A/N: For those who don't know who Diantha is, she is a character in the upcoming games. She is an actress and a Trainer who the player will meet.


Half an hour later, Calem and Serena reached the far end of the forest. There they saw a stream.

"I've been here before," said Calem. "I used to hang out here on breaks when we performed in Santalune City. Sometimes I went swimming in the stream."

"Interesting," said Serena. "I've been hesitant to swim in streams. I'm afraid that I'll get caught."

"Some streams are protected areas," said Calem. "That is why they might be forbidden. But this one isn't. People go swimming in it sometimes."

Serena looked at the stream. It was very calm. The water flowed gently along the reeds on the edge. She saw small fish swimming around.

"I guess we could go in it one day," she said.

"I guess so," said Calem.

At that moment Serena looked at Calem. She gazed into his big blue eyes and smiled at him. She thought that he was quite intelligent and fun to be with. This had contrasted with his shyness when they first met. And Serena felt bad that autism gave Calem some difficulties. But she was happy that he managed his disability very well.

This made Serena understand all the emotional pain that Calem had gone through. And this was good timing, since she saw that Calem was looking a little down in the dumps.

"Calem," said Serena, "are you okay?"

"Yes," said Calem. "It's just that...I don't open up to many people about my disability. I feel afraid of standing out in a bad way."

"Don't be unhappy about it," said Serena. "I understand how you feel. It's not easy having something that impedes you. But you should remember that there are plenty of ways to manage it."

"I know," said Calem. "People tell me that I manage it well."

"You do," said Serena. "I think you are a bright young man. You shouldn't let you having autism prevent you from being happy. I know plenty of autistic people who are satisfied with their lives."

"That's nice to hear," said Calem. "I am pretty happy with my life. I just tend to get a little depressed sometimes. But I realize that I am strong enough to get through life and try to live it to the fullest. I think talking about this stuff with others help."

"And remember," said Serena, "your mom and dad love you. They will help you get through difficulties."

"Definitely," said Calem. "I think that it is much better to talk to my parents about my feelings than to lie down on my bed crying."

"I think so," said Serena.

"I hope you're not too surprised by seeing me cry," said Calem. "You've seen it at least once. I cry an awful lot. A lot of people can't picture a guy my age crying."

"Not at all," said Serena. "It's okay to cry. It's just that...you shouldn't hide yourself in your room if something's really bothering you. You need to speak up. Otherwise, you won't get very far."

"You're right," said Calem. "I will take your advice."

Calem hugged Serena.

"Let's go home," said Serena.

Calem and Serena started to make their way back. They walked the same path that they had gone through before. They talked about various things, such as Diantha's movies, and their dreams of becoming Pokemon Trainers.

At last, Calem and Serena were back in Vaniville Town. They made their way to their houses.

Calem opened the door to his house. Serena went inside, followed by Calem, who closed the door behind him. Calem looked in the kitchen. There he saw his mom. She was preparing lunch for her son and his friend.

"I wonder what she's making?" asked Serena.

Calem smelled the food cooking.

"Smells like paella," said Calem.

"What's that?" asked Serena.

"It's a rice dish," said Calem. "Usually it has seafood, but Mom makes hers with chicken and sliced sausage. It's very big where her family comes from. My great-grandfather, Aurelio Serrano, owned a restaurant in the southwest of Kalos that specialized in it. He started it when he moved to Kalos. Mom's cousin owns it now. Trust me, you'll like it."

"I think I'll like it," said Serena.

"I'm sure you will," said Calem. "Mom is very proud of her cooking."

Calem and Serena sat in the living room and watched some TV. One of Diantha's movies was on. It was a romance film set in Victorian era London. Calem and Serena thought it was very good. Both of them loved the elaborate dresses that Diantha wore in the movie.

"I wonder if she's making any new movies," said Calem.

"I think she is," said Serena. "Later I should go online to see if any new movies of hers are out."

Eventually, Calem's mom called Calem and Serena in for lunch.

Calem and Serena sat at the kitchen table. Calem's mom served the two of them paella with soda on the side.

"Let's eat up," said Calem.

Calem began eating. Serena carefully tried a bit of paella. She liked it.

"This is delicious!" said Serena. "Your mom made it well."

"Thanks," said Calem. "Mom loves to make paella."

Calem and Serena ate their lunch together. After they ate, they played outside. They had fun for the rest of the day.