A/N: Hey there, I'm back for Chapter 2! Thank you to everyone who reviewed, I loved reading your comments! Hopefully you guys enjoy this next chapter! It took me awhile to write, but I think it turned out alright. I went with the idea that Oliver had already been told that Sam was in the hospital, so that's why he already knew he had been shot when Andy came in to talk to him.

Please review, and let me know what you think of this chapter! Enjoy :)

Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Rookie Blue.

Andy had been waiting for hours, and Sam still hadn't woken up. She'd talked to his doctors, his nurse, and another doctor, and they all kept telling her the same thing: it would take some time, but he would wake up. Every half hour she called Frank, and gave him the same update, that he was okay, he just wasn't awake yet. He wanted her back at the station as soon as possible, and she promised as soon as he was awake.

After she got off the phone with Frank, she stopped to get coffee before heading back to wait with Sam. Right when she was leaving, she saw Celery, and headed over to her.

"Celery!" she called out as she approached. "How's Oliver?"

Celery looked up at her name, and gave Andy a warm smile as she approached. "Hey, he's doing pretty well. He's staying another night though, just to make sure he's going to be completely fine." Andy could see the immense relief in Celery's eyes that Oliver would be alright. She knew how the other woman felt, especially with Sam in the hospital as well. "How's Sam doing?"

"The doctors said he should be alright, I've just been waiting for him to wake up," Andy explained.

"That's great! I mean, at least he's going to be okay." Celery said.

Andy smiled, "Yeah, thankfully, I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't going to be. Are you going back to Oliver? Would you mind if I came with? It's just that I haven't gotten to see him yet," she added quickly.

"Of course! In fact, I was just on my way back there right now," Celery grabbed the sandwich she had put down on the table, and the two women headed out.

Celery led Andy to Oliver's room, and at the door she stopped. "I'll let you two talk for a bit, I'll just wait here," she explained.

"Thank you," Andy said, and then headed in to see Oliver.

Oliver was sitting in a hospital bed, staring at the ceiling when Andy entered. When he saw her come through the door, he sat up in the bed, a smile on his face. "Andy, how are you?"

"I'm good, I'm good," she said, sitting in the chair next to his bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Oh, you know, I'm doing better. My head still feels a little sore." He pointed to the bruise on his head as he spoke. "How's Sammy though?"

Andy saw the concern in his eyes as he spoke, as if he was afraid he had lost another friend. Although he never spoke about it, Andy knew that Jerry's death still hurt. She couldn't imagine how he would deal if Sam hadn't made it as well, though luckily he had. "The doctors said he should be waking up sometime soon. I've been waiting there for him to wake up, and I've been updating Frank about him too."

Oliver smiled. "Good, I'm glad to hear that. I never doubted that he would pull through. He still has to talk with you, anyways." When he saw the confusion on Andy's face, he laughed. "You heard me, McNally. You know as well as I do that he is not over you. He never has been, and he never will be."

Andy sat there, stunned. What exactly had Sam talked to Oliver about? "I mean, before we found your squad car we had talked a little bit, but it was only for maybe, five minutes? He didn't say that much."

"Oh no, I'm talking about a conversation we had, up at my cabin. Just me and Sammy. He misses you Andy, he really does. He tries to act like he doesn't, but I know him too well." He paused for a moment, to see how Andy was reacting to his words. She was staring intently at him, somewhat in shock that Sam had talked to Oliver so recently about this. He continued on, "He told me he was going to talk to you, and tell Marlo they were done. Cause it's not fair to her, you know? He messed up with that, with her. But yes, I hope you guys get to talking soon. I'm getting tired of watching him mope around. "Oliver smiled, and patted her arm. "I told you, you guys are good together, and will be, again."

Andy sat there, trying to process everything Oliver had said. This whole time, when Andy had thought he had moved on, he hadn't. Maybe there was still help. "Once he wakes up, he's going to have a lot of talking to do," was all she could manage to say.

Oliver laughed. "Oh, I can't wait to hear Sammy have to start talking. Let me know how it all goes McNally. I've been rooting for you guys from the start, and I still am."

"You're the best Oliver," Andy said, smiling. "I'm going to head back now, but take care, alright? I'll tell Celery to come back as well. She's great, by the way."

"Yes, yes, she is," Oliver said. Andy could tell even that he though hadn't said much, that he was happy, very happy with Celery. She hugged him, and headed back out, and told Celery he wanted to see her again.

"Thanks, Andy," Celery said as she headed out of Oliver's room.

Andy smiled, holding the door open for her. "No problem. I'll see you around." After Celery had gone back to sitting next to Oliver, Andy shut the door, and headed back to Sam's room.

