"More roast duck girlie?"

My eyes darted from my rounded stomach to the abnormally large piece of poultry before me and I felt myself turn a little green around the gills.

"N-no thank y-you—" I sputtered only to snap my mouth closed when a heavy fist nearly splintered the table in two.

"Eat." His booming voice insisted, and my eyes darted to Neji helplessly. Not that he could provide much assistance, being strapped to his own chair. Hell, he was even blindfolded.

Upon discovering us the giant had immediately scooped me up in his large hands with little effort. Neji, however, proved to be more of a challenge, slashing expertly with his knife every time meaty fingers drew near. It took the large man having to threaten squeezing my innards out for the boy to reluctantly drop his weapon and allow himself to be captured.

I felt really terrible about the whole thing, it was undoubtedly my fault we were in this mess, but I couldn't help being grateful I wasn't here alone.

Feeling the giant's gaze on me, I shakily lifted another spoonful to my quivering lips just as a pleased sound reached my ear.

"Is it good?" He asked anxiously and I couldn't stop the snort that escaped me. He looked like an exceptionally large child, brown eyes all wide and earnest.

I nodded, hoping my stomach didn't revolt as I felt the meat slithering down my throat.

The giant's face twisted in a pleased smile.

"Then have some more!" He exclaimed, the room vibrating as he dashed to the kitchen for more food. I was on the verge of sobbing.

Please, no!

Anymore food and I was sure I would combust. And frankly, I didn't fancy becoming a human firework.

"Neji!" I hissed, eyes darting periodically towards the kitchen. The giant was still rummaging through his cabinets, his portly frame bent at the waist as he removed different spices from the abnormally large cupboards.

"Neji!" I hissed again when he didn't respond.

His jaw clenched and I knew he was upset. I could see his veins protruding against his pale skin, arms taught with frustration.

Scratch that. He was livid.

"What." He hissed through stiff lips. He fingers dug into his palms as he gave subtle little jerks to his bindings. I didn't see what he was trying to accomplish, seeing as the ropes were thicker than his wrists, but the kid was definitely no quitter, I'll give him that.

"Want some of my food?" I hedged, hoping his hunger outweighed his anger. There was no way I was fitting anything else in my already swollen stomach, and Neji hadn't eaten a thing.

The preceding grinding of his teeth caused me to cringe. That couldn't be healthy

"No, I do not want any of that oaf's food." he snarled. He swung his head in my direction, and the hairs on my arms rose almost as if his glower had reached me through the blindfold. "Unlike stuffing my face like you, I want to get out here!"

I probably resembled an eel with my mouth hanging open so far.

Excuse me?

"I am not stuffing my face because I want to." I snapped back, offended at the accusation, "He's making me!"

Neji scoffed, shifting his hair from his face with a flippant flip of his head. I found myself oddly jealous of how the silky strands fell perfectly into place.

"But I don't see you attempting to figure out a way out of here either." He quipped.

Little brat.

I scowled at him.

"Neither are you."I pointed out, to which his lip curled in disbelief.

"I'm blindfolded!"

It was my turn to scoff, crossing my arms as I stared him down.

"Pfft. Such an excuse."

A loud band sounded from the kitchen and we both stilled, my eyes darting towards the kitchen to see the giant still flitting busily about, his rotund face scrunched in concentration as he added a myriad of spices to a large pot. His brown hair stuck slightly to his forehead, slightly dampened by the steam curling up around him.

I released a breath of relief.

"Look." Neji ground, attempting to gain composure. His voice remained just loud enough for me to make out the words. "Just tell me what you see and I'll try to figure out a way for us to escape okay?"

I huffed. Fine.

I glanced around the sparse cabin.

" I see...a shoe, and a sock, and a fork, and—"

He cut me off.

"Useful things Tenten."

I rolled my eyes.

"How am I supposed to know what you deem useful?"

And it weren't as if there was much in here anyway.

He groaned, teeth gnashing once more.

I frowned.

"You should really see someone about that." I advised, indicating at his mouth. "You're practically grinding your teeth into dust."

If expressions could kill.

"Just. Remove. The blindfold."

I reached over to do just that when the giant returned, carrying a giant silver tray with his thick hands. I swiftly snatched my hand back, stomach gurgling unpleasantly at what could possibly be in that bowl.

Neji swore beneath his breath, causing the giant to give him a sharp look.

"Watch your tongue boy!" He reprimanded, voice stern, "You're in a presence of a lady."

At those words he chanced a glance in my direction, and was it me or did his chubby cheeks darken?

"A very beautiful lady." He added, brown eyes meeting mine.


He gave a shy smile, nudging the tray towards me almost nervously, and that's when everything clicked into place.

The giant had developed a crush on me.

My heart began to thump wildly within my chest.

Were my siren characteristics finally kicking in?

And more importantly, could I use this to my advantage? I just had to buy us enough time so that I can free Neji and then we could blow this joint.

But what could I use as a distraction?

A flashback of my mother and her countless lovers flashed through my mind and I knew.

I had to seduce him. Have him eating out of the palm of my hands and then disappear when he least expected it.

But could I do it?

Nervousness thrummed through my veins as fixed him with my best sultry smile.

"Why thank you." I purred, not missing the frown that crossed Neji's face as I did so,"You are quite the gentleman..." I trailed off, waiting for him to fill in his name.

He ducked his head bashfully.

"Choji." He supplied, cheeks blooming with color. It would have been adorable if he weren't nine feet tall and keeping us hostage.

"Such a lovely name." I cooed, and Neji's face twisted with obvious confusion. He head whipped towards me, and if I could see his eyes I knew they would be displaying a clear "what the hell?'

Choji grinned proudly.

"My pa gave it to me." He boosted, chest puffed slightly, "Said I was the biggest baby in the entire hospital."

"I'll bet." Neji muttered, and I kicked his chair in warning.

"Really?" I asked, injecting false awe into my tone, "That's amazing, what else happened in your childhood?"

Once Choji got started talking nothing could stop him. Or distract him, as I had grudgingly discovered. If I so much as shifted his eyes tracked the movement, commanding me to stay put. It was nearly an hour later when he finally stopped, eying the bowl before me suspiciously.

"You haven't touched your soup." He pointed out.

I withheld a groan.

Oh Zeus, not this again!

"It's cold." I answered, the excuse sounding feeble even to my ears.

Choji was having it.

"Oh! Then I'll go heat it for you."

He dashed away, and at the sound of his receding footsteps Neji whirled on me.

"If I hear one more thing about his 'pa' my ears will start bleeding." He hissed, "You need to find a new way to distract him."

I buried my face into my arms.

"I know." I moaned, exasperated. We'd be here until we're old and wrinkly at this rate. "But I can't think of anything."

There was a brief silence in which all could be heard was Choji's gravelly humming as he reheated the contents of the bowl on the stove.

"The food." Neji stated suddenly, and I peeked at him over my folded arms.

"What about it?"

"He cares about it." He explained, "You can use that to our advantage to distract him."

Of course.

Why didn't I think of that?

Now it was only a matter of executing it.

a/n: I apologize for this chapters shortness but I haven't really looked at this pic in...well...years and I had to get a feel for the characters again. On a positive note I did update so that has to count for something right? Right? Fine, okay I know I suck, sorry :/ But I will try my best not to let years go by before I update again.

Thanks for reading!