Title: Hero

Author: Ashley

Summary: "A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart." A breif drabble about Iruka and Naruto, from Tsunnade's point of view.

Genre: Family

Disclaimer: I don't own the sandbox, I am just playing in it.

Warning: Cuteness!

Pairing: Iru/Naru Aniki/Ototo

Rating: K

Authors note: I bring you the shortest story I have ever written in the history of ever! A sweet little drabble to pass the time. Unbetaed, and I know I really need to update Unexpected Journey Please bare with me. Writers block is an evil bitch. And so is college.

"A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart."

The old saying flitted through the Godaime's head, as she watched Naruto be pulled into a tight embrace by one Umino Iruka atop the Hokage monument. She smiled serenely at the scene before her. Iruka and Naruto were both sobbing into each other's shoulders, clinging desperately to each other.

"I'm so glad you are alive Naruto, I thought I lost you," she could hear her favorite academy sob while clutching his favorite former student, the boy he loved when no one else did. The boy that had become the only family that the Chuunin had.

"I'll always come back, Iruka-nii, so long as I have you to come home too." Naruto sobbed into Iruka's chest, clutching Iruka in equal desperation. The two men several meters from her continued to sob and cling to each other in sheer happiness.

Tsunade watched with amazement, the way Naruto completely fell apart in his former sensei's arms. It was absolutely shocking to see the strong savior of their village looking so weak and vulnerable in Iruka's arms. She smiled again softly, glancing up to the sky. "He is loved, Minato. He is acknowledged as a hero and respected by everyone in the village. He has surpassed even you, and is my heir to the title of Hokage." She bowed her head in silent respect, "your wishes from him are almost all fulfilled, Lord Yondaime."

She turned her attention back to Iruka and Naruto. The two were lying next to each other now, on the head of the fourth, hands clasped loosely, staring up at the stars together.

"Do you think he would be proud of me if he could see me now? Do you think he would be happy to see that his and Master Jiraiya's dreams have been achieved?" Naruto turned on his side without breaking his contact with Iruka and faced his former sensei.

"Who, Naru-kun?" Iruka cocked his head to the side to look at Naruto, and then hefted himself on to his elbow to match the blonde's posture.

"My dad." Iruka's answering smile was brilliant, and Tsunade wrapped her arms around herself in happiness.

"I know he is proud of you, my beloved otouto." Naruto's eyes widened slightly at the endearment.

"How do you know?" Naruto practically whispered, eyes sill wide and attentive.

"Because I am!" Iruka declared, dragging Naruto in his arms again.

Tsunade turned away, giving the 'brothers' their privacy.

Yes, there were different types of heroes. Naruto saved their nation, and brought about peace. He certainly was a Hero. But, if she went off her favorite saying about True Heroes being measured by the strength of their heart, the Iruka was the truest Hero she had ever met. Between inheriting the will of the fourth, and being taught and guided by Iruka, it was no wonder that Naruto was such a hero in the eyes of everyone he met.

He had the best examples, after all, she thought, as she cast one last look behind her at the pair laying together on the head of the fourth Hokage.