When Andy had gotten back, Sam was still asleep. She sat back down in the chair, and took his hand once again. Gripping it with both of hers, she sighed.

"So, I talked to Oliver. He told me some of what you told him at the cabin," Even though she knew he couldn't hear her, she felt comfort in talking out loud, instead of keeping her thoughts in her head. "I wish you would've talked to me earlier. I wish we'd just sat down and talked about what happened with us. I've missed you Sam, but you looked happy, so happy with Marlo. And that's why I stopped fighting for you. And now I realized that I shouldn't have given up. You meant the world to me, and I shouldn't have just left. I'm sorry."

She paused, and looked at Sam. His face looked peaceful, which was rare with him. She leaned up to kiss his forehead, and sat back down.

"When we were in the station, and you told me you wanted me to be happy, I chased after you because I wanted to tell you that you make me happy. You do. I want to work things out with you Sam, so I'll be waiting here, next to you, until you wake up. Everything I said to you in the station was true. I love you. And I can't wait for you to wake up. I'll be here, right by your side."

She sighed, and leaned back in her chair. Sam still looked exactly the same, still peaceful. She knew it could be hours until he woke up, so she settled in, and got as comfortable as possible in the rickety chair, which wasn't very comfortable. Laying her head down on his bed, she closed her eyes to rest them for a moment.

Suddenly, Andy was back at the station, running towards Sam, who was on the ground, blood seeping from a bullet hole in his stomach. But even though she was sprinting down the hall towards him, she wasn't getting any closer. He was still at the opposite end of the hallway, no matter how many strides she took.

"Sam!" she screamed, panic lacing her voice. "I'm coming, just hold on!"

As she finally managed to reach him, he began to close his eyes. "No, no, no, please Sam wake up, wake up!" As Andy continued to shake him, tears began running down her face, as she could tell that he wasn't going to make it. "Please wake up Sam, I love you, wake up!"

A hand shook Andy, jolting her awake. She hadn't realized she fell asleep, and quickly shook the lone tear that was making a trail down her face. She glanced around, trying to remember where she had fallen asleep. Her train of thought quickly led her to remember she was in a hospital, waiting for Sam to wake up… And as she looked up from where her head had been laying, she saw him, in the hospital bed, staring straight at her.

"Sam! Oh my god, you're awake! I have to call Frank and let him know soon, are you okay? How do you feel? I'll go tell the nurses you're awake now," words spilled out of Andy's mouth in a jumbled stretch, one statement after another, until finally Sam spoke up.

"McNally, I'm fine. My side hurts like a bitch, but I'm alright. Are you okay though? You looked like you were having a bad dream or something." It was obvious the painkillers were in his system still, as his eyes seemed a tad unfocused, but he still kept his gaze on Andy.

She signed, and squeezed his hand that she was holding. "I'm fine; I guess I just had a bad dream, that's all. I'm going to get your doctor though, you should be checked out since you're awake now. Do you remember everything that happened?" she looked at him again, to see his reaction.

"You mean the whole getting shot by Kevin Ford at the station part? Or the other part where I told you I loved you?" he smirked when he saw how she shifted when he said that. "Relax, Andy, I remember everything. And what I told you when I was laying there? I meant everything I said." He said the last two sentences slowly, making sure that Andy understood that yes, he did remember and meant it all.

She smiled, and pulled her chair a little closer to his bed. "I meant everything I said too Sam, I really did. I wish it hadn't taken you getting shot for it to come out, but I mean, I'm just glad it did." She smiled at Sam, and he laughed lightly.

"Well, at least that part is out of the way," he said, as he struggled to sit up in the bed. He cursed and reached for his side where he had been shot.

"Sam, you need to relax," Andy said as she helped him get comfortable. "I'll be back, okay? I'm just going to go tell your doctor that you're awake. They should probably come and check on you."

"Alright, go ahead. I'll just be waiting here, seeing as there's not much more I can do." Andy smiled; glad that at least some of Sam's personality was coming back so quickly. As she stood up to leave, Sam grabbed her hand. "Oh and thanks for staying with me. I mean it." He added.

Andy smiled, and kissed his forehead once more. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be, than by your side." Sam smiled at her. "I'll be right back!" she said, and quickly walked out of the room.

Once she had notified the nurse and doctors, she walked down the hall to call Frank and report in. The phone rang just twice before Frank picked up.

"McNally, what's up? Is he awake yet?" The urgency and concern showed in Frank's voice, and tore at Andy's heart. So many officers had gotten hurt in Kevin Ford's trail of vengeance and destruction, and all three of them were close to Frank in some way.

