
''Thought/Mental speech'

"Jutsu/Magic Techniques"


In this chapter a year for Naruto and Jellal has passed, I will do flashbacks on recent things though.

Chapter Four.

"Meteor." Shouted Jellal as he was surrounded in a cloak of light. Naruto seeing Jellal use the spell jumped to the side and shouted "Swirling Sphere Explosion." As Naruto called out his Magic technique that he himself made, a massive sphere formed around his body, exploding outward. Jellal quickly escaped the technique and moved quickly behind Naruto, engaging in hand to hand combat.

Naruto whirled around and kicked Jellal in the chest, forcing him backwards. Jellal then moved his arm forward and punched Naruto, Naruto seeing the punch countered and punched Jellal in the face, but it missed Jellal by an inch and it passed by harmlessly. Jellal then jumped back, barely dodging the small Magical Sphere Naruto made in his hands.

Naruto then threw the spheres out of his hands and towards Jellal, shocking Jellal as he was forced to call on Meteor once more. Naruto then shouted. "Swirling Spear!" A spear formed in his hands, and he engaged Jellal in close combat once more. Jellal seeing no other way used a quarterstaff that he had found some months ago, blocking and countering the deadly spear. Naruto smirked as he made the spear explode the minute it touched Jellal.

"Grand Chariot." Shouted Jellal as he moved to the air and called upon the spell.

Naruto seeing the Magic technique, unsheathed his sword and called upon his ultimate defence. "Sword Art, Defence of a Dragon." His sword turned astral, forming a Dragon like entity around him, protecting him from harm.

As the Grand Chariot finished so too did Naruto's technique, and he jumped into the air, using his sword with proficiency to strike Jellal. The spar then become one of counter attacks, parring, slices, and thrusts as Jellal and Naruto engaged in combat.

As Naruto was about to hit Jellal, Jellal said. "Stop! The spars over." Naruto sadly put his sword away and rested along with his sensei, getting some rest, and thinking of the past.

11 months ago, Land of Iron.

It had taken Naruto and Jellal one month to reach the Land of Iron. It snowed and chilled Naruto to the bone, its winds were howling as the snow dropped from the sky. The wind came to a silence as Naruto found himself staring at two men who were presumably Samurai, standing with their swords drawn, like a fight was about to take place. Jellal calmly told Naruto to watch the fight, knowing he might learn something about using a sword.

"Kotamin Usangi the Legendary Samurai, I Swedorin Hozaki challenge you to a battle." Said the now revealed Swedorin, the one who seemed the less experienced of the two. "I accept your challenge Swedorin Hozaki." Said the man known word wide as the greatest swordsmen Kotamin Usangi. The two man chose their respective stances, watching each other's movements.

After a few seconds of nothing happing Kotamin dashed forward, and slammed his sword forward, Swedorin seeing an opening countered and sliced forward, Kotamin then whirled around Swedorin and sliced Swedorin's unprotected back. Swedorin felling the beginning of the slice jumped forwards and whirled around countering another attack from the legendary Samurai Kotamin. Kotamin seeing the counter, blocked the cut easily, flicking Swedorin's blade to the side, and in the same motion whirled his sword backwards, cutting Swedorin's entire back easily. Swedorin clinging to his life jumped sideways, and found Kotamin in front of him, striking downwards, Swedorin brought his sword up to block the downward blow, but ended up blocking thin air, for halfway through the downward blow, Kotamin reversed his grip on his sword and delivered a lightning fast backward thrust. Swedorin not even seeing it coming was forced down to his knees, near death and utterly defeated. "I….Yield." Said Swedorin Hozaki.

"Good choice young Samurai, we will meet again someday. I Kotamin Usangi am the winner of this battle." Said the man known as Kotamin calmly, as he turned around and brought a medic to heal the defeated Swedorin's wounds.

Naruto found his jaw dropping to the floor at seeing the mastery of Kotamin. Jellal himself had never seen anyone back in Earthland show such mastery over the sword, and almost laughed as he saw Naruto walk up to the man. "Kotamin Usangi, I wish for you to teach me in the art of swordsmen ship!" Shouted Naruto, staring at the legendary Samurai. Kotamin turned around and stared into Naruto's very soul, making Naruto feel a little bit uncomfortable. "Very well brat." Said Kotamin, Naruto's eyes twitched. "Hey I'm not a brat!" Kotamin didn't say anything, all he did was smile, as he turned around and stared to walk.

"Hey why are you ignoring me?" said Naruto, Kotamin whirled around and slammed his leg in a side way arc, making Naruto's feet leave the ground, Naruto fell on the ground in a heap, and jumped up. "Never let your guard down." Scolded Kotamin, Naruto glared at the man but didn't say anything, getting ready for anything. And something deafinitly happened, Kotamin effortlessly twisted around Naruto and pushed him back, Naruto not expecting anything to happen fell head first into a pool of icy cold water. "Lessen number one, always know you surroundings." Said Kotamin calmly, Naruto got up and drawing his sword and said. "This will be easy." And he tried to thrust it forward, but failed miserably.

Kotamin smirked as they began the training, and oh how wrong Naruto was, for the training was far worse than Jellal's. Oh and speaking of Jellal he was in the background reading an orange book while laughing at his students expense.

Swedorin Hozaki, too had asked Kotamin to train him, and Kotamin accepted, and that's why Naruto was sparing with Swedorin right now.

Naruto sliced his sword in a side way overhanded arc, then reversed it to a downward thrust, Swedorin countered the first hit, than reverse countered the second blow, than he gripped the sword and brought it down on Naruto, Naruto seeing the blow, slammed the blow aside. Seeing his slice pushed aside Swedorin used it to his advantage and whirled his sword around Naruto's and reversing his sword around and pushed Naruto of his feet, winning the battle.

