Alvin sneered at the approaching boats; he'd known Stoick's next move before it was made "Has anyone found that boy, yet?"

Savage wrings his hands nervously "Uh, no Alvin not just yet, but we've got searchers all over the island."

Outcast Chief cracks his knuckles "Stoick's almost here and our only leverage is Hiccup!"

"We're doing our best Alvin, the kid's gotta be around here somewhere." Answers Savage, silently begging Hiccup gets away.

"He'd better be or you're gonna get it! Bring me that boy!" More minutes pass and no one legged Viking appears "Forget the boy; we'll have to tell his father we still have him, to the boats!"

Hiccup looks out to the sea from behind his hidden hidey hole just as Alvin's ship leaves. He can't think of any way he could possibly get aboard and off this gods forsaken rock "Well that's just great; my only transport is currently sailing to a war with my father."

The brunette had searched the entire island but had come up empty handed of any dragons or long boats left behind. Alvin knew he was still on the island and he planned to keep him there.

"Oh, how the gods hate me. Just once, couldn't you guys give me a break?" Questions Hiccup as he looks above to the clear blue sky "That's what I thought."

The teen reluctantly takes a seat a top a flat rock on the beach, hands on his head "I'm a sitting duck, and while I'm here ... my entire tribe and father are going to war."


A sudden idea comes to mind, Hiccup cups his hands around his mouth before letting out an improved Night Fury call, this one could reach over at least three miles ... or at least he hoped.

Toothless was loyal and if he heard Hiccup calling, he'd come. Another yell echoes "Toothless!"

Never one to give up, Hiccup let loose another call, only this time his mixed with a distant, familiar growl.

A dark figure could be seen swimming haphazardly to his location, upon further inspection the unknown visitor is none other than ole reliable Toothless.

Without a second thought, Hiccup plunges into the salty waters, swimming his way towards his dragon and best friend "Toothless, I can't believe it!"

Toothless' gummy smile and careening hug greets the Viking teen, Hiccup equally wrapping his arms around his dragons neck "Thank Thor you're alright, Toothless."

Toothless snorts, leave it to his human to worry about him when he's the one captured, the black scaly head lowers to his humans forehead, green pupils shinning with relief.

A loud echo and rock of waves grabs the duos attention, they'd found each other, now it was time to stop a war "Come on, Toothless! We've got a war to stop."

Berkian and Outcast ships met upon the seven seas, each chief glaring defiantly at one another "I'll give ya one last chance Alvin. Surrender my son and never set foot off your island again."

Alvin sneers, leave it to Stoick to make such a crude demand, only this time he held an ace, as long as Stoick doesn't know Hiccup escaped he could use the boy.

"Ya know I ain't surrenderin anytime soon, if ya ever want to see 'Iccup again, you'll do as I say."

Stoick's fists curl "That ain't gonna happen ... Berkians" The chief's axe points towards the mass of outcasts before them.

Alvin's welded axe is pointed straight at his adversary's ships "Outcasts"


Berkians and Outcasts furiously attack one another, metal clangs, whirring harpoons, and swishing arrows vibrate through the entire ocean as the intense feud begins.

The dragon riders attacked from above, using their dragons stealth and deadly fire to sink any of the Outcasts ships, after they searched ever nook and cranny for Hiccup.

"This is amazing! Oh the violence and destruction!" Cheers Tuffnut

"I concur, dearest brother!" Agrees Ruffnut, the blonde throwing her axe into another Outcasts face "That had to hurt!"

Fishlegs strategically used Meatlug's strength to barrel down any Outcasts, large rocks smacking their burly heads "Oh, dear ... oh dear!"

Snotlout fights Hookfang for control his dragons fire "Hookfang, quit making me look bad in front of the enemy and do as I say!"

Hookfang growls and torches its body, burning Snotlout's rump in the process "OW, HOOKFANG!"

The others weren't taking this seriously, Astrid on the other hand was taking things far too harshly. When she cut an outcast down, she didn't intend on them ever getting back up.

"Come on, Stormfly. This is a war we're in, we can't afford any mistakes." The blue dragon squawked sadly at her human before obeying, letting loose a series of spine shots deep into an outcast back and neck.

Stoick and Thornado roared their way through the battle field, his tribe was handling things well, all the Outcasts were either dead, captured or about to be ... All but one.

"You take care of the rest Thornado, I've got a score to settle." Stoick jumps off his Thunderdrums back, axe at the ready as his target comes into view.

Alvin readied himself for the impending revenge he was about to receive, he was losing this battle and it's all thanks to a ninety pound, fish bone of a boy ... The boy!

"Ya so much as touch me and 'Iccup will go another round with me, I'm not sure how ya got his memory gone, but I'll bring it all back!"

Stoick's anger blazed, vision red as he pounced at the man, the one person who taken everything from him "You'll never touch Hiccup again!"

