Welcome to my newest project. I have worked on this for some time, although I am only posting this just now. if you enjoyed the Warriors Series, I encourage you to give this a shot. While it contains mostly OC's, I put a lot of effort into it.

I owe a great deal to my close friend guardianstar, on . She roleplayed with me and is the best editor, and I could not accomplish this without her.

It was night time while Sharpkit crouched warily at the border of Thunderclan. He had been there for most of the day and was growing impatient. Didn't the cats of this clan ever patrol this border? He was a black kit, somewhat large for his age. One of his eyes was green, the other was blue. He had many mysterious scars on his body, a record of his battles as a loner. He waited, wondering if a Thunder clan cat would ever spot him.

He looked out into the forest and spotted a golden brown she-cat heading this way. "At last," he muttered.
Bronzegaze the brown she-cat headed along the border, unaware of Sharpkit. She was only several fox-lengths away when she finally spotted his pitch black pelt. She bounded over to him. "What's an apprentice doing out here?" She glared at him, not knowing that Sharpkit was just a kit and a loner too.
"I've been looking for someone like you" he said calmly. "Are you from Thunderclan?"
"Yes," Bronzegaze said warily. "What are you doing out here?"
"I would like to join Thunderclan," Sharpkit mewed. "I've heard about them and I prefer Thunderclan over any of the others. Could you escort me to your camp?" He wasn't sure if this cat would agree or not, but there was no reason why she shouldn't accept his request. Besides, he was only a kit.
Bronzegaze narrowed her eyes. She considered the situation carefully. She couldn't turn him away; he was clearly not from the forest. She looked over his body and gazed at his scars. Someone with that many scars must mean trouble, but I can't turn him away. I'll let Wrathstar and Wildeyes deal with this. "I'll take you to Wrathstar. But don't get your hopes up."
"Thank you. I look forward to meeting him." replied Sharpkit.
At that moment, Dingokit jumped out the bushes and laughed, "You didn't know I was here did you?!" She grinned, still laughing. Sharpkit missed the laughing and spun around. He hissed, fluffing up his fur to twice his size.
"Whoa!" Dingokit exclaimed and jumped back a few paces.
Sharpkit smirked a little and asked, "I'm sorry, did I scare you? Who are you?"
"A bit..." Dingokit admitted, smiling. "I'm Dingokit" She was a small, pale golden she-kit, who looked like she was covered in red dust.
Sharpkit smirked again. "I assume you are a Thunderclan kit also?" he asked.
Dingokit jumped into the air. "You got it!" she replied, grinning once again.
Sharpkit sighed. "Could you please just show me your camp?" he said, feeling slightly impatient
Wildeyes leapt from a tree and landed amongst the gathered cats, "What in the name of Starclan is going on here? Who is this kit?" she mewed fiercely.
This is... I actually don't know!" Dingokit answered.
"I'm Sharpkit" he said. "I am ah... a loner. I only wish to speak to your leader about joining. I hope you don't think a kit like me poses any threat," he said.
Wildeyes snorted, "You're not from around here, but you are just a kit. There's not a lot you can do against us."
"You coming or what?" Bronzegaze asked ten fox-lengths away.
"Coming" said Sharpkit. He ran up to her. "What is your leader's name?" he said to Bronzegaze.
"Wrathstar," She responded.
"Why the prename Wrath? And do you believe he will let me join?"
"Wrathstar's a very kind and wise cat, and I believe he'll let you join; but I can't read the future." She pointed out.
"Hmm..." he thought. For a moment, Sharpkit felt a pang of regret for what he was planning. These cats did not seem like what is father said. He shook himself. Turning to Bronzegaze, he said, "Well I am a good fighter and I already know how to hunt."
"That's not all you need to know to be a clan cat. You must also follow the warrior code, and respect each other fairly." Bronzegaze explained.
"Of course" said Sharpkit. "I am willing to do that; I just need to learn the warrior code." As he said this, he thought to himself silently; them and their weak warrior's code. But he showed no emotion on his face.
Dingokit jumped around happily, smiling "The clan is a really nice place!"