Naruto groaned not for the last time as he fell to the ground, he groaned one more as he forced himself up and was handed food from Swedorin. He smiled as he and Swedorin bantered together like kindred soul. "Lasagna is the food of the Gods!" Shouted Swedorin. "NO Ramen is the food of the Gods!" Shouted Naruto. Naruto and Swedorin turned their heads to Jellal as he laughed and shouted at the same time. "Hey what are you laughing at? Porn reader." Jellal's smirk fell of his face as he coughed uncontrollably.

"What are you talking about?" Said Jellal hoping they didn't know what his beautiful orange book was. "That porn orange book of course, did you think we wouldn't notice?" Said Naruto.

Jellal's eyes twitched, and in the background Kotamin chuckled. Jellal turned around and shouted. "I Challenge you to a fight!" Kotamin nodded handing Jellal a sword as they began, ending with Jellal getting his butt kicked and forced to watch as his beautiful book was burnt to a crisp. Everyone in the world could hear his screaming and cries over the orange book. And the cries didn't stop till dawn, and no one slept through the night.

One week later.

Naruto laughed as he brawled with Swedorin in a tavern against some annoying assholes. He winced as he punched a man's face, and felt his jaw snap. He shook it of as he dodged a knife thrust. He winced as Swedorin grabbed a sword from one of the other guys and smashed a man's head in with the pommel, everyone in the room heard the distinct crack. Swedorin and Naruto laughed as they ran together, getting away from the mob and exchanging the food they stole from the men.

When they came across an orange book, with a vigour that shocked Swedorin right down to the bone, Naruto dashed forward and grabbed the book and burnt it, laughing like a maniac, causing Swedorin to sweet drop and face palm. The two laughed commenting on how bad the book was and how only perverts or super perverts would read, not realising that somewhere far away, a certain white haired super pervert, who was peeking I mean researching, sneezed, wondering who was talking about the amazing Jiraiya he didn't notice the woman walk towards him, having heard him, and then they began to beat the crap out of the super perverted Sannin, but hey, at least he isn't a bisexual paedophile. The night was filled with his screams till it stopped, and showed him almost unrecognizable. And he vowed his revenge on who ever made him sneeze.

Naruto and Swedorin finally got back to their camp, and began their painful training regimen once more.

"So Naruto what's your dream?" Asked Swedorin. "I don't really know friend, what's yours?" Said Naruto as he turned his head to his best friend. "My dream is to become the greatest swordsmen in the word!" Shouted Swedorin. Naruto smiled at his friends dream, and then they continued to train, not noticing Jellal and Kotamin watching them, smiling at Swedorin's dream.

5 months later, and exactly 6 months before present time.

Swedorin and Naruto were walking together through the town, not seeing the four Iwa Anbu following them.

The Iwa Anbu attacked the two friends quickly, taking them by surprise and forcing them back to a wall. Swedorin moved forward and reverse gripped his sword and began a downward thrust, while Naruto dashed towards two of the Anbu and began an overhand thrust in a sideway arc. His attacks came to a stop as one of Iwa Anbu called on an earth Jutsu that cut Swedorin in the back and made an opening for Swedorin's opponent to thrust his kunai into Swedorin's chest. Naruto watched as the life drained from his friends face, and he felt something in him snap. "Darkness magic, Dark Vanish." Shouted Naruto as darkness enveloped him and all the Iwa Anbu, forcing them to implode, blood splashed and splattered as insides leaked, and ripped flash moved through the air.

Naruto fell to his knees as he cried, when he turned he saw Swedorin trying to say something to him, he ran forward and grabbed his friend, wrapping him in his arms. And finally he heard his friend's last words. "Am I going to die? But…..I was going to become the world's greatest swordsmen…..I…can't die…..Naruto….will you….do this for me? Please….become the greatest swordsmen for me….see to it my dream is fulfilled…..Don't cry over me little brother…and finish my dream…" Naruto saw his friend, no his brother try to say more but all that came out was gurgling coughs, for three minutes Swedorin Hozaki coughed, allowing ounce upon ounce of blood to slip out of his mouth, after one last gurgling cough, he died, he died staring into Naruto's eyes, pleading for Naruto to fulfil his dream. Naruto cried for what felt like days, not moving, just staring at the unmoveable body of his friend and one of the few people that he'd consider part of his family.

When Jellal found him, figuring out what happened warned Naruto to learn to control the Dark Magic that he had. After days of training in the Dark Magic, Naruto finally learnt to control it, and shocking Jellal, determination showed in Naruto's eyes as Naruto proclaimed that he would become the world's greatest swordsmen.

Hey anyone have any ideas for me to help me write the Namikaze household? I'm blank on what to do there. If anyone can help me out with that, then I'll go back and add that to this chapter. So how did I do? Also how was my first time writing fights? Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Oh wait read this.


Minato cried as he grabbed his coat, his beautiful white coat. Was now completely pink, it was obvious that Naruto must have pranked him before he left, because he was so sad he didn't notice the genjutsu trap, and then he heard fan girls screeching and in his shock he looked down at a puddle and saw the Sharingan in his eyes, realising that it was a genjust he tried to get rid of it, but sadly it didn't work, and so that's how Minato Namikaze, learnt what the true curse of the Sharingan was. FAN GIRLS. Hiruzen Sarutobi laughed as he saw this, and Danzo, in the background was smiling, hoping Minato might die from shock.