Clash and clash of steel, rugged breathing and beads of sweat hit the wooden deck as the two men spar. "Ya took my boy and ... And raped him!"

Stoick lands a hard blow to Alvin's left shoulder, forcing the axe and only weapon out of his hand, into the cold drink below "I won't let ya take anything else from him, put him through any more pain and sufferin!"

Alvin laughs while clutching his bloody appendage "I told ya once Stoick, that you didn't deserve them, Val died because of you and you treat your son like he doesn't exist because when you look at him you see her!"

Stoick's eyes widen in disbelief, but also refer ... His greatest enemy had hit the nail right on the head. Before the Berk chief could state a word, Alvin's abuse continues

"I touched him, Stoick, I plowed your boy as hard and long as I could, he looks so much like Val ... You can't stand that about him so you chose to exile your own son from your heart!"

At this point, the other Vikings couldn't help but listen to the ongoing conversation, each adorned a frightful look upon their face ... Hiccup had been raped?

"Your lad may not remember what happened, but he'll always know you don't accept him."

"I accept my boy faults and all! He doesn't remember anything because you used my son as a human shield and he hit his head!" Exhales Stoick, axe now level with his enemy's neck, he could never reveal the truth for the missing memories.

"Hiccup has always been different; aye that boy is so much like his mother. I'll admit I treated him poorly in the past, but I've apologized and we've discussed our problems ... I never hated my son."

A piercing roar rocks the boat as the familiar blackness of the elusive Night Fury and appearance of the Viking teen of the hour.

Green meets green as father and son lock gazes, Hiccup lands upon the sailing boat and runs towards his father. "Dad!"

" ... Hiccup!" Stoick rounds on his boy, engulfing the teen into a deep, emotional hug "Thank Thor almighty!"

Hiccup hugs his father back, he'd flown so fast to stop the fighting, he'd seen his tribe do everything they could to avenge him, his friends fought with every fiber of their beings.

But it was his father that made him react the way he had ... He'd heard his dad's and Alvin's words, suddenly everything made complete sense to him.

Why he'd been treated like he didn't exist, the fact his father could barely stand to look at him, everything wasn't his fault "I heard what you said, dad. I understand now and just like before ... I forgive you."

Stoick holds his child close as Hiccup's words register, his boy may not yet remember, but he knew something bad had happened to him at the hands of Alvin ... Alvin!"

Quickly Stoick swings around, narrowly avoiding a hit to the back with an axe, Hiccup held to his chest as the pair fell crashing to the deck.

Alvin glowers over the huddled pair, venomous rage seemingly pouring from his body, axe held high above his head in preparation for the final swing "Ya got your son back, now ya can die with him!"

The dreaded axe propels downwards, Stoick holds Hiccup tightly as the inevitable blow drew nearer "I love you, son!"

With that, Stoick was about to toss the boy out of deaths arms, only to be beaten to the punch as a black mass rams into their offender.

Hiccup, Stoick and Toothless watched as Alvin's body twisted with the hit, the axe he'd intended on using to kill the chief and heir dislodged from his hands ... directly into the man's burly chest.

The Vikings and teens cheer as the outcast chief gurgles, choking on the blood now exiting from his body, the man staggering forward in any attempt at reaching the pair.

Stoick stands forward, still clutching tightly onto Hiccup, he was going to end this and his boy wasn't leaving his sight "It's over Alvin; I warned ya that I would take my revenge for Val and Hiccup."

Alvin's staggering ceased as the outcast reached his old time friend "You deserve to burn in all the hells of the gods for the crimes you committed and you will. It may not have been by my own hand that you died, but it was your own actions that landed ya here."

Alvin keels over, body flopping down and over the wooden walls of the ship, sinking far into the icy abyss

The cheering jeers once more as the outcast chief is defeated, the war between the Berkians and Outcasts was over "We are VICTORIOUS!"

Hiccup laughs nervously, he was never one for unnecessary violence and he'd just witness hundreds of deaths, but in the end he knew this would come.

"Hiccup, ya alright lad?" Questions Gobber as he finished cleaning the blood from his hook "Ya look a bit paler than normal"

Hiccup nods, he was feeling far from alright "I'm good, just a bit in shock and grossed out"

"He'll be fine once I get him back home, he's had a long few nights, I'll bet." States Stoick

"Oh yes, yes I've had quite a few days, being Alvin's prisoner and what not." Explains Hiccup

Stoick releases his son and jumps a top his Thunderdrum "Race ya to the great hall, loser has to scrub the tables for a week!"

Hiccup's mouth falls open, the boy rushing a top Toothless in response "Oh, you're so on, dad! Fly bud, we've got a race to win!"

Merry Christmas! I know this has taken me far too long and for that I am deeply sorry, but I'm so grateful to all of you who stuck around, favorited, followed and reviewed. This was my first big story on this site and was by far my most popular and it's finally finished for you all!