Wildeyes had stayed silent for most of the conversation, but now she spoke up. "You say you want to learn about the warrior code? Well, you're just a kit. You're not old enough to become an apprentice," she paused, "unless you're six moons old." Wildeyes tipped her head to one side, a tick she'd developed whenever she questioned someone, "Are you six moons old?"
"I'm 5 and 3/4 moons old. To be exact," Sharpkit replied
Wildeyes blinked at Sharpkit. "Okay, I will take you to Wrathstar. Don't do anything stupid, be respectful and stay out of every cat's way. Even if Wrathstar accepts you, everyone will be suspicious. You must prove to us that we can trust you. We might welcome you into our clan but it's up to our leader to make you an apprentice." Wildeyes turned and headed towards the camp. She stopped and turned her head, "Bronzegaze, follow me. Dingokit, stay with Sharpkit in between us. Don't even think about wandering off." She looked at Bronzegaze again, "Let's go."
"Naturally, I will be respectful to the leader and deputy" said Sharpkit. "That much I do know and I am quite willing to learn." Sharpkit glanced at the deputy. It won't be this way for much longer. He thought to himself. But he showed nothing.
"Nice to know," Wildeyes nodded.
Dingokit sped up until she wad padding next to Sharpkit. "It's no fun staying in camp all the time!" she stated.
"I didn't know that kits were allowed out of camp" he said to Dingokit. Such an innocent kit... he thought to himself.
Wildeyes flicked her tail, "Kits aren't actually allowed out of camp. But this one doesn't care about that, she'll wander off anyway. But you can have as much fun inside as you can outside. Besides, you'll be an apprentice soon," she thought a moment, "maybe, if Wrathstar says so, you and Sharpkit can train side-by-side." She chuckled; they might even become great friends.
"Hmm ...I like that idea" said Sharpkit. "I want to learn as much about clans as possible." he mewed, looking around him curiously.
"Well you came to the right clan to learn from. Other clans would chase you out on sight, kit or not. We're also the best warriors. If you want to learn, learn from us." She paused, "I just hope the knowledge is used in the right way." said Wildeyes.
"What is that supposed to mean?" said Sharpkit, sounding clueless.
Wildeyes sighed, "Thunderclan hasn't always been filled with 100% loyal cats." She looked up at the sky, "There's always a cat, at some point, which's so hungry for power that they'll betray their clan."
For a moment, a pang of regret washed through Sharpkit. Then he remembered his father and pushed those thoughts away. "That's terrible" Sharpkit said. "What kind of cat would do that?"
Wildeyes shook her head, as if to clear the bad thoughts. "Never mind, those were the old days. If another cat dares to betray our clan, I'll kill them myself." She suddenly stopped, he eyes wide with horror. "How could I ever say that? I'm not bloodthirsty! I sound like a Shadowclan cat!" She dipped her head in shame, "I've changed. I don't know how. Maybe it was when..." She trailed off as she remembered how her mate had died in battle.
"Shadowclan?" said Sharpkit. "I assume they are another clan right? What are they like?" he asked.
Dingokit jumped in "There are four clans! Shadowclan is one of them! They are scary cats!"
Wildeyes looked up, a cold hatred in her eyes. "They're another clan, yes. They are fox hearted monsters!" She swiped at a rock and sent it sprawling into a bush. She stomped on in a fury, "They killed my mate in battle," she snarled, "I won't ever forgive them. I won't let it cloud my vision though. My only reasons for living now are my kits and clan mates."
"Scary?" said Sharpkit in response to Dingokit. "Why, do they live in a haunted graveyard or something?" he asked jokingly.
Wildeyes shrugged, she'd cooled down now. "They live in marsh-land. It's sort of misty with fog. All I've seen of their territory is what's in sight from our side of the Thunderpath"
"What is the Thunderpath?" asked Sharpkit, genuinely puzzled.
"It's a path that the Twoleg monsters move on. Stay away from it though," Wildeyes warned, "If one hits you, you'll be dead before you can say "Starclan help!"
"Oh wait! I know what you're talking about!" said Sharpkit. "Where I come from we sometimes call it a Blackpath."
