Chapter 13: Fear

Butch's POV:


My eyes shot open to see a familiar ceiling. I scrambled into a sitting position and looked around the nurse office, the room was empty.

I panted as my heart thumping a mile per second.

I swung my legs off the side of the bed as I ran a shaky hand through my raven hair. Cold sweat covered my whole body as I remembered the nightmare.

I looked down at my trembling hands. 'But why did it feel so real?'

With my elbows on my knee, I held my head in my hands as a throbbing headache crept into my temples.

I heard the door open and looked up, my eyes widened as the figure in my nightmare appeared.

"K-Kaoru…" I stuttered.

She raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

"What are you doing here?" I gasped.

She frowned, clearly unhappy with my remark. "I could ask the same thing."

"Headache," I told the truth.

"Oh," she started walking towards me. "I was looking for you, so you really were here like I thought."

"No!" I thrashed out my hands, palm facing her. "Don't come any closer!"

She froze in her tracks, her eyes wide. "Huh?"

"I-I mean…" I raked my brain for an excuse, "I'm sick."

She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. "What does that got to do with anything?"

"I'm really sick," I faked a coughing fit, "And I mean *cough* *cough* really really sick."

She chuckled. "It's fine, I won't get sick," she said as she started towards me again.

"No, Kaoru," I turned my back to her, "Just…please leave."

Her footsteps stopped. For the first time since we met, an uncomfortable silence fell over us. I gulped, I shouldn't be acting like this to her, after all it was just a nightmare but a naggy feeling settled in my stomach, telling me that I really shouldn't get near her.


I flinched. There was no emotion in her voice.

"What happened?"

My heart started to beat faster when I recalled the memory: the smirking face, the raven hair, those emerald eyes; I would never mistake them. I touched my throat, remembering the feeling of unable to breathe.

I looked up at the window opposite me and saw the slight reflection of the raven haired girl behind me. I'm not sure if the light is playing tricks on my eyes but I'm pretty sure Kaoru's eyes are glowing, I immediately averted my eyes back on the ground.


Her voice is still icy cold but I could pick up the slight anger in her tone.

"I'm not a mind reader Butch, but if you want to be like that then I won't force you to say it."

She started walking away.

My heart skipped a beat. "Wait Kaoru!" I spun around but the door has already closed.

I rushed out into the hallway but the raven haired girl was nowhere in sight.


Bubbles' POV:

I walked down the hallway, heading towards the lunch hall for break.

"Hey Bubbles." I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

A smile immediately crept onto my lips when I saw the person calling me.

"Hi Boomer!"

He returned a smile. "Mind if I walk with you?"

I linked my arms with his. "Of course silly, you're my boyfriend now aren't you?"

I noticed the daggers other boys sent at Boomer right away. But Boomer just shot back a glare that immediately made them mind their own business.

"Oh Miyako."

"Hmmm?" I turned to Boomer as we headed towards the lunch hall.

"Have you seen Butch?" he scratched the back of his head. "He….sort of….skipped classes again."

I giggled. "He really is a bad boy isn't he?"

Boomer groaned. "More like a pain in the ass."

"Language," I narrowed my eyes, "But really, do you have no idea why he acts like this?"

"God knows," he huffed, "Even Brick is having a hard time handling him these days."

"Speak of the devil," my eyes landed on the raven hair that just disappeared into the lunch hall.

Boomer too spotted him. "Butch!" he yelled as he dragged me along with him to catch up with his brother.

"Where in heavens have you been?" Boomer punched his green eyed brother's shoulder when we caught up with him in the waiting line.

"Where have I been?" Butch scratched the back of his head, "You know, here and there." He let out a somewhat forced chuckle.

Boomer glanced at me with an anxious frown.

Once we got our lunch we sat down at the table we usually sat at.

We ate our food silently while Butch just pushed his food around with his fork.

"Butch?" Boomer's frown returned. "Are you okay?"

"What? Of course I am," Butch replied without looking up.

Boomer glanced at me for help.

"Butch," I gently grabbed his shoulder, "You're clearly not okay."

"I am," he muttered.

"I know a troubled person when I see one," I crossed my arms, "Now tell us what's the matter or else we're telling Momoko, and you know Momoko will bother you till you spill the beans."

"Fine," Butch finally stopped playing with his food and set down his fork. "I fought with the girl I told you guys about."

Boomer snickered. "So you're finally having girl problems?"

I gave him a sharp look that made him cough softly and mumble an apology.

"Why did you guys fight?" I asked Butch with a soft smile.

"Well…" Butch looked down at his hands that were laced together. "It wasn't really a 'fight', more like I said something that upset her."

"So you feel guilty now?" I tilted my head.

He nodded. "And I don't know how to apologize…I've never actually apologized to anyone seriously before."

"Then why now?" Boomer murmured.

Butch was about to punch him but Boomer held up his hands in defence.

"Are you two like, close?" Boomer asked quickly.

"Um…yeah?" Butch answered somewhat uncertainly.

"Then just go and say 'I'm sorry', simple." Boomer shrugged. He immediately ducked his head to avoid been cuffed by Butch.

"Easy for you to say!" Butch snapped.

"If you're really worried," I said, distracting the raven haired boy from his brother, "Go and explain to her why you said whatever you said to her and apologize, if she's still upset let her cool off a bit. She must be an understanding person."

"How do you know?" the green eyed Jojo asked.

I smiled. "Just have the feeling she is."

Butch finally smiled. "Okay, thanks Miyako," he stood up, "I'll be leaving then." And with that he left the lunch hall.

"He didn't even eat his food, what a waste," Boomer muttered as he eyed Butch's tray.

I giggled, suddenly a random idea popped into my head. "Hey Boomer."

"Yeah?" Boomer looked up to meet my eyes.

"Are you busy this afternoon?" I asked.

"No, why?"

"Well, I was wondering if I could go and study at your place," I smiled, "I haven't been to your house before."

Boomer thought for a bit then grinned. "You're right; I'm fine with that since Brick is doing the groceries shopping today."

I clasped my hands together. "Thank you!"

"I'll wait for you in front of the school building then," Boomer said, "You have music lesson the last period right?"

"Yep," I replied cheerfully, "Thanks Boom."

Hello guys, sorry for the cliff-hanger last chapter :D
Well, you see the last chapter was supposed to be named 'Vision', that never was the ending, I was just trying to give you guys a scare. Most of you seem to think that's the ending but no heehee.

Don't worry, the 'real' ending is still coming.

I know this chapter is short and boring but I'm actually kind of rushing things so forgive me

Oh and i made a new poll for those who read my 'My Guardian Angel' story

My other stories:

'Memories: Karuna Kenero's past'

'Enter the World of Beast Spirit'

'Secret Around the Corner'

'Two Masked Life'

'My Guardian Angel'

~ Blackrose in the Moonlight