A/N: Hay, hay, hay! I know I missed a week, and I'm sorry. Things in school are getting kinda hectic so I'm sorry if posting is perfect. Summer's coming up though so more updates! Also, you GUYS! THERE IS A MALE AMOUNG US! (possibly more, but I only am positive of one) You know who you are bro, nice penname by the way. Before I forget, WHERE THE HOOD AT?! I shrieked every time I got a review of someone saying they watched LOK/ATLA or read PJO! Man, I love getting fandom friends! MMMMK shall we go on?

Max P.O.V.

That's when everything came crashing down.


Without warning, an earthquake, measuring a 4 on the Richter scale, hit St. Louis. Which, by the way, is a big no-no. You see, there is a large fault lying very close to St. Louis. Fault= gaint cracks in earth if earthquake decides to pull a pokemon and suddenly appear. Fault does NOT equal= overused metaphor meme.

I fell quickly to the ground, my head smashing against the shoe scuffed stage, causing my eyesight to blur. I heard screams, and multiple voices calling my name. I heard a particularly pain filled screech before I blacked out.

There was dust everywhere. I could feel it on my tongue. My head was pulsing. I couldn't think. The air was dead silent, uncomfortably so, making it seem unreal. I opened my eyes and saw nothing. Panicking I fell back into unconsciousness

Screaming. There was so much screaming. I opened my eyes to see nothing but gray steel, floating dust, and the smallest amount of light coming through small cracks of the darkness.

I move to sit up, only to fall back with a scream of my own. One of the lights had landed on my foot. I slowly sit up so I wouldn't black out again. I move the light fixture from my destroyed limb as gently as possible, still almost unable to bite back my pain. With the metal off of my foot I slowly begin picking as much glass as I could see out of the lacerations, trying to concentrate on my task and not the mass panic I know is surrounding the stage.

I move to stand up only to collapse with another yelp of piercing pain. Gritting my teeth, I push myself onto my good leg. Seeing a decent sized hole and, painstakingly, I made my way to it . Seeing it was big enough for my shoulders to fit through I began to crawl through. I wasn't doing too bad until I had to pull out my feet. As I pulled out my frayed, bloody converse my muscle spazzed causing me to hit it against the metal scaffolding. I screamed again falling straight onto my back from the 15 feet tall mound of metal.

I lay still for what felt like an eternity, trying to catch my breath, which was difficult when every breath you tried to take was like a dagger. As I finally roll onto my stomach, I can survey the damage. The crowd is in chaos, people are running around screaming some trying to call people, many people just sat together crying, other on the grass having fainted. The St. Louis Arch in the distance was swaying noticeably but still standing thanks to its sound infrastructure.

I look around but don't see my bandmates anywhere. Swallowing my dread I crawl over to a microphone stand, the microphone attached and still miraculously working. I crawled to the front of the stage before standing and surveying the crowd of terrified people.

"Hey." I said into the mic.

No one heard me so I cleared my throat and tried again.


People are still running like chickens with their heads cut off so I turn on my leader mode and take charge.


Everyone stops and look at me in disbelief. Most of them looked like they'd seen a ghost.

"You need to stay calm! Stop running around without a clue! If anyone is injured someone needs to get them to the nearest hospital. Everyone else just stay calm and take a breather. It's gonna be just fine!" I say exasperated and exhausted.

My little speech had taken a lot out of me. I begin to sway and hear a distant voice yell out "MAX!" I was unconscious before my head hit the stage again.


No questions, I'm already asking myself a whole slew of questions right now!

Follow me on Tumbr, SwEeTvIcToRy12.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to go hate myself and wait on your outraged reviews.