Wildeyes nodded, a twinkle in her eyes, "Yes, because it's black." She paused, "Where do you come from? You can't have simply popped up from nowhere. You have a clan cat name but your ways are different." She looked Sharpkit up and down, "You come from somewhere but where?"
"Well, my parents were... um... loners. My parents named me Sharp but I wanted to join your clan so I named myself Sharpkit." he mewed. He tried to keep the awkwardness out of his voice. He needed to be more prepared for questions.
"So your parents were loners? Well, where are they now? I'm sure your mother and father is worried." Wildeyes blinked at Sharpkit, "Did you run away?"
"No, my father is dead and my mother is... well I'm pretty sure she is dead too." mewed Sharpkit, sounding sad and angry.
Wildeyes blinked, there was no pain, shock or hurt in her eyes, only sympathy. "You must be upset," she sat down and smiled at Sharpkit. "When my mate died, I was devastated. It was even harder to tell my kits." Tears ran from her eyes, "They kept saying that he was only 'sleeping.' "
"That's terrible" said Sharpkit. For a moment, Sharpkit felt bad about what would happen if he went through with his plan but he ignored it. You must not be weak he astonished himself.
Changing the subject, he said "How did your mate die?" he asked Wildeyes
"There was a Shadowclan raid, they attacked our clan. My kits had been up to their usual mischief, getting into trouble. They left the hollow to explore our territory and were found by the Shadowclan cats. My kits ran but one was caught, Moonkit. My mate, Hollowfang, ran to his rescue with a patrol. I was in it, desperate to save my kit. There was a huge battle. My mate died saving our kit." She looked up at the stars. "I won't ever forget him."
"But why would Shadowclan raid? And then try to steal a kit?" said Sharpkit. "That seems cold hearted" he added
"I don't know why. Shadowclan seem to ignore the warrior code. Steal a kit? What could drive any cat, even Shadowclan, to do such a thing? It gets worse as well." Wildeyes looked into Sharpkit's eyes, "They killed Pepperkit as well."
"KILLED! WHAT!?" said Sharpkit in shock.
"Yes, Pepperkit was one of my kits who were there. When my mate was killed, we won the battle. Little did we know that another Shadowclan patrol was heading in the direction my kits had run? They found them again. We found them but when we got there it was too late."
"Killing a defenseless kit is so... so... dishonorable. They should not even be called warriors!" said Sharpkit, sounding angry.
Sharpkit growled at the thought. Then with a shock he realized the damage his plans might do. Whatever happens he thought, I won't let queens and their kits be hurt. "So," said Sharpkit, "who do you think will mentor me?"
Wildeyes blinked, "Well...I...um. To be honest, I was hoping to mentor you. Over this short time, I've grown to like you a lot." She looked at Sharpkit, "Would you like me to mentor you?"
"Wow! What an honor to be mentored by the deputy! I would like that a lot." replied Sharpkit eagerly.
"Well; it would be an honor to mentor you, Sharpkit. I will talk to Wrathstar about it. Let's go, we're almost at the camp. Stay close to me when we get there. You never know what might happen." She looked towards the trees ahead. "Sharpkit, I told you how other clans would have chased you out. Our clan isn't that far away from that. There are cats here that would want to chase you out but they will listen to Wrathstar. What he says goes. But I said there can be betrayers, you have to keep your eyes open to see them."
"Alright" said Sharpkit, moving a little closer to Wildeyes.
She smiled and stepped into the bushes. He reminds me of Pepperkit, she thought. Same black pelt and everything, maybe he's...stop it! He's not Pepperkit, I saw the blood! Something inside Wildeyes made her pause. Could it be?
Sharpkit saw Wildeyes looking at him and looked away. I wonder what she's thinking he thought.
Wildeyes turned back to let Sharpkit catch up. "We're close, get ready."
Then, Wildeyes led Sharpkit into the entrance for camp.

Chapter 2 is on its way! Things should pick up soon...

Please read and review. Although much of it is already written and planned, I still greatly appreciate any comments or thoughts, and I know my friend would too! ^^