Knight's Endgame Part 4


Goliath had informed Garthe of what was happening a few seconds too late. The AI had realized that KARR was back online as they were attacking. The damage to his shell was minimal, but two of his right-side rear tires were destroyed. And to make matters worse, the damage to the frame had now expanded.

"Goliath, why are we stopped?" Garthe barked.

"My structural integrity is down to sixty-eight percent. My power loss is now up to thirty-six percent. I need a technician to stabilize my systems so that they may make the necessary repairs," he informed his master.

"NO! We can still take them out. Scan the vehicle behind us and give me a status," Garthe growled.

"I have limited scanning capabilities but will do my best." Goliath performed a quick scan of the other AI. "KARR appears to be offline. His driver appears to be slightly injured."

"Repair the tires and let's turn around," Garthe commanded.

"I am unable to comply," the AI replied.

"Why!?" Garthe demanded.

"My nano tech is slow to respond due to the power loss," was the reply.

"I want you to shut down any unnecessary programs and repair the tires," Garthe commanded.

"I can comply with that but will need a few minutes to run the diagnostic to see which sub-programs need to be shut off," came the gravelly reply. Garthe sputtered angrily, but instead of saying anything, he opened his door and stepped out of the AI. Reaching under the seat he grabbed a pistol and a handheld EMP gun made just for him by his team. Turning, he squinted at the immobile Mustang. He saw no movement from inside, but he started to approach slowly.


After jumping out of Goliath, Sebastian headed through the airfield towards the main terminal. If he could find an empty office with a computer, he knew he could hack into the AI's main frame. Within a few minutes he entered the terminal and realized that it was completely empty. He ran to the counter and hopped over it. The computers were still operational! Quickly, he started typing in the codes he had learned from his mother. She had given it to him in the letter she had left before taking off to Colorado. He wouldn't fail her as his father had. After what seemed like endless lines of code, he saw the main program. He typed in the password and a green 'Access Granted' flashed on the screen.

He began typing furiously, knowing time was against him. Within minutes he had a dialogue set up with Goliath.

Goliath: Who is this? How have you hacked my systems?

Sebastian: It's Sebastian. I know how your programs work. Will you allow me to help you?

Goliath: Yes, I will allow you to help. What can I do to assist you?

Sebastian: First, do not tell my father what is happening.

Goliath: Agreed.

Sebastian: What is happening right now?

He was met with silence and a blinking green dot.

Sebastian: Goliath?

Goliath: I am sorry for the delay. KARR has attacked me again.

Sebastian: Is the damage serious?

Goliath: No, but my power loss is rising, and my structural integrity has decreased. My two right rear tires have been destroyed and the damage to my frame has increased.

Sebastian: Inflate the numbers to my father. Tell him your nano technology is slow to respond due to what you just told me.

Goliath: Why? What would be the purpose of the misinformation?

Sebastian: I'm stalling, so that I may save you! You're valuable!

Goliath: Agreed.

Sebastian: What are KARR and Wil doing?

Goliath: I have complied with your request. They are sitting fifty yards behind me. I believe they are stalling.

Sebastian: What do you mean?

Goliath: They are stalling, the same as you.

Sebastian stood there rereading what the AI had stated. Thinking quickly, he figured they must be trying to play possum to trap Garthe! Smiling, he began typing again.

Sebastian: Good! I believe they are trying to trap my father.

Goliath: Should I warn him?

Sebastian: No! Let him fall into the trap.

Goliath: Why? He created me. He gave me life. Why should I not warn him?

Sebastian: Because he is willing to sacrifice you and everyone else to destroy anything related to his father! You're too valuable to let be destroyed or captured!

Goliath: Agreed. Awaiting your instructions.

Sebastian: What is my father doing now?

Goliath: He has exited the safety of my cabin and is approaching KARR. He has taken a pistol and an EMP gun.

Sebastian: How far away is he?

Goliath: He is approximately ten yards away from his target.

Sebastian clapped his hands and grinned. This was his chance!

Sebastian: Goliath, close the door and drive to the front entrance of the terminal. I will meet you out front. We will get you back to the compound and get you repaired. Do you understand?

Goliath: Yes, I understand. I will comply with your request.

Sebastian watched the screen as Goliath cut off transmission. The screen went blank. To be sure no one could ever use it to recover what he did, he went over to the nearest fire hose and grabbed the ax attached above it. Going back to the computer, he used the ax to completely destroy it. Dropping it, after wiping his prints off, he made his way to the front of the terminal to wait for Goliath.


Inside his vehicle, Wil pretended to be unconscious. He was relying on KARR to keep him informed.

"Garthe has left the safety of Goliath," KARR told him in a hushed tone. "He is approaching us with a pistol and an EMP handheld gun."

What the hell! Wil thought furiously. How can I ask KARR to go up against that?

"KARR," Wil whispered. "I can't ask-"

"You won't have to. I am receiving a new program from Bonnie in the semi," he responded quietly.

"What is it?"

"It is still downloading. It will finish in just a few seconds," KARR replied. A few seconds passed. Wil could see his uncle getting closer. "It is an upgrade to the nano technology."

"Well I hope it helps. He's getting closer," Wil whispered back. All of the sudden, he saw Garthe turn around and start running towards Goliath. Wil sat up quickly. "What is going on KARR?"

"It would appear that Goliath is deserting Garthe," KARR stated.

"Where is he going?" Wil asked.

"I would estimate that Goliath is heading to the main terminal entrance to pick up Sebastian," came the reply. "Garthe is trying to fire the EMP at Goliath, but he is too far out of range for the handheld unit." Wil started laughing. "What is so funny?"

"Oh, KARR. I can't explain it right now," he laughed out. He heard sirens in the distance. "We need to go get Garthe and meet the police." KARR came to life immediately, catching Garthe's attention. He turned towards them as they approached and raised the EMP gun. He pulled the trigger, but it was absorbed by the nano shielding. "Wow!" Wil exclaimed. "Bonnie got the plans for the EMP Shield and worked it into the nano tech!"

"I like that very much!" KARR purred viciously. The look on Garthe's face was priceless! A look of utter disbelief, and then anger. He threw the weapon at KARR as he came to a stop. Within seconds, they were surrounded by an assortment of police.

Wil sighed as he watched his uncle get taken down by a handful of men in uniforms and guns.