Author's Note: HALT! Before reading this story, I must let you know that this is a sequel to one of my previous stories: A Chance To Fix Everything. To understand the basics of situations, characters, etc., please read that story first.

Chapter 1: s/9540450/1/A-Chance-to-Fix-Everything

**For those who are stubborn, you need to read the first installment before this. I won't answer any questions that are asked about characters, situations, etc. that are explained in the first story.**

If you have already read the first story, I thank you immensely for following my works! Extra internet cookies for you, fresh from the data base! Hehe, anyway, you already know my habits and writing styles, so I hope you enjoy this as much as the first.

Remember: Read, Review, and Enjoy!

~ Nicole

Chapter 1

"So there's a new kid coming in," she asked, stuffing her face with rice. The tips of her snow white hair stuck together from the barbecue sauce, tinting it with light brown. Her crimson red eyes focused on her lunch, her shark-like teeth destroying any food that comes near them. This girl was Leiko Evans. "Anyone know if they're a weapon?"

"I doubt it," a dark-blue haired boy said. He wore a black beanie over his soft, yet spiky, hair to match his Hipster reading glasses that never left his face. He wore a light blue dress shirt and Khaki pants, only to be ironically paired with white and blue athletic high tops. His dark brown eyes shifted from left to right, as if he were ready to tell a secret. He leaned in, close to Leiko, a hand covering one side of his mouth. "I heard he's an anarchist against Death Scythes."

With a quick smack! a red mark appeared on his face in the shape of Leiko's hand.

"Shut up, Jaxton," she said, scarfing down more food. "You know a fight needs to be supervised by an adult, and I don't want to send you to a hospital."

"Who says you'll win?" A peppy-toned girl said, whom was sitting next to Jaxton. She sported light pink hair and golden eyes, emphasizing her lively attitude. Her pigtails that reached to her hips swayed as she plopped down next to Leiko, constantly moving. Her bangs framed her face just enough to make her look cute, along with her spring yellow, pink, and white mini dress, but her eyes gave her a fierce edge. "Jax has the best weapon in the academy! Me, that is."

"Please, you're so full of yourself, Noemi." Leiko said, brushing crumbs off her chest and onto the cafeteria ground. "There are plenty of labrys weapons now 'a days. Double sided axes are merely a copy of double-edged scythes."

"You wanna fight, Leiko?" Noemi asked, smirking. Jax sighed, and pushed up his glasses. "I'm sure a fighter of your performance could easily take us out, considering you earned this spot in out elite group."

"Find a professor, Jax." Leiko said, standing up. "And get ready to face defeat yet again."

"Can we not do this right now?" Jax asked, holding his stomach. "I still haven't eaten lunch yet. Why not wait for the new kid, and see where they go?" Leiko and Noemi sighed, and sat back down.

"Fine," they said in unison. The two girls glared at each other, then burst into laughter. Such best friends as Leiko and Noemi are, they couldn't stay mad at each other.

The three finished their lunches early, Leiko stealing half of Noemi's dessert. Since there were more than twenty minutes left of their hour long lunch period, they decided to wander the halls. Leiko walked on the right of Noemi, who stood in between her and Jax. She skipped in the halls, her hands behind her back. Jax nervously cracked his knuckles as he walked, not liking the idea of wandering quiet halls when they were supposed to stay in the lunch place. Leiko had her left eye closed, and bangs covering parts of her face. She walked with her hands behind her head, taking relaxed strides to keep up with the skipping and nervous walking.

She turned her head to look at her new group members, who had selflessly adopted her into their group. She watched Noemi reach her own height, then sink back down two inches from her skipping. In between her friend's skips, she watched Jaxton's height crawl to three or four inches above her own. After fighting with them for the majority of the school year already, Leiko could feel a spark between their souls, like she felt with her parents.

Leiko looked down, her bangs shadowing over her crimson eyes as she remembered the time she had spent in the past. Flashes of the fights with the Witch Cassandra flooded her mind. She shook them away, but was reminded of her new, seemingly impossible technique.

"Witch Hunter?" Maka asked, smirking. Leiko smirked back, nodding.

"Great minds think alike." Maka started to spin her first-time partner, power and electricity flying. "Now!"

"Soul Resonance!" The two girls shouted as one, their souls bonding almost instantaneously.

Maka was as surprised as she was before. She looked at Leiko's reflection in the blade. Her gaze was fixed on Cassandra, eyes still glowing. The red and yellow electricity around them was soon joined by blue from Maka's own soul. She could feel their soul wavelengths bonding, and could see her own soul appearing. Her blue soul developed around her, the Grigori wings appearing.

"Wait for it," Leiko said. Her whole body felt the surges of power, like it was going to explode.

"We can do Witch Hunter, Leiko," Maka said, pulling the weapon back.