"Sir, he's awake. The doctors are with him right now to check him out," Andy quickly replied, anxious to give him the news as quickly as possible.

She heard him sigh with relief on the other end of the phone. "Thank god. That's great news McNally. I expect you to report back to the station soon. Detective Callaghan needs your statement about what happened in the station for the report.

"Yes sir, of course. I'll head back as soon as I check on Detective Swarek again." She replied. Before Frank had a chance to hang up, she quickly added, "Sir, I came here with the ambulance, how will I get back to the station?"

There was a pause, and then Frank spoke. "I'll send someone to pick you up. Most likely Detective Nash, but whoever's free will come to the hospital to get you."

"Thank you sir," Andy said, before he hung up. She put her phone back in her pocket, and headed back to Sam's room.

The doctor was just leaving as she entered. "Officer McNally," he said, and motioned her to stay outside in the hallway for just a moment.

"How's he doing, sir?" she asked, shifting from foot to foot, slightly nervous to hear what he had to say.

The doctor smiled at her, sensing her unease. "There's no need to worry, officer. Detective Swarek will be just fine. The surgery was successful, and there don't seem to be any complications. He should be able to get out of here in a few days. We'll keep him just to make sure no infection sets in and that he recovers fully."

She smiled at the news, so grateful that it hadn't been worse. "Thank you so much sir. I'm just going to check on him again, and sit there for a bit."

"Of course," the doctor said kindly, and then walked away to go talk to a nurse standing behind them.

As Andy entered again, Sam smiled at her. "Glad to see you did keep your promise to come back, this time."

"Ouch," she said, lightly smacking his arm when she reached his bed. "Of course I came back. I know you hate hospitals, so I'm not about to leave you sitting here alone. I mean, I'll be heading back to the station soon though, but I'll come back when I can." She sat back down, and turned her chair to completely face him. "So how long do you think you'll be in here?"

Sam sighed, and crossed his arms. "He said at least a week, but we'll see about that. Maybe I can charm the nurses into letting me out on "good behavior" or something." As Andy scowled at him, he flashed her a smile. "Who knows, maybe I can get out of here in a couple of days!"

"I don't think so," Andy said, laughing. "You'll be here as long as the doctors want you here; I'll be making sure of that."

Sam stared at her. "McNally, you wouldn't."

"But I would."

"You're lucky I'm in this hospital bed," he warned, a laugh escaping him as he talked.

Andy chuckled again, glad to be at ease with Sam once again. "I've missed this." When Sam raised an eyebrow, she added hastly, "This as in us talking, and joking around. It's been awhile."

Sam shifted in the bed, and sighed. "Yeah, it's been awhile. I've missed it too."

Before Andy could speak again, a buzzing sound distracted her. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her vibrating phone. "Well, that's my ride back to the station. I'll come back as soon as I can though. Want me to bring anything?"

"Sure, I mean, if you wanna grab a book, or a magazine or two from my place. The stuff here is crap, and I really don't feel like catching up on celebrities' lives and whatnot," Sam motioned towards the pile of stuff on another chair. "My keys should hopefully be in there, for the truck and my place." When Andy stared at him, he rolled his eyes. "Yes, Andy. My truck keys. I think you can handle driving my truck for a bit, right?"

She smiled, knowing he hated lending his truck out. "Of course. I'll be sure to bring it back in one piece." She grabbed the keys and came back to the bed to give him a hug. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Who's your ride back?" he questioned, before she left.

"Shoot, I completely forgot to answer," she muttered before glancing down at her phone once more. Her heart sank as she looked at the caller ID: Nick Collins.

It must've shown on her face, because Sam only looked at her. "McNally?"

"It's Nick," Andy sighed. She really didn't want to have to talk to him right now, but it looks like she didn't have a choice. She saw how he looked when they were at the hospital, and how heartbroken he was. But why did they have to be alone together already?

"Well, that should be a fun ride," Sam commented warily.

She looked at him, and sighed. "I mean he knows how I feel, and that I still love you. I just wanted to talk to him at another time. Not now," she motioned around the room. "Not so soon after all that happened."

Sam only looked at her. "You're going to have to talk to him eventually, and who knows? Maybe now is the best time. You might as well get it over with now, instead of dragging him along."

"I guess you're right," Andy muttered, shuffling her feet. "But what about you and Marlo? You'll have to talk to her too."

Sam looked down. "I was going to once the whole Kevin Ford case wrapped up, but that clearly didn't happen very neatly," as he motioned down at his abdomen. "I'll have to talk to her either when I'm out of here, or whenever she stops by. But I will talk to her Andy, I promise. I meant what I said as well."

Andy smiled at him, and he returned it when she said "I know you did."