Chapter One: New School

Waking up is easy, but it gets harder waking up in a place that isn't your own. I guess it is my own because I'm always wherever they go but it just doesn't feel like it. Ugh, you probably don't understand anything I'm talking about; let me start from the beginning.

Once upon a time there was girl named Katherine Argent, also known as Kate Argent, who had a daughter. She leaves her daughter with numerous family members, and then goes off on long trips. Not doing so much as calling her daughter to see if she is still in the land of the living. I know horrible.

And if some of you have outsmarted our terrible education system and have found the brains to figure this out, you would know this daughter is me.

"Fiona Simone Argent!" Allison, my cousin, hollered from down the hallway.

"Allison Kate Argent!" I screamed back for my own amusement.

"This is not the time for jokes, where's my hairbrush?" she said quickly, walking into my room. Today was the first day of school in Beacon Hills and Allison was taking nervousness to a new level. I not so discreetly looked over her disheveled appearance. Hair flying wildly behind her, zipper down on her jeans, and her scarf twisted to the back of her neck.

"Alli, just a guess but maybe you should look in your hand." I said giggling. She huffed. She then left to her room to finish getting ready.

I got up from my bed and walked to my closet. I picked out my clothes for the first day. I picked out a flowery summer dress, a beige scarf and hat to match with my tan flats. I then hurried to the shower to prepare for the hectic day. When I got out of the shower, I pulled on my outfit and threw my curly light brown hair into a pony tail and walked out of my room with my book bag. I walked down the hall way looking in my bag to make sure I had all the essentials: Phone, lip gloss, concealer, and pepper spray. Yep. Everything is there. I always have pepper spray because my aunt says I have to have some form of protection with me always. I don't know what from but you can never be too cautious.

I jog down the stairs and I wait for Allison to come down. While I wait for her I go into the kitchen, where my aunt and uncle are sitting.

"Good morning, Fiona." my aunt, Victoria, said to me smiling.

"Good morning, Aunt Victoria. Uncle Chris." I chirped, sitting down across from them. I grabbed a bagel from the table and spread cream cheese on it.

"Fiona, you ready for the first day of school?" Uncle Chris asked.

I placed a sarcastic smile on my lips, "Oh yes, I've been waiting for this day my whole life!"

My uncle smiled but my aunt frowned, "Fiona, no respectable young man finds sarcasm cute. Cut it out." That's just like my aunt always serious, but I think that's what makes her strong.

"Yes, ma'am," I said after finishing my bagel. After that, Allison comes bounding down the steps. We give her parents hugs, and then we go and sit in her car getting ready to leave.

"Are you ready, Fi?" Allison asked me, starting the engine.

I take a deep breath and turn to her, "As ready as I'll ever be." I said as she pulled out of the parking place. Beacon Hills High, here I come.