Author's note: Hello dearies! So, end of the holidays, back to school tomorrow, I'll consequently, will probably not be able to post often, but we'll see. This is also the end of The Pirate Princess, with this last short chapter. I wanted to thank all of my followers, just as everyone who favorited and reviewed it. I have more than 15'000 views on this one and God, it means the world to me, because, you guys, are just the most awesome support I have about this 3 I promise I'll be back real soon as the first chapter of the new fiction is already written, I'll post it soon enough for you not to miss me too much ;P

Thanks again for all the support you showed on this fiction, you rock my friends :D

Disclaimer: I unfortunately don't own anything, characters are the property of those two guys named Edward and Adam…

Chapter 20: epilogue

Two years had gone and there couldn't have been a happier family. As they were walking around the gardens, the King and Queen were discussing future. Snow expressed the want to live calmly. She wanted to be Snow again and not Queen Snow. David listened to her carefully and came up with an idea, which she agreed, but told her husband she needed to talk about it with the person concerned by this decision first. He nodded and they walked back to the castle, directing themselves to the nursery where they were sure they would find Emma and Killian playing with little Henry. The boy had the same black and messy hair as his father and the same shining emerald eyes as his mother.

"Emma?" Snow called her and she lifted her head up to see her mother "There is something your father and I would like to talk to you about, you too are concerned Killian" she said and both of them got up, leaving the little pirate prince in the careful hands of Johanna.

"What is it?" Emma inquired "Nothing bad I hope?" she wasn't wearing a dress but he 'pirate clothes' and she looked stunning, her hair coming down her shoulders and back.

"I am tired of leaving in the castle" her mother said simply at first "I don't want to go by Queen Snow-White anymore. I want to be just Snow again"

"So, I suggested your mother to go and live into my mother's old house. We're from now on renouncing to our king and queen title" her father told them.

"Wait, are you saying that… That I…" Emma stuttered.

"That you're going to be the new Queen, darling" Killian spoke softly, rubbing her back.

"But, Mother… I'm not ready, I mean, you were such a good one… I… I'll never be able to rule the kingdom as you and Father did" Emma said totally freaked out by the news.

"You'll be alright" Snow told her in a reassuring tone, cupping her face with her hands "Plus, you've got Killian" she smiled.

"Snow, I'm still not sure about Killian becoming the king…" David mocked his son-in-law as he always did.


"Don't worry your Majesties, I'm not sure of myself either" Killian laughed.

"I guess maybe I just don't want you to go…" the queen-to-be whispered.

"Says the girl who ran away two years ago" Snow chuckled lightly "Emma, you've become an incredible woman. You're going to be an incredible queen, better than me I'm sure of it" she smiled and her daughter smiled back at her, hugging her tight.

Few weeks later, just the time to prepare everything and to renovate a bit Charming's mother's house, Emma was about to become queen.

"Please, get on your feet for my daughter and her husband, your new King and Queen who are going to be as fair as we had been all those years."

After Snow and Charming's speech, everyone got up to applause them, and say goodbye to Snow and David, even though they were not actually gone.

It was a new beginning for them and certainly not an end.

Author's note: One last review? :) With all my love xx