excitement mounting. He didn't care where Remus was taking him, as long as that tight arse was out of those slacks in the next five minutes.

Eventually, their destination became apparent as Remus finally slowed beside a beach. It was dark by now, with only the street lamps in the distance and the moon lighting the landscape. It was deserted.

"Hmm," Sirius hummed thoughtfully as he watched Remus slip his shoes off and roll up his trousers, "I wonder what this reminds me of?"

"Oh, I don't know," Remus answered and his voice was low and husky in a way that sent a shiver down Sirius' spine, "An empty beach, night time…" He moved closer and dropped his eyelid in that lazy wink Sirius adored, "Doesn't it make you think back to Jamaica?"

"Ah yes, how could I forget?" Sirius teased, "It was ten years ago last week, wasn't it?"

"Mmm," Remus nodded. He crouched down and for a moment, Sirius thought…but no, even Remus wouldn't do that in the middle of the street where a few people were still walking around. Instead, Remus knelt on one knee and untied Sirius' shoes before lifting each foot one at a time to pull them off. He only spoke again once he had stood up, "We didn't get to celebrate because we were both busy closing the deal with Brit Production."

"This is good enough," Sirius smiled, leaning in to kiss Remus briefly on the lips, "More than good enough. Come on, Rem, I want to get you wet."


Remus laughed at Sirius' naff line and entwined their fingers as they strolled onto the sand, shoes dangling from their hands by the laces. He was ridiculously happy that Sirius had instantly connected this empty San Francisco beach with the empty beach in Jamaica where their lives had begun. He sneaked a sideways glance at Sirius in the moonlight and smiled to himself.

"What're you smiling at?" Sirius asked, his voice amused. Remus looked back at him again just as their feet hit the sea as it washed over the soft damp sand. He paused as the cool salt water bathed their toes for a moment before it receded again and sank back down to beach.

"Nothing," he shrugged nonchalantly, "Just thinking about how I'm going to shag you so hard you'll be buried in the sand when I'm finished with you."

"Remus!" Sirius gasped, before dissolving into laughter, his hearty bark louder than the calm waves of the ocean. By the time he had calmed down, they were ankle deep in the water. Sirius gave Remus one of those lopsided grins that still had the ability to make his heart skip a beat after so long.

"Rem, I love that dirty mouth of yours," Sirius chuckled, turning to wrap his arms around Remus' waist. Remus grinned wickedly and laid his hand on Sirius' hips and rested his head on the other man's shoulder. He kissed Sirius' neck gently as he added, "Mmm, I really love it when you shut up and do that, too."

Remus laughed, pushing Sirius back a step. Sirius lifted his eyebrow challengingly, but Remus grasped him by the hand and pulled him along the shoreline towards a more secluded spot out of sight of the passers-by in the streets. He gently urged Sirius down to sit on the sand and settled himself on the man's lap.

"Are you sure you prefer me with my mouth shut?" Remus asked with a small smirk, his fingers splaying on either side of Sirius' jaw before running down to pop the buttons open on his shirt, "Because I can, if you really want me to."

Remus didn't give Sirius a chance to answer, throwing open his shirt and quickly lowering his head to close his mouth over a hard nipple. He sucked the ring gently, feeling the vibrations of Sirius' low moan against his lips, and tugged on the other ring with his hand.

"I'm still not sure," Sirius breathed when Remus lifted his head and cocked his head questioningly, "You're gonna have to help me decide, Rem."

Never one to turn down a challenge, Remus grinned mischievously and pushed Sirius down onto his back into the warm sand. With deft fingers, he unzipped Sirius' fly and reached in, past his underwear. Once Sirius' erection was freed, the man let his head lie back in the sand with a sigh of relief. Remus watched the man as he lowered his own head without any preamble and took the head of Sirius' cock into his mouth. Sirius' eyes snapped open to watch Remus, his chest lifting and falling faster and faster.

Suppressing a smile, Remus lowered his mouth over the thick, throbbing cock in his mouth and closed his eyes, feeling himself harden further at the feel of it hot and heavy on his tongue. The head knocked the back of his throat and Sirius' hips bucked as he moaned again, his hands tangling in Remus' hair. With one hard suck, Remus let Sirius slip from his mouth. He looked up, meaning to tease Sirius, make him wait, but the other man had no patience for games that night.

"Not tonight, Remus," Sirius growled as though reading Remus' mind. Remus' smart reply vanished when Sirius pulled him up and flipped him onto his back before crawling on top, "I'm not waiting tonight."