"Wait," Leiko said. She watched Cassandra throw feathers and thrust her talons as Soul, who dodged them with barely enough time to fight back. In a flash of red, Cassandra's nails grazed Soul's arm. Blood started to flow down his elbow, and to the ground, staining his jacket. "Now!"

Maka sprinted towards the witch, holding Leiko like she weighed nothing. She jumped into the air, scythe ready to strike. The moment before the words "Witch Hunter" escaped her lips, a ripple of power raged through Maka and Leiko together, overtaking their initial thoughts. A bright red aura surrounded the two, and like it was their instinct, the pair used a totally different technique.

"Soul Eater!" The two screamed in unison. Maka's eyes turned completely white, and Leiko's blade turned bright red, then started to change shape. Suddenly, the blade was a reflection of Leiko's upper body and face. However, her eyes were a solid crimson red. Her shark teeth were larger, and sharper, as were her finger nails.

Cassandra's eyes darted from Soul's pain to the totally new form and move, filled with fear. A second too late, she extended her talons for a killing blow.

Leiko's new form opened it's mouth completely, overtaking Cassandra's stance. Her jaws clamped shut on the witch, her visible body shattering, and fizzling out into nothing. Maka's eyes returned to normal, then shut as she fell, unconscious. Leiko's new form returned to her scythe blade, falling to the ground with a loud clang.

"What was that," she asked herself, muttering under her breath.

"What was what?" Noemi asked. Leiko looked back at her friends, who were both confused.

"Oh, nothing," she answered, scratching the back of her head. "I was just zoning out!"

"You seem to be doing a lot of that, Leiko." Jax said, pushing his glasses up. "You wanna talk about something?"

"Nah, it's cool," she said, smirking. "C'mon, class starts in a few minutes. Stein's gonna use us as a dissection experiment if we're late again."

The three students walked into their class, hosted by Professor Franken Stein. In his prime, he not only helped create a Death Scythe, but aided in the defeats of the Witch Medusa and the Kishin Asura. In this modern day, he was aging. His face revealed signs of stress in wrinkles and bags under his eyes. His physique wasn't what it used to be, but can still win an intense fight. As always, he boasted into the classroom on his swivel desk chair, the wheel catching on a floorboard, knocking him to the ground.

"Well, can't say he's against tradition," Leiko muttered to Jax, making him chuckle.

Stein stood up, and walked the length of the classroom, stopping in front of Leiko's place. He held out a small pink piece of paper with a few printed words and handwritten scribbles.

"Lord Death would like to see you, Leiko." Stein said, clicking the screw in his head giving the whole class shivers down their spines.

"Right," she said, taking the pass. "Why, exactly?"

"Beats me," he said. Stein shrugged, and went back to his desk. "Now, get on going Miss Evans. I don't want you to miss today's dissection!"

"We do this every day, what's there to miss?" Noemi said, rubbing her temples. "I'd rather fight my meister than dissect another animal!"

Leiko quickly left the scene, not wanting to get trapped in another dissection. She took the long way to the academy's Death Room, dreading what Lord Death wanted. However, she dreaded seeing the Death Scythe during school hours even more.

"You wanted to see me?" Leiko asked Shinigami, her arms crossed. Death was looking opposite of Leiko, his back to her, holding the current Death Scythe. "Um, hello? Uncle Kidd?"

"I should give you detention, Leiko." Kidd said abruptly.

"For what?" Leiko shouted, throwing her hands into the air. Kidd turned to her, his face looking of disgust.

"Your hair is a symmetrical disaster!"

"Geez, calm down," his scythe said. In a flash of blue, Death's weapon formed into Soul "Eater" Evans. He loosened his red tie that fell even looser down his black dress shirt, and smiled at the student. His towering height of almost six feet shadowed over Leiko. "Hi, sweetheart."

"Hey Dad," Leiko said, waving. "Now, why did you pull me out of class?"

"I assume you've heard the rumor about the new student?" Kidd asked, his mood turning back to normal. Leiko nodded, and listened carefully. "He'll be arriving in a few minutes, and I want you to be his weapon."

"What?" Leiko and Soul yelled in unison.

"Kidd," he said, pulling him aside. "If what you told me is true, then I don't want him near my daughter at all. Never mind him using her as a weapon!" Soul looked at Leiko, then turned back to Kidd. His voice went from normal talk to a hushed whisper. "We both know no one has been able to resonate with her, either."

"I know what I'm doing, Soul." Kidd said, walking back to his weapon's daughter. "Now, I'll tell you a bit about him, so you know what to look for. His name is Dante, and is almost a year older than you. You'll get to meet him when he comes in for a proper introduction."

"I'm not a welcoming comity, Uncle Kidd," she said, putting her hands on her hips. "And if anyone can even resonate with me, I'll be the meister!"

"I highly doubt that, chickie," a voice said from the front of the Death Room. The three DWMA attendants looked to the front doors, and saw the new student. "If what I was told was true, you're a weapon. That makes me your meister. Got it?"