There was no time to feel any individual sensation, no time to savour the feel of Sirius' hands undoing his trousers and freeing his erection that was so hard at that point, it was almost painful. No, Sirius made it obvious that he was going to get what he wanted.

Pushing his trousers and underwear down impatiently, Sirius kicked them off onto the sand and straddled Remus' hips, grinning down at him. Remus thought he was, as proud man three years older than him, the most beautiful he had ever seen him at that moment, with sand matted in his hair, lips parted in a half smile and eyes wild with need.

But then all he knew was pleasure. Sirius pushed down onto him in one slick movement. His cock twitched and throbbed inside Sirius' tight arse, but he clenched his eyes shut and waited for the other man to move first.

Then Sirius' lips were at his ear, "Made up my mind. I love your filthy words, Rem," and then he was lifting himself up until only Remus' head was encased. A groan escaped Remus before Sirius laughed breathlessly and slammed himself back down with a strangled cry. Remus didn't hold back, snapping his hips up, meeting Sirius' downward thrusts urgently, his fingers curling around handfuls of sand, sinful words dripping from between his lips as his lover urged him on. Faster and faster, Remus moved as Sirius writhed above him, clutching at his shirt desperately.

And then Sirius was clenched around Remus' cock, shuddering and keening as he came over his own hand. The sensations of Sirius tightening on him was unbearable. He let go a moment after, arching his back and crying out Sirius' name as he came inside the other man. The sound of the sea and the feel of the sand under his nails was forgotten in the heat, in the intensity of his orgasm.

Once Remus had come down from his high slightly, Sirius moved off with a low moan, Remus' cock slipping out of his wet hole, and collapsed on his chest with an exhausted sigh. Remus hummed contentedly and ran a hand through Sirius' sand filled hair leisurely, wondering idly how long it was going to take for the other man to be satisfied that all the sand had been washed out the next morning. Because, no doubt, it would be Remus doing the hair washing. So you can get the back, he would say, thought Remus fondly.

"Sorry if you meant for that to last longer," Sirius apologised with a completely unapologetic smirk as he propped his chin up on Remus' chest, "It was your fault for teasing me so much earlier."

"Don't worry, babe, it was perfect," Remus assured him, patting Sirius' backside lightly.

"What can I say?" Sirius grinned, batting his lashes.

"You vain slapper," Remus snorted. Sirius smacked him on the arm as a thank you and went to roll off and retrieve his clothes. Remus grabbed him and held him still before he could go, "I wouldn't if I were you. Unless you want sand up your arse, of course."

"Fuck, I didn't think about that," Sirius said in such a serious voice that they were both laughing moments later. Sirius snorted and pretended to swoon, "My knight in shining armour, saving me from arse-sand and the likes."

Remus laughed, twirling Sirius' hair between his fingers absentmindedly, "I don't want you to go, anyway. I'm sure there's more fun to be had on an empty beach, hmm?"

"How right you are," Sirius chuckled, chucking Remus on the chin. He paused for a moment, his expression growing uncommonly thoughtful as he studied Remus, who lifted an eyebrow in question.

"What are you thinking?" Remus asked softly, smiling when Sirius took the hand from his hair and pressed a gentle kiss to the palm.

"I can't believe it's been ten years," Sirius whispered, even though there was no one else around to hear them and catch them lying on the sand with their cocks out, "Ten years, Rem."

"I know," Remus admitted, "It's flown by. Ten years since you proposed on that nice, empty beach."

Sirius looked down at Remus' hand for a moment, before looking back up to meet his eyes with an expression so intense, Remus didn't know what to call it. Then Sirius lifted Remus' left hand again, this time to lay a kiss on the silver ring on his ring finger. Remus returned sweet gesture by lifting Sirius' left hand, too, but instead of kissing the ring, he slid the finger into his mouth until his lips met the warm metal band. Sirius' breathing quickened and his eyes widened as he watched Remus. Without another word, Remus released the finger and pulled his husband down for a slow, burning kiss.

A/N2: Wow, okay. That was…fluffy. Ah well, it needed to be, really. Hope you lot enjoyed that! Don't forget to message me with any requests you want me to write. I've only done Remus/Sirius so far, but I'm open to anything else, as long as it's not Snape and it's in the world of Harry Potter ^-^ Drop a review and let me know what you thought of this and the whole story all together. LOVE YOU ALL. lumos out.